38: Of Angels and Death Eaters

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''This was a stupid idea, Isabel, she's dead—'' 

''Have some belief, Trixie! Do anything! Anything...''

Rough, work-worn hands cupped (Y/N)'s face, tears falling rapidly; ''we're a team, remember?! Isabel's Friendship Club...''

The cold, wet tears were refreshing on (Y/N)'s skin; her eyes began to flicker open, her body regaining some strength.

''(Y/N)?! It's me, it's Isabel!'' she said frantically, ''we picked you up from the forest bit; damn near killed Trixie, but we did it, and Opal's super proud! She's still alive too, we all are, and—''

''Shh, 'bel,'' (Y/N) breathed, ''give me a minute...''

Sobbing uncontrollably, Isabel hung onto (Y/N) as if she was never going to let go again; ''no! I thought you were dead, and I felt so bad for taking you out! You mean everything to us, Silverlie; and I'd be lying if I said Draco wasn't crying about you back at home, too!'' 

It was like a trigger had been set off.

(Y/N) began to cry, unable to speak through splutters. Trixie knelt down, holding the two sobbing girls like they were her own children; ''its okay, dears; we're at least a little safer here—''

''I don't want to be safe,'' (Y/N) managed to choke out, ''I want to help Harry!''

Isabel's expression hardened; ''then that's what we'll do,'' she paused, ''Trixie, how far is Aberforth's house from here?''

''Not too far, but...'' she sighed, ''please forgive me. I want to stay with Opie.''

Isabel nodded; ''I understand, Trix.''

The trio emerged from the tent, and Trixie hastily packed it away, handing Isabel a map to somewhere.

''Don't die, either of you, okay?'' she said, trying desperately to keep smiling through her brewing tears, ''I want you to have happy lives. Live forever, if you'd like; just please, don't die on me.''

''We won't, we promise.'' Isabel and (Y/N) said, in unison.


Isabel refused to let (Y/N) walk to the 'entrance to Hogwarts' that she'd mentioned; instead, she carried her on her back, not caring if she hurt her bare feet on the rocky ground.

''You suffered the Cruciatus curse, twice, no less,'' she reasoned, ''and all I'm suffering from is a lack of shoes. Now let me help, chica!''

When they finally arrived, Isabel kicked the door in; (Y/N) never did find out if it was locked or not, but it most definitely wasn't after that.

She apologised for (Y/N) having to crawl through the portrait hole herself, and again after (Y/N) fell out flat on her face; but suddenly, it was like all of her strength was back.

They were in the Room of Requirement; and (Y/N) began to spin around the room like a crazed dancer, her clothes practically beginning to float on air.

''We're home, Isabel,'' she whisper-exclaimed, ''home...''

She eventually stopped spinning, and grabbed Isabel's hand so they could sneak into their dormitory; it was around dinner time at the moment, so no-one would be there to see them.

''(Y/N), you crazy, strange woman!'' came a voice from under one of the beds, ''why have you—''

A dusty fringe and very dry eyes looked up at her; Anneliese.

''Don't know,'' she said, sitting down so forcibly that the bed creaked, ''but I'm here. Now, why are you there? Isn't it dinner?''

''You think I'm going to go out there? I don't fancy the Cruciatus curse just for my blood status, thanks.'' 

Liquorice Honey (A Draco Malfoy x Reader fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora