Playbook , Joey Birlem

By happychjld

175K 3.8K 674

you made a fool of me for some stupid playbook. More

A/N ++


13.5K 199 18
By happychjld


I wake up early, hopeful to beat my brother to the bathroom. I get up and grab my toothbrush from my nightstand and to my surprise, he wasn't in there. He left and empty tube of toothpaste so I walk back into my room to get a new one. On my way back he rushes past me and locks the door.

'Christopher!' I yell banging on the door. 'you snooze you loose.' He taunts me. I roll my eyes and walk into my dads bathroom to get ready for the day. eventually I finish getting ready and walk downstairs to see my dad placing two plates of pancakes and orange juice on the table for me and Chris.

'thanks dad.' I smile sitting at the table. 'anything for my two tigers.' He smiles back widely while Chris takes a seat beside me. i begin to eat and Chris starts small talk. 'where's your plate?' He asks dad. he goes silent for a moment and his smile starts to fade. 'i have a business trip to New York for a few weeks...I figured I'd make you guys breakfast before I head out.'

I slam my fork onto my plate and excuse myself from the table. 'Casey..' he starts. I put on my backpack and open the door. 'it's fine. Have fun I guess.' I leave and start my route to school.

My mom left us one day out of the blue so it's just been me, Chris, and dad for a while. when we got older he started to work more and we seen him a lot less. Chris had no choice but to take me under his wing so he didn't get to be a kid much. he had to spend most of his time looking out for me. recently on me and Christopher's seventeenth birthday he promised no more surprise trips. Even then he left on our birthday.

I looked down at my phone just to see what was going on this morning including drama. I clicked over to one of me and my friend, Alyssa's, messages.

Alyssa- joey's asking for you.
me- who..
Alyssa- the football captain.

I roll my eyes. I've never spoke to this kid before so why on earth would he want to start. Alyssa sees me and walks over putting my phone into my backpack for me. 'do you know him?' she raises and eyebrow. I scoff and look at her 'does it look like I talk to jocks.' 'touchè.' she giggles a bit as we head to our first class


I walk into the boys locker room, sweaty from our early morning practice. The guys join me as  well as some super seniors, which are people who flunked senior year.

'it's the middle of the year. So you know what that means.' Chad says. 'football seasons almost over?' I shrug. He shakes his head and walks to one of the showers. 'I think he's talking about the playbook.' a super-senior says .

'the huh?' Charles laughs 'and your actually the football captain?' I roll my eyes and listen as the guy continues to explain. 'at the end on every year, a junior is given a book and they're responsible for writing down every girl seniors name in the book.' the other guy nods and continues 'each girl has a number written beside her name. every girl you hook up with is an amount of prom king votes.'

'I'm guessing the book gets finished by the middle of the next year.' I raise an eyebrow and one nods. 'shouldn't be hard for you since you've already done half of them by choice.' char chuckles nudging me a bit.

'who has this book anyway?' I look over to them. Mark hears and digs into his locker slamming a big book on our bench. 'me.' he says flipping to the newest page. 'how old is this book?'  A senior points to the cover 'Been around since 1963.' I peer over at the page. 'no wonder it's falling apart.'

chad comes back and joins in on looking at the book. I point my finger at a name 'she's 200 votes?' mark nods and goes on 'she's a virgin, she's hates jocks, and she's never had a boyfriend.'

chad rolls his eyes a pulls his shirt over his head. 'then none of us are getting her. I've seen her before if you're that hot and haven't even had a boyfriend they're is no way you'd let a guy even talk to you.' I grin and take a picture of the name. 'I call dibs on this one. I'm getting that prom king vote.' I tie my shoes.

'don't get too cocky. She's tough.' One of the super seniors say before leaving the locker room. 'and I'm irresistible, it'll be a piece a cake.' I say making a few guys chuckle. 'good luck.' chad says. 'I don't need it.' I walk out. 'Get those votes joey!' I hear Charles yell after me and I shake my head.

I look at the name in my phone. 'Casey weathers?' I say to myself walking down the hall. 'what do you want with her?' I see Alyssa rolling her eyes. 'you know her?'

'she's my best friend.' she stays sternly. 'ahh I see, tell her to meet me at the bleachers tomorrow at lunch.' I grin. 'I hope you're not trying to sleep with her. she's never let a jo—' I cut her off with 'thanks.' and walk away to my first class.

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