I Will Never Be Yours

By asminc007

1.8M 139K 31.6K

'Love has the power to tender the broken, but self love has the power to change' Sequel to 'It was Always you... More

Sneak Peek #1
Sneak peek #2
Character's Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26a
Chapter 26b
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Character's Rant
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Engagement (Part 1)
Engagement (Part 2)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Wedding (Part 1)
Wedding (Part 2)
Wedding (Part 3)
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Author's note
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122a
Chapter 122b
Chapter 122c

Chapter 51

11.8K 1K 260
By asminc007

2 weeks later...

Vansh's Apartment...

Vansh was sitting on the couch, doing something on his phone, he was waiting for Vikrant so that they can go to their studio together...

Deepika had already left for Bangalore, while Ved was about to leave for Delhi And Ananya was getting ready for the office

'Bhai, did you pack your pink shirt I washed yesterday...?' Ananya asks Ved

Vansh started laughing at this and Ved hit him with pillow

'Pink ! How feminine can you become brother... ' Vansh teased him

'Pink is a unisex color bhai, stop being so judgemental...' Ananya said and Ved smirked at him

'Besides, It suits me as well, so keep your comments with yourself... ' Ved hit him playfully on his head

'Well thank me for your good looks,  you are so lucky that The great Vansh Thapar's twin, the most handsome man and also the eligible bachelor in the town...' Vansh said proudly and Ved raised his brows at him

'I think we both should thank Papa for our good looks... ' Ved said

Vansh huffed, 'Yeah okay... '

'Bhai, did you take your boarding pass...?' Ananya asked

'I'll get it at the airport, but yeah I have the E version of it... ' Ved said zipping up his bag

Vansh smirked at Ved
'Maidaan chhod ke bhaag rahe ho Sipaahi ? Darr gye Saale se... (Running away from the battlefield, Soldier ? Scared of your brother in law...?)'  he teased Ved

'I am not scared of everyone... Aur Maidaan to mai nahi chhod raha kisi haal me... (I Am not leaving the battlefield at any cost..!)' Ved said confidently

'Then why are you running away...?' Vansh smirked at him

'I am not running away.... ' Ved countered

'Packing your bags, catching flight back to Delhi, is running away my brother... After seeing your determination that day, I thought you will make Deepika fall in your arms within a week... But here the story is altogether different...' Vansh laughed

'I would've, but thanks to your best friend, I was not allowed to see her even for an hour, and then she left for Bangalore....' Ved said frustrated

'Don't back off like this Bhai... ' Ananya gave him a side hug and Ved frowned at this

'Arre, I am not running away... There is some work in the office that requires my urgent attention, I am leaving for that...' He whined

Ananya and Vansh laughed at this

'Don't worry Bhai, I know you will convince Deeps and make her my Bhabhi (Sister in law) very soon... ' Ananya grinned

'Not until I am alive... ' Vikrant said entering inside, and Ved glared at him

Ananya and Vansh frowned

'Don't be a bitch bro... ' Vansh said hitting him playfully but Vikrant glared at him

'Don't you stop me in this, It's the matter of my sister's life afterall... ' Vikrant said glaring at Ved who huffed

'Mary, please serve my breakfast, I need to leave for the airport... ' Ved said ignoring Vikrant

'Get ready fast, we are getting late... ' Vikrant said and Vansh got up from the sofa, giving him a bored look

'Bhai, how is Deeps...?' Ananya asked

'She is fine Annie, in fact she is very happy there... What do you think about her marriage by the way..?' Vikrant said glancing at Ved, who almost choked on his coffee

'Marriage...?' Ananya asked

'Yeah Chachu (Uncle) liked a guy for Deepika, he is also a lawyer, living in Mumbai, smart, Well behaved, not a brat... ' Vikrant said the last part looking at Ved

'Does Deeps like him Bhai...?' Ananya asked scared

'Well, she haven't met him yet, the guy is going to meet her tomorrow... I hope she agrees to this alliance, if she wants to be happy... ' Vikrant said and Ved clenched his fists, controlling his anger

'Let's hope for the best Bhai... ' Ananya said glancing at Ved

Vansh came out wearing his Captain America T shirt and jeans, his hair messy and started wearing his sneakers...

