The Symbol Of Hope: My Hero A...

By TheSpectre21

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A world where super powers called "quirks" has become the norm and heroes and villains constantly face off da... More

Chapter 1: First Day Excitement, Potential Debut
Chapter 2: A Desperate Battle, The Symbol's of Peace & Hope Meet
Chapter 3: Clash Between Heroes & Villains, Welcome To Class 1-A
Chapter 4: Old Faces Meet, U.A. Sports Festival
Chapter 5: Dates & Training, Welcome To The U.A. Sports Festival
Chapter 6: Dramatic Finish, Onto The Next Event
Chapter 7: Cavalry Battle Explosion, Shoot For The Ten Million Points!
Chapter 8: Stunning Conclusion, The Real Challenge Begins
Chapter 9: Pride Of The Prince, Epic Conclusion Of The Sports Festival
Chapter 10: Hero Names & Internships, The Worry Of A Friend
Chapter 11: Temporary Heroes, Villainous Sneak Attack
Chapter 12: Villains On The Move Again, True Horror In The Form Of A Killer
Chapter 13: Aftermath Of The Hero Killer, Internship Tag Along
Chapter 14: Back To Classes, The Dreadful Final Exams
Chapter 15: A Scary Encounter, A New Hero Is Born
Chapter 16: Welcome Your New Classmate, Practical Exams
Chapter 17: Shopping Adventure, More Confessions & Fun
Chapter 18: Pool Party, Reflections Of The Past
Chapter 19: Summer Training Begins, A Promise From A Friend
Chapter 20: Ascend To The Next Level, A Better Understanding
Chapter 21: Deadly Ambush, Kota's Hero
Chapter 22: Defend Yourselves From The Villains, A Shocking Turn
Chapter 24: All Might's Final Battle, Here Comes A Mighty Warrior!
Chapter 25: Send em' Running, Number One In The Making
Chapter 26: Moving Into Dorms Pt.1, Brotherly Bond
Chapter 27: Moving Into Dorms Pt.2, The Consequence That Follows The Battle
Chapter 28: Ultimate Move Training, Midoriya's Big Break
Chapter 29: The Test Begins, The First Step To Becoming Pros
Chapter 30: Class 1-A's Struggle, An Angry Super Saiyan
Chapter 31: The First Test Is Over, The Legendary Warrior
Chapter 32: A Love Crime, Flash Before Your Eyes
Chapter 33: A Legend's Destructive Power, Dramatic End To The Provisional Test
Chapter 34: A Hero's Melancholy, Where Has Your Pride As A Warrior Gone?!
Chapter 35: A Level Beyond The Ascended, Acknowledgement Of A Warrior
Chapter 36: Brother-Sister Bonding, Villains of Love
Bio (Update)
Chapter 37: A New Look For A Change, When Confidence Begins To Take Over
Chapter 38: The Unrivaled Third Year, The Hero And The Villain
Chapter 39: Respect For The Upper Class men, U.A's New Top Three
Story Update, Not A Chapter
Chapter 40: A Look Back At The Past, The I-Island Incident Part 1
Chapter 41: I-Expo Invasion, The I-Island Incident Part 2
Chapter 42: To Go Even Further Beyond, The I-Island Incident Part 3
Thank You Everyone
Chapter 43: Hero Work Studies Begin, The Scared Girl & An Angry Prince
Chapter 44: Lingering Pain, Seeking Even More Power
Chapter 45: Life As A Sidekick, Not So Great Introductions
Chapter 46: A Sudden Call Back, Shocking Discoveries Are Made
Chapter 47: The Fated Day Arrives, Commence The Rescue Operation!
Chapter 48: The Enemy's Trap, A Dangerous Foe Awaits
Chapter 49: Everything's Gone To Hell,The Decisive Battles of Our Heroes
Chapter 50: Togata Mirio's Efforts & Sacrifice, The Battle Rages On
Chapter 51: The Tables Have Turned, A Dire Situation
Chapter 52: Ryu's Full Power, The Rescue Operation Is Over
Bio (Update 2/Evil You)
Chapter 53: A Hero's Last Wish, Ryu's Growth As A Hero
Chapter 54: U.A's Cultural Festival Is Here! A Chance For Her Happiness
Chapter 55: Excitement For The Upcoming Festival, Eri Arrives To U.A!
Chapter 56: The Invasion Plan Of U.A, The Cultural Festival Has Arrived!
Chapter 57: A Gentle Downfall, The Cultural Festival's Explosive Beginning
Chapter 58: Back Together Again, Welcome Home Super Saiyan
Chapter 59: Riku Back Into The Fray, Elite Warrior's True Desire
Chapter 60: Elite Warrior & Endeavor's Final Push, An Unforgivable Act
Chapter 61: The Ultimate Clash of Titans, Warriors With Overwhelming Power
Not A Chapter, Check This Out!
Chapter 61.5 (Special): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 61.5 (Part II): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 61.5 (Part III): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 61.5 (Finale): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 62: Back On The Grind

