Special (Naruto fanfiction)


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Naruto and his friends have been playing near the training grounds. When they heard an explosion and realized... More

Special 2
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Special 22
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Special 31
Not An Update
Special 32
Special 33
Special 34


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I was hiding behind a tree and Kiba and Akamaru were behind from the bushes. Neji and Lee were above me and Sasuke was behind a huge rock with Sakura and Ino.

"Kiba, do you know where they are?" I whispered to him.

"They're ten feet away from us." He whispered back.

"This is such a drag." I heard Shikamaru say.

"Hey Hinata, do you want some chips?" I heard Choji ask Hinata.

"N-No thank you." She replied.

"We've been searching for hours!" Ten Ten whined.

"I know they're around here somewhere. Let's split up. Hinata, Ten Ten you'll stay here and check the bushes. Choji you'll check the rocks and I'll check the trees. Let's go." Shikamaru ordered.

"Naruto, give me your hand." Lee whispered as Neji had a rope holding Lee. I grabbed his hand and they pulled me up.

I jumped from branch to branch until I was right above Sasuke and the girls. I looked over at Neji and he came over to where I was.

"Sasuke!" I whispered at him. He looked up at us and then back at the girls.

"Grab the rope." I said tossing him one end of the rope.

He grabbed it and tied it around the girls. After the girls were up I lowered it again. Once he was up we went to help Kiba and Akamaru.

"I give up!" Ten Ten shouted.

"They souldn't be far from here. We have to keep looking." Shikamaru said.

"B-But Shikamaru, it's getting late and we haven't seen the others since you found Choji, Ten Ten and I." Hinata said playing with her hair.

"Shino we see you." Shikamaru shouted looking at the river.

"Looks like it." He said walking out of his hiding place. I noticed Shikamaru look up at us then smiled.

"You have to do better than that Ino." Shikamaru said looking up at Ino. "Oh and tell the rest to get down here as well."

"Looks like we've been caught." I said jumping off the tree. The rest followed as we walked up to him.

"Well let's go home. It's getting late and I heard that some ninjas have been seen around the village border." Sasuke said walking away from us.

Everyone else started to walk as well. I stared out to the water. I stood there for a while until I heard the others calling my name.

"Naruto! Come on! I'll let you sleep over at my place!" Kiba shouted.

"Okay!" I yelled back. I started running towards them when we heard an explosion.


"What was that?!" Sakura shouted.

"Let's get out of here quick!" Neji shouted as we head another explosion.

"Right!" We all said running towards the village.

We started to run as fast as we could until I heard someone scream. I stopped and turned around to see who it was but I saw no one. I was about to start running again when I heard it again. This time it was louder.

"Hey guys! I think there's someone else here." I yell making everyone stop and look at me.

"Naruto, we were the only ones there." Shikamaru said. Then I heard the scream again.

"It sounds like a girl." Hinata said.

"I'm gonna go help her!" I yelled running back.

"Naruto! Wait!" They shouted but I didn't listen.

"AAH! Stop!" I heard someone yell.

"Grab it! We need it alive!" I heard someone shout.

Once I came to the river I found nine ninjas circling around something. I tried to figure out what it was until one of them moved and a little girl with black hair laying on the ground.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" I shouted at them.

"Get lost kid." One of them said while they held onto the girl's hair.

"He said to let her go!" I heard Shikamaru shouted as he walked up to me.

"Yeah!" The rest shouted.

"Well then, I guess we have no choice but to kill all of you!" The ninja said turning around and ran up to us.

"Don't you ever lay a hand on my brother or his friends." I looked up to see Sasuke's older brother in front of us.

"You little-" One of the ninjas said taking out a kunai.

"Itachi! Take the kids home!" I heard someone else shouted. Then ten ninjas followed.

"We just came for the this." One of the other nine ninjas said holding up the girl.

"Hand her over!" I shouted running forward but Shikamaru stopped me.

"Let me go!" The girl shouted.

"Not a chance." I heard the girl that was holding her say.

"Sasuke! Get your friends out of here before someone gets-"

"I said let me go!" The girl yelled cutting Sasuke's brother off.

