Liquorice Honey (A Draco Malf...

By Clefabled

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(Y/N) Silverlie is a Pureblooded witch with a strange emotional connection to her pet Kneazle, Amorita. She h... More

Author's Note #1!
1: A Girl and her Kneazle
2: Wands and Wazzocks
3: Leptotythops Carlae
4: Bright Eyed and Fluffy Feathered
5: Silver Barred Cages
6: Willow and Wisp
7: A Silent Banquet
8: Spoilt and Pretty
9: A Chance of Bliss
Author's Note #2!
10: Hospital Pillow Daze
11: Gingerbread in December
12: Mars' Moon and the Pansy-Wolf
13: Party of One
14: Lonely Home Library
15: The Quidditch World Cup
16: A Girl I Could Know
17: Flames and Fury
18: Dear Miss Silverlie
19: Hello, I Love You
20: My Favourite Gift
21: Sleep Reading
22: Trial of Champions
Author's Note #3!
23: Red Leaves Fall
25: Sweet Tea and Curses
26: Professor Potter
27: Swish and Flick
28: Inky Expressions
29: Perfect Nightmares
30: Rosewood Wand
31: A Mother's Love
32: Secrets and Lies
33: Sudden Learning Curves
34: Starlight Daydreamer
35: Christmas Memoir
36: The Astronomy Tower
37: Acting Awful Tough
38: Of Angels and Death Eaters
39: A Soft Place To Land
40: Engulfed in Flame
41: Only You
42: Isabel's Friendship Club
43: Saying Goodbye
44: You Got Me Helpless!
45: Forever Entwined
46: Ticket to Ride (🍋)
47: The Negative
48: Unexpected Additions
49: Naming and Shaming
50: A Joy-Bringing Pain
51: The Stars' Debut
Author's Note...#4?

24: Ruffled Feathers

49 0 0
By Clefabled

(A/N: I'm going on holiday on July 18th and won't be back until the 24th (I think), so there probably won't be many, if any, updates in that week; so I'm trying to write as much as possible now! Love y'all!)

(Y/N) was one of the first onto the train; she was rather lonely. Isabel was busy with 'something' for the first few weeks back, but Ron, Hermione and Harry were adamant they'd seen her when she met up with them a few days before school started.

''She was wandering around the Ministry. I saw her around when I had my Hearing, she even spoke to Ron's dad!'' said Harry, ''She said something about...something about a legislation.''

(Y/N), of course, knew this must be the Anti-Werewolf Legislation she'd been hearing so much about.

''How strange...did she, uh, talk to anyone else?''''She's been appearing all summer to talk to Lupin!'' Ron chimed in. (Y/N) smiled, sighing in relief.

''Okay, that's fine.''

She's not scared of herself, or her own kind, at least.

Hermione raised her eyebrows a little; she was a bright spark, and it was likely she'd already picked up on some of Isabel's more...canine-like traits. But it wasn't brought up again, and (Y/N) found herself alone on the train, picking out random things to re-read from one of the boxes she'd managed to bring.

But something caught her eye as she skimmed over this and that.

Mint eyes, and a head of curls preened perfectly into a bun...

That fluffy notebook...

Please, god, no.

''I'm fine, Trixie! This is out last year, I just wanted to spend it in school. Not with stupid Professor whatever-from-the-Ministry.''

''Opie, dear, you're worrying me! Please be nice—''

''I'm not exactly a Hufflepuff like you, now am I? You're not my mother! You have no right to—''

Was she crying?

(Y/N) was practically hanging out of the side of the door now, listening in to Opal and her blonde-and-pink-dip-dye haired friend, who she'd called Trixie. ''What in Salazar's name--- move! If I don't sit down, I think I'm going to melt.''

Her harsh words sounded almost strained as they left her mouth, almost as if she was forcing herself to speak.

 ''And why do you get priority over sitting here?''

Oh joy of joys! Now Pansy was joining in!