Chapter 23: Rescue Operations, Free The Symbol of Hope

5.8K 143 32
By TheSpectre21

"Iida, all of you, you're all correct. I know that. But!" Kirishima said as he turned to Bakugo and Midoriya. "Hey, Bakugo, Midoriya, your hand can still reach! We can go save him!" Kirishima he exclaimed to them both.

"So, in short, you're planning on getting the receiver from Yao-momo, following it, and going to save Y/N yourselves?" Mina asked.

"Yeah." Kirishima confirmed.

"Even though the villains said we were targets to be killed, they took Y/N without killing him. They probably let him live, but that doesn't mean they won't kill him eventually. Kirishima and I are going." Todoroki said as Iida was getting frustrated.

"Don't go overboard with your messing around!" He yelled as Shoji intervened.

"Wait. Calm down. I understand Kirishima's frustration at not being able to do anything and Todoroki's frustration at having him stolen in front of his very eyes. I'm frustrated, too. But, this isn't a situation where we should act on our emotions. Right?" He explained to everyone.

"L-Let's leave this to All Might...Mr.Aizawa's permission to fight at the training camp has been rescinded, too." Aoyama said.

"Not the Shiozaki's permission." Ryu said as he and 21 walked out. "Whatever you plan on doing, don't get in our way." They left together as everyone watched them go.

"Either way, Aoyama's right. I can't say much since I was the one who needed saving, though..." Tokoyami said.

"But--!" Kirishima tried to talk but was stopped.

"Everyone, we're all shocked from Y/N's kidnapping. But let's think things through calmly. No matter how just your feelings, especially my own, if you're all saying you'll fight again...that you'll break the rules...Those acts are the same as those of villains." Tsu brought up as everyone went silent.

Just then, the silence was shattered as Aoyama jumped from the sound of the door knocking as Bakugo's doctor came in.

"Sorry to interrupt...It's time for Bakugo's exam..." The doctor said.

"Wh-Why don't we go? I wanna see how Jiro and Hagakure are doing, too." Sero suggested.

"Oh yeah." Ojiro said.

"Bakugo, get well soon." Todoroki said as they all left him, except Kirishima.

"We talked to Yaoyorozu yesterday. If we go right away. Tonight. We wanted to invite you still, even if you're still feeling out of it, because I know you're feeling frustrated, and want answers as to why he saved you, you're probably the most frustrated out of everyone, and tied with Midoriya. We'll be waiting in front of the hospital tonight." Kirishima said as he left Bakugo in thought.

As Class A left, Midoriya noticed that Kota was talking to a doctor and trying to find you. He walked up to Kota and got his attention.

"Hey, you were the one Y/N was talking to. The one he saved in the showers." Midoriya said as he turned to him with a paper in his hand.

"Do you know where he is?" Kota asked as Midoriya looked unsure of what to say.

"Umm...He's not here, he checked out of the hospital already and is training to get stronger." He said as Kota got jumpy.

"Take me to see him, please!" He begged as Midoriya was surprised.

U-Um, Y/N is working hard and is uhh, not feeling his best. I think it's better if we just give him what you need later. I-I can take it to him." Midoriya said as everyone in your class was looking at him.

"Kota, did you find him?" Mandalay's voice was heard as she was standing at the door in civilian clothes.

"Please, get it to him...O-Oh, and sorry for punching you in the balls..." Kota said as he handed over the note and ran back to Mandalay as they left the hospital.

Timeskip, Night

Todoroki, Midoriya, and Kirishima were all waiting outside the hospital to see if Bakugo would show up, along with Yaoyorozu.


"I wonder what Yaoyorozu decided." Kirishima said.

