How The Bad Boy Found True Lo...

By awkwardlyrare

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I watched him watch me as he was about to press his fist into the big red button that read "Emergency Fire!"... More

How The Bad Boy Found True Love.
Chapter 2 - I don't want to tutor you, air for brains!
Chapter 3 - A warning would've been nice.
Chapter 4 - Seniors Ditch Day, here we come!
Chapter 5 - This should be fun.
Chapter 6 - Does it hurt?
Chapter 7 - My right toe, your right ear.
Chapter 8 - Dude, why are you carrying around a can of whipped cream?
Chapter 9 - This party is gonna have my name on it!
Chapter 10 - You know, I'm terrified of lightening.
Chapter 11 - Your dad sucks.
Chapter 12 - It's so cute, I could die.
Chapter 13 - Today must be opposite day then.
Chapter 14 - She could put twerk team out of business.
Chapter 15 - Oh no, he didn't!
Chapter 16 - Hear me out..
Chapter 17 - When since did you hate school?
Chapter 18 - You suck at shopping.
Chapter 19 - I woke up in a new trolley!
Chapter 20 - What the hell?
Chapter 21 - We're married already?
Chapter 22 - Dare me, baby!
Chapter 23 - I've been shot!
Chapter 24 - Love hurts.
Chapter 25 - Uh, oh.
Chapter 26 - They took the cake.
Chapter 27 - No kidding.
Chapter 28 - Kids, be good in school. Detention sucks.
Chapter 29 - Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. Oh, did I say pathetic?
Chapter 30 - Love.. is frustrating!
Chapter 31 - Old times.
Chapter 32 - Don't you dare blame this on me!
Chapter 33 - I think my heart just stopped beating.
Chapter 34 - Talk about exhausted.
Chapter 35 - Too sweet.. overload!
Chapter 36 - Something new, something true.
Chapter 37 - An unexpected meeting.
Chapter 38 - Hold on, what?!
Chapter 40 - I'm happy on the whole.
Chapter 41 - It's a surprise.
Chapter 42 - Sheer and Allan's date.
Author's Note!

Chapter 39 - I need a breather.

2.5K 122 26
By awkwardlyrare

R e c a p ~

"Samantha, what the hell do you want? Can you like, leave me alone or something? I'm seriously tired of seeing your face. It's getting quite annoying." Heath groaned as he made his way to the door.

"Well, isn't that unfortunate for you.. because now, you'll be seeing my face so much more." Samantha said. Both Heath and my eyebrows creased in confusion as we waited for her to continue. "Heath, I'm pregnant." she said.

Is it wrong that I slammed the door in her face?

C h a p t e r  3 9 - I need a breather.

"Open the door!" Samantha screeched on the other side. I glared at the door, feeling anger boil and surface by the second. I snapped my head in Heath's direction to see that he looked rather calm, which only pissed me off way more. He could possibly be the father of this whore's unborn child.

"If I open the door my kitchen knife will only end up tickling your neck." I said through clench teeth, loud enough for her to hear me.

"I'm pregnant. You can't kill me." she said smugly. I bit down so hard on the insides of my mouth, I started to taste blood. I looked at Heath.

He motioned his head in the door's direction. "Open the door, babe." he said.

My eyes widened. "You don't get to call me babe." I sneered at him right before I nearly pulled the door off of it's hinges. I glared straight ahead at Samantha, outlining ways to murder her brutally in my head.

"Who do you think is the whore now?" I quirked my left brow up at her. "It's becoming normal for teens to get pregnant and I don't even judge them. But, you.. you. What I don't like about you is that you feel as though you should sleep with Tom, Dick, Harry and everything or one with a penis." I spat at her and stormed away.

Maybe I was being harsh. But maybe I didn't care. If this was any other girl, I would've been totally cool because I knew the type of guy Heath was before we got into a relationship so I can't say I wouldn't expect it. But because it's Samantha and I knew how much of a homewrecker she likes to be, it just really pissed me off and Heath seems perfectly fine about the fact that he's about to father that whore's child.

