Life's Requiem {Book 1}

Da the_art_anthologist

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{BOOK 1 OF THE INFINITY CHRONICLES} A tale of one of the branched timelines born from the death of He Who Rem... Altro

Chapter 1: Alpha
Chapter 2: Majesty
Chapter 3: Fractals
Chapter 4: Revelation
Chapter 5: Severed
Chapter 6: Bifrost
Chapter 7: Legends
Chapter 8: Icebound
Chapter 9: Reverie
Chapter 10: Traveling
Chapter 12: Knotted
Chapter 13: Awakening
Chapter 14: Enlightenment
Chapter 15: Restrained
Chapter 16: Clandestine
Chapter 17: Ontogeny
Chapter 18: Duel
Chapter 19: Refuge
Chapter 20: Warfare
Chapter 21: Retribution
Chapter 22: Elysian
Chapter 23: Finifugal

Chapter 11: Impressions

186 13 17
Da the_art_anthologist

At least we have Thor...

Jennica continued to feed words of encouragement into her own mind as the castle doors swung open.

And Loki could use his magic...

The hallway was dim and lit by candlelight as they were taken to the throne room.

And me... we'll see what comes to mind first.

King Ulric was sitting confidently on his throne, a jeweled crown on his head and a piercing look in his blue eyes. He was tall, blonde and pale, seemingly young and pleasant to look at. This man did not appear dangerous, but looks were often deceiving. It may be best to have no prejudice...

Once Ulric had dismissed the guards, he at once stood up, a smile breaking through on his thin lips, obviously recognizing the armor designs of the two men.

"Why, princes of Asgard, how could you visit this realm without stopping by to say hello? I am glad to have you in my kingdom!" The king met with them as he pranced down the stone steps. "It has been quite a while since we've had the pleasure of your presence. May I ask why you have come here?"

"A matter that may involve you, actually." Thor began. "My brother and I have taken this young woman, Jennica, with us to find out the true potential and origin of this locket. During our search, it has been tracked to this realm, and it bears the symbol supposedly of the royal family of Alfheim."

Ulric's expression irked with surprise and curiosity. "You should have sent word. I would have gladly helped you!" Glancing over at the locket around Jennica's neck, as it did indeed bear the royal rune, his eyes seemed to sparkle. "Fascinating... I will be more than happy to assist you in this matter. If it is indeed a treasure of Alfheim, it is important that we discover what you seek to know."

"Thank you, your highness." Jennica curtsied, wondering if that was an acceptable custom.

Meeting and locking with her gaze, Ulric's lips pulled upward, his eyes glowing with pleasure. It must have worked. "Well, since it is getting late, there is no use in worrying about this matter now. Please, stay here in the castle for the remainder of your time. I assumed you would be tired from your traveling, so the maids have prepared rooms for each of you. Tomorrow, I will throw a feast to celebrate your arrival!"

Had Dellinger lied to us? Is this man on our side?

Cheerfully, Thor said, "You are too kind! Thank you for your assistance."


The guest rooms were alike in every way, with a large bed dressed in fluffy, white pillows and a golden embroidered blanket, a nightstand, and wardrobe. A stained glass window covered a greater part of the wall beside the beds, creating a glowing atmosphere. All had grown quiet. The emptiness of the rooms exposed emotions hidden deep in each one of them, and they let their hours of resting fill with these overcoming thoughts.

Jennica sat on the edge of the bed, mindlessly scrunching the blanket between her fingers and gazing at the colorful window. Its design resembled what was carved into her locket, making her stomach churn with the anxiety for answers.

"I know what you're thinking, and I don't like it." Oveaus spoke, sitting on the window sill and leaning forward.

With a gasp, Jennica stood up and was quick to envelop him, the magic allowing them to touch. "You're here!"

"Yes, for now..." he took a deep breath when her locket's magic began to sustain him. "But what are you doing? I thought I said–"

"And you know what I said." Jennica pulled back. "Listen, I am finally on the right path. I'm seeing signs and I have this feeling."

"That you're going to find out who you are? You'll only end up in more danger."

"So you've said. But I would give up trying to convince me, if I were you. It's not going to work."

Her gaze was strong, and Oveaus, knowing he could not shake her, heaved a sigh and hopped off of the sill, walking further into the room.

"This is nice." He said, looking around. "I wish I was really here. Haven't had a room like this in a very long time..." he seemed to be remembering. Dreaming.

"Not even where you're trapped? In a place you won't tell me about?!"

"Sister, it isn't all that bad anymore. You wouldn't have been able to find me, but with your magic, I'll soon have enough to find and come to you."

