The Originals: Forgotten

By Lilly-JoElliott

593K 12.9K 3.5K

"I'm Aria Mikaelson, pleasure to meet me I know." She smirked. "Cocky much?" He laughed, eyes shining with am... More

Arrival of the Original
Allies. Enemies. Cheese balls...
The Curse is broken
Dead but by magic she comes back as a unicorn!
What a depressing sacrifice
The be or not to be different I choose...
This sexy Original has Changed
Why must you talk to me?
Torture, how fun.
Bickering about me? You shouldn't have.
Humananity switch, bitch.
Weirdness comes in twos.
Dream schemes
Break out
The Plan
Story telling and Papa Original
The day of tears, memories and taco's.
Betrayal and Homecoming deaths.
Its about time Elena dies, isn't it?
One on one time
Bitches be hatin' cause I am.
Coffins above all plus a mother...
I'm skilled in the art of dyeing
An Originals path of death
We're all linked somehow
I must say, heroic actions aren't my forte
Mortality issues, apparently.
I'd rather kill him mate.
Sired Sired you are Sired.
There is no sanity.
Burn. Baby... Burn.
Eenie Meenie Miney Hoe

Whats the best way to serve a slaughter eh?

13.7K 308 64
By Lilly-JoElliott

Third Person's POV

Just after Aria had ended the phone call to both Elijah and Kol, confirming the link was broken, an unbearable sharp pain erupted in her chest, she gasped loudly, doubling over in shock, it felt as if red hot coals had been placed on her heart. Almost instantly she realised what it meant.

One of her siblings had been killed.

A flicker of a memory - from someone else - had appeared in her head and she let out a cry of grief, Finn! Her eyes stung with agony, grasping at the now reality that she'd never be able to see him, she felt robbed of his time, spending only a century instead of a full thousand years as she basically had with her other siblings.

Rage boiled over almost instanty afterwards, starting in her lower stomach then flowing through her veins, the grieving Original shook and with her movements, it seemed the world copied. The ground beneath her feet shook violently with her, it went on for kilometres, covering Mystic Falls entirely.

Klaus had just run into the room where she stood, but before he could ask why Aria was expressing such actions, the youngest Original disappeared from the house. Even with Klaus's immense advantage as a Hybrid, being able to catch any creature on the entire earth, he found it hard to keep track of his raging sisters movements. Fueled by burning anger, sorrow and several other emotions she couldn't register, Aria moved at an incredible speed, her spell guiding her to where her brother had only just been staked moments ago.

Aria had gone through all this in a matter in mere seconds.

The Original stopped at the top of the stairs that lead to the back door of the Mystic Grill. Aria clenched her fists in an dangerously hard way, resisting the fueling urge to wail and break down into but a shell of her normal personality. Sage sobbed uncontrollably as she slid back on the stairs, watching through her tears as the love of her entire life became engulfed in flames.

Aria's eyes blurred as more tears made themselves known, but she made no move to wipe them away. The Original stepped down the stairs, her eyes never leaving her brothers burning, grey body. It briefly reminded her of the time she and Klaus killed Mikael.

"Sage." Aria's voice was low, but there was undying rage and anguish hidden below the surface.

Sages head snapped up, her sobs, raking through her body. "T-They killed him." She cried, her tears falling from her cheeks.

Aria appeared in front of the old Vampire, only just controlling the urge to burn the entire town. Of course, the ground still shook, but neither Sage nor Aria noticed, that and the cry's of the humans running about inside the Grill.

"Get up." Her words trembled with emotion. Sage rose shakily to her feet, looking at the Original. "Do you have someone you can trust. Answer quickly."

Sage nodded, her lower lip trembled as she glanced at Finn's burning body once more. "T-Troy. I turned him."

"Get Troy, and go and take revenge." She spat, stepping closer to her, "I want you to rip, every last limb from their bodies, crush every bone, splatter every ounce of blood within their veins. Do it quickly, we haven't enough time." Aria grabbed the woman's shoulder tightly, but not enough to cause her harm. "Leave none alive whom are responsible, because if you do, I will inflict unmerciful pain on all those innocent and guilty, you know who is behind this. Kill them, Sage. Kill them all!"

Sage nodded, her tears stopped, the old Vampire had a task to do, given by the younger sibling of the only man she'd ever loved, the only one out of his family to be totally at ease with her love for Finn, Sage was going to grab Troy and kill the Salvatore's and all humans in on it. She'd start with Stefan first.

"I'll do it." She confirmed.

"Leave," Aria commanded, "I'll take care of him."

With a mournful glance at her fallen lover, Sage disappeared from sight, intent on the task that had instantly grabbed at her attention. She was going to Troy first, but then it'd be the Salvatore's.

Aria stared at Finn. The burning fire was starting to fade, only then did she realise that it had been a mere minute and a half since he'd been alive, walking this ground. Come to think of it, she realised that her body and the ground, was still shaking. Aria could hear distant cry's of men and women as they stumbled and tried to find cover from loose objects that fell and crashed all around them.


Elena and Matt had been, in a mad rush, driving to the Gilbert's residence, as they had stumbled out of the car and slammed the door shut, it had occurred to them that this wasn't a normal, random, earthquake. Earthquakes usually, after a few minutes at the most, ended, perhaps an aftershock, but it had never gone like this, this 'earthquake' felt sort of... Unnatural.

"What do you think is causing it?" Matt asked, as they tried to seek cover under Elena's table. The walls shook, glasses and pictures hanging from the wall crashed onto the ground, her windows were barely holding in place.

"This doesn't feel right." Elena answered, shaking her head. It was uncomfortable under the table, they hadn't even had the chance to turn the lights on, not that it would probably work anyway. "We don't get earthquakes here, not ever."

"First time for everything Elena."

"I'm not sure about you, but this started happening just after Finn was staked."

"Must be the link." Matt suggested, "didn't you say that Aria was a Witch? As well as being a Werewolf and Vampire? Maybe when something that powerful dies, something like this happens."

Elena shook her head, "not that I'm an expert, but this should of stopped by now at least." Elena sighed, she didn't feel particularly cheerful that they had picked specifically the Original that hadn't done anything to them, sure he was intimidating in that, old fashioned, intense way, but Finn had never done anything to harm or threaten them at all and not to mention that she still felt bad about Elijah having to die, regardless of how he'd used her earlier in the week.