"Well, no matter how restless we are, it's up to her." Todoroki said as the doors opened and she walked out.

"She's here." Midoriya said as she walked out.

"Yaoyorozu...what's your answer?" Kirishima asked.

"I--" She was cut off by another voice.

"Wait!" They all gasped as Iida approached them.

"Iida?" Kirishima asked.

"Iida-kun..." Midoriya said, knowing his conflict with them.

"Why...Why did it have to be you guys of all people!? The ones who stopped me when I acted recklessly for personal reasons...You two, who received amnesty with me...Why are you trying to make the same mistake I did!? It's too much!" Iida said to them.

"What are you talking about?" Kirishima asked as Todoroki stopped him.

"We are still minors. U.A. is in a bad enough position as it is. Who will take responsibility for your actions? Do you understand!?" Iida said while tearing up.

"Iida-kun, it's not like that. We don't think it's okay to break the rules either--" Midoriya tried to go towards him, but Iida was fed up and let it out on him as he punched him across the face, shocking them all.

"I'm frustrated, too! And worried! It's only natural! I am the class representative! I'm worried about my classmates! Not just Y/N-kun! When I saw everyone's injuries, I also saw my brother in his sickbed! What if your bodies end up irreparable, like my brother's because of your recklessness? Are you saying that you don't care about my worries?" Iida grabbed his friends' shoulders as he was breaking down completely. "Are you saying that you don't care about how I feel..?" He asked in desperation.

"Iida-kun..." Midoriya tried to speak.

"Iida. We don't expect to face them head-on and win either. We'll extricate him without fighting." Todoroki said, surprising Iida.

"In other words, covert action! That's the way students can fight while toeing the line on the rules!" Kirishima said.

"I trust Todoroki. But so that I can stop them if anything happens, I plan to accompany them, as well. Even for the love of my life, it's just something I can't do..." Momo said, shocking them.

"Yaoyorozu!" Iida said in shock as Kirishima said it with gratefulness.

"I don't know myself, either, but after hearing that I could still reach, I couldn't just sit still...I can't help thinking that I want to save him." Midoriya told Iida as he clenched his fist tightly.

"We can't come to an agreement, huh? Then, take me with you, too!" Iida ordered them as they were shocked.

After reasoning with them, all five of them left, and assumed Bakugo couldn't come. As they were leaving the hospital, Iida spoke up.

"Midoriya-kun." Iida said getting his attention. "I'm sorry for getting violent with you. I'm sorry." He said as he bowed apologetically.

"Seriously, Iida-san. Your reasoning for joining the group is not very persuasive." Momo said.

"It's fine! I'm okay!" Midoriya said to reassure him.

"I am accompanying you because I am not convinced you will behave yourselves. If I get even a whiff of combat, then I will make you return immediately. In other words, you will be under my surveillance. That's right, I will be a "watchman!" Iida said while pointing at Midoriya.

"Watchman Iida..." Todoroki said lowly.

"The same goes for me. Rescuing Y/N is a job for the pros. Looking at this objectively, there is no need for you all to do anything. However, it is a compromise plan because I know very well how you feel, and the feeling even more so mutual with me. Do not forget that." She said while pulling out a receiver.

"Yeah." Todoroki said.

"I know." Kirishima acknowledged.

"A rescue without is not realistic. But once they see the situation first-hand and see how hard it'll be, they should realize how unrealistic their idea is..." She thought as they continued forward and headed towards the train station..

Timeskip, With Ryu

Ryu was pacing back and forth inside the school's support section as he and 21 were getting impatient.

"Damn it, what's taking that woman so long?" Ryu groaned.

"What is it you had Hatsume do, Ryu?" 21 asked.

"Since our enemy is the League of Villains, that means Buu is there as well. You said when he attacked you and Y/N's father, there was three, right?" Ryu asked.

"Right, I got rid of the one who chased us, but what does that have to do with Hatsume working here?" She asked.

"She's been working on something for a while, and when I first heard of it, I wasn't sure about it. But with the situation we're in, I can almost guarantee there's no other way for us to win, even if All Might wins his battle. It'll be two on one, and if Y/N can fight he'll be at a disadvantage, even if I'm there." Ryu said as the door behind them opened and Hatsume poked her head out.

"My baby is done!" She said as they both entered the room.

