39: A Soft Place To Land

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(Y/N), Isabel and Anneliese had all slept in the same bed that night; no-one felt safe without someone close by, especially Anneliese.

She mentioned that her parents had already been killed, and that she was absolutely terrified of having to fight; so Isabel and (Y/N) promised to keep her safe, even if she didn't have anywhere to return to.

Trixie had sent (Y/N) a replacement wand, as hers was still rotting somewhere in Malfoy Manor; but the only spell she'd used was Orchideous, as she felt flowers might brighten the sad room up a little.

''Anneliese, do you still have any of that cold tea stuff left?'' Isabel asked.

''Yeah, why?'' Anneliese replied.

''I want to do something.''

Anneliese handed her the scuffed up glass bottle and some plastic cups; she poured it in, mumbling something.And then she passed one cup to everyone.

''To surviving this war,'' she said, holding her arm up, revealing the cuts that covered her upper arms.

''To living forever,'' Anneliese added.

''To us.'' (Y/N) finished, the plastic cups making a quiet crinkling noise as they were pushed together.

''To us.''

The fourth voice echoed in her head; she hadn't really heard it. It was just her desperate thoughts coming through, and...

The cup slipped from her hand.

She didn't react until the peach-scented liquid had splashed up her socks.

''Oh Merlin,'' she muttered, ''Scourgi...scour...''


Anneliese performed the spell instead, looked over at the now rather depressed looking (Y/N).

''Are you okay, darlin'?'' she asked, ''you look like you've seen a ghost.''

''I heard one,' (Y/N) said in her head; ''no, I'm...I'm fine.''

She looked around, and she swore she could see glimpses of his blonde hair; the ghost of a scent that could be mint and citrus floated on the air, his voice echoed in her ears...

She closed her eyes and shook her head rapidly; Anneliese and Isabel were getting worried. 

''Are you sure you're—''

''Yes! It's just, um, my cuts hurt a bit...''

''Liar,'' Isabel breathed, ''I can see it in your eyes; you're haunted by him, aren't you?''

(Y/N) shook her head; ''If you mean Draco, then no! He left me to die, why would I—''

Tears began to run down her face again.

''Why would I still...'' She couldn't finish any of her sentences.

''I'm...I'm just touchy because I haven't slept properly in days!'' she exclaimed, ''just leave me alone...''

Isabel rolled her eyes; ''(Y/N), stop lying. We've been friends for years, and I've heard your endless drivel about how much you adore Malfoy from day one. I can tell when you're thinking about him. Now tell me the truth, plain and simple; what's going on?''

(Y/N) continued to cry; ''Nothing, I just...I just miss him a lot, okay? I don't want my mother to do anything because he has connections to me, and I don't want him dead...but he left me to die, so I'm really conflicted, and it's all messed up in my head and...I want everything to be peaceful again, alright? I'm not as good at this positivity thing as I try to be! I've been on the brink of tears from the second I saw him again!''

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