Matt went to say something but his phone rang, its sound pierced through the rather loud and rough noise the house was making as it tried to withhold the unnatural occurrence. "It's Bonnie."

Elena nodded, her phone had gone flat trying to ring her, at least she finally got back to them. Matt answered the phone, holding it close to his ear as he listened to what she was saying. Matt's head snapped up and even in the darkness, Elena could see his face pale.

"What is it?" She whispered, looking uncertainly between her friend and his phone.

"Bonnie was held by Klaus all day," he started, "he made her unlink them. Elena, Klaus is still alive."

Elena's breath caught in her throat. They had killed Finn, for nothing. "We have to go to the Boarding house," she said quickly.


Klaus arrived a minute after Sage had gone. His breathing hitched momentarily when he realised the burnt figure across from his sister, who was sagging against the wall behind her. Klaus knew that Finn and his lover had come to the Grill, and only one small group of people in this entire earth could make his sister like this. She stared vacantly, looking a little past the body.

Klaus saw the grief on her face, but her eyes were hazy, like she was re-living a past memory. He himself felt sadness grip at his heart a little. When they were human, Finn and the rest of his siblings were all close, they loved each other and showed it clearly. As young children, the seven of them played as frequently as time aloud, evading their father and playing in amongst the trees.

After being turned into a Vampire however, Finn receded the close connection a little, it gradually grew as he became more virtuous and judgmental about their immortality and new chosen life-style. Klaus and Finn no longer connected and that century blemished any real love for his old brother. Sure, there was a little, being family made that, but Klaus did not feel so torn when he realised Finn was laying there, dead, unlike the unnerving emptiness in his chest when Aria had died.

Besides, Finn had tried to kill all of them with his suicidal mission, Klaus would be a little moody about the death of his brother, he'd make those responsible pay of course, no one harms a Mikaelson and lives, but not out of mourning, out of the concept that Finn, no matter what, was his still older brother.

"Come Aria," Klaus muttered, he bent and picked up the charred, foul smelling body and put it over his shoulder, Klaus decided that there was another reason as to why he'd seek out those responsible, because Aria was mourning and he'd do anything to help her as her older brother should. "It's time we left this place, before people realise there's an awful smell coming from out here. Thats a good girl." He encouraged as she finally started moving her feet, following beside him.

"Should probably stop the shaking." She muttered to herself, without having to move any muscle that she didn't need, the shaking suddenly stopped, like it was never there at all.


Stefan walked into the the Mikaelson mansion, carrying the black duffel bag, filled with the white oak stakes they'd carved from the old Mystic Falls sign. The only weapons on the earth that could kill an Original and as Stefan, Elena and Caroline witnessed earlier when Sage and Troy died, if their enemy perished, so would they.

The youngest Salvatore sighed, seeing what bad condition his brother was in. "This was..." Damon started airily, "much different in my head."

"Klaus!" Stefan called loudly, not that it was needed. "I'm here, lets do this."

"Oh good," Klaus smirked, walking in from the living room, Rebekah along side him. It occurred to Stefan that Aria, usually in the midst of all things dramatic - like this was about to be - was nowhere to be found. "A hero." Klaus spread his hands out, "what do you want."

Stefan dropped the bag in front of them, "I'm here to make a deal."

"Stefan what are you doing." Damon groaned, trying to keep his head up to watch them.

"Eight stakes, made of white oak. Part of Wickery Bridge that you forgot to burn." He stated. Klaus glanced at his sister, an annoyed look in his eyes.

"Thats impossible." Rebekah denied, she was sure she'd burnt every piece, no, she knew she did.

"Actually its not." Stefan replied, looking between the siblings. He failed to notice Aria entering the room from behind him. "Finn's dead."

"You killed my brother?" Rebekah inquired. Klaus glared at him, he had, after following Aria, discovered Finn's deceased body, which now layed in the coffin he'd spend most of his eternal life in. Not that Rebekah knew, but Klaus had only just come home before Stefan walked through the door, so he hadn't had the chance to tell her.

The Salvatore chose to ignore her, stating his terms for the deal. "Damon, in exchange for the last eight weapons on earth that can kill you."

"How do I know that there aren't any more left?" The Hybrid said suspiciously, he didn't trust Stefan.

"Because there aren't." He answered flatly.

"Lets be sure then, shall we?"

Stefan turned around and for the first time, he noticed Aria. She stood, lightly leaning against the groaning Damon. Her amused smirk was only a cover for the anger that was swelling inside her stomach, she was still angry about Finns run in with the stake. No thanks to the person in front of her.

Aria looked at Damon now, tilting her head slightly, "leave." She said to him.

"No," he answered.

Klaus came up beside his youngest sister, catching onto what she was planning. "Go on, leave," he encouraged, grinning. Stefan was briefly reminded of the time in Chicago when they'd finish each others sentences.

"Nik he's my play thing not yours." Rebekah pouted, she too caught on, it didn't mean that she wanted them to do it, the Original preferred if she toyed with him herself.

Aria suddenly grabbed Damon's neck and lower jaw, twisting it so that he was forced to look at her face. "Did you not hear him? Go, home." She compelled, her blue orbs dilating.

With a struggled sigh, Damon pulled at his restraints. The jagged ends of the bear traps dug into his flesh, ripping into his wrists, his groans became louder as his attempt continued, Stefan winced as he watched this proceed.

"Alright, alright stop," Aria grinned. "Before you hurt yourself."

Klaus chuckled lightly, enjoying the pain Damon had just gone through. "Well, as we just witnessed, it seems he can finally be compelled." Aria stood back to let Klaus get closer to the young Vampire. He avoided the puddle of blood at Damon's feet. Klaus grabbed his neck, to get him to look into his eyes. "Minus the stake that's in my brother, how many others are out there that can kill me and my family."

With yet another groan, Damon answered him, having no choice in the matter. The Vervain he'd been drinking had long since left his system. "Eleven," he whispered.

"Eleven." Aria mused, she turned to Stefan, raising her eyebrows. "So not eight then."

"You really shouldn't have lied." Rebekah sighed, as if disappointed in him.

"I'll get you the other three." He said.

"Yeah that'd be nice," Klaus answered, "or then again, since you lied I could compel your brother to chew out his own tongue."

