The Symbol Of Hope: My Hero A...

By TheSpectre21

523K 9.8K 7.6K

A world where super powers called "quirks" has become the norm and heroes and villains constantly face off da... More

Chapter 1: First Day Excitement, Potential Debut
Chapter 3: Clash Between Heroes & Villains, Welcome To Class 1-A
Chapter 4: Old Faces Meet, U.A. Sports Festival
Chapter 5: Dates & Training, Welcome To The U.A. Sports Festival
Chapter 6: Dramatic Finish, Onto The Next Event
Chapter 7: Cavalry Battle Explosion, Shoot For The Ten Million Points!
Chapter 8: Stunning Conclusion, The Real Challenge Begins
Chapter 9: Pride Of The Prince, Epic Conclusion Of The Sports Festival
Chapter 10: Hero Names & Internships, The Worry Of A Friend
Chapter 11: Temporary Heroes, Villainous Sneak Attack
Chapter 12: Villains On The Move Again, True Horror In The Form Of A Killer
Chapter 13: Aftermath Of The Hero Killer, Internship Tag Along
Chapter 14: Back To Classes, The Dreadful Final Exams
Chapter 15: A Scary Encounter, A New Hero Is Born
Chapter 16: Welcome Your New Classmate, Practical Exams
Chapter 17: Shopping Adventure, More Confessions & Fun
Chapter 18: Pool Party, Reflections Of The Past
Chapter 19: Summer Training Begins, A Promise From A Friend
Chapter 20: Ascend To The Next Level, A Better Understanding
Chapter 21: Deadly Ambush, Kota's Hero
Chapter 22: Defend Yourselves From The Villains, A Shocking Turn
Chapter 23: Rescue Operations, Free The Symbol of Hope
Chapter 24: All Might's Final Battle, Here Comes A Mighty Warrior!
Chapter 25: Send em' Running, Number One In The Making
Chapter 26: Moving Into Dorms Pt.1, Brotherly Bond
Chapter 27: Moving Into Dorms Pt.2, The Consequence That Follows The Battle
Chapter 28: Ultimate Move Training, Midoriya's Big Break
Chapter 29: The Test Begins, The First Step To Becoming Pros
Chapter 30: Class 1-A's Struggle, An Angry Super Saiyan
Chapter 31: The First Test Is Over, The Legendary Warrior
Chapter 32: A Love Crime, Flash Before Your Eyes
Chapter 33: A Legend's Destructive Power, Dramatic End To The Provisional Test
Chapter 34: A Hero's Melancholy, Where Has Your Pride As A Warrior Gone?!
Chapter 35: A Level Beyond The Ascended, Acknowledgement Of A Warrior
Chapter 36: Brother-Sister Bonding, Villains of Love
Bio (Update)
Chapter 37: A New Look For A Change, When Confidence Begins To Take Over
Chapter 38: The Unrivaled Third Year, The Hero And The Villain
Chapter 39: Respect For The Upper Class men, U.A's New Top Three
Story Update, Not A Chapter
Chapter 40: A Look Back At The Past, The I-Island Incident Part 1
Chapter 41: I-Expo Invasion, The I-Island Incident Part 2
Chapter 42: To Go Even Further Beyond, The I-Island Incident Part 3
Thank You Everyone
Chapter 43: Hero Work Studies Begin, The Scared Girl & An Angry Prince
Chapter 44: Lingering Pain, Seeking Even More Power
Chapter 45: Life As A Sidekick, Not So Great Introductions
Chapter 46: A Sudden Call Back, Shocking Discoveries Are Made
Chapter 47: The Fated Day Arrives, Commence The Rescue Operation!
Chapter 48: The Enemy's Trap, A Dangerous Foe Awaits
Chapter 49: Everything's Gone To Hell,The Decisive Battles of Our Heroes
Chapter 50: Togata Mirio's Efforts & Sacrifice, The Battle Rages On
Chapter 51: The Tables Have Turned, A Dire Situation
Chapter 52: Ryu's Full Power, The Rescue Operation Is Over
Bio (Update 2/Evil You)
Chapter 53: A Hero's Last Wish, Ryu's Growth As A Hero
Chapter 54: U.A's Cultural Festival Is Here! A Chance For Her Happiness
Chapter 55: Excitement For The Upcoming Festival, Eri Arrives To U.A!
Chapter 56: The Invasion Plan Of U.A, The Cultural Festival Has Arrived!
Chapter 57: A Gentle Downfall, The Cultural Festival's Explosive Beginning
Chapter 58: Back Together Again, Welcome Home Super Saiyan
Chapter 59: Riku Back Into The Fray, Elite Warrior's True Desire
Chapter 60: Elite Warrior & Endeavor's Final Push, An Unforgivable Act
Chapter 61: The Ultimate Clash of Titans, Warriors With Overwhelming Power
Not A Chapter, Check This Out!
Chapter 61.5 (Special): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 61.5 (Part II): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 61.5 (Part III): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 61.5 (Finale): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 62: Back On The Grind

