Liquorice Honey (A Draco Malf...

By Clefabled

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(Y/N) Silverlie is a Pureblooded witch with a strange emotional connection to her pet Kneazle, Amorita. She h... More

Author's Note #1!
1: A Girl and her Kneazle
2: Wands and Wazzocks
3: Leptotythops Carlae
4: Bright Eyed and Fluffy Feathered
5: Silver Barred Cages
6: Willow and Wisp
7: A Silent Banquet
8: Spoilt and Pretty
9: A Chance of Bliss
Author's Note #2!
10: Hospital Pillow Daze
11: Gingerbread in December
12: Mars' Moon and the Pansy-Wolf
13: Party of One
14: Lonely Home Library
15: The Quidditch World Cup
16: A Girl I Could Know
17: Flames and Fury
18: Dear Miss Silverlie
19: Hello, I Love You
20: My Favourite Gift
21: Sleep Reading
22: Trial of Champions
Author's Note #3!
23: Red Leaves Fall
24: Ruffled Feathers
25: Sweet Tea and Curses
26: Professor Potter
27: Swish and Flick
28: Inky Expressions
30: Rosewood Wand
31: A Mother's Love
32: Secrets and Lies
33: Sudden Learning Curves
34: Starlight Daydreamer
35: Christmas Memoir
36: The Astronomy Tower
37: Acting Awful Tough
38: Of Angels and Death Eaters
39: A Soft Place To Land
40: Engulfed in Flame
41: Only You
42: Isabel's Friendship Club
43: Saying Goodbye
44: You Got Me Helpless!
45: Forever Entwined
46: Ticket to Ride (🍋)
47: The Negative
48: Unexpected Additions
49: Naming and Shaming
50: A Joy-Bringing Pain
51: The Stars' Debut
Author's Note...#4?

29: Perfect Nightmares

45 0 0
By Clefabled

(A/N: Luna Lovegood is my favourite character (tied with Ron), and uhh, I want reader to be friends with her.

*disappears in glitter cloud*)

(Y/N) had left Harry's last DA Class before Christmas a little while ago, and, after wishing everyone Merry Christmas, had begun to roam the snowy expanses outside.

There was nothing better than snow to get you into the Christmas spirit; except, maybe, reading Christmas novels by the fire with Amorita.

She spent a good hour wandering around in the snow, revelling in the peaceful quiet, but apparently she was distracted.'

'Um, sorry!''

A snowy white face with unreal looking sapphire blue eyes looked down on (Y/N) from her great height; blonde-and-pink pigtails hung from the side of her head, partially covering her almost elflike ears. 

Trixie Irunyavi.

''Oh my stars, Miss Silverlie!'' she exclaimed, ''just the girl I wanted to see—''

''Where is she?''

Trixie's happy expression fell a little; ''Opie? She's here, I just can't exactly tell you where.'' 

''Why?'' said (Y/N), completely exasperated.''Well, because her aunt would kill her if she knew...'' she leaned in closer, ''if she knew she was attending Harry's club, and illegally making potions.''

Trixie laughed a little, and then asked, ''you're keeping your attendance a secret too, aren't you?'' 

(Y/N) looked away from her, but nodded. 

''He's...very anti-Harry, let's put it that way,'' it was (Y/N)'s turn to laugh, ''more of an Umbridge supporter, he'd probably kill me if he knew.''

Trixie's expression was thoughtful, and she fiddled with the hem of her Hufflepuff Quidditch jumper as if it was helping her think somehow.

''This is the Malfoy boy you're talking about, right? The cute one?'' asked Trixie, still smiling.

''Yeah,'' replied (Y/N), dusted a little pink, ''that would be the one.''

''It's rather peculiar that you go around spouting that you hate Opie if you truly love this Malfoy child,'' said Trixie, her expression now much like one of Luna's, ''they're surprisingly similar, you know.''

(Y/N) rolled her eyes; ''Opal couldn't be nice if she tried; at least Draco tries sometimes.'' Spat (Y/N), perhaps a bit more viciously than she had initially intended.

''Opie has joined Harry's club, has she not? Check that parchment twice, and there should be a name that's very obviously forged...'' said Trixie, looking at (Y/N) knowingly.

Things were beginning to add up in her head; illegal potions. Isabel having trouble writing her own name. Isabel being so angsty...

''She's posing as Isabel, isn't she?'' breathed (Y/N) ''Polyjuice potion, isn't it?''

Trixie nodded solemnly; ''Yes; I taught her how to make it, as I used to use it to hide as her when she was too sick to come back to Hogwarts.'' 

''Too sick...wait, how long has she been cursed?'' replied (Y/N), actually a little worried now.

''Since she was about seven, but it started worsening soon after she left in her third year. And the poor girl pushes herself far too hard.''

Suddenly, footsteps in the snow cut off their conversation; Draco appeared not too far from them.

''There you are, (Y/N)! You said you'd be back in—''

He recoiled a little at the sight of Trixie; because an almost six-foot, extremely doll-like looking person is rather scary to see up close.

