•I'm Hooked • Why Don't We•

נכתב על ידי blocksberg7777

1.2K 67 15

Feeling another presence in the room, I turn my head to look over my shoulder and immediatly shoot the brunet... עוד

1 - "How's my little one doing?"
2 - "No hair-touching"
3 - "No, don't 'hey Jack' me, Cam."
4 - "Oh my god, is little Cam blushing?"
5 - "No need to get violent"
6 - "Is something wrong with my earlobes?"
7 - "You're my hero!"
8 - "He's something else"
9 - "Who's Alex?"
10 - "What is it with you two and the kitchen? Is it some kind of fetish?"
11 - " I can't deal with seeing you sad"
12 - "You're so innocent, Zach, I swear"
13 - "You can't win this, Jonah"
14 - "I am cute"
16 - "Oh, don't be such a drama queen"
17 - "Private time is over! We want Cam back"
18 - "The shirt is basically swallowing you"
19 - "I heard someone got lucky"
20 - "I ... I'm quite speechless right now"
21 - "Well, thanks Zach. You really know how to talk to girls"
22 - "It's in the middle of the day. You'll live"
23 - "So you're talking about us?"
24 - "Wait a second. Are you jealous?"
25 - "And I thought you were little and innocent"
26 - "Zach is just jealous"
27 - "Okay, I can't compete with food"
28 - "Stop, I'm going to pee"
29 - "You've seen me naked before"
30 - "Smile for the camera"
31 - "Jonah, can you get your clingy girlfriend off me?"
32 - "Can you please bring me my bra?"

15 - "Did I interupt something?"

30 1 0
נכתב על ידי blocksberg7777

"Done" Daniel's hands lightly pat my shoulders.

"Thank youuu" I turn around, offering him a big smile before grabbing the dress from the counter and pulling it over my head.

"No problem, Cam" he chuckles as he begins to apply the sunscreen on his arms.

"Do you take a bag with you?" Zach raises an eyebrow at me, his hands holding a towel and his phone as well as sunglasses.

"Yeah, put it in the bag by the door" I motion my hand to the door, smiling lightly at the boy as he passes me with the same facial expression.

"Thanks, you're the best" he offers cheesily, making me roll my eyes before walking back to the counter and sit on it, looking at my phone again and deciding to scroll through instagram while I wait for everyone to get ready.

As my eyes are scanning the screen, I feel someone sitting down next to me, glancing to the side for a second, I see Zach smiling back at me, his eyes darting to my screen as his smile turns into a small smirk and I furrow my eyebrows before seeing the reason for his change in my hands.

Tom Holland posted a new picture and he looks stunning as always, quickly tapping the picture two times, I stick my tongue out at the young boy.

"Jonah, Tom is stealing your girl again" Zach calls over his shoulder, as I shove him to the side slightly, a blush finding its way to my cheeks.

"What is he doing now?" Daniel jokes, coming up to me with Jonah following him as the latter stands right in front of me, craning his neck so he could see the screen, though it's upside down for him so I turn the phone around for him and Daniel, who stopped right next to me, to see.

"Well, existing basically" Zach answers, chuckles filling the room immediately.

"I just liked his picture" I roll my eyes pulling the phone back as I keep scrolling a little.

"That's how it always starts" Daniel sighs dramatically as I decide to put my phone down again, rather having a conversation with the boys.

"Not with Jonah and Cam though" Zach raises an eyebrow, trying to correct Danny.

"God dammit" throwing my head back, my whining is stopped as Jack steps into the kitchen, looking at all of us confused.

"What good joke did I miss now?" He smirks as Jonah begins to escape the situation and shuffles towards the door as I send him a dramatic look.

"Don't leave me with them" my eyes pleading him to stay, as I let a few giggles follow to let him know I'm actually joking.

"I'll hurry up" he laughs back, making me pout before he disappears into the hallway.
Slowly turning my head around, I'm met by 3 boys grinning at me widely.

"Cam, we need to talk" Daniel sighs, a joking vibe radiating from him, as I raise my eyebrow suspicious.
As he grabs my hands and pulls me down from the counter only to throw an arm around my shoulders, I grow anxious, especially as the rest of the boys lean against the counter, crossing their arms, holding a similar expression to Daniel.

"What? Is this going to be another joke? I swear, I'll hit you" threatening the boy, I know that it won't stop him from anything, but at least I tried.

"Cam, I'm serious. We need to have the talk." Immediately rolling my eyes, I try to wiggle out of his grip as Jack and Zach step in front of me, smirks on their faces as they look at Danny, amused looks are send his way as they wait for him to continue.

"Just know if your doing it, always be fully clothed" a groan is leaving my lips as I push his arm off me fully and step towards Zach, who is joining the laughs of Jack and Danny.

"First of all, you stole that from Corbyn, I saw the video and secondly-" I speak up before my fist collides with his shoulder, putting as much force into it as I can, seemingly being somewhat successful as he flinches slightly and rubs his shoulder moments after.

"I'll check on Jonah. Not in that way" I inform the boys, sending them a warning look at the end before leaving to go upstairs.
Halfway through the hallway and almost by the stairs, I remember I left my phone on the kitchen isle.
Deciding to just 'fuck it', I continue my journey upstairs and turn to Jonah's room immediately. A short knock and about two seconds later and I open the door and slip into the room.

"What did they do?" Jonah's voice laces an amused tone as I turn to look at him, finding him by the closet, shirtless, probably searching for one.
My eyes dance down his torso for a second before I realize what I'm doing and quickly focus back on his face only to catch him smirking at me.

