8: Spoilt and Pretty

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The trip to Hogwarts that year had been uneventful, except for the fact that (Y/N)'s father made sure that she made a more formal entrance to the station. It didn't feel like long before she was, yet again, stuck in her dorm room with Pansy. (Y/N) was almost completely sure that she became more insufferable every time she drew breath. ''I can't believe you met up with Draco over the holidays, furball!'' she yelled, throwing a strangely hard pillow at her roommate, ''Not only is he mine, but he also hates you! You're absolutely delusional!'' (Y/N) sighed, melting back into the book she'd been reading. Amorita began to claw at Pansy's ankles, causing her to be unable to speak through her screaming. (Y/N) laughed lightly to herself. After her pet had finally left the dog of a girl alone, Pansy spoke up again; ''I suppose you're too busy reading stupid books to go and see my Draco play Quidditch this year,'' she smirked, ''that means I'm more dedicated than you are.'' (Y/N) burst into laughter and exclaimed, ''I never said anything about that, but that blonde prick playing a team sport? Impossible.'' Pansy continued to smirk evilly, ''So I take it you won't be coming?'' (Y/N) shook her head. ''I'd have to sit with my own house, and none of you Slytherins like me.'' Pansy flounced out of the room suddenly, obviously going to gloat to some other equally as rancid girl about her 'victory' over (Y/N). With a sigh, she slunk down to the library to study for a while. Seconds later, and as if on cue, the Golden Trio appeared, arguing over the new Defence against the Dark Arts teacher. ''Seriously, Hermione! He's just so...so full of himself, I don't understand what you see in him—'' Hermione blushed furiously, and if she wasn't in a library she probably would have yelled her response. ''I didn't say anything about him, you brought it up, and even if I did, people are allowed opinions, Ronald!'' (Y/N) laughed a little, which turned Harry's head almost immediately. ''Oh, hello, (Y/N).'' The three sat at her table, their confused expressions about her book choice showing facially. (Y/N) sighed, ''I want to find some other strange, but legal, creature I can adopt to scare Pansy's stupid pug face out of my room. No luck thus far.'' There wasn't much of a response, and the topic was soon changed back to the new teacher (were Hermione and Ron obsessed with him or something?). ''Right, (Y/N), you're a girl. What's your opinion on Lockhart? Personally, I find him to be a bloody idiot, but all the girls seem to be obsessed with him...'' (Y/N) shrugged. ''Honestly, I'd never heard of him up until I had to buy his books,'' she chuckled, ''And I don't tend to find false looking authors all that great.'' Ron smirked triumphantly at Hermione. ''See, Hermione—'' she sighed deeply, replying, ''I never asked you to ask her, so stop acting like I did!'' The two huffed at each other angrily and went silent as Harry looked at his timetable. ''Hey, looks like we have Defence against the Dark Arts tomorrow,'' (Y/N) looked over, smiling, ''And we're with the Slytherins. You can sit with us if you'd like, (Y/N), I know you don't really like your house mates much...'' he smiled shyly over at (Y/N), who smiled politely back as she replied, ''Honestly, I'm not sure I want you to see how hopeless I am at it. I can't defend myself against Malfoy, never mind a dark wizard.'' Hermione rolled her eyes a little, responding in an almost maternal way, ''Is he still being a vile little snake to you? Even after you met over the holidays?'' (Y/N) nodded, ''Yeah. We argued almost the whole time, but...'' Hermione's eyes pierced into (Y/N)'s. ''There was a 'but' in there, (Y/N)...'' The poor girl blushed magenta. ''I...I, uh, didn't mean to say that, yes...'' Hermione looked completely taken aback, as did the two boys; ''I remember you saying something about a boy other than that Dull whatever guy as you got off of the train. Does this have anything to do with that?'' asked Ron, obviously desperate to know what was on (Y/N)'s mind. Frantically looking for a way out of the awkward situation, she looked up at nothing in particular and exclaimed, ''Wow, is that the time already? I, uh, have homework to do, and...'' She went to walk off, but someone grabbed her sleeve; she was spun around quickly and met with Hermione's terrifying glare. ''You wouldn't be so awkward if you had nothing to hide!'' (Y/N)'s magenta face got even brighter, but she was saved by the bell; or rather, a rather tired looking Slytherin girl. ''I—huff—was told to give this to you. Somethin'—huff—about that Opal girl.'' (Y/N) blinked in surprise, thanking the girl confusedly as she took the paper from her hands. She used this opportunity to leave the room and escape the awkward atmosphere. The headline alone made (Y/N) want to set the thing on fire. ''Guilty as Accusé! French family found guilty of helping Ms. Silverlie...'' (Y/N) sighed. Opal had been in the papers a couple of times recently, but (Y/N) had managed to ignore it. Even seeing her name reminded (Y/N) that the little rat was nothing more than a scapegoat for the Ministry to get people arrested left, right and centre. It turned out that the family she'd had locked up were the parents of a girl from her Ministry run magic classes; the poor girl was described identically to how (Y/N) was last year, and her heart really did go out to her. Apparently she fled back to France to re-join Beauxbatons after Opal's lies had ruined her reputation, but the other girl in her class was described as 'missing'. Apparently she'd only days before come over from Bulgaria, and she was described as a 'terrifying little witch' more than once. She'd been thrown out of Durmstrang, and was apparently 'far too much for Hogwarts to handle', in Opal's words. (Y/N) sighed deeply as she ducked into the Slytherin common room. She sat down to read the rest of the article, and suddenly, a small head was looking over her shoulder. 

Liquorice Honey (A Draco Malfoy x Reader fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat