Little Red & The Wolf (Mafia...

بواسطة TiffanyCaitlin

491K 14.3K 1.9K

When scarlet sees something she wasn't supposed to what will happen to her life as she knows it? Scarlet doe... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 31

10K 316 39
بواسطة TiffanyCaitlin


The incessant sound had woken me up. I carefully blinked my eyes open and took in my surroundings. The smell of antiseptic filled my nose as I looked around the small room. I was in the hospital.

Memories of last night began to flood my head and I rubbed my eyes. As if that could really take the memories away. I thought bitterly to myself.

My throat felt dry and I felt like I was starving. I searched around the bed until I found the little remote and pressed the nurse button.

It wasn't long before two nurses and a doctor walked into my room. I tried to sit up in bed but the pain was still in my leg and I hissed. The doctor held his hands up and motioned for the nurses to help me sit up.

"We're glad to see you awake Ms. Rockwell I'm Dr. Lancaster pleasure to meet you."

He held his hand out to me and I warily took it retiring his handshake. If there was anything I learned from Vitaly it was to be weary of everyone.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out momentarily making me panic. Dr. Lancaster let out a small breathy laugh and sent one of the nurses out for some water.

She came back quickly and I was grateful. I gulped down the entire contents of the glass and already felt a small relief.

"How long was I out?" I asked already dreading the other questions I knew needed to be asked.

"Three days, you lost a good amount of blood from your leg and the stress of the situation sent your body into a state of shock."

I nodded my head at his answer. I could definitely see that happening. Then something clicked, I was in a hospital after a mafia shootout. My eyes widened and I began to go into a slight panic.

The beeping on the machine began to increase and I started to look for an exit. Dr. Lancaster's face went from friendly to serious before he walked over and sat in the chair next to my bed. He sent the nurses away so it was just him and I.

"I know what happened Scar and please believe me when I say Mr. Volkov pays me a healthy amount of money to ensure that everything stays  off the record and private in this section of the hospital."

I nodded my head and immediately felt a sense of relief. "How is Vitaly...where is he I need to see him."

He gave me a small nod and let out a laugh. "Nikita told me that would be the first thing you asked for, I'll get you a wheelchair an-"

He was cut off by Nikita coming through the door and pushing a wheelchair to my bed. I smiled when I saw her and smiled back just as bright.

"There's no need for that Hugh I've got her."

He let out another laugh and put his hands up. "Alright Ms. Volkov you know the way."

He gave me a reassuring smile and left the room leaving just Nikita and I. She left the wheelchair next to the bed and walked around the other side to climb in with me.

"You scared the hell out of us Scar, what were you thinking?!?"

I shrugged as she laid her head on my shoulder and linked her arm with mine.

"I wasn't honestly, I just saw this ending badly for everyone and knew that Giovanni had to die, I didn't want to risk Vitaly's life but I did and now he's in here because of me."

Small tears streamed down my face and I inwardly cursed myself for letting them fall. I wasn't that person, I didn't want to break right now, I couldn't break right now.

Nikita sat up unlinking our arms and stared at me so hard I thought she could see into my soul.

"You saved his life! Do you know how bad things could have gotten had you not shown up there tonight and shook things up? Vitaly was in no state of mind before to fend off an attack. Once he saw you again...he had something to fight for. You might not see it now but you put this family back together again."

The tears were now free flowing down my face without shame. I didn't need to feel bad about crying in front of her. I simply nodded because words had escaped me.

She gave me a smile and a reassuring squeeze on my arm and jumped out of the bed. "Cmon let's get you to Vitaly, I'm sure there's a lot that you two need to talk about."

She reached over and began to undo my wires and IV's I was honestly a little amazed that she knew what she was doing right now.

She helped me out of the bed and to stand on my good leg enough to were I could maneuver myself into the wheelchair. She pushed me out into the hallway to what looked like a private wing of the hospital and only a few doors down from mine.

She knocked on the door gently and we immediately heard the rough voice of his yell to come in. She opened the door first and I could already hear him complaining as she pushed me in.

"Nikita I already tol-"

He stopped when he saw me. His eyes went from annoyed to plain out murderous and I was t sure if it was meant for me or for the man who put us in here.