I was about to march upstairs and go sulk but Allan's voice stopped me.

"Who's that? What's wrong?" he asked.

I stopped and looked down at them from being halfway up the steps already. "Well, go tell your friend and Samantha congratulations. Heath could possibly be a father." I spat.

Before I knew what was happening, Sheer was up in the air and dashing towards the front door. I quickly rushed back down the steps and we all ran after her. Sheer is quite hard to tame when she's upset, hurt or scared. Don't ever scare Sheer. You'll end up with a bruise on your face, most likely your nose. Don't ask me how I know.

Sheer was so close to punching either Heath or Samantha, I wasn't sure who because as soon as she was about to take aim, Allan pulled her arm back and yanked her towards him. She started to trash around violently. Gotta love my best friend.

"Let me at her, Allan!" Sheer exclaimed, trying to reach for Samantha. Okay, so it was obviously Samantha she was trying to behead with her bare hands and not Heath.

"I can't let you do that, babe." Allan said calmly to Sheer, trying to calm her down.

"Why not?" Sheer asked, breathing hard. "Come on, I just wanna hug her." Sheer's canines flashed as she bared her teeth.

"And my name is Earl." Scott said. I sniggered as Sheer sent him a warning glare, shutting him up. She then turned her attention back to Samantha who looked absolutely terrified.

"Why the hell do you have to he such a homewrecker? Huh?!" she nearly screamed at Samantha. "I bet your twisted vagina that if I had a penis you wouldn't think twice to have sex with me."

Samantha actually looked like she was thinking about it, which only obviously pissed Sheer off more because she tried to reach for her again.

"Calm down girls," Heath said rather calmly, earning a glare from Sheer and I both. This made me want to be stubborn, I don't know why. Maybe I wanted to be a complete bitch about the situation but it just wasn't in my blood. Sheer obviously wasn't checking for Heath's request because she was started trashing around trying to get to Samantha some more. I have no idea why she's trying if the hold she has on her by Allan is tight as hell.

"I said calm down!" Heath yelled, causing Sheer, Samantha and I to pitch. Sheer immediately stopped moving and stood still and frightened, which was extremely new. I, on the other hand, could feel the excitement boiling inside of me.

That commanding tone was so sexy just now.

"Roar, you have no idea how hot you sounded just now." Samantha purred at Heath, touching his arm. I nearly lost it. I bared my teeth viciously as I charged for her. But before I could reach her and torturously rip her strands out one by one, strong arms encircled my waist and pulled me against a really hard chest. I felt tingles all over my body and I knew it was Heath.

"Who the hell says roar?" Allan asked. He had a look of annoyance on his face as he held his girlfriend tightly.

"My point," I deadpanned.

"Like, Heath.. I know your weiner just deflated as soon as she said roar. That is the biggest turn off ever." Allan said and we all laughed because let's be real it was funny.

"Did you just call my penis a weiner?" Heath asked, looking out of it.

"Would you rather winkie or a hogwart?" Allan deadpanned at Heath.

"Guys, I think we have a more important situation than discussing Heath's wingnut." Scott interjected irritably.

"Who says wingnut?" Natalie asked.

Scott exhaled. "Not you too.." he trailed.

I could feel Heath shake. He was probably shaking his head before he said, "Look, Samantha.. it is possible that that's my child. But when was the last time we had sex?" he tightened his hold around my waist and although I was a bit upset, I still had to resist the urge to turn to goo.

"About two weeks ago." I muttered, crossing my arms.

"Wrong." He said. "The last time we had sex was like a month or two ago. I have no idea how many guy she ran through during that time." Heath explained but my brows creased in confusion and Samantha gasped at his words.

"But she was just here when Emmed and I went out on a date." I said.

"I know that. I brought her here so you could get jealous not to have sex. Ew. I knew she'd be all for making you upset so she was up for it." Heath explained. I hid my smile before craning my neck to glare up at him which he just chuckled at.

I am so relieved that I know he didn't have sex with her now.

