Not So Different | Connor x G...

GoldenEnderFox tarafından

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(Established Relationship) It's been almost five months since the peaceful protest had occured. Androids now... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: One Month Anniversary
Chapter 2: Texting with Emojis
Chapter 3: Last Chances
Chapter 4: Triggers
Chapter 5: Bed Sharing, Old Texts
Chapter 6: Despacito
Chapter 7: Stress Levels Rising
Chapter 8: Confrontations on the Street
Chapter 9: The Good Days
Chapter 10: Return to Me
Chapter 11: Gavin's Hatred Bubbles
Chapter 12: All in the Past
Chapter 13: Off Work Early
Chapter 14 *SMUT*: Let Me Love You
Chapter 15: Jericho
Chapter 16: Insecurities
Chapter 17: Get Through This
Chapter 18 *BRIEF SMUT*: Everything Will Be Alright
Chapter 19: Drunken Buzz
Chapter 20: "Dogsitting"
Chapter 21 *SMUT*: Broken Ties
Chapter 22: Caught in the Crossfire
Chapter 23: Fawkes in the Club
Chapter 24: Affection
Chapter 25: Brotherly Reunion
Chapter 26: Don't Go...
Chapter 27 *SMUT*: One More Night
Chapter 28: Broken
Chapter 29: New Partners
Chapter 30: Young Love
Chapter 32: Abused
Chapter 33: Opposites Attract
Chapter 34: It's You
Chapter 35: Cheating
Chapter 36: Cyclothymia
Chapter 37: Investigaton
Chapter 38: Best Friends
Chapter 39: Clear My Mind
Chapter 40: I Think I Wanna Marry You
Chapter 41: Together Again
Chapter 42: Binary Talk
Chapter 43: Don't Deserve This
Chapter 44: Confusing Encounter
Chapter 45: Visual Defect
Chapter 46: What Is This Feeling?
Chapter 47: Pull The Trigger
Chapter 48: The Best Detective
Chapter 49: Lara and Fawkes
Chapter 50: Gun Shots
Chapter 51: Dysfunctional Family
Chapter 52: Wounded
Chapter 53: Before the Storm

Chapter 31: The Wrong Path

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GoldenEnderFox tarafından

Just give me a reason, just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken, just bent
And we can learn to love again
It's in the stars, it's been written in the scars on our hearts
We're not broken, just bent
And we can learn to love again

Song gives me the feels whilst I am writing. I'm not crying, you're crying

(So this is a time skip... But if people want it: then I can do flashbacks to certain times during the time I've skipped!)

"Fuck. You." Gavin said, glaring at Connor.

Connor turned on the coffee machine in the break room before turning around to face Gavin, "What's your problem now?" he asked, clearly annoyed.

It had been four months since Gavin started to take lessons with Kamski. They didn't seem to be helping...

"My problem?!" Gavin questioned, "My problem is that you've already moved on from me! It's only been four fuckin' months!"

"Hank told me I should move on. So I did. And it's not like I'm in a relationship with anyone!"

"But you're interested in someone, dipshit!"

Connor shrugged, "So? You aren't exactly getting closer to finally liking androids, are you?! If anything, you're hating us more and more! Kamski is messing with you!"

"Don't try and change the subject, plastic! I'm doin' these stupid fuckin' lessons for your sake!"

"They're making you more of an asshole. If that was even possible."

Gavin just groaned and sat down at the table, head in his hands, "My main fuckin' concern is that you've fallen for a fucking FBI agent! He's a complete weirdo!"

"He's nicer than you..."

(Prepare for my weird af ship I have for Connor...)

"What was his stupid name again? All I know is he's a freak with some stupid fucking glasses..."

"Norman Jayden." Connor stated.


"See. Even his name sounds dumb."

"Better at his job than you are."

Gavin's glare hardened, "Really, asshole? You haven't been on a case with me in months so how the fuck would you know if he was doing a better job than me? You don't even go on cases with him either!" he paused, "That fuckin' drug addict is a lone wolf. He isn't interested in relationships. So you're going after false hope there, pal."

Gavin's heart hurt. So much. It was almost unbearable.

"Can you two stop? You've been at eachother's throats for weeks!" Niner exclaimed, entering the break room, "You two just need to sit down and talk it out."

"I'm not doing that. I don't want to be in a room alone with him with no witnesses around." Connor said, his fists clenching.

"The fuck do you think I'm gonna do, tin can? I'm not like Fawkes for fuck sake! I wouldn't do that shit to you!" Gavin stood up and took a threatening step towards Connor.

Connor's metal heart hurt. There was still a part of him that loved Gavin. But that was fading very quick due to how he was treating him nowadays.