''Who in Salazar's name,'' exclaimed Draco, ''Are you? And why are you with (Y/N)?''

Trixie ignored his harsh tone, and instead smiled brightly. ''Trixie Irunyavi, and you must be sweet little Draco Malfoy.'' She said, her tone dripping with honey.

''Sweet little...what? Shut up, let's go, (Y/N).'' 

''Aww, but I was just beginning to talk to her,'' said Trixie, her blue eyes glittering, ''she is ever so interesting. I would snatch her up for myself if she wasn't already so dedicated to you.'' 

Draco gave Trixie one of the most disgusted glares (Y/N) had ever seen, and yet, Trixie still had the courtesy to wave goodbye and she somehow kept smiling.

(Y/N) was in a complete and utter tizzy now; Isabel was Opal, Opal was in the DA, and she chose to do it...for no reason other than wanting to better herself...

''That crazy witch did something to you, didn't she?'' exclaimed Draco, holding (Y/N) by the shoulders now, ''that's it, I'm reporting her to Umbridge, she used some curse—''

''I need to see Isabel. Right now.'' 

Draco blinked in surprise, but was still scowling; ''No, you need to stay with me while I get that pink haired weirdo locked up.''

''She's Opal's best friend, Draco, I really doubt Umbridge would doubt her,'' (Y/N) lowered her voice, ''and even if she does, Opal is here and able to change her mind at any point.''

Draco was still completely confused; ''and seeing Isabel can change this situation? (Y/N), speak English, I can't understand you!''

''I just need to see Isabel right now! I love you, bye!'' She pressed a hasty kiss to Draco's lips and ran to the Slytherin commons at top speed, leaving Draco alone and completely bemused in the middle of the corridor.


''Opal Hornsby-Umbridge!'' shrieked (Y/N) as she threw the door to her dorm room open.

 ''Why are you yelling random names at me, (Y/N)?'' asked 'Isabel', her face as bemused as Draco's was, ''are you demented?''

(Y/N) made a noise much like an agitated cat; ''Because that is your name, Opal!''

''Uh, no, my name's Isabel.''


''No, I'm fairly sure it's Isa-''

''Your name is Opal, you cannot deny it, Trixie told me—''

''Trixie told you?'' whispered 'Isabel', her eyes wider than usual, and then she covered her mouth.

She'd slipped up.

A great smirk made its way onto (Y/N)'s face; ''the real Isabel doesn't know Trixie; she wouldn't have that reaction.'' 

''And what proof do you have of that, furball?''

''Would you just gasp at a random name?''

''I didn't gasp!''

''Yes you did!''

'Isabel' sighed, exasperated; ''just go and make out with Malfoy on the sofa or something, I'm busy.''

(Y/N)'s eyes narrowed; ''with what?''

'Isabel' shrugged, ''little things.''

Her eyes drifted to a drawer of the bedside table, and, being the impulsive person she sometimes was, (Y/N) jumped to open it.

Inside were three potion vials; (Y/N), being an absolute failure at Potions, had no idea what they were, but...

''Isabel wouldn't steal, and she's as much of a Potions failure as I am. So where did you get these, 'Isabel'?'' 

It was rather obvious now that 'Isabel' was fighting not to bite her lip or fidget.

(Y/N) took this opportunity to snatch the vials and hold them up, exclaiming, ''If you don't confess right now, I'm taking these straight to Professor Snape, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind telling me exactly what they—''

''Wolfsbane Potion, Polyjuice Potion, and Felix Felicis. The third being a kind present from Miss Veronica Ashcloud, who you're fully aware is a N.E.W.T level Potions witch, yes?''

The room fell silent for a moment; the evidence was all there, it was just getting her to reveal herself...

''But now that you've stopped yelling at me, I'll come clean. Yes, I am Opal, and Isabel was kind enough to let me take on her form in order to attend Harry Potter's DA club. That's all you have to know.''

She took a moment to gaze into (Y/N)'s eyes, as if trying to solidify her confession, and then mumbled through a lot of coughs, ''I, uh, think I should get to the Hospital Wing...''

And then she trudged off, and wasn't seen until...well, until the next DA lesson.

She spent most of Christmas with Trixie, apparently, even though she did find the time to send a Christmas card (in Isabel's name), and a present.

(Y/N) spent Christmas sitting about in the common room with Draco, and she honestly couldn't have asked for a better person to spend it with.

The atmosphere was always so happy when they were together...

For a time, at least.


Soon enough, Christmas was over, and the DA was heading over to the Room of Requirement for another lesson.

''We're going to attempt the Patronus charm today, aren't we?'' asked Opal, her more formal tone now seeping through as (Y/N) knew her secret.

''Uh, yeah,'' (Y/N) lowered her voice, ''I hope you aren't thinking that we're friends now or anything.''

''I'm aware of that,'' Opal whispered back, adjusting her hair to look more messy like Isabel's often was, ''but you're the only person who speaks to Isabel, so keep your eyes up and your mouth shut about it.''