"What is wrong with you." Stefan growled.

"What is wrong with you!" Klaus repeated. "Have you really no appreciation for me. I have given you someone to loath, to hate, a target!" He spat, "for all your anger, so you don't have to turn it on yourself. I have given your life a purpose," Klaus stepped close to him, "as your friend." Klaus then walked past him, an amused laugh escaping his lips, "I really think you should be thanking me."

"Enough!" Stefan growled, with Vampirific speed, he grabbed one of the three remaining stakes that they had kept, hidden inside his jacket and ran at Klaus, intent on killing him, even if it mean't his death an hour afterwards.

Before he got that far though, Aria had pinned him to one of the pillars. Her left hand holding his neck tightly, holding him a little above the ground whilst she held Stefan's wrist to prevent any further movement of the white oak stake that he held. "There's enough of that, sweetheart."

Stefan struggled in her grasp, although it was a pointless attempt, considering the immense age difference between the most powerful being on earth and a mere century and a half year old Vampire young-ling.

"Step down, Stefan." Klaus stated, coming to stand beside Aria, "or you both die." After a few more moments of struggling, the Salvatore stopped. Klaus took the stake from his grasp before the Original let go of him. "There, now you only have to get me the other two."

"Oh this is ridiculous." Rebekah sighed, she turned and unleashed one of the bear traps from Damon's hands.

"What are you doing," Klaus asked, watching her release the other restraint. Damon fell to his knees, the loss of blood had made him weak, barely keeping consciousness.

"I brought him here, I get to release him." She answered, "My rules now." Facing Stefan, Rebekah gestured to his brother. "Bring us the stakes and you both live. Take your brother as a sign of good faith." With that, she walked out of the foyer, going toward the living room.

After a moment, Klaus and Aria followed, grabbing the bag from the floor. As Klaus passed Stefan he said, "bring us the stakes. All of them, or I'll rage a war against everyone you love."

"I hope he made that clear." Aria mused, following him out the room.


Arianna's POV

I pulled a wooden bat out of Kol's back and sighed, the broken wood had punctured his heart, leaving him temporarily dead, of course, he'd have woken up on his own, but I decided I'd quicken it up a little. I looked around, noticing my surroundings, we were obviously in Denver, where Kol had been residing recently to pretend to be Jeremy's friend, but it seemed Damon and Elena decided they'd end that fake relationship for him.

A couple had stumbled upon him a few moments before I showed up so I had to compel them to forget anything. Of course, I wouldn't of cared less of their emotional trauma, but Elijah had always bugged me about keeping the presence of Vampires a secret from the petty mortals all around us and besides, if they'd stayed any longer, their increased blood pressure would've persuaded me to rip their jongular's out, having not eaten in a while.

Kol's lifeless, grey, body returned to its original colour. After a few minutes, he groaned, letting the air fill his lungs. As he stood, Kol cursed several different ways to kill Damon Salvatore. "Going out on a limb here and saying that Damon did this?" I inquired, lifting the broken bat in my left hand in gesture.

"Aria," he muttered, registering my presence, he glanced at the bat, "yes, he did." Kol turned and walked to the sports equipment holder and pulled out a stainless steel silver bat from the others, swinging it around, probably testing its capacity to harm people. Kol glanced at me briefly as he turned back to look among some of the other various bats. "Why am I not surprised that your here."

"That's probably because your not." I said flatly, shaking my head, "do I have to tell you this amount of times for you to remember about that protection spell I put on our siblings for the last six and a half-ish centuries? I sensed you being killed so I ran from Mystic Falls to here. In a matter of minutes, by the way." I shrugged, giving him a pointed look. "Whats with the bat?"

I had already guessed why he had the silver one, but why did he grab the wooden one?

He held up the wooden one, a smirk forming on his lips, "oh this?" He mused, "this one's for Mary."

"Who?" I frowned, "no Mary's here... Oh." I drawled, distaste seeping into my words as I realised whom exactly he was talking about, after all, she's been in this place for years, I'd made sure of that. "Your talking about that, Mary."

Kol nodded. "Yes, I think its about time we payed little old Mary a visit."

"That's why Damon's here." I stated, "they must of found Rose. Mary, if I recall correctly, had willingly turned all our followers in the fifth century. Which included Rose as well. Remind me to kill Rose." I muttered darkly.

"Lets go, no doubt they'll find her location soon enough." Kol mused.

"Give me the wooden bat," I said, putting out my hand as we started toward the car Kol had been using, "I've waited centuries to kill that wrench."

Kol rolled his eyes and handed it to me, "you and your jealousies."

"Wasn't jealous." I snapped shortly.

"Obviously not," he whispered, shaking his head at me. I glared at him, my grip on the bat tightened, sending splintering cracks up the handle. Stupid useless piece of wood, I thought angrily, slamming the door as I got into Kols car, you'll meet your equal when I plunge you into Mary's heart.


A smirk touched at my lips when I heard the arrival a certain small group of people. Damon, Elena and Jeremy's voices reached our ears as they got out of their car.

"Looks like the party's started." Kol mused, keeping his voice low.

I looked at Mary, her greyed body pinned to the wall with my wooden bat in her chest. Even though it was now the twenty-first century, she wore a gown usually worn by women intended for bed in the fourteenth century at the least. Now, her blood covered most of it, at lest her hair was ok, if not a little messy, strawberry blonde, a little frizzy, roughly cut fringe...

"So who is this Mary?" I heard Elena ask.

"Vampire hoarders... Scary Mary, really old."

"And how do you know her?" She paused, "of course." I assumed Damon had made a gesture or a face, making her realise that he'd slept with her.

I turned to Kol briefly before purposely pushing a stack of old papers and books over, attracting the attention of the two, like I'd aimed for. Their footsteps echoed lightly before Damon eased the door open. Before they saw me, I moved to the side, standing beside Kol who sat in one of the old chairs.

Elena's torchlight hit Mary's body. Damon sighed, obviously dissapointed that their lead had died, "Mary."

I turned the dull light on with a flick of my wrist. "Quite contrary." I mused, I couldn't help it, Damon had left an opening. Kol smirked, the aluminum bat sat over his left shoulder easily, he'd been playing with his daylight ring as they'd entered the room, after all, I had killed Mary a while ago. I mean come on, she was only six centuries old.

