Liquorice Honey (A Draco Malf...

By Clefabled

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(Y/N) Silverlie is a Pureblooded witch with a strange emotional connection to her pet Kneazle, Amorita. She h... More

Author's Note #1!
1: A Girl and her Kneazle
2: Wands and Wazzocks
3: Leptotythops Carlae
4: Bright Eyed and Fluffy Feathered
5: Silver Barred Cages
6: Willow and Wisp
7: A Silent Banquet
8: Spoilt and Pretty
9: A Chance of Bliss
Author's Note #2!
10: Hospital Pillow Daze
11: Gingerbread in December
12: Mars' Moon and the Pansy-Wolf
13: Party of One
14: Lonely Home Library
15: The Quidditch World Cup
16: A Girl I Could Know
17: Flames and Fury
18: Dear Miss Silverlie
19: Hello, I Love You
21: Sleep Reading
22: Trial of Champions
Author's Note #3!
23: Red Leaves Fall
24: Ruffled Feathers
25: Sweet Tea and Curses
26: Professor Potter
27: Swish and Flick
28: Inky Expressions
29: Perfect Nightmares
30: Rosewood Wand
31: A Mother's Love
32: Secrets and Lies
33: Sudden Learning Curves
34: Starlight Daydreamer
35: Christmas Memoir
36: The Astronomy Tower
37: Acting Awful Tough
38: Of Angels and Death Eaters
39: A Soft Place To Land
40: Engulfed in Flame
41: Only You
42: Isabel's Friendship Club
43: Saying Goodbye
44: You Got Me Helpless!
45: Forever Entwined
46: Ticket to Ride (๐Ÿ‹)
47: The Negative
48: Unexpected Additions
49: Naming and Shaming
50: A Joy-Bringing Pain
51: The Stars' Debut
Author's Note...#4?

20: My Favourite Gift

41 0 0
By Clefabled

(A/N: This refused to post for some reason; I think I'm updating too often or something ahahaha)

(Y/N) was woken up by her father's owl deciding it would be a great idea to drop her letter and start hissing.

''Shut up, Mercure, I'm trying to—'' 

Childish excitement filled her body as she realised what day it was.

''Actually, thank you!''

The letter was little more than a simple ''Merry Christmas'', but it had gotten her out of bed before two in the afternoon, which was exemplary for her. After slipping on some warm clothes and her fluffy slippers, she peered out to see if anyone else was awake yet; apparently not. 

She was overjoyed to find a jumper with her first initial from Mrs Weasley in one package; her last one was beginning to get far too small, as well as the one she 'borrowed' from Ron.

Isabel, Hermione and Harry had given her so many types of sweets altogether that they'd probably last until next Christmas. 

A crudely drawn card, obviously made in haste, lay on the top of the pile; (Y/N) never read it, as the sender was so obviously Pansy.

Feeling extremely spoiled now, (Y/N) lay back on the sofa, her new jumper ever so comfortable...It was so peaceful here, she could easily just fall asleep again...

Gentle fingers tugged ever so slightly at her unbrushed hair.

''It's Christmas, (Y/N), you can't just go back to sleep.''

Her eyes flickered open again, and a smile arched over her face.

''Hello, you.''

She sat up again, stretching a bit, and stayed silent; she'd lost herself in those eyes. She couldn't stop smiling. 

''Nice jumper you've got there, (Y/N),'' Draco teased, ''All you need now is ginger hair.'' 

(Y/N) pushed him playfully, ''Oh, piss off! It's nice. And you'd get all jealous if you saw me wearing Ron's jumper again.'' 

Draco couldn't argue; seeing her in that awful thing had been bad enough, but knowing it belonged to the guy who could have stolen her away...

''Oh, shut up, (Y/N)!''

She smirked, obviously being a huge tease; 

''Make me.''

Her smirk was immediately mirrored.

A slightly-less-than-gentle kiss was planted on her lips, and Draco practically fell on top of her from failing to lean on the arm of the sofa.

''No PDA in the common room!''

Isabel had suddenly appeared in the corner, her hands full of letters as usual, smirking from ear to ear. The awkward new-couple went pink and moved away from each other, but that didn't change anything. Isabel's playful nature had spotted romance, and she was most definitely not going to ignore it.

''So, guys, when did you start fu—''


''Fine. It was last night, though, wasn't it? Do tell.''


(Y/N) tried to move away, but the blonde was practically in her lap now, her eyes glittering. (Y/N) was rather shy about mentioning it, but Draco didn't appear to be.

''Yes, last night. You could call it an early Christmas present, I suppose.''

Isabel's smirk widened.''So, when do I get to be a Godmother?''


She shrugged, smirking, and flounced off; ''I have a lot of things to do now, so I must be off; but you two will be two busy doing each other, I suppose—''


She winked playfully, poking her tongue out ever so slightly as she practically flew out of the door. (Y/N) was left extremely embarrassed and rather bewildered; they'd been together less than twenty-four hours, why the hell would she be thinking about—

''I suppose you would make her a Godmother if you ever did have a child, eh, (Y/N)?''