21 walked in and was confused by what she was looking at. There were two chambers big enough to fit one person, and they were connected to another single chamber that was in between the two connected with a bunch of wires and other stuff.

"What is this?" 21 asked while basking in amazement.

"This is our trump card." Ryu said while staring at it as Hatsume hummed happily while hugging his side. "Is the press conference over?" He asked.

"Just finished." 21 said referring to the conference with Eraser, Vlad King, and Principal Nezu.

"How long until they begin the raid?" He asked her as she checked her phone.

"Soon, let's go." 21 said as they left.

"Be careful, baby!" Hatsume said as they ran out.

Ryu and 21 flew towards the area where the police said they were going to raid a bar that was thought to be the main hideout for the league of villains. Ryu, acquiring this information using his status, established themselves a part in the raid with All Might and the other pro heroes as he grouped with them all, being All Might, Gran Torino, Endeavor, Kamui Woods, and Edgeshot. They landed with them as they were in front of the building they were going to storm into.

"Young Ryu and 21, are you sure about this?" All Might asked.

"I need that idiot to be in one piece so that I can prove to him that I'm stronger than him. No one is going to steal that from me." Ryu said as 21 nodded.

It was time, and the police along with the hero team were moving out and stood in front of the building that was confirmed moments ago to be the hideout of the League of Villains.

"Let us retaliate! Come, it's time for our counterattack!" The squad leader of the police brigade that was behind them said as they jumped into action.

Inside The League of Villains Hideout, Play

Inside, you were tied down to a chair unconscious as Toga was resting her head on your lap, staring up at you with a smile while humming a sweet tune. Cell and Buu were also in the room as they were all relaxing, a knock came from the door, putting them all in confusion.

"Hello, this is Pizza-La, Camino store." A voice from the door said as silence filled the room.

"Okay, which one of you inbreeds ordered a-!" Cell was cut off when the wall behind him exploded.

"SMASH!" All Might yelled as he came through the wall full force.

"What the--!?" Spinner gasped.

"Kurogiri! Gate!" Shiguraki ordered.

"Pre-emptive Binding..." Kamui Woods said as he came in and restrained all the villains using his quirk to tie them up with roots. "...Lacquered Chain Prison!" He yelled.

"A tree? What the heck?" Dabi said as he was going to burn him, but Gran Torino flew in and kicked him in the head, knocking him out.

"Don't be impatient. It'd be in your best interests to stay put." Gran Torino said.

"Just what I'd expect from one of the most competent new heroes, Kamui Woods! And the veteran faster than the eye can see, Gran Torino!" All Might praised them as he looked at the villains. "You can't run anymore, League of Villains! Why? Because we are here!" All Might yelled.

"Right after that press conference...Don't tell me this was pre-arranged?" Mr.Compress said.

"Tree man! Stop pulling me! Push!" The villain known as Twice said confusingly as Toga whined while trying to go next to you.

"When one is on the offensive is when one neglects defense most." Edgeshot said as he made his body thin and squeezed through the cracks in the door and reformed as he grabbed the handle. "We're not only the ones here from the Pizza-La Camino store." He said as he opened the door and a squadron of swat team officers stormed in and aimed their guns at all the villains. "Outside, you're surrounded by skillful heroes, like Endeavor, Super Ryu, 21, and the police." He said.

"Tsukauchi! Why does that American get to rush in while I'm out here holding the perimeter and babysitting?" Endeavor asked as Ryu and 21 scoffed at him.

"In case we miss catching them in there, you've got a wider field of vision." Tsukauchi said.

"Fine!" Endeavor sucked it up.

All Might saw you tied to a chair and knocked out as he ripped the restraints off.

"Young Y/N...Sorry. Forgive me once you wake up." He said as he picked you up over his shoulder.

"After I went through all this trouble to prepare this...Why are you coming to me, you last boss?" Shiguraki asked while glaring at All Might. "Everyone's been restrained. We can't escape from this easily. Damn it." He thought. "It can't be helped. "We're not the only ones here." The same goes for us. Kurogiri, bring as many as you can over!" He shouted.

"Nomus, I presume?" All Might asked as nothing happened.

"What happened, Kurogiri?" Shiguraki asked.

"I'm sorry, Tomura Shiguraki. The Nomus that were supposed to be in a fixed location...are not there...!" He said to his boss.

"Huh?" Shiguraki asked.

"You are still green, Shiguraki!" All Might said.

