I Will Never Be Yours

By asminc007

1.8M 139K 31.6K

'Love has the power to tender the broken, but self love has the power to change' Sequel to 'It was Always you... More

Sneak Peek #1
Sneak peek #2
Character's Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26a
Chapter 26b
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Character's Rant
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Engagement (Part 1)
Engagement (Part 2)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Wedding (Part 1)
Wedding (Part 2)
Wedding (Part 3)
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Author's note
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122a
Chapter 122b
Chapter 122c

Chapter 30

11.6K 965 168
By asminc007

Ananya was standing in her balcony, staring at the entrance of her house...

She was thinking about Aayan the whole time, she shut her eyes tightly to think about something else, but he was ruling all her thoughts right now

Ananya opened her eyes and sighing she walked inside her room...

She grabs a jacket and wearing that she walks out of her room, and goes to the terrace of her house

She stared at the sky, and saw the crescent moon, shining bright in the sky, surrounded by stars which looked like diamonds, she closed her eyes and felt the cold breeze...

Ananya walked to that spot of the terrace, which she avoided from last 7 years

Standing there she stared at the empty road, and tears brimmed in her eyes

She took a deep breath, preventing the tears from falling..

'Beautiful night isn't it...?' Deepika said startling her, as she walked towards Ananya

'Yeah...' Ananya quickly wiped her tears

'Are you okay...?' Deepika asked

'Yes Deeps, absolutely... What will happen to me...?' Ananya said smiling

'You know you can't lie to me girl...!' Deepika warns her

'It's nothing Deeps, really... 'Ananya fakes a smile, and Deepika looks at her suspiciously

'Fine don't tell... ' She huffs, crossing her hands

Ananya just sighed, staring at the empty road, which led to the park where they used to play, when they were young...

'Btw, Vansh told me, how you handled Aayan today, I must say that was very impressive... ' Deepika said

Ananya sighed... 'Yeah... I know... ' she said in a low voice

'Ananya something is bothering you, I can tell... Just spill it out, you will feel better... Trust me... ' Deepika held her hands

Ananya sighed...
'Deeps we share all our secrets with each other right...?' She said

'Yeah... Everything... ' Deepika smiled

'You remember, I told you about my crush in 9th grade...?' Ananya asked

'Yeah the Sports Captain, I don't recall his name... ' Deepika tried to remember

'Let it be and after that, I told you that I never liked anyone...' Ananya said

'Yeah, you started having dreams of your anonymous prince charming... ' Deepika chuckled

'I lied... ' Ananya looked guiltily at her

'What do you mean...?' Deepika asked

'Before getting the dreams about my dream man... I liked someone else... ' Ananya sighed

'Really...?  Who...?' Deepika was curious now...

Ananya took a deep breath...
'Aayan... ' She said

'WHATT....!' Deepika yells and Ananya shushes her

'Deeps please....' Ananya said panicking

'You liked Aayan...! Your biggest enemy...!  How ? When ? Why...!' Deepika whispered

Ananya sighed and again stared at the road...

'You remember, when Ved bhai and Aayan returned from the boarding school... And within a year, Aayan was sent away to Dehradun in some other college and Ved bhai continued his studies here...?' Ananya asked

'Yeah... Jai uncle was angry on him for his fight with some guy in the college... ' Deepika said

'I am partly responsible for that...!' Ananya said looking away

'What...! How...?!' Deepika got curious  now

'Okay... You have to promise that you wont interrupt in between, and you cannot share this with anyone... Not even Ved Bhai... ' Ananya warns

'Why will I say anything to him...?' Deepika says

'Oooo... Please who are you kidding, we know you become a chattering monkey in front of Ved bhai, and who knows when you'll spill this in front of him... ' Ananya said sarcastically

'Yeah okay... I Promise I won't share it with anyone, even Ved... ' Deepika pinches her throat and Ananya chuckles

'Okay... So here it goes... I saw Aayan after a long time when I was 15 and he was 17, I guess.... ' Ananya began

'But that day you said that you haven't seen him since Ved left for boarding school....' Deepika intervenes

'I lied... Now shut up and listen...' Ananya scolds her and Deepika frowns

'Yeah so... When Bhai and Aayan returned from the boarding school, The moment I saw him getting out of the car, I immediately got a crush on him... ' Ananya smiled

'Awww....' Deepika cooed and Ananya glared at her...
She covered her mouth with her hands and signalled Ananya to continue..