Kol got up, arching around the two and coming to stand in front of Mary, I just stayed put, leaning against the back of the arm chair. "Shame about Mary," Kol sighed, "she used to be a blast. I don't quite know what happened, I think all that time spent with my family might have ruined her. She was a bit of an Original groupe." He shrugged, looking at the two.

"And were you her favourite?" Elena inquired.

"You mean did I turn her? You know, I think I did." He taunted, "oh wait, maybe it was Rebekah. There was also a Klaus period."

"And lets not forget the Elijah affair." I added, "then again, I'm pretty sure I may of turned her, didn't like the attention she was getting as a human you see."

"I know your trying to find out who your descended from." Kol stated, he glanced a Mary again. "Now you never will... Now," he tapped the end of the bat on the ground a few times, "where did we leave off?" Kol grinned, he moved forward at inhuman speed, hitting his bat against Damon's legs, sending him sprawling to the ground, he hit the arms next, purposely hitting them upwards, snapping the bones in two places.

"Elena," Damon groaned, "get out of here."

She went to run out the door that they'd come in from, but Kol appeared in front of her. "According to my brother, your off limits. Please don't test me." He pushed her into the side of the bed, knocking the edge of her top left eyebrow in the process. The scent of her blood filled the air, not that I was attracted to it, that's just... Ew.

Damon grabbed Kol by the neck, "don't touch her." He growled.

Kol easily overpowered the Vampire, pushing him into the wall opposite them. "Oh dear, I've hit a nerve." He grinned, glancing at me, I put my thumbs up, a pleasant smile on my face, we'd talked in the car about this earlier, I was to let him have his chance to get even with Damon. "Relax darling, I just want us to be even. You snapped my neck, you killed my brother, then you humiliated me."

I hissed, as he mentioned Finns death, Elena had just stood up again when she jumped from the sudden noise I'd made.

Kol smashed the bat down on Damon's back three more times, for each one he mentioned. "There, now we're even." Kol threw the bat to the side, "come along Aria."


Nik was painting again. I wasn't particularly sure what it was yet, but after watching him for over a few hours, I was still as clueless, but I always liked that. Plus, he wanted to surprise me, so before the very moment it'd be finished, it would be a mystery. He'd started with the colours of the sunset, and as that dried, he'd gone over most of it with a wave of dark blues and blacks.

I may of not known what it was yet, but I did like the look of it. "I'm not sure what it is yet, but I really like it Nik."

Nik dipped the brush back into the colour again, "glad to hear it little sister." I grinned in response.

Neither of us turned when Rebekah walked in behind us, but she was in my peripheral vision. Something wasn't right, I thought. I turned a little in my seat, staring at her, I knew she wore darker clothes, but she would never wear black clothing and a black coat over the top of it. Never.

"What took you so long." Nik asked, still concentrating on the painting.

"Alaric wouldn't hand over the stake." She answered, she stepped down into the room, holding up the stake. "Luckily I'm quite the charmer."

Nik smiled, glad to see the last item that could kill us in our grasp, "that's it."

"The last of the white oak stakes that can kill us." She said, stopping just a few feet away from him. She put it out for him to take it if he pleased, "do you want to do the honour or shall I?"

"I'll do it." I stated, appearing beside her. I grabbed the stake and threw it in the fire, Rebekah smiled, turning to leave the room once more, "thats that then." She muttered.

Nik smirked, turning back to the painting again, curving his brush in an arch. "Pack your bags. We're leaving," Nik said.

"Today?" She asked, not yet turning around.

"Why not? There's nothing keeping us here. We'll grab the Doppelganger and be off by sunset." Nik answered, adding another touch of the dark blue over the black he'd only just put on, mixing the colours together. I always liked watching him use oil paints, it was fascinating.

Rebekah turned around. "But tonight's the decade dance." She frowned slightly.

"So?" I mused, scrunching up my nose. She had no way in knowing that I was testing her, since her unusual clothes change, I was on my guard. Rebekah was way to stubborn to just, change.

"But I'm," she paused, it was only for a second but I had already noticed, "head of the committee. We have to go."

Wrong, Caroline was head of the committee. I didn't go to school nor have I ever found the concept of going interesting, but I know from the amount of times I've heard Rebekah going on about how she wanted Carolines life; to be head cheer-leader, being head of the committee, having a boyfriend and being the most popular or something, I knew for a fact that Rebekah hadn't achieved any of them yet.

"I'm not going to any dance." Nik answered, glancing at her.

"Caroline will be there." She pressed.

"That means nothing to me."

"Please?" She pouted a little, "I have big plans for tonight, just go for me?"

Nik put down his brush once more, stepping closer to her. For a few moments he remained silent, until he sighed, rolling his eyes Nik let a slight smile appear on his face, "ok fine. One last hurrah."

Rebekah smiled, but to me, it didn't seem... Right. "One last hurrah Nik."

"Yeah, uh I'm not going." I stated, my tone implying that there wasn't any way to make me go. "I'm going to my room and eating my storage of chocolate. Don't bother me unless the worlds ending."


I had been engrossed in watching my Lord of the Rings marathon, of course, I was only up to the second one, my favourite part out of all of then hadn't come yet, where Legolas and the Dwarf were in a drinking contest but unfortunately, someone had found it obviously amusing to ring me during this time. Growling, I yanked my phone from its plug and answered. "What!"

"Easy love, no need to bite my head off."

"Niklaus, what have I told you about interrupting my happy time! Shouldn't you be off stealing Tyler's girlfriend?"

"Your on full name basis with me? Must of really annoyed you." He mused.

"I'll hang up!" I threatened.

"Okay fine, long story short, Esther's back and she's trapped us within the school grounds."

"Doesn't sound like the worlds ending." I commented. Earlier in the day, I had said not for anyone to interrupt me unless the world was coming to an end. Regardless of the fact I didn't want to leave the comfort of my bed, I quickly slipped on a pair of black converses, not bothering to tie them up. Usually, I'd get dressed instead of leaving with only my boxers and an oversized grey jumper on, but it was Esther, no doubt she was planning something petty but catastrophic.

"She's in the place where she died, its a hot-spot that allows her to have enough power to keep us here."

"The things I do for you." I mumbled, "I'll come for you in a moment."