Chapter 2: A Desperate Battle, The Symbol's of Peace & Hope Meet

25.2K 452 164
By TheSpectre21

"Eat this!" You yelled as five glowing orbs formed around your finger tips of your right hand and you threw them at the villains. "Banshee Blast!" You yelled.

When they came into contact with the floor the villains were on, the three of them were blown high into the air as Aizawa wrapped them in cloth and slammed them on the ground. Once you and Aizawa were on the ground, everyone gasped at the two of you and your skills.

"Idiot, that's Eraser Head! He can erase quirks just by looking at them!" One villain yelled.

"Then who's the kid!?" Another asked.

"I don't know!" They replied.

All the students who were stood up top were jaw dropped at your skills and synergy with Aizawa.

"H-He's strong..." Iida stated in shock.

"No way..." Midoriya said in disbelief.

Just then, you moved so fast that no one could keep up, and when you reappeared, you were in front of three villains who were armed with swords. The first you punched in the gut, making him spit up and drop to his knees. When the second came towards you and attacked, you side-stepped his blade and kneed him in the chin before grabbing his face and slamming him on the ground, slightly cracking it and knocking him out. The third tried to run towards you, but you raised your hand and shocked everyone when a yellow ball of energy formed in the palm of your hand and fired a ball of energy at the villain, hitting his stomach and sending him flying as it blew up midair, knocking him out. You stood tall as you glared at the villains and they backed away slightly.

"Who is he?" Todoroki asked in slight shock.

"That..." Thirteen trailed off as everyone looked at her. "That's Y/N L/N, the son of a well known and loved hero that was lost in battle trying to protect her son. The Symbol of Hope..." She said.

"Wait...! His mom is...!?" Midoriya couldn't finish his sentence.

"His mother was a close friend of mine, her hero name was "Blaster Girl." She said as everyone gasped and looked at you while you aimed your hand at the villains.

"Who's next?" You asked as all the villains glared at you. "Mother, this is the day. This is the day I avenge you and fulfill the promise I made all those years ago....This is for you, Mother." You thought.

"This brat...Who the hell does he think he is...?" The leader of the villain group, who wore all black clothes while having about 14 disembodied hands clasped onto his arms, chest, neck, head, and face, asked while glaring at you and scratching his neck roughly as you glared back at him.

"Try and bring down the Symbol of Hope, bastards!!! HAAAA!!!!!!!" You yelled as you dropped three more villains before returning to Aizawa's side.

"You're oddly well prepared for this." He commented.

"I've constantly trained in different scenario's regarding rescues and taking down bad guys with my dad. These guys are nothing." You said while standing back to back with him as the villains surrounded you two. "Those three near the fountain, that big guy that's missing the top of his head looks like he's a gonna be a problem." You mentioned while looking at what appears to be a large black humanoid monster.

His body was very muscular and had many scars on it. His brain was exposed on the top of his head, while his large eyes are around it and his mouth has the shape of a bird's beak that has sharp teeth in it.

"He's mine." You told him.