"Huh?" He groaned in confused anger.

"League of Villains, you underestimated everything too much--The diligent investigations of the police--And--Our anger! That's enough childish pranks. This is the end. Tomura Shiguraki!" All Might said  as they all stared at him in shock.

"All Might..." Spinner gasped while trying to move away in his restraints. "This is the hero acknowledged by Stain...!" He said.

"The end, you say? Don't be ridiculous. I've only just begun." Shiguraki said while standing up. "Justice...Peace...I'll destroy this garbage heap that you put a lid on with such vague ideas! It was for that purpose that I set All Might apart and started gathering people to my cause...Don't be ridiculous. This is the beginning...Kurogiri!" He yelled as something shot through kurogiri and knocked him out.

"Gahaaaa! No, stop! I couldn't see anything! What, did you kill him?" Mag said as a strange red twine like thing appeared and it was Edgshot using his quirk.

"I played around with his insides and made him unconscious. He is not dead. Ninpo: Thousand Sheet Pierce!" He said as he reformed his head. "This man was always a nuisance. I'll have him sleep." He said.

"Didn't I tell you earlier that it'd be in your best interests to stay put? Kenji Hikiishi, Sako Atsuhiro, Shuichi Iguchi, Himiko Toga, Jin Bubaigawara. With little information and time, the police officers worked through the night to determine your true identities. Do you understand? There's no where left for you to run. Hey Shiguraki, can I ask where your boss is?" Gran Torino asked.

"This...This is...unsatisfying...Don't be ridiculous...Don't be ridiculous..." Shiguraki muttered.

"Where is he right now?" All Might asked.

"Go away...Disappear..." He kept muttering.

"SHIGURAKI!" All Might yelled.

"I HATE YOU!!!!!" He yelled as two strange portals opened next to him suddenly and Nomu's began to come through.

"Nomus?!" Kamui Woods gasped. "They came from no where! What is that?!" He asked.

"GAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!" You suddenly began to scream as pink energy surged all over your body and forced All Might to drop you.

"Young Y/N!" He yelled as you were screaming in pain.

"Edgeshot, what about Kurogiri?!" Gran Torino asked.

"He's still unconscious! He didn't do it!" He told him.

"They just keep coming!" Gran Torino said.

"Kamui Woods! Do not let them go under any circumstance!" All Might ordered.

"Yes, sir!" He nodded.

"I think it's time we left." Buu said as he suddenly was engulfed in the same portal like substance, as was Cell, and then a portal opened from your mouth.

"Y/N!!!" All Might tried to grab you, but was too late as it closed and splashed on him. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed.

"Endeavor, we need back up!" Kamui Woods yelled as he gasped when he turned around and saw him, the police, Ryu and 21 fighting off the Nomus as well.

"What the hell are these things!?" 21 asked while knocking one back with her tail.

"Tsukauchi, expand the evacuation area!" Endeavor ordered.

"There should be two hideouts...That's what our investigation results said..." He said before getting on his radio.

"Jeanist, didn't you take control over there?" He called but no response. "Jeanist!?" He yelled as Ryu blasted multiple Nomus into dust.

As they fought inside the bar, Gran Torino regrouped with All Might.

"Toshinori, these guys..." Gran Torino said.

"They shouldn't have been able to warp...They're dealing with this too quickly...!" All Might said as an idea popped up. "Don't tell me they're going to use this...!?" He thought as all the villains were disappearing into the strange, oozy, warp gates.

With Midoriya, Play

Midorya and his team were hiding behind a wall as there was another massive explosion from the hideout that the pros were raiding. All the pros, Jeanist, Mt. Lady, Gang Orca, and Tiger who was covering an unconscious Ragdoll, were down as there was clapping heard coming from the warehouse.

"As expected from the number four hero, Best Jeanist. I thought I'd blown everyone away. To be able to manipilate everyone's clothes and pull them to the side in an instant--That quick decision-making...and skill...You must have nerves of steel." The strange man said as Jeanist burned the sight of him into his eyes.

"This man...This isn't what I was told...But so what...?" Jeanist thought as he manipulated his clothes to try and push himself up. "A top hero...doesn't use that as an excuse for failure--" He was cut off when the man in front of him blew a hole in his stomach with ease, making his body go limp.

