move on ⁀➷ h.hj ✓

By jungwwdiary

744K 25.8K 51.1K

choi y/n gets broken up with by her boyfriend of 1 year, hwang hyunjin, not knowing the real reason behind it... More

july 31, 2021


11K 321 535
By jungwwdiary

hyunjin pov.

It was a Friday night, I was sitting on the floor in my room watching my favorite show.. without Y/N. She'd flip out if she found out I was watching our show without her.

Suddenly the door busted open, and it was none other than my brother Minhyun. I turned my head in his direction and glared at him, groaning loudly at the fact that he keeps on busting my door open to come in.

"Can't you EVER knock, you dweeb!" I complain.

"Not really." Minhyun shrugged, taking a seat next to me.

"What show is this?" He asked me, looking at the TV screen.

"Supernatural. Y/N and I watch it together," I smiled saying her name out loud.

Gosh, I love her so much it's crazy.

"You must love her a lot." Minhyun chuckled lowly.

"You just read my mind, bro," I snort.

"Did you just fuc- did you just snort?!" He laughed out loud, smacking the back of my head.

"What the hell is your problem-" I smack him back, pushing him away from me.

"HYUNJIN JUST SNORTED!!" He yelled out.

The whole neighborhood could probably hear my brother shout.

"Dude, you just woke up like, the whole damn neighborhood. You crazy man." I sigh deeply, tired of my brother's nonsense.

"Why did you come in here?" I ask Minhyun.

"I invited Seungcheol and Y/N over. We can have a movie night and order pizza." He replied, smiling at me.

I smiled back, and we high fived eachother out of instinct.

"Good job, brother! That's the first time that I'm happy with your choices." I nod, satisfied.

"But it's nearly 8... why are you inviting them this late? Isn't it kind of.. weird.. inviting them at 8 PM?" I furrow my eyebrows, curious.

"I was thinking of having a sleep over."

I look over at him with a skeptical look.

"Dude, three guys with one girl in a SLEEPOVER.. don't you think that's weird? What if Mom and Dad come home in the middle of the night and see two grown men and one male teenager with one female?" I ask him hesitant.

"Don't worry. They're not coming back in like, two weeks. We have the house to ourselves." He assured me.

"Mom and dad have been gone for almost a whole month and a half," I scoff.

"I know. You know why it sucks?" Minhyun looked at me.


"Because they expect me to take care of YOU. What in the world were they thinking? I'm not a baby sitter." He sighed.

"But anyways.. stop thinking so weirdly and dirtily. You're gross." He gave me a disgusted look.

"What do you me- WHAT DO YOU MEAN???" I yell, feeling betrayed.

"You know." He raised his eyebrows.

"You're disgusting. Don't joke about things like that." I glare at him.

He chuckled.

"Anyways. They're coming in like, five minutes. Get your ass up and clean around your room for once. Please."

"What do you mean??? MY ROOM IS SQUEAKY CLEAN! SQUEAKY!!!!" I stood up, outraged.

"Stop yelling at your older brother, you snob."

"Sorry. Get out of my room." I point to the door.

He stood up, walking out.

"YOUR ROOM IS A MESS!" He yelled from the living room.


This is why our neighbors hate us.

I stood up, turning off my TV. I neatly made my bed, making sure the blanket was evenly laid out. I fixed my pillows as well. I grabbed my phone and put it one of the pockets of my sweatpants, walking over to my closet and taking out a hoodie. I slide it on, adjusting it so that I was comfortable.

It's been a while since I've spent the night with Y/N before, I gotta make sure my room looks extra extra neat for her, so that she doesn't think I live in a pigsty. Like my brother for instance.


ten minutes passed

I walked out to the living room, sitting down on the couch, waiting for Y/N and her brother. The doorbell rang, and I stood up instantly, calling my brother out. He walked out of his room and downstairs to where I was at. We both walked to the front door. I stood next to Minhyun as he opened the door to reveal Y/N and Seungcheol hyung.

Minhyun and Seungcheol hugged eachother, obviously friendly and close already. I smile at Y/N and she smiled back; grabbing her hand and pulling her inside. Seungcheol and I looked at eachother as I nicely bowed at him, still a bit intimidated. He walked inside as well, and I closed the front door and locked it.

"Thanks for inviting us over." Seungcheol said to Minhyun and I.

