Bitten But Alive (The Walking...

By chibicandimei

1M 30.3K 17.8K

When it all began, you,being one of the best soldiers,helped get as many people as you could out of multiple... More



10.5K 364 127
By chibicandimei

Why Do I Keep Sleeping? Part:2


Photo Cred: it's on the image,I'm too lazy


( Andrea POV )

Looking at Dale, I saw him open his mouth to speak, but I interrupted him. "I know I didn't mean to, but I was aiming to kill what I thought was a walker... I could have blown her brains out.... I-I could have killed Y/N..."

I heard him sigh as I faced away from him to look back at the ground,my hands tightly clenched together,the sound of his footsteps made me look over to see him sit himself right next to me on the porch steps,"Don't be too hard on yourself, you aimed at Daryl and we've all wanted to shoot Daryl."

I let out a small laugh as I looked over at him with a smile on my face,he easily matched my smile as he looked at me,"Do ou think Y/N will forgive me for this?"

He waved off my question as he stared forward at the last bits of glow coming from the lowering sun,the one thing that still looks so peaceful during this,"I wouldn't be too worried about Y/N, now Daryl and Shane,"he let out a laugh and moved his focus to me. "Those two I'd try to avoid for a day or so."

I laughed completely at that comment,"as long as Y/N doesn't hate me Daryl and Shane can bitch at me all they want."

( Your POV )


God this bed is so uncomfortable....

I moved my arms in an attempt to get comfy but while doing that something slipped off the bed and hit the floor with a loud clang,the noise echoed around the room and I sat up in shock.That was a mistake as I banged my head against the bed above me and fell back with my hands rubbing my forehead,"Fuck!"

A laugh suddenly erupted from the front of the room,I froze in shock before slowly moving my eyes up only to come face to face with,"Sergeant Major?"

He busted out laughing again causing me to glare at him but unknown to me my cheeks began to burn from the embarrassment,once he stopped laughing he leaned against the wall and crossed him arms over his chest,"You never cease to entertain me kid."

I stopped glaring at him and just raised an eyebrow,"You're not that much older than me."

"So ten years between us isn't a lot?"

I rolled my eyes,"Fine then you old man-"

He straightened up and tensed at me calling him that,"Don't,"he growled out before realizing what he had done and quickly apologizing for sounding so aggressive,that's strange,he never apologizes for shit like this.Unless..

With observant eyes now roaming his body I slipped out of the uncomfortable bed ,more carefully this time so I wouldn't give myself a fucking concussion, and slowly made my way over to him to which he quietly watched every single movement I made."Umm, Y/N what are you doing?"

I didn't answer and just walked closer until I stood right in front of him to the point that he had to look down at me and I had to look completely up, he lightly blushed ready to question my actions again when I suddenly shoved my hand against his side causing him to yell.He instantly grabbed my hand and pulled it away from his now bleeding side,"Why the fuck would you do that!?"

I scoffed as I pulled my arm away from him and turned to get my shoes on as well as a proper shirt and pants,"Just because you don't feel the need to get your wounds treated doesn't mean I give a shit what you think,besides whenever your injured your more angry."I slipped off the white spaghetti strap shirt I had on before tugging on a long sleeve black one,turning around I sent a smirk to his blushing face,"you're an open book SM."

He glared,"Quit calling me that would you."

I sat on the edge of the bed as I tugged on my boots,"Hmm,if you stop hiding you injuries,"I looked up and sent him wink before focusing back on my shoes,"then yes."


I shrugged and slammed my hands onto my thighs before standing up and walking over to him,"Then SM, the nickname shall live on." He sighed in annoyance that caused me to laugh before I placed both of my hands on his chest and looked up at him with my chin resting against his chest,"Aww come on,don't be an ass."

I pulled him into a hug and I didn't let go until I felt him sigh before curling his arms around me resting his head on top of my head,now that isn't so hard huh sergeant major. With a smile on my face I spoke,my breath pushing against his shirt,"Thank you SM."

"You brat."

I pulled away from him out of random,this surprised him long enough for me to jump up and swiftly kiss him on the cheek before rushing over to the door,"Don't deny that you love it sergeant major,"with another wink I ran out the door. I began to laugh loudly as he yelled my name in anger before rushing after me.


I slowly opened my eyes,expecting to wake up to SM's glare but instead I saw that I was laying on top of someone,judging by the fact that my hand was on their chest I figured it was a man,with a small yawn I looked up to see Daryl sleeping peacefully,that's a first, this man is almost never at peace. With a sigh I pulled myself away from his side and rolled myself off the bed,my eyes were casted to the floor as I remembered what I had been dreaming about,"Sergeant Major,please still be well." Please have found someone to treat your wounds when I couldn't..

I walked over to the door to pull it open when it was suddenly pulled open and away room my hands,I know that smell, looking up I was met by a mixture of anger but worry in this mans brown eyes." Y/N,"I was pulled forward into a tight hug,"thank god you ok."

My brain was still fuzzy from my dream causing the only to come out of my mouth being a question,and a name,"Shane?"

Lol ok,now for real I'll be gone for a week

and again if this little short seems rushed

it is dummy :D


Also if you care about me spelling sh*t wrong half the time, read this ->

E/N: Hello!

Yo! I'm Tabitha, but please, call me Tabby! I'm the new editor for this story! Nothing will really change in the story, I'll just be fixing grammar and clearing up any confusing words to make them easier for you guys to understand! I'll be going back and fixing all the chapters, hopefully I'll be done by the end of the week. Please remember I'm NOT an author. All rights to this book go to CKS and The Walking Dead belongs to its original creators! Hope you guys enjoy the book! Bye-Bye!

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