Daddy Harry

By harryssdimpless_

69.5K 1K 49

Harry Styles the young single dad to a beautiful little 2 year old, but with a rough past. What happens when... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 15

1.4K 23 0
By harryssdimpless_

Skylars pov

It's been a week since the argument with Harry and we haven't spoken since, it kind of hurt what he said about me being selfish, I'm i really selfish? These past few days I have been focusing more on the salon working more hours than usual being here to open up at to close up. I texted Gemma a few days ago asking how she is and she is recovering well I'm just so glad it's nothing more than the fractured arm.

The morning is going by so slow and I just want to go home and snuggle up in bed by myself, "sky" stacey whispers walking in the backroom "hhm" I mumble drinking my coffee "Harry is here asking for you" she says, she knows what happened and she said he had no right to say that to me after everything I have done for him,and the more I think about his words the more angry and pissed i get "tell him I'm not here" I say "to late, I said that and he said that he has already seen you" she says "well tell him I'm busy" I tell her and she nods walking out. I walk out of the backroom not caring if he sees me or not seeing as I am actually busy, as I walk out Darcy spots me and she squeals running towards me more like wobbling  "hi baby" I smile picking her up, I didn't realise how much I missed her until now she giggles bouncing up and down in my arms in happiness after a while of giving her hugs and kisses i put her back down and she runs around giggling, I could feel Harrys eyes burning into me, I didn't have to turn round to know he was looking at me.

I walk over to the front desk checking the book where all the appointments are on and Harry is just standing just centimeters away "sky" he says huffing leaning his elbows on the desk, I flick through the book looking at the next appointment,  "hmm" I mumble  "can we -" "I'm busy Harry" I say cutting him of, walking past him, maybe I am being a bit harsh to him but I really don't care after what he said to me, that I'm fucking selfish for asking that when I wasn't even going to say anything.

After he left with Darcy in his arms Marcus comes up to me " hey are you okay?" He asks in a whisper tone as I mix the dye in a bowl "yeah" I huff.

The day carries on and it soon reaches 8 o'clock "you can go if you like I will lock up" i say to Marcus "are you sure, I don't mind staying" he says putting all the things away "yeah go" I tell him. I turn the lights of and grab my things and lock up as I walked to the car I look at my phone checking the time and its 8:45, as I walk closer I spot someone by my car, the man that's been following me for weeks, "hi sweety" he says coming towards me "look I really have no idea who you are but I would really appreciate if you left me alone" I tell him carry on walking to my car and he is now following  behind, I felt him grab my wrist and pull me towards him holding a tight grip on my wrist "and I would really appreciate if you listened to me" he says through gritted teeth, I was now scared really scared I was frozen, I don't know wether to scream, kick or what to do I couldn't see his face he has me from behind, he then started touching me and that's when I panicked, was he going to rape me? "Listen" he whispers "all I want is to have you and I will leave you alone, and if not I will carry on and make your life hell, is that understood?"he says whilst touching me, his hand going further down "leave me alone" I say trying to get out of his grip "I don't think so pretty girl" he smirks, I then kick him right in the balls making him let go of his grip I kick him again harder he falls to the ground, I run to my car and lock it once I get in. I speed out of that area not knowing where to go, there was no way I was going to go home, who knows he might be there.

I phone Charlotte and there was no answer and neither on Ryan's, leaving me with only one person "hello sky?"  He asks "ha-harry" I stutter, tears rolling down my cheeks "skylar are you OK? " he says in a worried tone, I start sweating and shaking I couldn't breath that's when I realised I was having a panic attack "skylar answer me, you are honestly scaring me now are you OK? " I tried so hard to answer him but no words were coming out, only more tears rolling down my cheeks, I tried to breathe slowly calming myself down but it wasn't working my breathing was only getting worse, he could hear me crying through the phone and trying to stay calm "listen to me baby, breath, it's ok" he says calmly, I listen to him taking my time to catch my breath "where are you?" He asks "car" I managed to say feeling my heart pounding in my chest "sky come to mine ok" he says calmly, I nod then realising he can't see me "o-ok" I stutter, I put the phone down and breath trying to calm myself down once again, his place is five minutes away once I get there he is waiting outside for me.

I get out the car still shaking "sky?" He says rushing to me giving me a hug "what happened are you ok?" He asks pulling out of the hug and looks at me, I'm still shaking and my heart is pounding "sky breath OK? It's all going to me fine" he says getting me inside, we walk in to the living room and I sit on the sofa while he gets me some water "here" he says sitting next to me handing me the glass, we sit in silence for a while until he brakes it "sky tell me what happened " he says putting his hand on my thigh and I suddenly flinch "sorry" he whispers moving his hand away confused "I-I almost got I- I" I stutter freaking out "ssh sky it's ok tell me, you are safe here" he says in calm voice, "I almost got rapped" I tell him, tears rolling down my cheeks, he didn't say anything he just pulled me into a tight hug "I swear on my life that they will get this dick" he says through his teeth still holding me tight, we stay like that for a little longer in a comfortable silence.

Harrys pov

I hate seeing her like this so upset and scared she was shaking, it is almost 3 in the morning and she has just fell asleep, I get up carefully trying not to wake her, I get a blanket and put it over her and turn the lamp off, I walk out the living room and she calls my name "Harry " she panicks, "it's ok I'm here" I say walking back towards her "don't leave me" she says in a worried tone "I'm not, its ok" I reasure her "come here" I tell her as she sits up, " do you want to sleep with me?" I ask her and she nods, she gets up, the blanket round her shoulders and I hold her hand as we walk upstairs, we walk into the bedroom and Darcy is there fast asleep, "here" i whisper handing her one of my tshirts and some bottoms "thank you " she smiles walking in to the bathroom i take my jeans and my t-shirt of staying in my boxers, I move Darcy gently so the three of us can lay down once I get in bed I start to think about Skylar and what I said to the boys, I told them that how I feel about her and that I want to ask her to be my girlfriend I know right now isn't the right time or anytime soon for the matter, I don't know what she has done to me but I'm falling in love with her and it scares me. 

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