I watched as she stood up and grabbed the arm of the ninja. She stared at the ninja for a long time until I heard a crack and the ninja released her. She turned to face the other ninjas and with a blink of an eye she was gone.

"Where she go?!" I heard Ino asked. Then one of the other ninjas fell to the ground. Then the rest followed.

"Sasuke! Run!" We heard Itachi yelled.

We turned and ran as fast as we could until I felt a sharp pain in my head. I let out a scream and dropped to the ground. I could feel the cold surround me. I looked over to where the girl was and noticed her crying in pain.

"Help!" I heard a voice say. I looked at the girl and noticed she was bleeding. I ran up to her trying to ignore the sharp pain in my head.

"Naruto! Don't do it!" I heard the rest yell but I kept running until I felt someone grabbed me.

"Let me go!" I shouted at the person.

"Naruto! Go back to the others." I heard Itachi say but I didn't care. I elbow him and he let me go. I ran up to the girl and hugged her tightly.

"It's going to be alright!" I shouted as she struggled to free herself.

"Let me go! They going to kill me!" She yelled but I didn't let her go.

"He's right." I heard Itachi say as he took her from me. "It's going to be alright."


I took the girl away from Naruto said hold her in my arms.

"It's okay, everything is going to be alright." I whispered to her. She struggled a little but then she began to calm down.

"Shshsh. Don't worry, you're safe now." I said petting her head.

"Daddy..." She whispered then I felt her body go limp.

I sighed and picked her up. Her head rested against my shoulder and her hands were holding on to my shirt. I looked down at Naruto as he held onto my leg.

"Let's go home." I said walking over to the others.

Once we were out of the training grounds I decided to take the girl to the hospital. Naruto stayed close to me the whole time. I could see he was worried about her.

"Naruto, you can stay with us if you want." I said to him as we looked at the girl.

We were now in the hospital and Naruto and the other kids refuse to go home. I told their parents that they were going to stay at my place. They agreed and now I have all these kids to watch over.

"Itachi, can I have a word with you?" I heard Suki say as she walked out of the girl's room.

I stepped away from the kids and went with her. She walked to the end of the hallway and turned around to face me.

"You're lucky that she's alive." She said looking up at me.

"Is she going to be alright?" I asked her.

"She'll be fine just let her rest for a couple of days and she should be able to walk around again." I felt relived to hear that. I let out a low breath turned around and walked back to the kids.

"Thank you." I said as I walked away from her.

"No problem." She replied.

"Itachi Come quick! She's waking up!" Sasuke shouted.

I ran up to him and stared as the girl looked around confused. I noticed the nurses trying to calm her down but she fought them. I opened the door and ran towards her.

"Calm down, I'm right here. I won't let anyone hurt you." I said grabbing her hands.

"Daddy?" She said again looking at me. "Daddy?" I let out a sigh and pulled her into my arms.

"Yes, I'm right here." I said hugging her tightly.

"Daddy." She said burying her face against my chest.

"It's alright." I said rubbing her back. "Come on, let's go home." I felt her nod as she looked up at me.

"Itachi." I heard Sasuke say as he walked in the room.

"Sasuke, come here." I said opening my arms. He ran up to us and hugged me tightly.

"Let's go home. Tell your friends to get ready." I said letting go of them. Sasuke nodded and ran back to the others.

"Daddy?" I heard the girl say again.

"Let's go home, princess." I said carrying her in my arms.

All of us went back home and my parents weren't every pleased. But after I explained everything that happened they understood. Mother made snacks for the kids and grabbed some of Sasuke's old clothes for the girl to wear. Father ignored them and went to his room.

"Hey kid. What's your name?" Ino asked the girl. The girl looked around then shook her head.

"I don't have a name." She said and the others looked confused.

"How do you not had a name?" Naruto asked.

"I was never given a name. Well that I know of that is." Everyone else was still confused so I decided to speak up.

"Well, I'll give you a name." She nodded then we sat around in a circle. The girl sat on my laps while everyone else just formed a circle.