And, by the sounds of it, Draco and Harry were having an argument at the other end of the train, too!

''I'm surprised the Ministry is still letting you walk free, Potter!'' He yelled, ''I heard there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it!''

''Do you even know who you're talking to, you plug ugly muppet?''

''You sound like an absolute loser!''

''You're a liar, Potter! A dirty liar!''

''Shut up, Malfoy!''

''Um, Opie, Miss Parkinson was here first...''

''Shut up, Irunyavi!''

''Opal, I'm serious-- you're going to cause ructions--''

''Why don't you shut up?''

''I could say the same about—''


Both arguments went silent; Opal sidled in with Pansy, practically dragging Trixie in with her (even though she smiled at (Y/N), waving a little as she caught her eye); she heard one last bit of kerfuffle from the other end of the train, and then someone sat down next to her.

''I seriously wasn't aware you could be that bloody loud, (Y/N)! Even Harry's stupid voice was completely useless—''

''Hey, no more. He's my friend.''

Draco scowled, looking very much like a child who wasn't allowed an ice cream.

 ''But I don't like him,'' he said under his breath, annoyed, ''and he's completely full of himself. He deserves it!''

''A Prefect shouldn't be so cruel; you're supposed to be...wait, what do you do?''

 Draco shrugged; ''Give Potter detention.''

''Now that's just unfair.''

''You're an absolute nightmare, Silverlie!'' exclaimed Draco, exasperated, ''How in the world can you be nice to these self-obsessed—''

''Harry is not self-obsessed!'' 

''That's your opinion!'' 

(Y/N) really wasn't in the mood for an argument, so she turned around, her face buried in a book. Draco immediately picked up on her air of annoyance.

''Ugh, you have your friends, I have mine, okay?''

No response.

''Are you actually angry at me, or are you just trying to...'make me a better person'?''

''I wish you couldn't read me so well!'' 

Draco sighing in relief upon hearing (Y/N)'s familiar, happier tone. ''It's the latter, isn't it?'' 

''Yes, but do try and be nicer. Honestly, I feel like a bad person just being near you.''

She gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek, as if proving she was still a relatively 'good girl' and this was quickly followed by a more passionate lip kiss.

Both smirked at each other.

They were both bad in their own ways, they supposed...


(Y/N) did a double take as they approached the carriages to school.

As she'd very much gotten over her experiences as much as she could, she'd completely forgotten that this was a side effect of seeing death.

  (Y/N) could see Thestrals.

''(Y/N), you're doing that face again. Do carriages make you cry now?'' Draco said, smiling lightly.

 ''No, I'm fine,'' she said, laughing a little, ''I'm just seeing magical creatures, you know, the usual.''

''What are you on—''


Trixie and Opal had gotten onto one of the carriages, and Trixie's words were the only things that alerted them that it was leaving. 

Pansy was having a meltdown.

Opal made a point of doing that signature, sickly smile as she departed. Trixie was silently apologising profusely to (Y/N). 

''God, she's actually the worst person to have ever been to this school, I swear.'' Muttered (Y/N), honestly quite angry. 

Pansy laughed back.

Pansy laughed.

''You know what? I actually agree with you for once, furball.''

''Thanks, pug-face.'' 

For the first time in, well, ever, (Y/N) actually saw Pansy smile at her. 

Draco, Crabbe and Goyle felt as if they were watching a predator hunt along with its usual prey. ''She's a Slytherin too, right? Seventh year or so?'' asked Pansy, uncharacteristically innocently.

''If she was in her third when she did that article...yes, that's about right.'' 

Pansy actually held her hand out to (Y/N).

Was this actually Pansy Parkinson and (Y/N) Silverlie here? ''I suppose I'll bear you if you help me get her back for stealing my spot. Do you accept, fur- (Y/N)?''

''I suppose I do, Pug- Pansy.''

The two girls actually boarded the next carriage together, all smiles...

''Right, this is weird,'' said Draco as he followed them into the carriage, ''(Y/N), you hate Pansy. Pansy, you hate (Y/N).''