"Gavin." Niner glared at him, "Leave Connor alone." he grabbed onto the Detective's arm to try and pull him out of the break room, "You need to calm down."

"Niner..." Gavin muttered, "I appreciate you trying to help. But I can take care of shit myself."

Connor hated this. Why was Gavin treating him like shit? He wasn't like that with Niner... Kamski was definitely sending Gavin in the wrong direction.

The coffee machine was finished. Connor turned to pour two coffees. One for him. One for Hank.

"Machines don't drink coffee, dipshit." Gavin said as Connor passed him. He ignored the comment.

Once Connor was at his desk, Gavin groaned and sat down before slamming his head on the table.

"If you don't mind me asking..." Niner began, taking a seat next to Gavin, "Why are treating Connor the way you are?"

"How..." he began, "How has he moved on? He said he would fuckin' wait for me."

"You aren't exactly making any progress, Gavin. Mr. Kamski is not helping you out at all."

"He told me that I need to vent my hatred and that is what I am doing. He said that I need to get it all out to 'cleanse myself'."

"You shouldn't be taking it out on Connor. He takes that kind of stuff to heart. Calling him plastic is making everything worse between the two of you."

"He's crushing... on Norman fucking Jayden. The freak with the glasses. The freak who needs his fix of TripTo fifty times a day."

Niner folded his arms and leaned them on the table, "You shouldn't let that get to you. Connor hasn't fully moved on from you, trust me. He talks to me. He said that he feels like you're pushing him away by saying the shit you say."

"I don't mean it."

"I know you don't. But he doesn't know that." he paused, "Kamski is messing with you. Him telling you to vent your hatred out is just a ploy to get Connor away from you. He doesn't want you anywhere near his precious androids."

"He's not exactly stopping me from being near you."

Niner nodded, "That's because I am not and never was intimate with you. Connor was. Kamski just wants you to hurt. He's pissed that you blocked him out of your life so he's getting his revenge."

"How the fuck do you know that?"

"I'm a highly advanced machine, Gavin. I know these things."

"You're not a machine-"

"Yes. I am." Niner cut him off, "Vent your hatred out on me. Not Connor."

"But you're not-"

"I. Am. Say: 'You are a fucking machine'."


"Say it." Niner continued to push him.

Gavin glared at him, "You're... You're a fucking machine." he muttered, "You're a stupid fucking machine." he said louder, "I fucking hate androids so much! Stop provoking me, asshole!"

Niner just smiled, "Feel better?"

There was silence.... "Yes." he paused, "I didn't mean-."

"I know you didn't." Niner chuckled before standing, "Now. My shift is over."

"Meetin' up with Chloe, aren't ya?"

He nodded, "Yes."

"Have fun." Gavin winked, "And uhh... Sorry for just going off on you like that."

"Don't apologise to me." he started, "Apologise to Connor. And fucking mean it." Niner punched Gavin on the shoulder, "Otherwise you're gonna have to deal with me."

"Oh, I'm so scared." Gavin rolled his eyes as he rubbed his shoulder.

"You should be." Niner exited the break room.

Maybe Niner was right.

Maybe Kamski was trying to make Connor stray away from him.

He didn't want Connor to get away.

Because he loved that stupid fucking android.

The truth was... He was afraid to be with Connor. Afraid that he would fuck everything up again and cause them to be enemies. Afraid that he would break the android's heart for the 100th time.

He closed his eyes to try and stop the tears from falling.


"Hey, assh- Connor." he quickly corrected himself as he approached Connor's desk, "Uhh... Can I talk to you?"

"Fuck off, Gavin." Hank said from his desk.

"I wasn't talking to you, Hank..." Gavin said, trying to stay calm. He looked back at Connor, "Connor. Please." he held out a hand at the android, "I just want to talk. That's it."

Connor looked at the outstretched hand before his eyes flicked up to Gavin's face. He instantly noticed the Detective's red eyes and soft expression.

"Connor..." Hank warned.

"If I do something or say something you don't like... I will leave you alone." Gavin promised.

Finally. Connor nodded, taking Gavin's hand. He hadn't felt the warmth of Gavin's hand in his in so long...

Gavin pulled Connor away from his desk. Hank just glared in their direction.


"Wh-Where are we going?" Connor asked as Gavin squeezed his hand, the android was slightly nervous.

"Out. I want to get away from work for a bit."

Connor decided not to protest and allowed Gavin to lead him. He really didn't want to hear Gavin's abuse anymore... He hoped that this wasn't why Gavin wanted to talk to him.

Truthfully? Connor wanted Gavin to accept androids. He did miss the affection that Gavin used to show him. But over the past four months they had started to become distant. And after Gavin had found out that Connor had a slight interest in the FBI Agent, he let out all of his anger.