The two trudged to the Room of Requirement in silence, both quietly intimidated by each other, and entered to find people had already started. 

''It's fine,'' exclaimed Harry, rushing over, ''nobody's quite got it yet anyway—''

Opal looked pained as she was shown the incantation; it was obvious she already knew what she was doing, but watching her pretend to not know over and over again...

''Having trouble there, 'Isabel'?'' exclaimed (Y/N), more than once.

''Oh, shut up, you g-great cat-smelling cow!''

 Opal yelled back.After about her eighth 'mistake', Opal sighed, and mumbled, ''to hell with it,'' and then...

''Expecto Patronum!''

Completely unsurprisingly, a Great Horned Owl flew gracefully from Opal's wand (which was, honestly, one of the most beautiful wands (Y/N) had ever seen), and landed delicately on a table in the distance.

Opal sighed as she tried to help (Y/N); ''I know you...uh, don't experience a lot of happy things, thoughts.''

(Y/N) thought hard; ever so hard. 

After what felt like a millennia, one came to mind; Draco comforting her on the night of the Yule Ball.

''Expecto Patronum!''

A creature leapt from her wand, and even Opal appeared excited by it; ''you're pretty o-okay at Charms, (Y/N).''

(Y/N) actually smiled. 

''Thanks, 'Isabel'.'' 

Replied (Y/N), realising that Opal was getting a few strange looks for letting her anxieties into her voice.

She turned away for a second, as her very tangled hair was irritating her and she wanted to at least sort it out a little, but before she could turn around...

A loud booming sound came from the wall.

A small hole formed, and a student peered through it.

(Y/N) heard a voice, and then Opal actually reached for her hand.

''Oh Merlin's beard,'' Opal whisper-yelled, ''It's Aunt Dolores. We've been found, I haven't got my potion on me, I'm dead, you're dead, we're all dead, I'll never see daylight again—''

''Opal, calm down, she wouldn't do anything to her own niece. I think.'' (Y/N) whisper-replied, pulling her hand away from the now screeching Opal who beckoned for (Y/N) to follow her to a secluded corner to turn back into herself.

The wall exploded just as she got her chocolate brown hair back, and then, she started spluttering profusely. 

All of the Inquisitorial Squad stood there; including Draco, whose eyes were focused on the now not so dark corner (Y/N) and the completely distraught Opal were 'hiding' in.

(Y/N)'s eyes teared up as she met Draco's glare.

''I've messed up, Opal.'' (Y/N) whispered.

''I'm aware of that.'' Opal replied, upon seeing Draco's expression. 

(Y/N) watched in silence as a girl she recognised as Marietta, Cho Chang's friend, scanned the room for any eyes of forgiveness with what was visible of her eyes; there were none.

She'd snitched.


School had gotten even worse ever since the DA was discovered; more rules. Paintings were taken down.

Dumbledore was gone.

He was accused of creating an army, and took full responsibility for Harry's group; apparently he evaded authorities, but that didn't make the situation any better for the students.

They were no longer safe, and she became headmistress.

Headmistress Umbridge; what a vile, repulsing thing to have to say.

Draco hadn't spoken to (Y/N) ever since the incident, but he sure as anything had spoken to Opal.

In fact, Opal had actually threatened his life after he spoke ill of (Y/N) to her, which was a complete flip from her third year self (Y/N) had met four years ago. 

(Y/N) was one of the first into the detention room, and she was one of the first to have "I will not disobey school rules" engraved into her hand.

It was excessively painful, but (Y/N) managed to bear it; by that, she meant that she didn't cry.

What was really painful was being told by Umbridge herself that she ''expected better of a Pureblood like herself''. 

Sometimes she really wished she wasn't a Pureblood; then, just maybe, she'd be treated like a person instead of a porcelain doll.

The only solace she got was knowing that Marietta now had to walk around with "SNEAK" written on her face in big, purple pimples.

Other than that, things were bad; school was prison, Draco wouldn't even sit near her at meal times (and with Isabel gone, Opal became her unlikely companion), and, as Harry, Hermione and Ron were constantly busy, Luna slowly became (Y/N)'s temporary best friend. 

''It must hurt a lot, to lose a friend...'' Luna breathed, sounding genuinely quite upset.

''He was more than a friend, Luna, he was...well, my everything.'' 

Luna's pale silvery eyes looked a lot more watery than usual, and she replied, ''How sad,'' she smiled gently, ''but everything I lose comes back eventually. But that's usually just Nargles...''

(Y/N) smiled, beginning to cry a little; Luna took this opportunity to lightly hug (Y/N), mumbling gently, ''don't cry...'' 

This only ushered (Y/N) to cry more; Luna kept mumbling as she held her friend.

(Y/N) spoke almost exclusively to Luna after that, although she did say the odd thing to the Golden Trio, when they weren't busy.

But she knew this would be the hardest times she'd go through for a while.

Isabel was still gone, and now Draco was gone too...

She just had to pray that Luna's words would ring true.

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