"We totally need to go get a DNA test." Scott said and everyone started muttering their agreements except Samantha.

"Why so quiet? Afraid that the test will come back and show how much of a-" Sheer was cut off by Allan.

"Behave." Allan chastised warningly. Sheer looked taken aback for a second but quickly composed herself and threw on her poker face.

"We need to get these tests now." Heath said.

"How about another day, w-we can do it some other t-time." Samantha stuttered. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who noticed her sudden nervousness or fidgety hands.

"Why not now? I need to know if I'm the fat-" Heath was cut off by the ringing of a cell phone. I didn't have to check because mine sat all the way in the living room. When everyone else checked their phone and realized it wasn't them, Heath spoke into his.

"Mom?" he said into it. "What's wrong?" pause. "Are you okay?" pause.  What the fuck?" pause. "Describe her to me, please." he said, now glaring at Samantha. "Mom, I think I know exactly who the slut it. And how is it so coincidental that I'm being accused of being a father.. by the same exact girl." pause.

I'm sure I wasn't the only one who was aching to know what the conversation was about. Obviously Samantha had something to do with it. But we wanted to know what the "it" was.

"Okay, see if you can get dad's DNA for me please.. anything. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this." pause. "Wait, why do you have his pee?" pause. Heath looked horrified yet curious at once. "Okay, understood. We'll be there soon. Get it ready for me." pause. "Okay, love you too." he hung up and shuddered.

Heath looked at Samantha and chuckled humorlessly. "So, this is why you didn't want to take the test, why you got so fidgety a moment ago." he said. "You bitch." he said through clenched teeth, stepping closer. "You do know that I find you to be absolutely disgusting now, right? Actually, extra disgusting now. A part of me always knew you were terrible, but not so terrible to the point where you would have sex with my dad.. and wreck my home even more than it already is. Samantha, when we take this test today.. you'd better pray that baby comes back as someone else's. I still wanna punch you in the face for having sex with that scum, but you're pretty lucky I don't hit girls, or.. whatever you are." He spat right before he grabbed his leather jacket and walked outside.

For a second, I thought he was going to hit the actual living demon out of Samantha but even I would've felt sorry for her.

"Dude, you had sex with his dad?" Allan asked. "I can't tell you how gross that is. You're definitely not touching me any more. I might get old man and slut cooties." he said right before he guided Sheer outside. Scott just shook his head at Samantha, then he pulled a gaping Natalie behind him, leaving me with Samantha.

"What? Are you gonna dog on me to? Go right ahead," she spat.

"You'd better watch your mouth. It's not any of our faults that you can't seem to keep your legs closed, Samantha. So don't get mad at me when you do something as stupid as sleeping with your ex's dad, wrecking a home, getting pregnant and accusing him to be the father and getting caught. It's not our fault." I said. "I feel so sorry for the child though." I said longingly, staring at her flat belly. I shook my head and motioned my hands for her to leave.

She didn't move for a while. She just stood there, staring me down. It wasn't one of her usual glares or anything.. just a regular stare. But when she turned around and left, something flashed in her eyes. And I could've sworn it was regret.

* * *

After we drove behind Samantha to make sure she didn't try and run away, we got the hospital and waited for Heath's mom to bring her husband's urine. Heath took a test as well to be sure, but I had faith that he wasn't the father. I know I believed it at first, but that's because I thought they had sex recently which mean it could've been a possibility that he was the father. Samantha decided to sit on the opposing end of the room whilst we all sat on the other side. I didn't miss the icy glares Mrs. Cullen were sending an uncomfortable looking Samantha. It was funny watching her squirm and glance Mrs. Cullen's way to probably see if she was still staring.

We heard the hospital door creak and all of our heads snapped up from what we were doing and looked that way. We all were expecting a doctor, but instead.. we saw Logan walk into the room with scrubs on. He looked just as shocked as us and his eyes found mine immediately. I noticed the bruises Heath left on him were still a bit visible. Good.