Nikita must have noticed the look as well because she moved to stand in front of me protectively. "You two need to speak, I will be standing right outside this door and so help me Vitaly if you try and hurt her..."

His eyes tore away from mine and bored into his sisters. She simply stared back and he eventually nodded his head she pushed my chair closer to his bed but just out of reach in case one of us decided that we would do something stupid.

We heard the click of the door and the tense atmosphere became almost suffocating.

We were quiet for what felt like hours before he spoke up startling me.

"Why did you come back?"

I looked at him but he wasn't looking at me. His eyes were staring out the window and his body was tense.

"Carmen....she showed up said you were letting your whores disrespect her and gang up on her, how dare you Vitaly she's pregnant and still a child!"

I screamed the last part at him making him turn his attention back to me. He raised his brows in surprise at my outburst.

"How dare I?!? I only had her there because of you! You should have taken her with you when you decided to run off an abandon everyone!"

I could feel the hurt and venom in his words he was holding nothing back now and neither would I.

"I couldn't protect her if I left with her! I wasn't even sure what I was going to do. I had no plans to come back here ever! I had a new life-"

I was cut off again by him scoffing and rolling his eyes at me. "Please....that pathetic excuse of a boyfriend you had? Yeah let me guess he rubs you're feet while you two cry over the bachelor together?"

I felt my blood begin to boil not because of his comment about peter, but because that's exactly what we did last weekend, minus me crying peter though...

"At least I was trying to make my life better, to get away from the toxic people in my life like you! But no, you always find someway to weasel your way into my life and fuck it up."


That's all I saw in his eyes when he looked at me. So many pent up emotions flashed through his eyes. I didn't realize how much my leaving had affected him.

"Me?!" He began to scream at me while he sat up straighter in his bed. "I fucked up your life? That's rich coming from you! I told you I loved you damnit! Did you even really love me or was that just me poisoning your mind huh? You turned my life upside down. I was happy before you came along. Life was fine!"

I felt like my heart stopped, that night was forever burned into my brain. Those words coming from his lips meant everything to me in that moment. It was all I wanted to hear for the rest of my life.

I did love him....I still do love him. In my heart I believe that no matter the amount of time we're apart or how much we hurt each other I would always truly love him. But did I find his love toxic? Was it worth all of this?

Yes, 100 times yes.

"I did love you Vitaly, so damn much that I pushed you away to protect you. And I came back when Nikita called me and told me what you had done because I love you. And you know what I find? A house full of biker sluts and one two seconds away from riding your dick. You so you tell me Vitaly. Did you ever really love me or was that just all an act? Don't play the victim here we're both at fault."

I was breathing hard after that. I didn't even notice that I had wheeled my chair the side of his bed and was so close to him. Even after being in the hospital and near death he still looked so damn good.

He didn't look convinced his eyes still held all of that anger and hurts as he looked down at home.

"Never have I told a woman I loved them and thanks to you I never will again. We may both be at fault here but you chose to walk away, you chose to leave and rip me apart. And you are the one that's going to have to live with knowing that it was you who did this. I may have screwed up a lot of things in my life but I never would have left you...broke you like you broke me."

He spat the words out with so much hate and venom that it took me back. My breath caught in my throat and I didn't know what to say. I watched him stare at me for a few more seconds before he picked up his phone and sent a quick text.

Nikita came in a second later and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Please take Scarlet back to her room...we're done here."

And just like that as Nikita wheeled me out of the room and back to mine I felt my heart fully shatter for the second time.

He was right I caused this by leaving, I broke him more than I helped him. I had to make this right. You never realize what you have until it's gone.

I meant what I said when I told him I loved him. But really I didn't realize how deep it was until now. Looking into eyes that once held love but now looked at me in pain and anger.

He has ruined me for any other man and in the beginning I think that's exactly what he wanted.

The threat of Giovanni was gone, now I had a new objective. I was going to fix this, I was going to get back my man if it was the last thing I did. There was no way I was going to live the rest of my life knowing I didn't at least try.

I had a feeling things were about to get messy.


Soooo that happened....did anyone expect Vitaly to be mad at her or was he a little harsh?

You guys are great!

Again unedited so please excuse mistakes. I just really wanted to get this out to you guys.

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