Using my speed, I ran to where our home used to be a thousand years ago, it seemed like I arrived just in time, Esther had her hands in the air, controlling the weapons Matt and Jeremy held, to point at each other instead of her with Elena begging her to stop. Without any of them noticing Alaric come out, I appeared in front of him, grabbed the stake in his hands and turned around, stabbing the stake up into her back, piercing her heart with the blow. She cried out but fell limb, falling to the ground as I pulled the stake from her back.

The magic released its hold on Jeremy and Matts weapons, letting them have control over them once more. Elena stood wide eyed, looking down at the body and then to me.

"Seems I have a nack at arriving just in time eh?" I smirked, I let the stake fall to the ground before dissapearing, heading toward the school.


Third Person's POV

Klaus waited at the edge of the boundry lined with salt, Stefan was pacing behind him. The humans had gone some time ago and Bonnie was busy trying to break the spell. After ringing his sister, all he had to do was wait until she arrived, then everything would return as it was.

"This is all your fault you know," Klaus said, he turned to look at Stefan as he spoke, "when you and your friends released my mother. I wonder if revenge would prove worth the cost."

"Yeah I'm done with, revenge." Stefan answered. "And as far as Esther? We've stopped her before, we'll stop her again."

"You know this dance reminds me about our time in the twenty's." He said, changing the topic. "Such a blast we had."

"You say that like it was supposed to be good memories."

"Oh there were moments," the Original grinned, "real friendship, brotherhood, even."

"He already has a brother." Damon mused, walking down to the two of them, he'd been with Bonnie as she tried to over power Esthers magic. "Not to be, you know, territorial or anything."

Klaus's grin never wavered, "oh no of course not. The Salvatore's and their... Unshakable bond," he chuckled, a thought occuring to him, "but then again, I wonder what will happen when Elena finally makes her choice. Will you waver, just a little."

Bonnie's heels clicked as she came out of the school. "Esthers not fighting me anymore," she informed them, "but the spell she's cast over this place is strong, I'm not sure I'll be able to break it."

Klaus' eyes narrowed a little, "you best get started, or I'll start killing people you fancy."

"No need for that," Aria mused. The four turned to see The Original Hybrid standing there, in black boxer briefs an and oversized grey jumper, converses were loosely pulled over her feet and there was a little drizzle of blood on her left hand.

"Sister," Klaus grinned, "about time you showed up. Thought you'd have been here sooner."

"I made a de-tour," she explained, Aria looked at Bonnie, "the reason Esther is no longer fighting you is because I shoved a stake in her back," she held up her hand. "Fortunately my jumper wasn't stained."

"You killed your own mother?" She said, dispite what Esther was doing, Bonnie, after only recently having her mother run out on her for the second time, couldn't quite grasp the situation of the child killing their parent. The disgust in her voice wasn't hard to pick up.

"It was to save my brother." She answered smoothly, not at all sounding upset. "I'd do anything, and if that mean't killing the woman, then so be it." Klaus's smile grew, he was amused about Bonnie's reaction to what his sister had said. "Besides, if you think about it, regardless of the fact Mikael wasn't my actual father, I practically kill both my parents." Aria looked at Klaus and a knowing smile graced her perfect lips, "seems we've now both killed them."

Aria reached forward and grabbed Klaus's hand, pulling him from the boundary. The Original stepped over the line of salt and looked back at the Salvatore's, before the both of them disappeared without a trace.


"What the hell do you want?" Jeremy asked.

Klaus smiled at him, after Rebekah rushing home earlier today, explaining how Alaric had completed the transition and couldn't be killed, even with the white oak stake he had, Klaus increased his speed in getting ready to leave, he personally hadn't done it, his Hybrids did, but the Hybrid wasn't going to leave without Elena. Rebekah had already left, not wanting to wait around, Aria, of course, had opted in staying.

"Is that anyway to treat a guest?"

Stefan came beside Jeremy, "what do you want Klaus."

"Well Jeremy here can be a good sport and invite me inside."

"Why don't you go up to your room," Stefan said to Jeremy, standing in front of him he blocked most of Klaus's view of Jeremy.

Damon opened the door more, giving him space to see Klaus. "Now," the older Salvatore added, seeing that Jeremy hadn't yet moved. With a sigh, Jeremy turned and walked up the stairs.

If he couldn't be downstairs, then he may as well continue to paint the walls of Alaric's old room, it was something Elena had thought of to distract them from brooding over the sudden loss of their guardian.

"Poor lad," Klaus mused, "looses one questionable father figure only to be replaced by the likes of the two of you."

"Yeah, about that." Damon started. "Something happened." Referring to Esther's plan coming into action when she controlled Bonnie into making Alaric complete the transition, becoming the ultimate Vampire Hunter.

"Oh I know all about my mothers invulnerable little creation, that's why I'm here. I'm leaving town and I just need to pick up a few necessities. A spare Tyre, a flashlight," he paused for a moment, "Doppelganger."

"Well, can't help you there," Damon answered, pulling Stefan out the way the Salvatore brother all but shut the door on the Hybrids face. He looked to his brother before going to the kitchen, Stefan called out to Elena but she didn't answer.

Klaus paced the veranda, he was faced with a problem, with roughly eight hours until the sun sets, officially letting Alaric out from the confinements of the schools boundaries, he had to grab the Doppelganger and be gone from town, but he wasn't invited.

The Original crouched down, picking up the newspaper, with an idea forming in his head he walked down the small steps and onto the front yard, looking at the window that showed the living room. He could see Bonnie, Jeremy, Stefan and Damon standing there. Rolling the newspaper tightly, he chose the moment Damon looked out the window to throw it with only half of his strength, the window smashed to pieces from the impact.

"I think you'd better let me in." He called after a moment. He heard their footsteps but no one answered.

With a sigh, the Original turned around, looking for something else. Over the road, a small white picketed fence outlined a double story house. Ignoring the house, he walked across the road, resting his hands on the fence for a moment, his eyes caught onto a soccer ball that was in the grass several metres away. Grabbing the ball and two of the pickets that he pulled from the fence line, he strolled back to the Gilbert's residence. Klaus kicked the ball into their door with his supernatural strength, tearing the door off its hinges, the ball impacted the kitchens table, conveniently hitting Damon as well.