Jennica froze. "You... what? Really?! You'll be free?"

"Yes, and we'll be together again." He placed his hands on her shoulders. "When I return, then whatever you haven't discovered, I will help you with. You'll be safer under my protection."

"Don't you already have the answers?"

"Hardly. But I'll have a lead. I have many ways of gathering information."

"You would be useful here and now." She gave him a sad smile.

"I would prefer that. But life tends to take its time." He too shared the smile. "Come, let's walk the halls a bit. I don't like to stay in one place for very long." He laid a hand on her back and led her towards the door.

Jennica gladly left the room, happy to occupy herself with a lingering conversation. Her brother's strengthening magic was evident by the length he was now able to communicate with her.

In this moment, the two siblings paced the hallway, continuing their conversation in the dim atmosphere. It was calming and a welcome distraction.

"How have you been holding up with your companions during this adventure?" Oveaus asked, teasing the final word. "I can't watch over you all the time."

Jennica tucked a strand of brown hair behind her left ear. "They're a decent pair. I've started warming up to them quite a bit, and frankly, they deserve my gratitude for saving my life."

"You were lucky they were there. I wasn't strong enough in that moment and I felt so helpless."

"Whatever the outcome may have been, fate wants us together."

These words pulled a wide smile over Oveaus' face, lighting up his carmel eyes. "I do not doubt that. And with you being accompanied by the princes of Asgard, I have no doubt you will be safe."

"They are very interesting company, I'll give them that." Jennica giggled, her spirits returning. "Thor tries to be optimistic, but when it comes to Loki, his countenance turns to a boil."

"Loki has a knack for those things."

Jennica's eyebrows raised. "Have you met him?"

"I've heard many stories. He isn't to be trusted, unless Thor is around to hold him under accountability. I'm concerned if his intentions of helping you lie beyond that of a virtuous heart. I never knew him for having one."

"Oveaus, we shouldn't judge the heart if we cannot see it. Actions speak the loudest."

"Yes," Oveaus carefully chose his words, "but I don't want you to blindly trust and speculate until the danger is too near to escape from." He stopped walking to face her, the carmel in his eyes almost a sharp yellow as his brows were sternly knit. "I have spent my life studying the ways of magic, dedicating everything to it, and when I say I see with more than eyes, believe me. There are those who use this power for the good of the realms, but others who will deceive anyone to obtain it. You are an open book, vulnerable to these dangers, and I can't do any more than warn you!"

"Don't shout at me!" Oveaus' sudden change in manner was a little unnerving and Jennica took a step back. "I'm trying to be as safe as I can, but if I can't trust my own companions–"

"No one, Jennica. You trust no one! You keep the locket safe and you wait for me!"

"I'm too new to all of this to be in the realms on my own! I need them, I need their help and I need to find the answers or it will tear me apart. Don't you trust me?!"

"Jennica," Loki's groggy voice broke the argument, "who in the nine realms are you talking to?"

She snapped her head over to where he was standing. At first glance, she could see that he was without his long leather coat and some of his armor, his hair a little messy from laying on his bed.

"U-Um... I was talking to my brother." Stammering over her words, Jennica pointed and turned her head back to where Oveaus had been standing, only to see his absence.

Loki frowned, glancing between her and the empty air, not reflecting confusion but either that he was annoyed or he knew the truth of what was happening. Assuming both was not far fetched for him.

"I see..." was all he could think of to say politely. "Some of us would like to rest before this escapade continues and your shouting with the air is disturbing the peace."

Embarrassed and upset, Jennica's emotions choked her up and her vision blurred behind glossy eyes.

"Nothing is in its normal state right now, and I would really appreciate it if you did not tease me." She tried not to sniffle. Her arms crossed and she refused to look at him.

"I meant no offense." Loki let the words slowly leave his mouth as he approached her, his boots echoing off of the floor and his figure towering more and more the closer he came.

"Forgive me for my emotions," Jennica began, wiping her eyes but still not looking at him, "I am beginning to realize the pain of feeling lost."

As if pity was stirring in his heart, Loki placed his index and middle finger under her chin, tilting it over so she could meet his gaze. His touch was so gentle and sincere that it took her by surprise.

"There is nothing to apologize for." He assured. "We are all lost. But I confess that I have acted poorly towards you, and for that, I do apologize."

In answer, Jennica nodded, quiet and surprised by the side of Loki she was seeing. He was apologizing. Apologizing to her. His eyes had lost some of their darkness and a smile tried to tug at his lips. It was as if a new man was showing through from beneath the ice-cold skin. Maybe this was the brother Thor seemed to have so much affection for.