"No, you follow my lead on this. We take out the foot soldiers first before taking out the main threats. Let's go!" He said while leaping into the air and taking down two more villains.

You groaned and followed him as the two of you engaged in battle with the villains while the rest of the class watched on in shock. They were following Thirteen while Mirdoriya got lost in what he was watching as he stared at you and Aizawa taking on the villains like nothing.

"Wow...Mr.Aizawa's actually good at fighting by himself against a lot of people, huh? And Y/N's crazy strong and fast, too fast for them to keep up." He stated as Iida turned around to get his attention.

"This is no time for analysis! Hurry up and take shelter!" He called as Midoriya snapped out of his thoughts and caught up to him and his class.

"I won't let you." Just as they were going to reach the doors however, a portal in front of them opened and took form of a dark mist while having glowing yellow eyes and spoke up as you and Aizawa gritted your teeth from allowing him to pass.

"Shit! I turned away for a second, and that weird mist guy slipped pass us!" You thought as you yelled over at Aizawa. "Hey! I'm heading over to help! Just hold out til I'm back!" You said as he nodded and watched you jump away.

The mist villain looked down on them as they stood in shock and slight fear of him.

"Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves in to the home of the heroes, U.A. High School, in order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath. I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change? Well, that is neither here nor there. This is the part I am to play." He said as his mist grew larger.

Thirteen opened a small hole in her index finger of her space suit and aimed at him, but stopped when Bakugo and Kirishima jumped towards the villain. There was a huge explosion as the smoke cleared and the two of them smirked.

"Did you consider that you'd get beaten by us before you did it?" Kirishima taunted him.

"Idiots!" You called out as everyone looked up to see you. "Get back!" You yelled while firing a blast in between them and the villain, clearing all the smoke to see he was unharmed.

"Y/N-kun!" Uraraka shouted as you landed between them.

"Oh dear, that's dangerous." The villain said as he came together again, but you were able to see a sort of metal container that was in the center of his mist briefly before it was covered. "That's right. Even if you are students, you are still excellent golden eggs." He said as he squinted his eyes at you.

"No! Move away, you three!" Thirteen warned you three.

"My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!" The villain yelled as his mist surrounded a majority of the students, including you.

"Dammit! Big Bang Attack!" You yelled as you fired a large bright energy ball, only for it to be swallowed by the mist. "What?!" You shouted.

"I will not allow you to interfere." The villain glared at you.

Outside the mist, Iida and a few more of the students were on the ground with Thirteen as Iida turned and saw a huge dome of dark mist covering you all.

"Everyone...!" He shouted in despair.

Suddenly, portals opened in all the different disaster zones, and you saw yourself falling down into the shipwreck zone. When you heard screaming however, you turned and saw Midoriya falling with you, and you caught him as the two of you crashed into the water. He signaled a thanks to you as you both began to swim up and you grasped the situation.

"Warp, so that's his quirk? Why the hell do they wanna kill All Might? What's going on!?" You thought in frustration.

Just then, you saw a humanoid shark villain swimming towards you and Midoriya as he panicked and you swam in front and blasted the villain away, creating a huge explosion in the water. Just then, a long tongue wrapped around Midoriya, and he turned to see Asui who was holding Mineta as she looked at you and you gave a thumbs up. You swam up to the surface and looked around before signaling her to hoist up Midoriya onto the boat as she surfaced with Mineta.

"For a frog...your boobs...are pretty big." Mineta said as he pushed his face against them.

"Ribbit." She said in uncomfortableness.

"This guy!?" You thought as she used her tongue to throw him harshly onto the boat as you and her climbed up the side together.

"Thanks, Asui-san, Y/N-kun." Midoriya said as you both popped up.

"Call me "Tsu." She said as you looked at her and laughed a little.

"That's actually a cute nickname, Tsu-chan." You told her while hopping over onto the boat as she blushed and climbed over as well.

"--T-T-T-T-Tsu, thanks!" Midoriya said in a scared tone while waving his arms around.