'Is this how you dress in your office...?' Ved looked at him astonished

'I own the damn place, who will question me...?' Vansh raised his brows and Vikrant chuckled

Ananya came out with her office bag and started wearing her shoes

'Bhai, I will be late.. I am meeting Sameer after the office...' Ananya informed Vansh

'Sameer...?' Ved asked

'Yeah Aayan's step brother... ' Vansh said

'What..! Why are you meeting him...?  Are you guys dating...? Papa will never approve for this... ' Ved began

'Typical, judgemental, overprotective brother... ' Vikrant sang

'Speak for yourself... ' Ved countered

'Relax Bhai, we are just friends and we are meeting for work purpose, Mr. Thadani is dealing with his land case... ' Ananya said giving him a quick hug and kissing his head

'Okay... ' Ved sighed

'See you soon bro... ' Vansh hugged Ved and Vikrant got up from his seat

'Bhai text us as you land... ' Ananya said walking towards the door
'Byeee....' She said

'Bye Vedieee boo.... ' Vansh grinned

Ved waved goodbye to his siblings and rolled his eyes at Vikrant, who smirked at him..

After thinking for a while, he took out his phone from his pocket and called his secretary

'Hello Disha..? Good morning... Can you cancel my flight to Delhi, and book an urgent flight to Bangalore...?' He said and paused

'Yes, today itself, it would be better if I get a flight within 2-3 hours...' he said and waited for his secretary to do the task

'Uh huh...? Okay...! Perfect... Thank you Disha... Ask Mr. Murthy to look at the App issue and report me the details in the evening... ' He said and hung up

Let me meet that lawyer first....
I am coming Deepika....

AV technologies HQs...

Aayan walked towards his legal advisors cabin, and his staff looked at him astonished...

It's a rare thing that Aayan comes downstairs to the working area, unless it's something very important or someone is going to get fired...

The staff politely wished him, and he nodded curtly at them

Reaching his advisors cabin, he opened the door, but didn't go inside
Mr. Joshi rose from his seat, and greeted Aayan

'Mr. Joshi, will you send your assistant, Ms. Deepika Mehra to my cabin within an hour, please... ' he said and Mr. Joshi looked at him surprised and so his other staff members

'Sir, she is not here, she must be at my firm... ' Mr. Joshi said

'That's why I gave you an 1 hour's time, send her upstairs ASAP....' Aayan said and Mr. Joshi nodded

He closed his door, and looked at his staff's shocked faces, Alex his design lead raised his brows at him...

'What ? She is my sister in law...' Aayan said and walked away, leaving his staff bewildered..

45 minutes later

Deepika walked on Aayan's office floor, and the male staff looked at her as if she is some alien from another planet and she felt really awkward

She avoided their scrutinizing gazes and walked at the reception

'Where is Aayan's cabin...?' She asked and the receptionist looked at her as if she committed some crime by addressing their boss as Aayan and not Sir or anything else

'Last cabin to the right... ' He said pointing at the hallway's direction

'Thank you.. ' Deepika said uncomfortably and swiftly walked towards Aayan's cabin

As she walked, her heels made noise and every man's head turned towards her in astonishment...

Deepika felt really embarrassed and she literally ran towards Aayan's cabin, and dashed inside...

'Oh Deepika... It's you, or else I was ready to shout on such careless employee, entering without knocking....' Aayan said

'Men in your floor are weird... ' Deepika frowned

'They are not weird, you are the first woman to enter this cabin since it's existence... ' Aayan smiled

Deepika raised her brows at him

'No sorry, second.... First was Amayraa of course....' Aayan said

'What did I do get this honor....?' Deepika asked sarcastically

'I need your help... ' Aayan said

'Of course...how can I help you, as your legal advisor...' Deepika said stressing the last part

Aayan sighed, and then gestured her to sit on the chair opposite to him

'I want you to help me as my friend...' Aayan said

'We are friends...? When did that happen...?' Deepika glared at him

'Don't be so hard Deepika... I genuinely need your help... ' Aayan said

Deepika looked at him suspiciously and then leaned against her chair crossing her hands