"Sorry for disturbing you." Jennica mumbled, too shocked to say anything smart. She began to walk away, feeling disoriented and exhausted, but before she could take two steps towards her bedroom, Loki had met with her. He held his arm out, eyebrows raised to ask her to link with him.

"What are you..." Jennica looked at his arm in confusion.

With a smirk and a quirk of his eyebrow, he asked,
"May I escort you to your room?"

"What, like a gentleman?"

"Isn't that what I am?" He stifled a scoff.

There wasn't any point in arguing, and Jennica preferred company over none at all, so with reluctance at first, she linked her arm through his and they walked together. In silence was how it began, her room on the farthest end from where she had walked. Biting her tongue from saying anything foolish to Loki or embarrassing herself, she let her eyes drift from the hallway to the floor.

"When I requested your silence earlier, I did not intend to shut you up entirely." Loki said, as if in hopes of striking a conversation, or his way of pretending to know how to talk to a girl.

In spite that she felt guilty of immediately after, Jennica replied with, "What's the point of talking to you if you can just read my mind?"

"You have gotten quite good at keeping me from reading them, so words will have to do. But who says we cannot have a civil conversation? We are working together, you know."

"Are we? I can never tell your intentions. My brother was just telling me how you are not to be trusted."

Loki tried to mask his hurt by letting out a laugh, but Jennica frowned when she heard the sting of it.

"I have heard those words ever since I was a boy." He said. "Even the brother I trusted grew to lose faith in me."

"Have you done something to break the trust?"

"Nothing that wasn't provoked. Yes, I admit, my past actions justify that of a deceiver, but habits fester when you use them for protection."

Jennica's frown deepened, giving his arm a gentle squeeze as if to say she understood what he meant.

"I don't mean to be angry with you." She began after a pause, seeing as they were at her door but the conversation continued. "I have never been so confused, battling these thoughts and new fears... my life is already forever changed."

"I understand your confusion, for I am as well. Ever since we talked last night... when I heard your story and you heard mine, your response to both is what I still cannot comprehend. Why did you not run from me when you heard of my Jötun blood? How are you so righteous when your whole life has been a lie, a secret?"

These questions struck Jennica by surprise, and she tried searching Loki's eyes for signs of trickery but found none.

"I was brought up in it," she replied, "but maybe it was because I decided that a pure heart would get me through this darkness in the long run. Yes, I fail at it countless times, but my intentions are true. And I did not run from you because it would be foolish of me to fear someone just for their blood. The heart is what speaks, Loki." Her voice grew soft, and she placed her palm to his chest. "Just let it speak."

He did not know what possessed her to say those words, but they struck him right where her hand was pressed. Let your heart speak... Loki had surrounded his heart behind a crumbling stone wall that he was afraid to demolish it and crush what was left.

"You should–" he cleared his throat when he heard his unsteady voice. "You should get some rest for tomorrow, yeah? We have a big day ahead of us."

Pulling away and noticing how little space they had left between themselves, Jennica fumbled for the doorknob. Why was her heart suddenly thumping the way that it was? She wasn't afraid...

"Um, yeah..." she muttered. "You as well. Goodnight."

She rushed back into her room without saying another word or sparing a second glance.


Under the incredulous warmth and comfort of the bed, it was an ache to be pulled from the sleep Jennica had. Rest had been a welcome comfort that night and seemed to end so abruptly.

By the light of the sun, it was a very early morning, the rays mixing with the pink of the sky. Her attention was pulled to the bustle across the room, seeing who had been the person to wake her up.

"Good morning, Lady Jennica." The servant girl greeted when she noticed the attention. "My name is Vigdis. I will be serving you during your visit. Here, I have brought you breakfast."

Holding out a tray of precisely cut fruits and a bowl filled with pudding, Vigdis placed it on Jennica's lap. She nodded after hearing gratitude and walked to the wardrobe, her delicate stride showing flawless poise. No more words were shared between the two of them, for this servant appeared to be one who would detest an interruption in her work. After picking out a dress for Jennica, she left the room without a second glance. Most servants were trained to beware of forming relationships with the people whom they serve, but it naturally struck newcomers as odd.

Unsure of what to try first, Jennica stuck with the recognizable, tasting the strawberries and peaches. The pudding was odd in taste, but the texture was pleasant. She ate most of it but couldn't bring herself to finish the rest. At least her stomach was full, and she would be able to start the day. A day of voyaging for answers, a day of wondering if Oveaus would speak, a day of facing Loki after their talk the night before...