"No problem! You guys have everything?" Minhyun asked Y/N and her brother.

"Yeah. Seungcheol kept nagging me to make sure I brought everything I needed," Y/N snickered.

"So. There's an extra guest room for you, Seungcheol."

I almost snorted at the fact that he didn't offer Y/N a room too, please don't tell me he's going to say-

"Y/N.. you can sleep in Hyunjin's room."

I choked on the air, bewildered and flustered.

"Is that okay with you?" My brother asked her brother.

"Yeah.." Seungcheol replied hesitantly.

"No weird stuff though." Minhyun furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"You're weird." I give him a disgusted look.

"I'll show you where the guest room is, and Hyunjin, make sure your girlfriend makes herself at home in your room." My brother said.

"Okay." I nod.

Minhyun and Seungcheol walked upstairs, and I grabbed Y/N's hand smiling. I lead her to my room and we walked inside. I let go of her hand, looking at her.

"Well- you've seen my room plenty of times, so there's no need to introduce you." I chuckle happily.

"You can place your things on my bed." I told her.

"Alright." She replied, taking her other backpack off and placed it on my bed.

"Did you bring an extra sweater or hoodie? I heard it's going to be chilly for tonight. And I'm going to have the AC on the whole night." I ask her, worried.

"Well- no..." she muttered.

"It's okay. We can cuddle! I also have an unlimited supply of hoodies you can have access to." I smile at her, giving her a peck on the lips.

"How sweet of you." She snickered.

"I know, right?" I tease.

"It's good to see our brothers getting along." I breath, smiling.

We sat on the bed besides eachother, her head rested on my shoulder. I put my hand on her knee out of habit.

"Yeah. It was kind of weird seeing them hug so openly, though." Y/N replied.

"Agree, my brother never hugs people. He never even hugged any of his past girlfriends before either." I snicker.

"Don't expose your brother like that." Y/N giggled.

"Oops?" I sarcastically said, laughing lightly.

"COME OUTSIDE KIDS, IT'S MOVIE TIME!" Seungcheol yelled from the living room.

We stood up, walking outside to the living room. I was amused at the sight: Minhyun and Seungcheol must've set everything up. Several blankets were laid out on the CLEAN floor that I, Hwang Hyunjin, cleaned. Pillows were on the ground too.

"Since we're good hyungs.. you kids can have the couch." Minhyun offered.

"You're great." Y/N smiled at him.

There was an extra fluffy blanket folded and laid onto the arm of the couch, I'm guessing it was for Y/N and I. Minhyun turned off all of the lights except for the kitchen light. The hyungs laid down and got comfortable on the floor. Y/N sat on the couch and I grabbed the folded extra blanket, taking a seat next to her. I unfolded the blanket and wrapped it around us.

"What are you waiting for? Put on the movie, you dweeb." I tell my brother.

"Sorry, my brain just farted for a second."

My brother turned on the TV and went onto Netflix. We spent a good five minutes figuring out what movie to watch and eventually we agreed on a horror movie. Y/N stayed quiet the whole time; I can tell she was going to get scared. She hates horror.

Y/N rested her head on my chest, my arm wrapped around her waist comfortably. The movie started and I hugged Y/N's waist a bit tighter.

The house stayed quiet; the only thing you could hear was the loud sound from the movie playing and the hyungs' shouts and curses.

A jump scare came out of nowhere, making Y/N's brother flinch and bang his knee on the coffee table hard. You can literally hear his knee bang onto the glass.

"HOLY SHI- MOM!!!" Seungcheol shouted out from the jumpscare and probably from the pain he felt in his knee.

"Woah, this is scarier than I thought." Minhyun shivered.

"I want my mom..." Seungcheol muttered, rubbing his knee.

"Don't be such a baby, bro." Y/N said to her brother, chuckling quietly.

"This is scary though! Did you see that girl's face? It looked MELTED!" Seungcheol argued back.

"Exactly. It looked like someone stuck her face in a fire," Minhyun snickered.

"Good one." Seungcheol laughed.

It turned quiet again: surprisingly Y/N didn't flinch at all when the jump scares appeared. Ten minutes more into movie, another jump scare came out. The hyungs flinched.

"AHH- SHE'S SCARY!!!!" Seungcheol shouted.