"Uh, hey guys." he mumbled uncomfortably. I didn't even say anything and neither did Heath. He was just squeezing my hand really hard and he tensed up. "Charm, c-can we talk?" he asked.

"No." Heath and I said at the same time. I looked at him and cracked a smile though he was too busy glaring at Logan.

"Please?" he practically begged.

As much as I didn't want to go and as much as I promised myself that I hated Logan's guts, something was nagging me in the back of my brain and it was annoying as hell! His eyes were also sincere for some odd reason and I didn't even want to give in to him but I rather do it now and get over it. I sighed and stood up.

"Fine," I muttered, walking through the door he now held open for me. He didn't even walk that far.. just little ways from the waiting room. I placed my index, middle and fourth finger in my jeans on both hands and leaned up against the wall.

"So, what's up?" I asked.

"Nice ring." he motioned to my finger.

"Thanks, Logan. Now what do you want?" I asked, getting inpatient.

"Novio, I just want your forgiveness is all." he said.

"Don't call me sweetheart." I snapped at him. I learned certain endearments during the time we dated and I was pretty familiar with that one. "You want my forgiveness after what you've done?" I asked incredulously as I registered what he had said.

He looked hopeful. "More than anything I've ever wanted."

I snorted. "I've heard that before.." I muttered.

"Look, I'm sorry I had sex with you when you weren't ready, okay, fillé? I'm sorry."

"You didn't just have sex with me, Logan. You recorded it! And blackmailed me.. then you sent it to me." I said with disgust.

"It was a stupid thing to do. But I thought you would've actually wanted it. I know for a fact that you can get a little freaky." he winked. I tried my hardest to control my cheeks and to stop them from heating up but they still did.

"You thought I would've wanted to do something.. whilst watching that video?"

He nodded. "To be honest, yeah. And I was thinking about it and it was so hot, Charm." he groaned.

"You're gross, Logan. Look.. I don't know what I feel towards you anymore. I don't hate you as much, I know that though. But don't get all happy because you're still not on my good side." I pointed accusingly at him and he grinned.

Good 'nough for me." He said before he came and picked me up and hugged me tightly. I immediately started hitting against his head, telling him to put me down. Was it convincing if I was laughing? But I really didn't want Heath to walk in and catch us like this.

"What the fuck?" a voice exclaimed and Logan's arms instantly loosened from around my thighs and I dropped with a loud thud on the ground. I groaned and rubbed at my head, glaring up at Logan to see him looking apologetic. He stretched his hand towards me and I kicked at it, making him yelp. I groaned again and stood up, staggering a bit but catching myself.

"What the hell was his hands doing on you?" Heath demanded.

"It's nothing. He was trying to hug me and I was trying to tell him let me down." I said, rubbing my head.

"Dude, do you like getting your face smashed in?" Heath asked Logan.

"Heath it was nothing, okay? It was just a hug. It meant nothing." I tried to convince him.

"Ow, chica. I'm still here." Logan said, rubbing his chest.

"Are the results ready yet?" I asked, trying to switch the topic and ease the atmosphere. Heath's face instantly brightened.

"That's what I actually came back here for. Turns out I'm not the father.. and neither is the snotbucket." Heath said and I knew he was referring it his dad.

I grinned and then furrowed my brows. "Snotbucket?" I asked.

"What you rather dick knuckle?"

I snorted. "I don't think that's possible, babe." I said. Heath grinned and offered his knuckle. I knew exactly what he wanted to do. I bumped his knuckle (ring) with mine.

"Poof!" we both exclaimed and burst out laughing before he pulled me down to kiss him.

I wasn't sure if he did it because he wanted to or because he wanted to bug Logan, but whatever reason.. I didn't care. I just kissed back.

"Gag," Logan said dramatically before I heard his footsteps retreating somewhere else.

"Good riddance." Heath muttered against my lips and I grinned.

A u t h o r ' s  n o t e ~
this chapter was really fun. and I just couldn't ignore you beautiful people's "update" comment. they're too persuasive lol. I love you guysssssss. ❤ - xo, Destiny.

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