"I see...This is the strength from a huge amount of practice and practical experience. I don't need yours...It's a quirk that doesn't go with Tomura's disposition." The villain said as Midoriya and his team were hidden behind a wall, staying dead silent with fear.

"What's with this guy? What just happened?" Todoroki thought in fear.

"He erased them all in an instant!" Kirishima thought in shock.

"We must run...! I know this, but..." Momo thought in horror.

"I'm so scared, my body..." Iida thought.

" body...won't move..." Midoriya thought while holding his breath. " the world...was that...?!" He thought as there was a weird noise, followed by a horrific scream that they all recognized.


"Y/N!" They all thought in horror and shock as they saw you screaming on the ground in front of the villain as Buu and Cell stood next to him.

"Sorry, Y/N." The leader said.

"Well, here he is, All For One." Cell said.

"Now he's ours." Buu said as he dropped a large pink blob of his flesh on the ground and your energy was being absorbed into it as more portals opened and the League of Villains dropped in.

"GAAHHH!" Spinner spat from taking in the weird substance.

"What the--?" Toga covered her nose and felt sick.

"Something stinks! Smells good!" Twice shot up and said.

"Master..." Shiguraki called him.

"You failed again, huh, Tomura?" All For One said as he approached him. "But do not be discouraged. Just try again. I have brought your associates back as well. Even this child. Because you judged that he was an important piece." He said as he held out his hand to him. "Do it over as many times as you need to. That is why I am here. It's all for you." He said as your screaming finally stopped and the pink energy around you was absorbed into the blob of flesh.

You were breathing heavily as the strange blob began to take form.

"Boss, I think you'd like to take a look at this." Buu said as him and Cell both smirked.

Everyone turned around and watched as the blob began to take a shape of a human. As you were coming to, you were at the feet of it as you looked up at it when it finished taking form. What you saw shocked you entirely.

"Welcome to the world, Y/N Black." Buu said as it finished taking form and revealed to be a copy of you, but in black clothes.

"Y/N Black? Your naming skills are weird." Cell said as Midoriya and the others were shocked.

"Wh-What the...You'" You asked as it smirked at you.

"No, I'm better than you." It said as it kicked you away, and you groaned as you were on the ground and Midoriya couldn't bear to watch.

"Remember! Why did you come here? It's because your body wouldn't move back then, so you couldn't save him, right? To say you can't move because you're scared...He's right in front of you, you know." He thought as he heard you getting beaten down by your copy. "He shouldn't have noticed us yet. If he had, he wouldn't have spoken so freely. There are six or seven meters between us and Y/N, huh? With Full Cowl, I can get there in less than a second. After that, can I get away? Where would I go? Everyone else will be in danger. How can I...I need a everyone...Anyway, I need to move!" He thought in anger as he tried to move his body and clenched his fist. "If I can't move here...then it's all--" He was cut off when Iida stopped him still while reaching pass Todoroki and grabbing him as well as you were being kicked on the floor and crying out in pain.

"I will...protect you!" Iida thought.

"I will...Think!" Momo thought, even though she was also restraining herself.

"Think!" Iida thought.

"How can we...get away from here!" They thought as the copy of you impaled your right shoulder.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" You cried in pain as they all shut their eyes in fear and terror.

"You're here, after all, aren't you...?" All For One said as they were even terrified now behind the wall.

There was a loud noise coming, and All For One turned around and stopped All Might who was going to punch him into the ground as the force of their clash created strong winds and cracked the floor beneath them.


"Will you kill me again, All Might?" He asked as they both glared at each other.

The force of their strength was enough to blow everyone away as you rolled onto the ground with a bleeding shoulder.

"E-Even All Might...!" Midoriya gasped while holding onto the wall.

"You're pretty late. It's a little more than five kilometers from the bar to here. It was easily thirty seconds after I sent the Nomus before you arrived. You've gotten weaker, All Might." All For One mocked.

"What about you? What's with that industrial mask you've got on? Aren't you overexerting yourself?" All Might asked while standing toe-to-toe with him.

"He held back All Might...With his hands...? He's definitely the boss..." You thought while getting up sluggishly.

"I won't make the same mistake as I did six years ago, All For One! I will take Young Y/N back! And this time, I will throw you in prison for sure! And all of the League of Villains you control with you!" All Might said while bulking up and dashing forward with a punch.