"My eyes.." Minhyun whined.

I snickered quietly.

"Y/N are you not scared? You haven't reacted to the scary parts at all!!" Minhyun asked her, traumatized.

"I thought I'd be scared. I don't know what happened." She chuckled.

"See, my sister is a big girl now!" Seungcheol exclaimed, sounding proud.

"Shut up." Y/N replied to him.

"Do you guys have popcorn?" Y/N asked us.

"Yeah. In one of the cupboards there's a pack of 10. You need to microwave one." Minhyun replied.

"I'll be back with popcorn."

I smiled, remembering that time Jeongin sat on that big bucket of popcorn.

Y/N removed my arm from her waist and stood up, carefully walking to the kitchen without stepping on our brothers' legs. She waddled over there like a penguin; that was cute of her. I peeked at her and she seemed to have trouble finding the right cupboard, so I stood up and walked over to the kitchen as well. I stood behind her, leaning in and opening one of the cupboards with the packs of popcorn.

I grab it and hand it to her, then rest my chin on her shoulder, taking in her scent. She giggled softly, taking out one pack and putting the rest into the same cupboard. She put it into the microwave, as we waited, entertained at the bag of popcorn expanding.

I'm guessing another jump scare came on, because my brother shouted this time.

"OH HELL NO- AHHHH!!" My brother yelled loudly.

"Bro, chill out, you're gonna scare even the ghosts." I snort.

"Don't be so mean." Y/N chuckled.

"He deserves it." I shrug, chuckling as well.

The popcorn was finished: I took the bag out instead of her, because it was hot. I opened it and we walked back to the living room, sitting in the same position as before, wrapping the blanket around us again. I handed Y/N the bag of popcorn once it was cooled down. We took turns putting our hands into the bag, because I was still traumatized about that time Jeongin and I accidentally and unintentionally touched eachothers hands in that popcorn bucket. NEVER again.

I peeked over at Y/N: she looked so engrossed into the movie. This reminds me of the times we used to go to the movie theaters together as a date. My heart felt happy; my chest felt happy, my mind was filled with just.. the concept of 'HAPPY', everything in me was happy. This was all because of Y/N.


two hours later

The movie was finally finished: I had expected the hyungs to be knocked out and deep in their sleep by the end of the film, but they were wide awake. Maybe because they're still traumatized about that scary girl in the movie.

Minhyun stood up and turned on the light, blinking repeatedly, looking like he got lost in space. He gulped, turning off the TV.

"Looks like I'm going to be having nightmares tonight." Minhyun sighed.

"Me too. I'm genuinely traumatized and scarred," Seungcheol added, agreeing with my brother.

"It's 10. We should all get ready to go to bed." Minhyun nodded, looking at us all.

"Agreed. I need my beauty sleep," Seungcheol nodded in agreement.

"Let me help with the blankets." Y/N stood up, offering help.

"No, it's okay, sister-in-law. You and Hyunjin get some shut eye." Minhyun dismissed her help.

"Sounds good to me." I yawn, stretching my arms out.

"Goodnight, kids." Seungcheol said to Y/N and I.

"Goodnight." We said in unison, walking to my room.

We walked inside and I closed the door, taking a seat on the bed. Y/N took a toothbrush out of her bag. I looked at her outfit; she was wearing jeans and a tee shirt.

"You'd be uncomfortable sleeping in that, babe. You should get changed into something more comfortable." I look at her.

"You're right." She nodded, taking out a pair of pajamas.

"I'll be back." She said and walked out, probably walking to the bathroom.

I yawned again, getting into bed comfortably. I laid beneath the blankets, adjusting my pillow. My head rested against the bed board, on my phone, waiting for Y/N. Five minutes later, she walked back into the room, changed into a cute pair of pajamas. I giggled at the sight, in awe. She smiled at me and placed her bag onto the floor near my dresser, placing her toothbrush in the side pocket of her bag. I watched her as she tied her hair up into a high messy bun, turning off the light and walking to the bed. I smiled, as she got into bed next to me. Her head rested on my chest, resting comfortably and happily.

"Y/N, I love you! Let's make pancakes tomorrow," I whisper to her, stroking her hair.

"I love you too, Hyunjin. And let's," I felt her smile against my chest.

"Goodnight, my love." I whisper again.

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