"This has turned into a bad situation, though." Tsu said as you all agreed.

"Yeah. What the villain said earlier...They knew U.A.'s schedule! Looking at the big picture, those guys must've set up the media intrusion the other day to get information."

"Media intrusion?" You asked.

"The barriers were breached by the media when someone broke the entrance to let them in." Tsu told you as Midoriya continued.

"They were waiting to pounce, just as Todoroki said." He said.

"But, but--It's not like they can kill All Might! Once All Might comes, he'll pound those guys! " Mineta said as you shook your head.

"If they're after All Might, then they probably found a WAY to kill him, isn't that why this was so carefully thought out?" You asked while looking at Mineta. "They're willing to torture us to death in order to get to him. Us, young kids who are just trying to become heroes like him. Who knows how long we'll last until help arrives, and with my quirk, I'll use up a lot of stamina before then, and there's no room for error on anyone's part. Who's to say we'll all make it out alive or in one piece?" You said as he looked over and got so scared he might have wet himself.

"M-M-Midoriya! What the heck is that!?" He yelled as you all looked out to the water.

"Ribbit!" Tsu said, catching your attention.


You saw the villain you blew away in the water swimming back towards you with full force as he was accompanied by other villains who were adapted to being in water. He glared directly at you while you scoffed.

"You bastard! I'll kill you!" He yelled out.

"AHHHHH!!!!! There's a ton of them!" Mineta yelled in fear.

You stepped in front of them and readied yourself when Midoriya suddenly spoke up.

"If those guys..." He spoke.

"Ribbit." Tsu said as she and you two turned towards Midoriya.

"If those guys...have a way to defeat All Might, then right now, we should be stopping whatever they're planning. By fighting and winning!" He said as you smirked.

"Now you're making sense. All right, hold onto to something!" You yelled.

You jumped up into the air and used your quirk to make yourself fly above the villains and the boat.

"H-He can fly!?" Mineta yelled in utter shock as Tsu made a ribbit again.

"Tsu! Get ready to jump with those two!" You yelled as she wrapped her tongue around Midoriya's waist and grabbed Mineta. "Big Bang Attack!" You yelled again as you fired a large bright blast into the center of the water, creating a massive explosion that caught everyone's attention.

When the water began to crash back down on top of the villains, it sucked them into a water vortex. You fired off a few more energy blast into the water that made small explosions and knocked out the villains as you caught up to Tsu.

"You're really amazing! Y/N-kun!" Midoriya yelled in astonishment.

"We're not done yet! Try and help the others as much as you can! I'm going back to Aizawa!" You said while flying back towards the middle of the dome.

As you flew over, you saw three villains about to hit his blind spot. When he turned to see them, they had already swung their weapons at him.

"Banshee Blast!" You yelled as you blew away the ones who caught him.

"Thanks." He told you.

"How you holding up?" You asked.

"I'll be alright, what about you?" He asked you.

"My stamina's a bit drained, but if I'm careful, I'll last." You said while standing back to back with him. "I'll take a load off you, good luck!" You said while jumping back into battle.

Aizawa jumped back as well as he knocked down two other villains before looking forward to see what is thought to be the leader of the group running towards him.

"The last boss?" He asked as he sent his wraps towards the villain leader, only for them to be caught.

He charged forward and threw an elbow to his gut as he pushed him back. Midoriya and the other two smiled when they saw him land the blow, but Tsu noticed something that made her shocked when she saw he caught his elbow.

"Damn." Aizawa scoffed.

"It's hard to see because you keep moving around, but there's an instant when your hair falls." The villain with a dismembered hand on his face said as Aizawa gasped and the villain used his quirk. "That's when you've finished an action." He said as Aizawa's elbow began to harden and turn brittle. "And the space in between has gotten shorter and shorter. Don't push yourself, Eraser Head." He said as Aizawa's muscle tissue began to show and chip away.

Aizawa scoffed and punched him off and jumped away.

"My elbow's crumbling!" He scoffed while dodging an attack.

Unable to use his right arm, he dodged and maneuvered the best he could before he was surrounded.