(Y/N) shrugged; ''Common goals bring people together, I guess.''

Draco, Crabbe and Goyle still weren't convinced; and (Y/N) and Pansy's very forced 'nice' conversation wasn't helping, either. Soon enough, they were at school; and to Draco's complete bewilderment...

(Y/N) and Pansy walked to the castle together.

''What spell have you got on her, Draco?'' asked Goyle, obviously trying to make sense of...this. ''You think I caused this? No! This is because that stupid girl came back, and now she's going to be all friendly with Pansy for some reason! I'm as confused as you are!'' 


Everyone was gathered in the hall; and, for the first time in her entire life, (Y/N) was sitting amongst Draco's friends.

Sitting amongst fellow Purebloods.

Opal, however, had lost her smug expression; in fact, she looked rather timid and scared as she anxiously eyed the Hufflepuff table. 

She'd caught both (Y/N) and Pansy's vicious eyes more than once, and she honestly looked as if she was about to break down. 

The Sorting Ceremony was just as it always was, and then came the speech to open the year.

And the new Defence against the Dark Arts teacher.

''Please welcome our new Defence against the Dark Arts teacher, Dolores Umbridge.''

(Y/N)'s breath hitched; she'd realised something.

Opal was Hornsby-Umbridge, and she always said her aunt worked for the Ministry...

Their similar hair, demeanour and faces gave (Y/N) the last scrap of evidence she needed.

This woman was Opal's aunt.

She was too bewildered to clap at all.

''Now, Mr. Filch asked me to remind you all that-''

Umbridge made a strange noise, and Opal's misty mint eyes were focused on her, almost as if her presence was all that was stopping her from having some sort of panic attack right there.

The stupid woman then stood almost right next to Dumbledore. 

''Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all of your bright, happy faces smiling up at me.'' She said, her voice as sickly sweet as the one Opal had had towards (Y/N) all the way back in her first year. 

No-one smiled; Opal was shaking, and Trixie looking over more and more. 

Pansy kept glaring at both of them, and even (Y/N) did a few times.

She refused to forgive Opal without an absolutely spectacular reason.

 ''I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends. The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved. Perfect what can be perfected. And stop practises that ought to be...'' she paused, ''Prohibited.'' 

Her little chuckle made (Y/N)'s skin crawl; but Opal and Trixie clapped. 

''That's Opal's aunt, I just know it is!'' (Y/N) whispered, to no one in particular. 

''Well, she seems better than her selfish ass is.'' Replied Pansy.

''Perhaps she'll finally improve this school; it really is going downhill.'' Said Draco.

(Y/N) didn't say anything; she didn't want to make assumptions, but god, if this woman's vibes were audible...

They'd just scream danger.


A week or so later, and Pansy had already turned on (Y/N) again; instead, she was lapping up Opal's every word. 

As were a lot of the girls, actually.

 She still seemed to have her exceptional talent with words, and she had everyone but (Y/N) and Draco treating her like a princess within days.

Pansy was practically her best friend now.

 ''None of us like (Y/N) Silverlie either!'' said one.

''Yeah, you basically brought her down from that stupid cloud she was on singlehandedly.'' 

Said another.But these words fell on deaf ears; Opal wasn't replying.

Pansy was avidly trying to speak to her, but she instead walked to her room in silence, notebook under her arm.

She never actually spoke to anyone very much,  and when she did, (Y/N) could hear the anxiety creeping into her voice in the form of pauses and stuttering; it was like she'd come back as a different person.

All she ever did was shake and cough; and, through the grape vine, (Y/N) heard she was almost always in the Hospital Wing.

''Rumour has it she's cursed, and she's got some weird Muggle mental thing,'' was the first comment she heard.

No-one was convinced; but then again, no-one had time to do anything to prove it.

OWLs were coming up, and (Y/N) was beginning to see why Opal was such a bitch.

