Partners | Rk900 x Gavin | De...

By ReaderOfBooks12

99.4K 4K 1.3K

|Under editing| Since the first Android detective was a major success, the Detroit City Police decide to intr... More

Chapter One ✓
Chapter Two ✓
Chapter Three ✓
Chapter Four ✓
Chapter Five ✓
Chapter Six ✓
Chapter Seven ✓
Chapter Eight ✓
Chapter Ten ✓
Chapter Eleven ✓
Chapter Twelve ✓
Chapter Thirteen ✓
Chapter Fourteen ✓
Chapter fifteen ✓
Chapter Sixteen ✓
Chapter Seventeen ✓
Chapter Eighteen ✓
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-one.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Authors Note!
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Authors Note - I'm so freaking sorry!
Chapter Thirty - One.
Chapter Thirty - Two.
Chapter Thirty - Three
Chapter Thirty - four.

Chapter Nine ✓

3.5K 146 32
By ReaderOfBooks12

|Rk900/Conans POV|

The next day we were back to work, as normal. I sit at my desk and read over the files for about the one hundreth time, hoping to find something I may have missed before.
"Conan?" I look up to see Connor standing in front of my desk. "Yes, Connor?" He hands me a sheet of paper "Here are all the locations Evan was before he died. I hope this helps..." I smile at him "It's perfect. Thank you, Connor!" I beam. He smiles before venturing back to Hank. I read over the sheet. Damn, Connor really out did himself. It has everything here; Adresses, names, phone numbers. Everything. The detective walks up behind me and looks at the sheet over my shoulder.
"What's that?" He mutters before taking a sip of tea. "Oh, It's what we asked Connor to do. Here." I show him the sheet which he quickly scans over. "Which is the nearest?" I point to the fourth listed adress. "Miss... Grey." He looks at me "You're not taking us on another freaking hours journey, are you?" I chuckle "No, detective, it's about twenty minutes away." He raises an eyebrow while he sips his tea. I roll my eyes "Are we going to go?" He nods "Well, I'm certainly not going to say no. I'll never hear the fucking end of it..." I nod, grinning "Correct, detective. Let's go!"

We arrive, as I said before, after a twenty minute drive. We exit the car and walk up to the door. I knock. The door swings open to reveal a young women with blond hair
"How may I help you?" I smile at her "Hello ma'am, I'm Conan and this is Detective Reed. We were wondering if we could ask you a few questions?" She nods "About what?" I open the file in my hand and give her a picture of Evan. "We'd like to talk to you about your partner, Evan Jones, if that's alright?" She nods and let's us into her house. She leads us to her livingroom. "Detective Reed, would you like tea or anything?" He smiles "No, I'm fine, thank you." I still have to get used to the 'new Reed'... "Right, can you tell me about Evan?" "What would you like to know?" I shrug "Whatever you think is important." She nods and thinks "Well... I guess I should tell you that he was part of a gang..." Me and the detective look at each other. "Which gang?" She shakes her head "I'm afraid I don't know that. He was always involved with that kind of stuff, even when he was a teenager. He would always come back with cuts and bruises. I tried to talk him out if it but he would never listen." I nod "Do you know any of the other members?" She nods "Only one. Mark stone." I take the list of victims and check it. As I was expecting, his name was amongst them.
"Detective..." I point to his name. "As I thought... Right, well, thank you for your time and co-operarion. You've helped a great deal." We bid goodbye and leave. The detective leans up against his car
"Gangs. Of course, why didn't we think of that?!" He grumbles. "Detective, it's more help than you realize. If we find out the other members, although I'm already sure they're all on this list-" I gesture to the list of victims "- then we can find out the gangs name and rivals. Then we find out who's using the Androids, arrest them, deactivate the Androids then it's case solved." I explain. He nods "Fair point..." He sighs "Come on, lets head back, I'll check the names then." We get into his car and drive back to the station.

|Gavin's POV|

When we get back, I look up Mark Stone. Searching... Information found. I open his file and begin reading. He was apart of the gang 'The Nameless'.
"Who the fuck names these gangs? It's ridiculous!" I mumble. I then search up the gang name. Over... Seven... Rival... Gangs. I groan.
"Did you find something, detective?" I look over at Conan "Yeah. But there's over seven rival gangs. It's going to take forever!" I run a hand over my face and sigh. "Be optimistic, detective. We're doing well!" I roll my eyes "Yeah, yeah... I'll try..." He grins at me to which I return a small, barely noticeable smile. God, what's that complicated juicer doing to me...

We continue to research the gangs for another few hours before going home.
"Do you want anything specific for dinner?" The tin can asks after making me a cup of tea. "Nope. Anything." He nods and looks in the fridge and cupboards for anything. "Hmm.... How about pasta bake?" I turn to him "That's fine." He puts pasta in a pot to boil before beginning the sauce. "...Can I help?" The Android glances at me "... Sure! I mean, if you want to..." I nod and get up. "Here..." He hands me a block of cheese to grate. I begin grating it into a bowl. "Is there any vegetables you don't eat?" "Peppers are the devil. Can't stand them." He looks at me while he stirs the sauce. "When was the last time you had one?" I stop grating the cheese and think for a moment "When I was a kid..." He rolls his eyes. He goes to the fridge and grabs a green pepper. He chops off a small bit, checks there are no seeds then holds it out for me.
"Try." I glance at it, unsure. I take it from him and put it in my mouth. "Well?" I glare at him "Alright... You got me. They're okay..." He bumps me with his hip "See, you don't know whether or not you like something unless you try it. Even if you've tried it before, you never know." I look at him and can't help but smile. He continues to chop up the pepper and add it to the sauce. I start grating the cheese again and continue to help Conan prepare the dinner.

Edited ✓

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