"Well, for starters, Daniel wanted to have the talk with me" I groan, trying to hide the blush as I sit down on the edge of his bed, watching him pull a shirt out of the closet but not putting it on as he makes his way to me, furrowing his eyebrows slightly.

"What talk?"

"The talk" Pursing my lips, my eyes follow him as he sits down next to me.

"Oh no" he chuckles lowly, as he leans his hands behind him, leaning his weight on them a little.

"Yeah, but it was primarily so he could make a joke, Corbyn used a while back" I shrug.
"I'm just trying to say, you can't leave me alone with them anymore" I smile at him, recieving another few chuckles from the boy as he sits up straighter again.

"They'll get over it and stop soon. It's just quite new for all of us and don't tell me you wouldn't tease any of the guys either if they were in our shoes" he nudges my shoulder with his arm slightly as I nod my head, agreeing with him.

"I know and some stuff is really funny too, but... I don't want you to regret anything. I don't want them to make you realise that what you got yourself into, is not what you wanted, you know?" Avoiding his eyes for the whole time, I'm more than anxious as I dare to look at him again, only to see him with a clenched jaw but eyes that almost make me melt on the spot.

"Cam, I'm not regretting anything in the slightest. I don't mind the boys and their jokes, I'm actually really glad they took it the way they did and are okay with us, I don't want you to feel this way, do I make you feel like I'm regretting anything?" He furrows his eyebrows at me, his jaw relaxing slightly as he grabs my hand in his.

"No, of course you're not. I'm just nervous and scared. I never had a boy like me, I just don't know how to act" I admit, eyes on the ground again as he proceeds to pull me into his side, hugging me tightly to his chest.

"Cam, I know you for quite a while now, I know what I've gotten myself into" I giggle lightly at his words as we pull away.
"And I want you to know that you don't have to be scared. We can keep it moving slow, I just want you to feel save with me" Jonah smiles down at me, his head tilting forward a little as he nudges my cheek with his nose.

"What if I don't want to take it slow?" I mutter and if he wouldn't give me this look, I would've thought he didn't hear me, but as his eyes search mine for any sign of doubt, he confirms that he understood me.

"Well, if that's the case, I'm not going to stop you" he smirks at me as I roll my eyes and hit his shoulder in a playful matter, getting to my feet, his hand keeping a tight hold of mine as he stands up as well but pulls me back into him, my face almost hitting his chest as his other hand slides down to my waist, pulling me closer to him.
As he tilts his head down, I instantly get that giddy feeling again, the hand holding mine, letting go of me as he brushes a strand of hair behind my ear and his fingers linger by my cheek, tilting my head upwards lightly as my eyes jump from his to his lips.
My heart beating like I'm running a god damn marathon while he seems so calm as his face comes closer to mine, his lips basically hovering over mine as he searches my eyes for any reason to stop.
Starting to feel anxious as I realize what actually is happening, I want him to take the next step and kiss me already before I'll explode in anticipation.
Glancing at his lips again, that seems to be the sign he needed as he closes the last few millimetres between us and presses his lips against mine.
My eyes immediately fluttering shut, all worry about what I'm supposed to do or not do while I'm kissing someone disappear as I get lost in the moment and just do what feels good, our lips moving against each other as my stomach is filled with butterflies or fireworks for that matter, my hands sliding up his bare chest and shoulders stopping behind his neck, I take the chance to dig my fingers in his fluffy hair, tangling them up with it as I get a small moan out of him, my lips curling into a smile against his, feeling the confidence flow through my body at the fact that I can make him feel that way, not mentioning that his moans are turning me on extremely.
I feel his hands trying to pull me closer to him as his fingers dig into the dress while I'm busy trying to get another moan to leave his lips, as a sudden knock on the door interupts us.
As soon as I'm trying to pull away, Jonah follows my movements and presses his lips against mine again, not wanting to end this moment, hoping whoever is knocking will go away, while I have a feeling that this someone won't just leave.

"Guys? Can I come in?" Zach's voice sounds from the other end of the door as Jonah lets out a groan against my lips.

Smiling again, I push him back, before turning to the door just in time to see Zach opening it and coming in, immediately sending us suspicious looks, as I glance at Jonah and see his hair in a mess, his lips swollen in the slightest as are mine too probably.

"Did I interupt something?" Zach asks leaning against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No" sighing I brush a hand through my hair as I hear Jonah mutter something different under his breath, my eyes immediately darting to his face, only to see him trying to fix his hair.
I pray to god, Zach didn't hear Jonah as I dare to look at the young boy, still a suspicious look on his face before he lets out a sigh of his own.
"I'm just checking up on you, 'cause we want to leave in a minute"

"Thanks, we're coming" I offer him a smile, waiting for him to leave the room, which he doesn't as he raises his eyebrow at me making me start to walk towards him with Jonah behind me, as he's pulling his shirt down over his head.

The three of us making our way downstairs, as I see a pile of towels in and next to my bag, so I stop on the last step, sending Daniel and Jack who lean against the wall a deadpanned look.
"What are you guys planning on doing? Do we really need that many towels?"

"Yes" Jack furrows his eyebrows at me, before his eyes dart to Jonah, who's still trying to get his hair fixed, a smirk replacing his previous expression as his eyes focus back on me, a blush creeping on my cheeks.

"Who's driving then?" I clear my throat, getting a hold of the bag as I shuffle into my shoes.

"Me" Jack answers, still the same smirk on his face as he opens the door.

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