'Say it... ' She said

'I want you to help me to impress Ananya....' Aayan said

'WHAT... ' Deepika shouted

'Shhhhh....don't shout, my staff will think I am asking some inappropriate favors from you !' Aayan panicked

'I don't know about inappropriate, but yes... You are asking a ridiculous favour from me... What on earth made you think that I will help you in this....!' Deepika exclaimed

'Because I know she likes me and I like her too... I just want you to be my wingman sorry wing woman....' Aayan said

'She never liked you...' Deepika lied

'Ooo who are you kidding, she told everything to you after I left... ' Aayan said

'How do you....? I mean... Who told you...!' She stammered

'I just know... '

'But you hated her... ' Deepika countered

'I was only annoyed by her, never hated her....' Aayan countered back

Deepika was shocked to hear that...

'I want you to help me in this... Because I really really like her... These 2 years without her made me realize how important is she for me... Please help me Deepika... I don't know what will I do to myself if she doesn't come in my life... ' Aayan whined and Deepika looked at him suspiciously, he had tears in his eyes, she felt bad for him

'How do I believe that you won't hurt her... ?' Deepika asked him

'Did I hurt her 2 years back ? when I  practically became a beast in front of everyone....! She was right in front of me, I could've done anything with her, but I didn't....! So how do you expect me to hurt her now... ' Aayan said

'Not physically, you idiot...!' Deepika said and then she thought about it for a while

'But you are married...! You have a daughter...!' Deepika exclaimed shocked

'Amayraa is my adopted child, she is my late friend's daughter....' Aayan said

Deepika was impressed seeing his good side

'That was a very noble thing to do Aayan.. ' She smiled

Aayan smiled back and both of them did not say anything for a while

'I want to marry Ananya, Deepika... I want to spend my whole life with her, she is the one who saw the pain inside my beastly attitude... I would've hurt her in the past, I want to repent for What I did... I just need a chance..  ' Aayan said and Deepika looked at him, more like tried to read his mind

'Do you promise that you won't hurt Ananya...?' Deepika asked

'I will swear on anything, that I wont hurt her... ' Aayan said

'Okay... Give me sometime to think... ' Deepika said

'Take all your time, but please help me in this... ' Aayan pleaded

'Okay... Can I leave now...?' Deepika asked

'Sure... And don't bother about the men on the floor, they are harmless... ' Aayan joked and Deepika laughed

'Yeah I'll try... ' she said and walked out of his cabin

Aayan leaned against his chair and patted himself

'Well done Aayan Varma... ' He smirked

He was happy that he managed to convince Deepika and Arjun for their marriage....

2 weeks ago...
When Vansh accidentally said everything to Arjun...

'I just heard, Ananya confessing to Deepika that she loved Aayan, I don't know anything else... ' Vansh said and ran upstairs

Aayan came out the kitchen, with a shocked expression on his face, Arjun sighed and turned around to see Aayan lost in thoughts

Arjun got scared seeing Aayan there..

'Did you... ?' Arjun asked

'Yes Big dad, I heard everything... ' Aayan said

'I... I had no idea... ' Arjun began

'I thought only I liked her back then, had I known she had feelings too... I would've asked for her hand from you back then... ' Aayan said looking uncomfortable

'WHAT...! You like her too...??' Arjun exclaimed shocked

'No big dad, I don't like her, in fact I love her... Initially I thought it was just an infatuation, it will go away, but in these 2 years I...' he said but stopped seeing Arjun's panicked face...

'Big dad I won't hurt her ever...' Aayan said truthfully, holding Arjun's hands

'Let me talk to Jai and Naina about this... ' Arjun said not looking at him and walked away...

Aayan stood there... Smiling at himself...


'Your best two people are on my side now, Ananya... Convincing Ved and Vansh will be easier for me ! Who will save you from me... ?' Aayan smirked talking to Ananya's picture on his desktop

'You have to be mine, whether you want it or not, afterall I have to fulfil my promise I made to you 2 years ago... ' He said tracing his fingers on Ananya's picture

'See you soon, Mrs. Varma... ' he smirked at leaned back on his chair


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