'But he hardly interacted with anyone and always avoided talking to me... Maybe he thought that I was a spoiled brat... ' Ananya chuckled and Deepika wanted to say something but Ananya gave her a warning look...

'So when I got the hint that he doesn't want to talk to me, I... I decided that I won't bother him, but I always had this stupid urge to talk to him, but ended up irritating him and we always got into a fight... No conversations...' She chuckled and Deepika smiled too

'Ved Bhai and Aayan always kept their distance with me... And yeah... I think that was also right, because I was younger and they were grown ups... ' She sighed

'But I would always watch Aayan drive past my house everyday, at 9:30 in the morning and return around 5:30 in the evening... I was so stupid that I actually waited in my balcony to just have a glance of him...I enjoyed that time...' Ananya said, tears filling her eyes and Deepika looks at her sympathetically

'You see that road...? *Points at the road leading to the park... * My brothers and Aayan did skateboarding there every Friday and Saturday, and on Sunday's they played cricket in the park... ' she smiled

'And you watched them from here...? To see Aayan...?' Deepika asked

'You know how teenagers do crazy things for their crushes... ' Ananya chuckled and Deepika smiled

'But you seem to dislike Aayan so much now, what happened...?' Deepika asked

Ananya's smile faded... 'Realization happened... ' She said frowning

7 years ago...
Valentine's Day...

Ananya decided to confess her feelings to Aayan today..

She was in his house, helping Jai in organising his study room, simultaneously waiting for Aayan...

They were keeping his books and files in order...

Ananya loved to organise book shelves, and she was responsible for taking care of Jai and Arjun's study, since she is was 13...

They were done arranging his books and half of the files...

'Let's take a break kid... You rest for a while, I'll go and pick your Nitaara di from her college... ' Jai said

'Okay Bade Papa... I'll make lemonade and some sandwiches for us... ' Ananya grinned

'You don't have to princess.... I'll bring Pizza while coming back.... ' Jai smiled

'Yeeeaaahhhh.... ' Ananya cheered and Jai pulled her cheeks

'I'll be back in 20-25 minutes princess...  Don't start without me... ' Jai said

'Okay Bade papa... ' Ananya smiled and Jai left the room 

As soon as Ananya heard, Jai's car leaving the house... 

She quickly grabbed her backpack and took out a pretty hand made card, which she made last night for Aayan...
Which said 'WILL YOU BE MY FRIEND....?'

'I'll tell him everything today, maybe after this he will start talking to me... ' She thought and put the card back in the backpack

She walked to the kitchen and greeted Mrs. Kumar who was their housekeeper...

'Aunty please make cheese toasts and lemonade for Me, Bade papa, Nitaara di and Aayan...' Ananya said

'Okay Ananya Baby... Here you have this, till I make your toast...' Mrs. Kumar gave her an Apple

'Thank you Aunty... ' She said and took a bite of the Apple

'Done with the work..?' Mrs. Kumar asked

'Yeah almost... Just a few files left...' Ananya replied

They chatted about random things for sometime...

'Aunty... When does Aayan come back...?' Ananya asked looking around, trying to act casual

'Baba is already in the house... See his bike....?' Mrs. Kumar pointed at Aayan's bike

'Oh... ' Ananya looked at the bike

She got down from the kitchen platform...
'I'll be back in sometime Aunty, I have to... Look at my assignment... ' Ananya said

'Okay baby, your toast will be ready by then... ' Mrs. Kumar smiled and Ananya left the kitchen

Ananya ran towards Jai's study room and took out the card from her backpack...
'I hope he accepts this.... ' She prayed and then walked towards Aayan's room

As she approached his room, her heart was beating very fast and her palms were getting sweaty...
Being in front of Aayan always made her nervous, his eyes made her forget things always...