"Okay, what about Mei." Sasuke said but the girl shook her head.

"Rin?" Shino said but she didn't like it.

"What about Nomei?" Ino said and everyone agreed. Well everyone except for the girl.

I looked at everyone then I noticed her looking at Kiba's dog. She tried to touch him but she was afraid. I looked over at Kiba then spoke up again.

"Kiba? Can I see your dog for a bit." He looked at me then at the girl.

"Sure! Go on Akamaru." Kiba said handing over Akamaru to me.

"Did you want to pet him?" I asked the girl and she nodded.

"Hehe. He's so soft." She said smiling at me.

"You can play with him tomorrow as well if you want. I don't mind." Kiba said smiling at her. She nodded then continued to pet Akamaru.

"Wait, I have a name you might like." I said. She looked at me then back at Akamaru.

"What about Kimimaru?" She was still for a while until she smiled.

"I love it! Kimimaru! Kimimaru!" She yelled. We all smiled then I stood up.

"Alright, off to bed. You can play with Akamaru and your new friends tomorrow. Right now you need to sleep." I said making all the kids walk over to the living room. I watched as one by one started to fall asleep. I walked over to Sasuke and Kimimaru. I kiss Sasuke's forehead then Kimimaru. I was about to stand up straight when Kimimaru sat up and hugged me.

"Thank you for everything." She whispered to me. I looked at her eyes and noticed them glow. I felt a warm feeling then heard a voice in my head.

"Thank you daddy." I looked at Kimimaru then smiled.

"You're welcome, Kimimaru."



It's been seven years since the sound ninjas attacked us at the training grounds and since we found Kimimaru. Itachi said that if he wasn't there then we would all be dead right now. But now Itachi is gone and he left me and Kimimaru alone.

"Sasuke!" I heard Kimimaru shout as she jumped out of Naruto's room. Wait Naruto?

"Kimi why were you in Naruto's room?" She let out a sigh and ran a hand threw her hair.

"You forgot didn't you?" She said looking at me.

"What did I forget?" She shook her head and walked away from me.

"Kimi, where are you going?" I asked and she turned around.

"To the academy, duh." She said pointing to the direction of the academy.

"Right, I forgot about that." I said walking up to her and almost fall backwards when she made me bumped into her.

"You tend to forget a lot of things Sasuke." She said before leaving me behind.

I watched as she caught up to Kiba and Akamaru. She laughed and placed Akamaru on her head. Whenever Kimimaru needed to get her mind off of things she would always go to Kiba, Choji, Shino, Shikamaru, Neji and Naruto. She never liked being with the girls because they asked to many questions.

"Kiba!" I heard Kimimaru shout.

"What? It's true." Kiba said laughing a little.

"No it's not!" She whined.

"I'm just saying that you li-"

"Not another word!" She said cutting him off.

"Fine." He said smiling.

"Good, now let's hurry up before Iruka sensei yells at us." Kimimaru said pulling Kiba behind her.

"You like him!" Kiba shouted before running away from her.

"Kiba! Get back here!" Kimimaru shout running after him.

"Well they're having fun." I turned around to see Shikamaru and Shino.

"She wants you to remember." Shino said walking pass me.

"Remember what?" I asked confused.

"Sasuke, Kimimaru has been through rough times. She needs someone to show her the way. Look Itachi left the village leaving her behind." Shikamaru said walking next to me.

"Shikamaru, she doesn't know anything about that night and neither do you." I said walking away from him.

"I saw her crying last night." I froze and turned to face him.

"What? Where? Why?" I asked and he sighed.

"At the lake. Naruto and I were walking home when we noticed Kimimaru sitting on the dock. She kept repeating daddy over and over. She messes him Sasuke. She messes someone who can take care of her. That's why she was in Naruto's apartment." He finished walking away from me and entering the academy.

"Shikamaru!" I shouted making him look at me. "Take care of her for me." He nodded and walked inside.

I let out a sigh and put my hands in my pocket. I never knew that Kimimaru cared so much for Itachi. Yet, he killed everyone else, but he didn't kill me. Why?