With a determined look, the Hybrid walked up the stairs, coming to a stop before the doors edge, he threw one of the pickets at Damon's head. The Salvatore just managed to dodge it, the others quickly hit the floor.

"Missed me." Damon taunted. He napped off most of the picket sticking out of the wall behind him, throwing it at Klaus, who moved to the side easily. Klaus snapped the last picket in half, sending it toward Damon, who ducked out of the way, "missed me again!" The last one was pegged inside, shattering a picture on the wall behind Damon's crouching form.

After a a minute, Klaus returned with a number of newspapers wrapped together as one, the end was lit with flames. In his left hand he carried a gas bottle, intent on lighting the house on fire if it meant Elena running out.

"Put it out." Stefan said, standing in the doorway.

"Come outside and make me."

After a moment, Stefan stepped over the thresh-hold, "Elena's not here. Alaric has both her and Caroline at the school, he said he'll kill her if you don't hand yourself over."

Klaus chucked aside the objects, "now I know you aren't asking me to walk into a certain death."

"I wished we could, but unfortunately if Alaric kills you there's a one in four chance that we die too." He answered.

"I'll take those odds." Damon smirked, resting one of the broken pickets on his shoulder.

"And a one hundred percent chance that Tyler dies." The younger Salvatore added. Bonnie and Jeremy hesitantly walked to the door, quickly checking their heads weren't about to be ripped from their shoulders by white pickets.

"I'm good with that too."

"Why don't we just, figure out a way to put Alaric down." Stefan stated, glancing at Damon.

For the next few minutes, the group stayed silent, trying to figure out a way to solving their problem. "I know, how about Damon goes in and distracts Alaric whilst Stefan gets Elena and carries her to safety." Klaus said.

"That's a great idea," Damon stated sarcastically, "whats to stop me from getting killed instantly."

"Nothing," the Original answered, smirking.

"I might have an idea," Bonnie interrupted, not wanting to waste time, "my mother used a desiccation spell on Mikael that immobilized him for over fifteen years, maybe if I can get it I can do the same with Alaric."

"If and might," Klaus said dryly, "your words inspire such confidence."

"I can get it." She reconfirmed, "but we'll need a lot of Vampire muscle to put him down. Including yours."

"Just so we're clear," Klaus started, starring at the group in front of him, "the sun sets in about eight hours, if you don't succeed before then, Elena will be dead, I'll be gone and the rest of you will be left to fend for yourselves."

"We're clear." Damon answered, rolling his eyes.


"Look at this, one big happy family." Klaus mused.

Him and Stefan had gone to the school roughly twenty minutes ago to see the situation before the rest came. Bonnie and Damon, along with Jeremy, whom had showed up on his own accord, walked toward the two, Klaus took notice of the vile in Bonnie's hand.

"Drink this." Bonnie said, holding up the vile, "its my blood. It bridges us together so when I stop Jeremy's heart, you'll have the power to stop Alarics. You need to make a physical connection to his blood stream," Damon took the vile from her as she spoke, taking a sip of it, "a vein, an artery, anything connected to his heart."

"One of us gets a clean shot," Stefan paused, taking the vile from Damon and taking a sip of the blood, "the other two hold him down."

Stefan handed the vile to Klaus, "before we all walk through those doors lets get on the same page shall we? I was the one who created your bloodlines so therefore I am responsible for your lives, and Tylers life, Carolines life and of course, Abbys life, should anything go wrong."

"Or your just lying to save your ass." Damon commented, looking accusingly at the Original.

"I'm not lying." Klaus stated, it was true, Klaus had turned Mary. Actually, Klaus thought amusingly, he had fed Mary his blood after feeding from her, then she went and aggravated Aria, who then snapped her neck out of anger. "But go ahead, call my bluff, let the teacher kill me, your all be dead soon there-after." With that, the Original drank the last of what was in the vile.

"Lets just get this over with, shall we?" Stefan said, turning around and heading toward the doors of the school, Klaus and Damon close behind.


With a grunt, Alaric gripped Klaus's hand that was half pushed into his chest and twisted it, making the Original groan before being thrown onto the ground. Alaric had snapped Stefan's back and Damon's neck, leaving only Klaus left to put Alaric down.

Alaric gripped Klaus's jacket and threw him into the lockers before turning him over and trying to impale the white oak into his heart. Klaus held Alaric's wrist with both hands, trying to keep the stake away as the teacher pushed down with all his supernatural strength, inching the stake a little closer. Elena tried to stand, but she struggled to do so as Alaric had her in a choke hold just moments before Stefan attacked him.

"Aria!" Klaus shouted, his voice strained as he struggled with Alarics strength.

"She's not here to help you," Alaric spat. He laughed, "its to bad really, I was hoping to kill her whilst you watched. Or vise versa."

Klaus knew of Aria's connection, about the protection spells she had. He had heard one night that if the connection was strong enough, Aria would be able to feel her siblings emotions, see a flash of memory from them, which allowed her to know what was happening to them. Klaus had never been so happy to know about this information when Alaric was ripped off him.

Alaric went flying down the hall, crashing into the glass trophy case eighteen metres away. Aria stood protectively in front of her brother, baring her fangs as she growled at the teacher. "Touch him again," her voice was deep and rough, a dangerous tone layed within her words, like venom from a snake, seeping into your veins, paralyzing you. "I dare you."

A pained laugh escaped his lips as he dragged himself up from the ground. Alaric ignored the sharp pains going up his arms as the shattered glass dug into him. "Careful what you wish for."

"Hmm, I don't think so." She answered, Aria straightened her posture as Klaus stood up, as strong as he was, Klaus stayed behind Aria, knowing that her capabilities were well beyond Alarics. Aria, faster then Alaric could ever be, grabbed the young Doppelganger. She wrapped her left hand around the girls neck, her right, pushing Elena's head to the side, anymore pressure and Elena's neck would snap in half.

The Doppelganger groaned in pain. "What are you doing?" She whispered weakly, "let me go."

Aria ignored the girl, "if you so much as move, Elena dies."

"What do I care?" Alaric shrugged, pulling out a large shard of glass from his stomach.

"It doesn't matter what you think," Aria smirked, "Esther dearest linked your life with Elenas. She wasn't so stupid as to actually make you a true immortal. In this scenario, you have Elena's life span to kill all my siblings, thus rendering the Vampire race instinct. When I stabbed my mother, I saw flashes of her plans, it was, of course, my intention to do this."