They got into Gavin's car before heading off.


Gavin leaned back into the bench as Connor sat next to him. The android's eyes focused on the green grass and blue sky. It was actually a nice day for once.

"What did you want to talk about, Gavin?"

Gavin was glad that the park was empty... He didn't want anyone seeing him pour his heart out to an android...

"I wanted to apologise. For the past few weeks I've been treating you so fuckin' bad. I want us to find some common ground."

Connor nodded, "That would be... Reasonable."

Gavin sat up and took both of Connor's hands in his, "When I call you shit like plastic... I don't mean it. I'm just venting out all my hatred and I'm realising that it's not fair on you. Kamski recommended that I should be more open with my hatred. He thinks that if I get it out of my system then I will 'cleanse myself'." he tried to explain.

"I think I understand." his eyes focused on their joined hands.

"I wanna be friends with you, Con." he continued, "I promise I will vent to Niner instead. He said that he doesn't take it to heart. But I know you do." his thumbs brushed Connor's knuckles, "I'm sorry for being the biggest asshole of all time."

"I want you to accept androids." Connor frowned, looking into the man's eyes.

Gavin sighed, "I actually am starting to." he smiled, "I went to Jericho and few weeks back and got talkin' with that Kara girl. I can't believe I'm makin' friends with fucking androids."

Connor smiled, "That's good to hear."

One of Gavin's hands came to rest on Connor's cheek, "I am sorry, Con. I know that I've apologised so much to you in the past... But I am changing. For you."

His metal heart continued to ache as he felt Thirium rush to his face.

Gavin's thumb caressed the android's cheek as he noticed the blue blush, "Cute." Gavin smirked.

The android look down, trying to avoid eye contact, "I'm not."

"You are. Always have been, always will be." Gavin continued. He then removed his hand from the android's cheek to move back down to his hand.

They sat like that in a comfortable silence, just listening to the trees rustle and the distant sound of traffic. 

Gavin released Connor's hands before leaning back into the bench once again, he let out a sigh, "That FBI guy..." he paused, "If you want to go for him. Go for him."

Connor could clearly hear how hurt Gavin sounded, "Gavin-"

He held up a hand to silence the android, "I'm serious, Con. If he's treatin' you better than I do then there's no harm in trying. You deserve something good in your life for once."

A part of Connor wanted to wait for Gavin. Wait for the first person to ever show him love and affection. He didn't know how to handle the situation...

Connor suddenly leaned against Gavin and wrapped his arms around the man. Gavin was in complete shock at the sudden contact. He hadn't hugged Connor in months... He soon put his own arms around the android and rested his head on top of Connor's.

"You don't have to wait for me..." Gavin muttered. He just wanted someone to love Connor. Of course he did... But it wasn't enough.

Connor's hands clutched Gavin's jacket, "I-I... I don't know what I want."

"Well... I promise not to go for anyone else." Gavin assured him, "You don't have to make that promise yourself."

"Wh-What about Niner?"

"Niner?" Gavin questioned, "We're just work partners, Con. Niner's interested in Chloe." he chuckled against the android's hair.

Connor nodded slightly before closing his eyes to relish in Gavin's warmth which surrounded him protectively. The small part of him that still loved Gavin was weak but... He hoped that it would increase overtime.

Gavin began to pull Connor as close as possible, his lips pressed against the android's head, "I miss you, Connor."

"I miss you, too." he muttered.

Connor then pulled back slightly to look into Gavin's eyes, "Gavin?" he whispered.


"Can I... Can I kiss you?"

That was unexpected.

"Wh-What? No, Connor, I don't think-"

"Just..." Connor cut him off, "Just one last time. Please."

"Connor, that's not gonna help us at all."

"One last time." Connor said once again, "I miss your love."

Gavin couldn't believe how much his heart was hurting.

He smiled at Connor, "One last time." he moved a hand up to the back of Connor's neck. His other hand was firmly wrapped around Connor's waist.

"One last time." Connor craved it. His hands coming up to rest on Gavin's shoulders. 

Gavin's hand then moved from the back of Connor's neck to the android's jaw, brushing his thumb over his bottom lip. Connor felt his metal heart skip a beat as he felt Gavin's gentle touches. The thumb on his lip stilled as he hand cupped his jaw, the hand around his waist was pulling him close.

Gavin leaned forward, both of their eyes fluttering shut.

Connor put his arms around Gavin's neck and pulled him in, crashing their lips together. Both of them felt their hearts race at the familiar yet unfamiliar feel of their lips against one anothers.

I love you. Gavin wanted to say it so badly. Say it to make Connor stay.

But ultimately it was Connor's choice on whether or not he would wait for Gavin.

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