"Iruka sensei!" I shouted.

"What is it now Kimimaru." He responded annoyed.

"Where's Naruto?" I asked looking around.

"Probably asleep." He responded turning his back on me.

"Kimi! Guess what!" Naruto yelled as he entered the room and sat down next to me.

"What?" He smiled brightly and pulled out something from his jacket.

"This! Happy birthday!" He shouted showing me a necklace. It was a amulet shaped like the word love in Japanese.

"Naruto, I love it!" I said hugging him.

"Naruto! Kimimaru! This isn't the for you two to act all lovey-dovey." Iruka sensei said making me look at him.

"Iruka sensei! Naruto is my brother!" I shouted and everyone looked at me.

"Just pay attention." Iruka said before continuing with class.

Most of the time in class I would just talk to Naruto. And sometimes we would fight with Iruka sensei. Sasuke would just stare at me and shake his head while the rest laughed.

"Hey Kimimaru?" Naruto whispered to me.

"What?" I whispered back.

"Let's make Iruka sensei buy us some ramen." I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah! Then we can go to my favorite spot in the village." I replied. We nodded and looked at my friends. They looked at us weird but I pointed outside.

"Alright class before you leave let me remind you of the exit exams. We'll be taking you guys out one by one. We'll be testing you on what you have learned so be prepared for tomorrow. That is all for today, you're all dismissed." Iruka said leaving the room.

I looked over at Naruto and he nodded. We ran out of the room to catch up with Iruka sensei. We ran out of the academy and found him talk with some of the teachers.

"Iruka sensei!" We yelled. He turned to face us and dismissed himself from the teachers.

"Let's go eat you two." He said picking me up and sitting me down on his shoulders.


"Thanks for the food!" We said as we walked out of Ichiraku.

"So Kimimaru, what do you have plan for your birthday?" Iruka asked.

"That's a surprise." Naruto said making me confused.

"Well, I hope you guys have a good time, but make sure to practice." He said before walking away.

"We will! Bye Iruka sensei!" I shouted as we ran the other direction.

We were running to where I pointed earlier and I noticed a red light. Then Naruto put a blindfold on me. That just made me more confused than I already was.

"Naruto, what are you doing?" I said trying to take them off.

"No! Keep them on." Naruto said grabbing my hand.

"Naruto what's going on?" I said a little annoyed.

"Just come with me." He said pulling me with him.

We been walking for some time now. I thought he was going to kill me until I heard someone giggle. As we kept walking I heard more voices. I wanted to ask who was there but they stay quiet. I almost fell when Naruto suddenly stopped but he grabbed me.

"Okay, you can take them off." He said. I took off the blindfolds and rubbed my eyes.

I was shocked when I saw paper lanterns hang from the trees. There was five tables connected to one another. I noticed a bunch of fireworks near the top of the hill. I noticed white rose pedals leading from where Naruto had blindfolded me to where the tables where.

"Surprise!" I turned around to see all my friends and even the Hokage was here.

"Happy birthday Kimimaru." The Hokage said as he hugged me tightly.

"Thank you, all of you specially you Naruto." I said as I let go of the Hokage.

"I didn't plan this." Naruto said smiling at me.

"Then who?" I asked confused.

"Me you loser." I looked up to see Sasuke.

"Sasuke? You did this?" I said in disbelief.

"Yeah, I had to make up for this morning. Happy birthday Kimimaru." He said walking up to me and hugging me.

"Thank you." I replied.

"For what?" I looked up at him and smiled.

"For everything." He smiled at me then kiss my head.

"Alright, let's enjoy the party." The Hokage said.

It was so much fun and everyone were laughing and playing games. The Hokage ordered the village baker to bake me a cake. My friends gave me presents, and let me tell you, I love how they know me so well. After the cake and presents, we went up the hill and started to light up the night sky with colorful fireworks. It was best day ever until the memories came back.

"Kimimaru, are you alright?" The Hokage asked.

"Yeah, just memories." I said trying to hold back my tears.