Oh, Merlin, Draco was every bit as bad as Isabel was!

''I, uh...I've never even considered a relationship as a possibility, never mind children. Can you slow down, please?'' 

She chuckled lightly; at least they'd be pretty if they had half of his genealogy. But she wasn't going to say that aloud. 

''But it's so fun to watch you blush like that...''

(Y/N) sighed, her face flushing even more. 

''Perhaps all of this close contact is what's making you to put this politely...''

She laughed to herself.

''How about we go out in the snow for a bit?''

His expression fell a little, but after one more swift kiss, he agreed. The snow was nothing short of beautiful; but it probably would have been prettier without the stares, whispers and Isabel's incessant yelling. ''Dear Merlin, is it England or bloody Alaska out here?!'' Isabel yelled.

''Hey, Iz, have you seen those two?'' One of Isabel's friends gestured to (Y/N) and Draco.

''Yeah, and they're happy, so—''

''One of them is going to get hurt. Draco's so mean, and (Y/N)'s (Y/N)!'' 

''Can you shut up please, Lucille?''

''Hey, Keala, look...she stole her date, and she's trying to show you up...''

(Y/N) found herself reaching for Draco's hand, mumbling, ''I thought Hufflepuff was the kind house...'' 

''Just ignore her,'' Draco whispered back, ''She's almost as terrible a person as she is a witch.'' That restored a little bit of her already abysmally low confidence. And so did Isabel, as she shooed off the group of Hufflepuffs. The walk through the snow was surprisingly pleasant; and being able to have a normal, non-argumentative conversation with the boy she'd loved since she was eleven was a dream come true. 

''So, how did you manage to get that rat of a thing you call Amorita?'' He asked, obviously honestly interested this time.

''She is not a rat! And it was a lot of effort, really; I have a certificate hung up in my dorm room, and another one at home.'' 

And then, the yelling began.



''How dare you, Furball! You can't just cry like a loser and then steal my boyfriend!''

(Y/N) couldn't even think of a retort today; even just being in Pansy's presence was tiring. 

''Go away, Pansy. I never was and never will be your boyfriend.''

And to prove his point, he gave (Y/N) an adorable little kiss on her forehead. 

''Woo! Go team (Y/N)!'' hollered Isabel from what sounded like miles away.

Pansy started to tear up ever so slightly as she ran away; and this turned into full crying after someone threw a snowball square into her head.


The sound of someone attempting to run in snow behind her got slowly louder, and soon enough, it turned into someone nearly falling over and using her shoulders as a safety gate. ''Ron! Hi! I've already sent a letter to your mother to thank her for—''

His face fell; as did Harry and Hermione's.

She'd sort of forgotten about her breakdown up until this point. 

''You confuse me so much, (Y/N)! One minute you're crying about how he loves Pansy, practically losing your will to live over him, and now—''

He gestured with his hands, unable to finish his sentence.

''I, uh, suppose something just clicked. The adrenaline of the Yule Ball, romances starting and ending and such...''

''You'd pre-arranged this, hadn't you?! You had your little diva crying fit, and then you run into his arms like a lost cat!''

Hermione stepped in, her face showing nothing but confusion (as she hadn't seen the breakdown last night), and tried desperately to work things out. 

''You're both being childish! I expect you just made another stupid mistake, and she felt unable to talk to you!'' Hermione glared at Ron, and (Y/N) smirked triumphantly; for about half a second. 

''And you! Don't think that I see running off into the arms of someone we've all told you would hurt you is any more acceptable!''

(Y/N)'s face fell, and she looked over at Ron with an expression much like that of a sad child.

''Now, it's Christmas. (Y/N) appears to be...busy, so, uh, let's make our way away.'' 

The trio hurried away, and (Y/N) was barely able to say 'Merry Christmas' to Harry before he'd been swept off. She never seemed to be able to get a word in edgeways with Harry...

''Are you completely sure you aren't secretly a Weasley, (Y/N)?''

(Y/N) sighed, playfully pushing Draco ever so slightly. She managed to lose her own balance and fall back in the snow; she quickly became covered in the stuff, and she was completely freezing, but it was only seconds before Draco held out a hand to help her up. 

''That was adorable, you know.''

''Oh, shut up, Malfoy!''

He began to help her up, but, without warning, she was dropped back into the snow.

Cue the signature smirk.

''You know, I think I like it when you're there. Makes it easier to look at your cute fa-''

He was pulled into the snow too, much to his disgust, and (Y/N)'s delight. She stood up quickly, chirping, ''Bit cold there, Dray?''

 ''Shut up, you.'' 


She acted as if she was going to walk away, smirking all the while, but she eventually turned around and helped him up.

''I knew you wouldn't leave me to freeze, (Y/N).''

''Nope, I wouldn't. Not ever.''

None of their memories of snow and ice could ever be warmer than this one.

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