"There's so much to do. It'll be tough...for both of us." All For One said as his arm was manipulated and surged with red energy as he let out a strong force towards All Might that sent him flying through countless buildings that were destroyed from the blast. "Air Cannon plus Springlike Limbs, Kinetic Booster times four, Strength Enhancer time three. This combination is fun. Maybe I'll try to add a few more enhancer-types." He said to himself as you struggled to look through the smoke.

"All Might!" You yelled as you saw the destruction in front of you.

"Even without your worry, he won't die from something like that. So run away from here, Tomura, and take that child with you." All For One said while using another quirk from his fingers.

Those strange appendages stabbed into Kurogiri as he spoke.

"Kurogiri, get everyone away from here." He ordered.

"Hey, wait! He was defeated and is now unconscious! I'm not sure what's going on, but if you can use warp, then you should get us away!" Mag said.

"I just got mine, Mange. On top of only being able to transport short distances, unlike his coordinate transport, I can only bring people to me or away from me, and I can only send them away to someone I am very familiar with. So I'll have Kurogiri do it." He said as he forced Kurogiri's warp gate open. "Forcible Quirk Activation! Now, go!" He ordered.

"What about you...?" Shiguraki asked as there was an explosion and All Might appeared again and flew towards him.

"Think constantly, Tomura. You still have much more room to grow!" All For One said as he ascended into the air.

"I won't let you get away!" All Might said as he clashed his fist against All For One's hand and created another shockwave.

"Master..." Shiguraki muttered while watching.

"Let's go, Shiguraki! While that pipe mask is holding back All Might!" Mr.Compress said as he Dabi into an orb for easier transportation. "Get your piece!" He said.

You stepped back as blood ran down your arm and you felt pain in your left arm which was healed from Buu as he needed you to be somewhat better and healthy. You gritted your teeth as you used what energy you had left to transform.

"Come on then. I'll blow you all away..." You said as your copy stepped forward.

"You can transform? Then I guess I can too." He said as you gasped when he suddenly changed and transformed as well.

"Young Y/N!" All Might tried to go to you, but was cut off by All For One.

"All Might!" Midoriya thought as he watched it all go down. "All For One's in the way, so he can't save Y/N! The League is trying to escape in that opening with Y/N! He's also surrounded and hurt, so he can't run!" Midoriya watched as you punched your copy, but it just hit you twice as hard and fast.

"Damn it! They're all hectic they're willing to take me by any means. Seven against one..." You turned around and avoided Mr.Compress as he was coming up behind you. "I can't let him especially touch me." You thought.

"Shall we just watch then?" Cell asked.

"Let us." Buu said as they watched from a rooftop.

"I'M GOING NOW!" All Might said before he was pushed into the ground by All For One.

"I won't let you. That's why I'm here!" He said as he dragged back All Might and threw him into a building.

"Focus on him! I'll find a way out!" You said as you dodged a punch from your copy and kicked him away.

"All Might and Y/N are in such trouble...But..." Midoriya thought as the police chief's words rang through his head.

"For uncertified individuals to cause injury with their quirks without specific instruction from their guardians or supervisors is clear violation of the rules." Those words rang through his head as he clenched his fist.

"I'm frustrated, too. But this isn't a situation where we should act on our emotions." Shoji's words hit them.

"...if you break the rules...Those acts are the same as those as villains." Tsu's words rang through Momo's mind.

"Why did it have to be you guys of all people!? Why are you trying to make the same mistake I did!?" Iida remembered his own words as he was quivering.

"We are...We are not allowed to fight! At least...where is there an opening? Just an instant is enough! Is there anyway we can save Y/N? If we save Y/N, then All Might can use his power to the fullest! Where? Where is that route...? Where? No. This won't work. There has to be one...An opening!" Midorita thought as he turned towards them. "Iida-kun, everyone!" He said.

"You can't, Midoriya!" Iida said.

"No, there's a way! A way that won't invilve fighting that will let us leave this place, but still save Y/N!" Midoriya said as Iida was shocked and let go.

"Let's hear it." Todoroki demanded.

"This is my plan." He said as he explained everything.

You were punched across the face and slid across the floor as your copy was walking towards you while cracking his neck.

"I really came from this thing? You can't be serious. He's weaker than a squirrel." It said as it stopped in front of you and the League surrounded you.

"Come on then...I'll die before being taken by you." You spat blood as it grinned at you.