"That quirk isn't suited for fighting long fights against a large group, is it? Isn't this too different from your usual job? What you're good at is a short fight after a surprise attack, right? Even so, you jumped right in to fight us from the front. Was that to put your students at ease?" He said as more villains attack Aizawa.

Aizawa used his only arm to fight and push back the villains who pushed him, and turned back towards the leader as he spread his arms.

"You're so cool...You're so cool...! By the way, hero..." The leader trailed off as Aizawa turned around in shock to see the humanoid beast behind him. "...I'm not the last boss." The leader spoke as the monster reach to him.

You knocked a villain out and blasted another away, and when you turned around, you saw blood fly with a set of goggles that you saw belonged to Aizawa. You were shocked and wide-eyed at the sight, when you saw him being beaten to death. It was so horrible, that you froze in shock as did Midoriya and the other two.

"A-Aizawa..." You trailed off as you heard his blood curdling scream when the monster twisted and broke his right arm.

"You can erase quirks. That's wonderful, but it's nothing impressive. In the face of overwhelming power, you might as well be quirkless." The leader taunted.

Aizawa tried to stop the beast with his quirk, but it only resulted in it smashing and breaking his left arm on the ground.

"It's like he's breaking a twig...I'm sure I erased his quirk. That means he's just that strong." Aizawa thought as the monster grabbed his head and lifted him up. "He's as strong as All Might..." He grunted as his face was smashed into the ground, cracking it.

Midoriya, Tsu, and Mineta watched in horror as their teacher was being slowly beaten to deat.

"M...M...Midoriya, I can't take it anymore." Mineta said as his mouth was covered by his hands in fear. "I'm sure you must be having second thoughts, right?" He asked.

"Ribbit..." Tsu said in despair.

The warp gate villain reappeared next to the leader as you continued to watch on in horror.

"Tomura Shiguraki." The villain said.

"Kurogiri, did you kill Thirteen?" Shiguraki asked as you felt your chest twist.

"Th-Thirteen...?" You thought in horror.

"I put Thirteen out of commission, but there were students that I was unable to disperse, and one of them was able to run away." He informed him as Shiguraki turned to him.

"Huh?" He asked as he began to violently scratch his neck. "Kurogiri, you...If you weren't a warp gate, I would've crushed you to pieces." He said harshly before stopping. "We can't win against dozens of pros. It's game over. Man, it's game over this time. Let's go home." He said to Kurogiri.

"They're going home?" Mineta asked. "Did he say they're going home?" He asked again.

"That's what I heard." Tsu said.

"All right! We're saved!" Mineta cheered lightly as he latched onto Tsu, suddenly grabbing one of her breast.

"Yes, but..." She said as she shoved him underwater, trying to drown him. "I have a bad feeling about this, Midoriya." She said as Midoriya agreed.

"Yeah. For them to simply retreat after doing all this..." He trailed off.

Your eyes were planted on Aizawa as he was held down before the Shigurai spoke.

"Oh, yeah. Before we leave, let's smash some of his pride as the Symbol of Peace!" He yelled as he suddenly rushed and was in front of Tsu reaching for her.

You snapped out of it and yelled out loud, gaining everyone's attention.

"NO! DON'T DO IT! STOP IT!!!!" You yelled but he didn't stop. "Don't hurt her...Don't hurt her...!" You yelled as an image of her crumbling to pieces flashed into your mind. "DON'T HURT HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You yelled at the top of your lungs as energy surged around you and blew away the villains near you.

He stopped just before grabbing her face as he noticed a change and scoffed.

"Damn it. You really are cool..." He said as he turned towards Aizawa who forced himself up and looked at him to use his quirk. "...Eraser Head." He said before the monster smashed his face into the ground, knocking him unconscious.

Midoriya took the chance and leaped out of the water with his fist reeled back.

"Crap, crap, crap, crap! He's clearly different from our earlier opponents. I've gotta save Asui and run away!" He thought as he put his power into his right fist, using his quirk he received from All Might. "Let go of her!" He yelled. "Smash...!" He screamed as there was a huge shock wave of force as he felt the hit connect and blew everyone away except for you.