"Come, I want to have a little talk with you." He turned around and walked into the dark night. I followed close behind until we came across the mountain with the Hokages faces engraved on.

"Now Kimimaru, tell me what's on your mind." He said looking down at me.

"I still keep having that nightmare." I replied honestly.

"Well, you did have a slight chance of living if it wasn't for Itachi." He said making me stop walking.

"He's not what others think he is." I said looking down at my feet.

"You know, he asked me to protect the two of you. I haven't told Sasuke because he told me not to but he told me to tell you." I looked up at him surprised. Itachi, the one who killed everyone in front of me asked the Hokage to protect Sasuke and I.

"He cares for you. He cares for the both of you. Just don't tell Sasuke about this." He said smiling at me.

"Don't worry I won't. Thank you Lord Hokage." I said hugging him before going back to the others.

"You're special Kimimaru! So please don't forget that!" He yelled before walking back to the his office.

Once I got back to where the others were I noticed that they were all asleep. I let out a sigh and started to clean up the mess. I almost done when I heard footsteps coming from the forest.

"Who's there?" I said looking around but got no answer. I turned around and kept cleaning up.

"Long time no see Kimimaru." I turned around to see a tall figure. I ran to grab the katana at Ten Ten got and ready to fight against the person.

"Relax Kimimaru, it's me." I almost dropped my katana when I saw Itachi.

"Itachi?" I said looking up at him. I shocked to see him here but I was more surprised when I saw him smile at me.

"Happy birthday Kimimaru." He said taking out a small box out of his black cloak. I walked slowly to him and stared at the box.

"What is it?" I said never lifting my eyes off the box.

"Open it and see for yourself." He said handing me the box.

I took it from him and started to open it. Once I opened it I found a necklace inside with the Uchiha clan crest on it. I looked up at him and noticed his necklace was gone.

"Itachi, this is yours." I said said surprised.

"I know but I want you to have it. I know the Hokage told you about what I told him. Remember, when ever you feel lonely or scared just hold this close to your chest and say my name. I'll try to help, protect, and comfort you." He said pulling the necklace around my neck.

"You're special Kimimaru, you're special to me so never forget that. I love you." He said smiling at me then pulling me in his arms.

"I love you too, Itachi." I said hugging him.

"Go home and get some rest. I'll take the rest back home and if they ask tell them that you knocked them out." He said making me laugh. I missed having him here but I loved when he would come to comfort me.

"Wait can I ask you something?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow but nodded.

"Why you do it and don't say for power because I'm not buying it." I replied. Itachi sighed then motion me to follow.

"The village was in danger for a while." I looked at him a little confused but waited for him to continue.

"The Uchiha didn't like how things were going. They wanted power. Something that couldn't happen. Also the elders of the village ordered me to do it." He explained. I nodded then thought about why he didn't kill Sasuke and I. Did he not have time? Or was it because he couldn't?

"Then why leave me and Sasuke alive?" He gave me a sad smile then grabbed my hand. We stopped walking and he stared into my eyes.

"Because you're my baby girl. The people from our clan wanted to kill you as did the elders. I just couldn't let them kill you. As for Sasuke, I couldn't let him turn into one of them. I wanted him to live a life were he doesn't have to be someone like my father. I also wanted you two to stay with Naruto. He needs both of you and you two need him. He's like a little brother to both of you. Even if you don't see it. I just know that he'll never give up on any of you. Kimimaru, you'respecial to everyone around you. Protect them with the power you possess. Your life is special Kimimaru. Don't forget that." Itachi kissed my head before pulling me into a hug. I hugged back and nuzzled my face into his chest. He rubbed my back gently before pulling away from me.

"I love you daddy." I kissed his cheek and walked away from him.

"Love you too princess." Itachi said before walking away as well.

I walked down the empty streets of the village to Naruto's place. I was happy to have seen Itachi again. It's been five years since Itachi left. He was my dad and he gave me a name. I know Sasuke hates Itachi for killing everyone but I couldn't find myself hating him. He was everything to me and I know he didn't kill the clan for power. I just hope Sasuke can see that too. Some day.

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