"That can be arranged." Your copy grinned as you saw a purple ki blade form  around his arm.

You backed away while holding your shoulder in pain as they back you into a corner. However, there was a sudden crash, and you saw a huge mountain of ice form from the side which surprised you all.

With Midoriya, Play

"This is my plan. First, we'll propel ourselves with my quirk and Iida's recipro." Midoriya said as they took a cavalry position, with Midoriya and Iida pushing in the back, Todoroki in the middle holding Momo on his shoudlers, as Kirishima was the head of the battering ram. They got as far back as they could and readied their quirks to their fullest. "Then, with Kirishima's hardening...we'll break through the wall! The second it opens up, I want Todoroki to make a path of ice for us—One that'll go as high as possible." Todoroki used his ice to make a high ice path into the air. "The villains haven't noticed us yet! The villains have outmaneuvered us until now, but we're in a position to outmaneuver them! And then we'll cross the battlefield at a height they can't reach!" You looked up and saw them all go flying off the ice path and into the air above you. "The villains' boss is holding back All Might. That means the reverse is also true!" All For One tried to get them, but All Might punched him across the face and got his attention. "After that, it's all on Y/N!" Midoriya explained as you saw Momo reach out her hand to you.

"LET'S GO, Y/N-KUN!" Momo yelled as you gasped.

Shiguraki and Black tried to reach out for you, but your copy sensed a massive rise in energy and stopped Shiguraki from being blown away.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" You yelled as you fired an energy beam under you and blasted yourself up towards them as there was a massive explosion that blew everyone away.

You flew towards them, and you stopped firing your beam as you reached out to her and grabbed her arm as you glared at her.

"Are you crazy!? You could've been killed! What were you thinking!?" You scolded her.

What!?" Shiguraki yelled.

"What was I thinking!? I was thinking about saving my future husband!" She yelled.

"Don't fight at a time like this!" Kirishima yelled as you looked to see Ryu and 21 flying towards you.

"What the-Y/N?" Ryu said in shock.

"Give him to us! Hurry!" 21 yelled as Ryu grabbed your arm and flew towards U.A.

"Get to safety! I'll call you later!" You yelled as Momo smiled.

"He's back..." She thought in happiness.

"You show up everywhere!" Shiguraki yelled in anger.

"Seriously? Jeez!" All Might groaned as he saw you all getting away.

"Don't let them get away!" Mr.Compress yelled as your copy took flight.

"You won't escape." It said as another voice chimed in.

"TITAN CLIFF!" Mt.Lady yelled as she grew to an enormous size and got in the way of your clone as they bashed heads. "AGH!" She yelled as she began to fall.

"Mt.Lady!" Midoriya yelled.

"Prioritize...the rescue...! Go...stupid kids...!" She yelled as she was knocked out again and fell to the ground and back to her normal size as your clone crashed into a building.

"We can still make it! We'll use my magnetism-!" Mag was cut off when she along with Spinner, Twice, and Mr.Compress were all knocked out in an instant by Gran Torino.

"Gran Torino!" Midoriya saw him as he and All Might went back to back.

"You're too slow!" All Might said.

"You're too fast! Hey, that Midoriya really is turning out to be more and more like you. In a bad way!" Gran Torino retorted.

"After that experience at Hosu, I didn't think he would come to the battlefield. Teenagers...!" All Might said.

As you were being carried, you felt the pain slowly going away as 21 was using her energy to heal you.

"Baka Onii-chan...Getting captured..." She said as you smiled.

"I missed you too." You said before turning to Ryu. "Where are we going?" You asked.

"To U.A." Ryu said. "We have to be ready, once All Might wins, Buu and Cell will make their move!" He said.

"How do you know he'll win?" You asked.

"That's simple..." He said as you all flew faster towards the school. "He's All Might..."































"He can't lose..."

Quick A/N: I know you're all probably wondering, Spectre....What drugs are you taking to keep yourself awake and keep writing these 4000 to 5000 word long chapters? Guys, I'm just getting chapters out because that's how I good I find 'My Hero Acadamia'. It's one of the only shows where I can go and rewatch an episode and know what's going to happen, and still act like it barely came out. I'm getting rest also, so don't worry, but yeah. That's why I'm pumping out chapters, and I also wanna kinda catch up to where the series is, and we're pretty close. Anyways, hope you enjoyed, see you next time!

Spectre, Out

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