She probably would be too, if she was raised by Umbridge.

Defence against the Dark Arts with her was nothing short of torture. 

Harry got detention in the first lesson; and it took all of (Y/N)'s strength to not join in with him, perhaps get herself a detention for 'lying'.

''Study hard and you will be rewarded,'' she'd say, ''Fail and the consequences will be severe.''

They couldn't possibly be more severe than this lesson was. 

The books she handed out weren't very different to the 'Potions for Pre-Wand Wizards'' book a boy she went to Nursery with had. 

Draco stared completely pointlessly at the book, and (Y/N) tried to do the same; perhaps if she imagined that this was Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them instead...

''There aren't any defensive spells in here!'' said Hermione. 

Thank Merlin someone was confident enough to state the obvious!

''In my class, you will not be using magic. There's no need,'' said Umbridge, ''You will learn how to defend yourself in a risk free way.'' 

Never before in her life had (Y/N) wanted to break a desk, but if this wannabe sweetheart grandma didn't shut up...

''But if we're attacked, it won't be risk free?'' Harry half asked, half yelled. 

(Y/N) felt like she was absorbing every bit of his anger. 

If she didn't learn defensive spells, she could die. 

She could lose people. 

More people...

 Umbridge gave Harry a look that just screamed 'you have one last warning' crossed with 'is this child mental?' 

''Who would want to attack children such as yourselves?'' 

And that was the point (Y/N) was fairly sure she felt the majority of her brain die. She slumped forward on the desk; she honestly couldn't care less if Umbridge yelled at her too.

''Oh, I don't know, maybe...'' Harry paused, ''Lord Voldemort?'' 

That was the moment everything began to hit the fan. 

''(Y/N), wake up, this lesson is finally getting interesting!'' whispered Draco.(Y/N) shook her head; ''I'm busy thinking of the hundreds of other things I could be doing right now.'' 

''Oh, you're weird.'' (Y/N) gave a tiny thumbs up, ''I know.'' 

''You are told that a certain dark wizard is, again, at large,'' Umbridge said, her voice actually beginning to hurt (Y/N)'s ears, ''This. Is. A. Lie.'' 

''Merlin, is this woman completely dense?'' (Y/N) mumbled to herself, being careful not to let Draco hear. 

''It's not a lie!'' retorted Harry. 

''Detention, Mr. Potter!'' Umbridge exclaimed, obviously trying to shut down Harry's argument; it failed. 

''So you're saying Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord?'' Harry shot back. (Y/N) could feel the anger resonating from both parties, and soon, they'd both explode; it was just a waiting game to see who went first. 

''Cedric's death was a tragic accident!'' 

''No it wasn't! Voldemort killed him! I saw it with my own eyes!'' Harry exclaimed, at the end of his tether by this point. 

''ENOUGH!'' Shrieked Umbridge, causing (Y/N) to sit up almost fully and the class to go silent.

The silence was, in short, deafening.

''See me after class, Mr. Potter.'' She said, walking back to the front of the class.

''And Miss Silverlie, please, come and visit me as soon as Mr. Potter is done.'' 

Shoot. She thought she'd have gotten away with almost sleeping the whole time.


''You hardly did anything, compared to Potter!'' exclaimed Draco, as soon as they were out of earshot of Umbridge. 

''Perhaps Opal's been saying things about me,'' (Y/N) laughed, ''as she does love me ever so much.''

Draco didn't smile back; he'd actually had an experience with her bitchiness first hand now, and well, he felt terrible for letting (Y/N) get ensnared in her trap. 

''Merlin, no wonder she clicked with Pansy. They're both stupid and have attachment issues.'' He did smile that time.

And on cue, Opal herself shuffled past, coughing again, and looking as if she'd just recovered from fainting. 

 ''I bet it's just a stupid Muggle illness...'' Mumbled Draco, under his breath. 

Whatever it was, it was making Opal seem like a troubled little angel.

And if that continued...

Well, this year was not going to be fun.

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