"Your wrong." He snarled.

"Take another step and we'll find out then won't we?" Aria grinned, "or, then again, don't bother. I am a little on the hungry side." Aria removed her arm and went to bite into Elena's neck but Alaric's shout stopped her. "Look who seems to be right," she mused, with her inhuman speed, she pushed the Doppelganger into her brothers arms and ripped off a locker door from its hinges, throwing it at Alaric. He dove to the side, but when he turned back, Aria, Klaus and Elena had gone.


"Do you think you'll have enough?" Aria asked, glancing at Elena's unconscious form. Klaus had tied her to one of the table chairs to keep her from moving when the compelled nurse would start taking the blood from her system. All of it, to be exact.

"It will have to be," he answered, not taking his eyes off the girl.

Aria shrugged, deciding it was time to push things along, she grabbed the nurses jaw, making her look into her in the eyes. "Its time to begin, love."

Nodding hazily, the blonde started to connect the needle to the plastic tube that was connected to the empty blood bag, she hung on the back of the chair then proceeded to strap a piece of elastic around Elena's upper arm, ceasing the blood flow to make it easier to find a vessel.

Aria turned back to her brother, "most of our personal belongings are packed in the moving truck. I don't trust the human who drives it." She said, scrunching up her nose in disgust, "he smells funny and has a nasty knack for lying. The others, of course, are fine, but I think I'll drive this one myself. After all, it has your artworks in it, and I'm in love with them so..."

Klaus smiled, clearly amused, "did you want to leave now then?"

"I want to go with you in the SUV, but I have to drive this truck and the others are starting to leave. I have to show them where we're heading, not the full way of course, just to where our other siblings are waiting."

Klaus sat on one of the few remaining couches. "See you there, love."

Aria smiled, "of course." Without any other moment to spare, Aria appeared at the door of the truck and got in, leading the other three down the driveway.

During the next half an hour, five litres of blood was drained from the Doppelganger before she finally awoke. Elena groaned, hissing with pain when the compelled nurse re-pierced the needle into her arm. "Try not to move," the girl said quietly, "it'll only hurt more."

"What are you doing?" She groaned weakly, squinting her eyes so they'd adjust.

"Draining you of all your blood." Klaus answered, his voice was void of any emotion, Elena knew then that he was serious, that she was to die if she didn't get out of there.

Tyler suddenly walked in, carrying one of the packed boxes before he froze in shock, "Elena?"

"Tyler," she started, pulling weakly at the restraints, "help me."

Tyler went to go to her but Klaus's voice stopped him, "he can't. He has to go and get me more empty blood bags, about three litres worth please Tyler."

"Tyler," Elena murmured, her voice just a little weaker, "get Stefan, please."

"No, Tyler, get the bags."

Tyler wasn't sure what to do, he was at a crossroad. If he didn't help Elena, she would be drained of her blood completely, killing her in the process. But if he didn't listen to Klaus, then he would know that the sire bond had been broken. Taking a risk, he took a step forward.

Klaus appeared in front of him, placing a hand on Tylers chest as he did so, "forget the girl and go and get the bags, now." He growled. With another glance, Tyler turned and walked out the room, only, he wasn't getting any empty blood bags.

With a slight smirk, Klaus turned to look at Elena's pale face, she struggled against the restraints, but it was a vague attempt on her behalf. The Original rested his hands on the back of the chair, leaning over her a little.

"So that's it then?" She spat, her voice strained, "your just going to bleed me dry?"

"Yes, but don't worry, as the last drop is drawled, you'll simply fall asleep." He mused, playing with a strand of her hair.

The nursed replaced yet another empty bag. So far, Klaus had three full three litre bags, he carefully placed the newest one in the silver cooling case. "What about your Hybrids, do you... Really think there's enough to create your army?" Elena said, her eyes trailing his movements.

"It will have to suffice." He shrugged, a smile touched his lips, "you see, in attempting to kill us, my mother strengthened the bond between my siblings and I. I don't need Hybrids, I have my family."

"If you believe that, then why take my blood at all," she frowned, "you want a back up family. You know your siblings will never trust you again."

"You see, what you and your little friends fail to remember is that Aria has always stood by me. The relationship between my other siblings and I are strengthening, Aria would never leave me and because of this my family won't either."

"Do you really think Aria will stay by you after all you've done," Elena mused, her eyes dropped a little before she snapped herself awake again. "You killed your own mother... She may not act like it, but she's hurt."

This time, Klaus laughed, "you are so niave, Elena." He said amusingly, "Aria knew."

"Knew?" Elena frowned, "knew what?"

Klaus only gave her a knowing look, the Original decided to change the topic. "You know, Stefan blames me for trying to tear him from his brother, but we both know who really came between them." Elena's eyes flashed with guilt, knowing he was right. "You, that's why you wont choose, because you know once you pick a Salvatore, you'll destroy their bond," Klaus appeared in front of her, their faces just inches apart, "consider me doing you a favour, once your dead, you won't have to pick, no broken hearts, their family stays intact. But just between us girls, who would you have picked?"

Elena breath in deeply, trying to keep the oxygen in her system, "rot in hell." She muttered.

"Hmm," He chuckled, "its been fun, Elena." Klaus grabbed the case and disappeared from the house for a few moments, putting the case in one of the hidden places in the garage, it was close to the SUV, just in-case anything were to go wrong, no one would have the blood.

He only thought about this because of Tyler's hesitation in taking his orders. That was a little suspicious.

Seemed Klaus's suspicion proved accurate, because just as the Original was shutting the hidden door, he heard Tylers voice with Elena's and the sound of ropes rubbing together as they were being untangle. Or in this case, untied.

"Tyler," Elena whispered, staring wide eyed at Klaus, who had suddenly appeared at the doorway, Tyler stood up quickly, facing him. Elena struggled in gaining a full standing position, so she put half of her body weight on the chair as she lent on it for support.

"So much for that sire bond."

Tyler's fear become over whelmed with arrogance and anger, "I'm not your little bitch anymore," he spat. Klaus smiled, but it clearly didn't have any humour in it.

"How did you brake it."

"By braking every bone in my body a hundred times for the girl I love."

"That's impossible." Klaus growled.