She was about to knock his room when she heard a female voice from inside and Ananya stopped on her tracks

'Stop it Aayan... What if someone comes and catches us... ' She giggled and Ananya's hands and legs turned cold

'Don't worry no one bothers me... ' Aayan said

'How will I go out...?' The girl asked

'I'll sneak you out from the back door..' he replied

Ananya's eyes filled with tears, he was inside his room with a girl...
This broke her heart...

'What if someone sees us sneaking out, say the girl we saw working with your father in his study...?' The girl asked

'Why do you have to spoil my mood by mentioning about her...?' Aayan said irritated and Ananya clenched the greeting card in her hands, tears rolling down her eyes

'You don't like her...?' The girl ask and then *Ananya hears her playfully slapping him* 'Stop it...!'

'Wow you really are a mood killer...'  Aayan said irritated
'Pack your bag,  I'll sneak you out... ' he said angrily

'What did I do something wrong...?' The girl asked

'Why you have to mention about that irritating girl, when we are in a middle of something.... ' Aayan said

'I.. I am sorry... ' the girl said scared

'I hate that girl, like anything... she bugs me all the time... ' Aayan said irritated

'Maybe she has a crush on you... ' the girl tried to reason

'Huh.. Crush... Even if Ananya is the last girl in this planet, I will never go out with her... ' He laughed and this shattered Ananya's heart into pieces

This was too much for her...
Ananya walked away from his room, wiping away her tears...

She crumpled the card in her hands and threw it inside the dustbin

Aayan was the only boy who said such mean things about her..

This was the attack on her ego...
And Ananya was the most egoistic girl, you can ever encounter...

All her admiration for Aayan, was changed into disgust..

She walked inside the study, after washing her face..

Jai was already there, looking at the files

'Princess.. I thought you left... Let's finish this fast..  I brought pizza... ' he said excitedly

Ananya smiled weakly at him, with tears threatening to fall...

'Are you okay...? What happened...?' Jai asked

Ananya took a deep breath..
'Yeah I am fine Bade Papa... Let's do this...' she said and turned away from him

'Okay... Where is Aayan...?' He asked

'In his room, with a girl... ' Ananya replied slowly

'What...!' Jai exclaimed

Ananya got scared and covered her mouth with her hands

'Did you say, Aayan is in his room with a girl...?' Jai asked

'No...!  I just said he is in his room.. ' Ananya lied

Jai looked at her suspiciously and then walked out of the study

'Bade Papa...?' Ananya asked scared

'I am going to call Aayan for pizza... ' Jai said

'Let's arrange this first...? I'll call him afterwards...!' Ananya tried to save Aayan

'You put them according to their dates princess, I'll call him...  Anyway I wanted to talk to him... ' Jai said and walked towards Aayan's room

Ananya began arranging the file as Jai instructed, silently praying that girl should've left Aayan's room

But her prayers went futile when she heard Jai's angry voice...
'What is this Aayan...! Who is this girl..'

But Ananya didn't feel bad for him this time...

'You deserved this Aayan..
You say that you will never be with me,even if I am the last girl on this planet..

I promise you today Aayan Varma...

I will never be yours...' 

she said, wiping away her tears

From that day, Ananya started hating Aayan more...
And also as a punishment, Jai again sent Aayan to all boys college in Dehradun for 2 more years

Eventually Ananya forgot about this incident, but her hatred for Aayan was still there...

Ananya's heart was mended, when she started getting dreams of her 'Dream boy... '

Ananya's fights with Aayan was her way of taking a revenge from him for hurting her ego...

But seeing Aayan in agony, her feelings were resurfacing and she was scared that if she starts liking him again, and he hurts her...  This time she won't spare him...

Because Ananya's ego was way more than Naina's self respect...

Fate had it's own plans for her and Aayan...

Let's see who wins
Aayan's arrogance

Ananya's ego

or the Fate..


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