The new dress, beautiful light pink with white embroidery, was hanging from the wardrobe door, clean and fresh for her to wear. She undressed and then slipped it on, twirling in front of a nearby mirror after doing so. Every moment of dressing into new outfits with Cammy before a performance rushed through her memories, and she rustled the silky fabric. Through her river of thoughts, she nearly heard a voice say,

Let go of the life you once lived...

A knock on the door interrupted the euphoria and she hurriedly brushed her hair with her fingers, attempting to untangle it. Expecting the servant to return, or maybe the brothers, she turned the knob and pulled. Standing there, looking down at her with a gentle grin, was Ulric. The king.

"Oh. Hello." Her voice came out not in distaste, but in surprise and intimidation. What would he want with her?

"Good morning, Lady Jennica." He greeted with a slight nod of his head. "As you are a friend of the Princes of Asgard and a first-time visitor of Alfheim, it would be my deepest pleasure to walk with you through my gardens, if you would allow me."

The shock and obscurity overcame Jennica, and she almost didn't know how to respond.

"I..." She began, all of a sudden feeling very nervous at this sudden request. "Of course. That would, um... yes, I would enjoy that."

"Very well, then." He smiled, motioning for her to follow.

They walked out through the hallways and into the courtyard garden. It was astonishingly large, being an acre long and wide. A fountain rested in the middle as a path curled around it and through the neat brush. Flowers radiating every color of the rainbow filled the air with their aroma.

"How do you like the gardens?" Ulric asked, soaking in the sun.

Jennica looked around herself, impressed. "It's all very beautiful. I've never seen this many colors in one place. Not even back home."

"Yes indeed. Alfheim holds a strong reputation for its lush nature." Smile growing with pride, he held out his arm in the same way Loki had done. Not wishing to turn down a king, Jennica complied as they continued to walk.

"I think they were wrong about you." Speaking her thoughts out loud, she mumbled those words under her breath.

Ulric masked a frown. "Who was? I hope that is a compliment."

"Depends on how you look at it. But when Thor, Loki and I went to visit a blacksmith in the village of outcasts, he told us about how you were an unjust king who took over the throne and killed the royal family. I can't picture those things being true. You seem kind, and the kingdom appears to be thriving. I don't see any cruelty in you at all."

A sad smile tugged at Ulric's lips. "I was afraid you would hear such things. In the criminals' village, they would say anything to rid me of power. Years ago, they had tried to kill me and take over the throne. They were led by a man who bore a symbol of the double cross."

Jennica's heart skipped at that, remembering the blacksmith having that symbol on his gloves. Ulric continued,

"I had no choice but to cast them out. They put my people in harm's way. I didn't have the heart to kill any of them, so I banished them from the kingdom. They will do anything to fool those who don't know the true story. They wanted the artifacts, which were those like your locket. Many of them have gone missing, and are dangerous, which is why I wanted to speak with you in the first place."

Both puzzled and uneasy, Jennica's heartbeat quickened, worried that Ulric would tell her what she feared most, confirming what Oveaus had been saying. She grabbed hold of the charm in nervous habit.

"That locket around your neck..." Ulric spoke again, "well, I have reason to believe that it contains dangerous power. If you must continue wearing it, as I will not tell you to stop, be careful. Our elders from years ago used dark magic to sustain this world in ways they saw fit. Their power was contained in the ancient artifacts like your locket, which is the first one to have been seen in ages. Once the power within has reached its fullest potential, it will become too strong for you to control. It may even destroy you." Ulric's composure had changed by the end of his speech.

Feeling the change, Jennica gripped her necklace tighter and froze. "I... I don't know what to do then... without it, I'll die anyway!" She began to panic, but Ulric placed a hand on her left shoulder.

"That's why I want to help you. Don't worry. I promise, we'll find a way to sort this out."

"I'm afraid. I thought the Asgardians would help me ease my worries, but I'm more frightened than ever."

"I understand. Believe me, as a king, I know fear." Shoulders relaxing and his smile returning in the slightest, he urged her to walk on. "That is all I have to say in the matter. But there will be a solution. There is no need to fear."

Ulric soon diverted the conversation to a more pleasant topic, which he was very good at, and he continued to guide Jennica through the garden. He was her comfort, loyal to never bring up the locket's danger again and try to keep her spirits light. Her emotions were so easy to mold.

By midday, Ulric delivered Jennica back to her room, saying goodbye with a kiss on her hand and a promise that they would speak again.

As the king left and the door to Jennica's room had shut tight, Loki was down the hall in the distance, watching silently as he had exited his own living quarters.

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