"Isn't it?" Tyler scoffed, "or maybe, real love is stronger then fake loyalty." Tyler had, with the help of Caroline's Dad before he was killed, had started forcing his body to turn over and over, so he would no longer feel loyal to Klaus. Because if he didn't, then Caroline couldn't trust him with anything, so for her, he broke the bond, for his love was a greater drive to be free then the forced loyalty of the sire bond.

"You know you should be thanking me," Klaus snarled, "I gave you a gift. I took away your misery."

"You couldn't give a crap about me! You just didn't want to be alone." Tyler turned and started to pick Elena's weak body from her now sitting position, she couldn't remain standing any longer and had sat tiredly into the chair.

"I've never been alone." Klaus muttered, he rushed at the Hybrid, pushing Elena away. She crashed over the chair. hitting her head on the small wooden table. Klaus pinned Tyler to the wall, growling he lifted his hand to rip the boy's heart from his chest. "Goodbye Tyler."

Tyler twisted Klaus's hand that was on his chest, turning it around and pushing it up the Originals back, Klaus was suddenly surrounded by Damon and Stefan as well. Damon held his other shoulder, opposite Tyler whilst Stefan shoved the tips of his fingers into Klaus's chest, making contact with the veins leading to the heart. Klaus yelled in pain but his voice died in his throat.

Suddenly, all the Original could hear was his beating heart, slowing down. He looked Damon and Tyler in the corner of his eyes before staring back at the youngest Salvatore. Tears stung at his eyes but none fell, only disappeared in the haze of blinking.

Greyed veins crawled up the Originals body as his heart beat grew faint, with one final breath, Klaus but uttered a single word before he dropped to the ground.

"Come on, lets get out of here," Tyler said warily, "I know Aria's left town already, but it would be nice to know that we're nowhere near his body when she discovers he is gone."

Damon helped Elena up from the ground, she swayed a little, both from loss of blood and the head blow when she impacted the desk. It was only Stefan who remained looking at Klaus, there was something about what he had said... Of course, none of them could've realised the true depth of the word, for it would be too late by then.

For Klaus had said Aria.


Tires screeched loudly, as the truck skidded several feet before it finally stopped. The unexpected noise drew the three Original siblings out of the temporary house that they'd been in. Aria fell from the trucks door, tears stung at her eyes as she grabbed her heart in pain.

"Aria what is it? Whats wrong?" Rebekah asked, sliding on the gravel ground when she came to a stop beside her sister.

Kol and Elijah crouched down to her level, "tell us whats happened sister." Kol soothed.

"Niklaus has," Aria started in a raspy voice, thick with anger, "they killed him. Stopped his heart."

All of a sudden, Aria was on her feet, "I'll kill them all." She growled, her eyes shining gold, the Hybrid disappeared. Luckily for Elijah, he had foreseen her actions and appeared in front of her some hundred metres down the white gravel road.

"Arianna." He stated, grabbing her shoulders, Rebekah and Kol caught up a moment later, "I will accompany you. I fear that this situation is more complex then you are aware. Perhaps running in there and ripping everyone to shreds is not the best option."

"Its my only option," Aria spat, she tried to yank her arms from Elijah's grip, but his hold on her was strong.

Elijah in return, yanked her forward, so they were only inches apart, he glared into her eyes, "do you dare challenge me?" He growled, veins appeared only for a moment, but Aria seen it. For the first time, she realised, Elijah was just as mad as she was. "Do as I say and nothing else, understand?"

"I understand," she muttered, her shoulders sagging in defeat, one of these days, she thought sourly, she'll have the chance to actually rip the people of Mystic Falls apart.


"We've been trying to get rid of Klaus for forever, so Caroline told us to enjoy it." Bonnie explained, "its a victory party!"

Tyler, Matt, Caroline, Bonnie and Jeremy all crowded the kitchen, putting foods together and pouring alcoholic beverages. Elena smiled softly, excepting Bonnie's explanation. Alaric was still out there, but Klaus, after all this time, had finally gone.

"To be honest," Matt started amusingly, "I'm a little pissed that you took down Original brother number two without me."

"Yeah, he would of taken you down to the hospital bro." Tyler mused, pouring bourbon into the glass he'd grabbed. Caroline and the others laughed, agreeing with him.

Matt put his hands up in surrender, "I'm more stealth then that, I'm like a ninja."

"Whatever you say Matt..." Jeremy grinned.

"Here," Caroline said, giving Elena a shot glass, "I think you need this." Referring to the fact Elena had told Stefan and Damon at the door, before they left to hide Klaus's body, that if she chose, Elena would then loose the other and after the amount of people that she had lost, she didn't want to loose any one else.

She looked down at it, "thank you."

"Put out your hand." Tyler said. Reluctantly, Elena held out her hand as Tyler tipped salt onto it.

"Thank you for standing up to Klaus." She muttered, a slight smile on her face.

"It's been a long time coming," he answered. "Alright, lets drink!"

Elena pointed at Jeremy accusingly, "I do not condone this by the way," she said, looking at the filled shot glass in his hand.

"You survived Klaus, we can make an exception. You can go back to being responsible tomorrow." Jeremy answered smoothly.

"Okay," she grinned.

Just as everyone was about to take a drink, Tyler cut in, "wait!" The group paused, waiting expectantly, "do you hear that?" Caroline, being the only other with enhanced hearing, frowned, she didn't ear anything. The group looked around warily. "That," he grinned, "is the sound of a Klaus free life."

Everybody laughed, saying cheers as they took their shots, celebrating their time without having a worry about the Originals anymore. But what they had failed to notice, was the fact that there was someone close.

She made no noise, no movement to indicate her presence to them. The Original Hybrid only stood, looking from afar. Her eyes were bright blue, but these beautiful orbs held no kindness, no, they held fierce emotions.



Aria Mikaelson stood outside, watching the group that dared celebrate the downfall of her elder brother. Klaus may not be fully dead, but that fact that they had done what they did infuriated her. She vowed then that they would feel her wrath.


Sooo, how did you like it??? :D

Apologies on the fact it took so long to update, but now that this chapter (thats over 10,111 words in total) is complete, I plan on updating my other books, Inheritance of New Orleans and Eldest Mikaelson definately needs my attention. Well, enjoy your day/night.



Always and Forever, Lilly x

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