Midoriya was breathing heavily as he looked at his arm in surprise.

"My arm's not broken?! I'm finally able to control my power at a time like this? I did it! I was able to get in a good smash! All right!" He thought before looking up in shock to see he had punched the gut of the monster that hurt Aizawa. "When in the world...Wait, it didn't...hurt him...?" He thought as he slowly retracted his arm and remembered what you said on the ship.

"If they're after All Might, then they probably found a WAY to kill him, isn't that why this was so carefully thought out?" Your memory rang through his mind. "No way..." He thought.

"You move well. Your "Smash"-- Are you a follower of All Might's? Oh well. I'm done with you." He said as the monster suddenly grabbed onto Midoriya's arm and raised his free hand to him and Shiguraki reached out to Tsu and Mineta.

Just before he could grab them, the monster let go and grabbed Shiguraki and shielded him as an energy blast hit his back, creating another massive explosion that shook the dome. They all turned to see you and that you were in front of Aizawa.

"You..." You trailed off in an angered tone as the monster and Shiguraki stared at you.

"Now we have you, another annoyance." He said as you gripped your fist tighter.

"You were going to kill them....You were going to kill them and enjoy it...You bastard...." You said as everyone watched as a bright aura was suddenly surrounding your body and sparks surged around you.

"Y-Y/N-kun...?" Midoriya trailed off as he watched you in shock.

Play Song At Top

"H-How dare you...How dare you...!" You yelled as dark images from your past flashed in your mind.

Your muscles were bulging and you were gritting your teeth as your energy began to rise so much that it was blowing everyone away. The ground underneath you cracked as there was another explosion at the entrance. When the smoke cleared, everyone was shocked and relieved when they saw All Might enter, and he was not smiling.

"It's fine now! I am here!" He said in fury.

"All Might!" The students yelled in unison.

"But wait! Y/N-kun!" Uraraka yelled as he looked at you and felt your power rising.

"That young man, what's happening to him?" He wondered.

"Oh, we're getting a "continue"..."Shiguraki trailed off before stumbling again as he looked at you and your hair began to flash blonde.

"How dare you!" You yelled as there was a flash of energy that exploded out of you and your eyes widened as your hair turned to a golden blonde color and a golden aura encased your body.

Everyone was shocked at your transformation as you glared at Shiguraki.

"You like seeing quirks? Well this is mine, bastard." You said as you suddenly disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, the monster was kicked away crashed into the fountain as Shiguraki regrouped with Kurogiri. You were now standing in front of Tsu and the other two as your muscles were bulging and sparks surged all around you.

"His mom was "Blaster Girl," who could manipulate energy and turn it into beams or blast, and she married "Elite Warrior" who had the quirk to make himself stronger, faster, and increase his fighting stats beyond a normal humans limit. Can Y/N use both of them at the same time? No...If his quirk uses up his stamina, then he's going to be running on fumes soon!" Midoriya discovered while staring at you as you approached the villains.

"He was going to kill those three...He was going kill them and enjoy it, just like that bastard..." You said as a memory flashed in your mind.

"Hahahaha! I'm going to gut you where you stand, and hang your family by your intestines!" A villain yelled at your mother as she stood between you, your father, and the villain.

You snapped back to reality and glared at him as your power increased, as well as your rage. The ground underneath you cracked and energy surged around you and your body, and even All Might was shocked as he could feel the power and rage all the way from the entrance.

"I will never forgive you...How dare you!" You yelled as your power exploded. "FACE MY RAGE, SHIGURAKI!!!!!!!" You cry echoed throughout the dome, scaring everyone and briefly stopping their fights.

A/N: For this story, I'll have a set schedule for updates. I'll be updating every Saturday, that way I have time to finish chapters and keep things consistent and up to par while having enough time to make sure there are few errors. I hope I can do this story some justice. I hope you all enjoy.

Spectre, Out

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