One step beyond

By Born_ToLive

554 38 9

Clark Morgan was just a normal girl, normal life, Normal friends, normal family and for as far as she knows n... More

One step beyond
The start
Is my head high
My head is talking to me
And we meet
Lets start working
moving objects around
an unofficial invitation
the party
the worst bad day
first appointment and unknown dream
12. just like super-man
13. confused? Yeah and throwing tantrums
14. Auburn and uneventful
15. My new personal 'escort'
16. My very first flashback.
17. Bad eavsedroping habit.
18. My meta-what is what?
19. Bigger than we thought
20. I get sent to the hospital the second time today

The accident

52 3 0
By Born_ToLive

Chapter 2

"CLARK! WE'RE LEAVING!" my mother yelled from down stairs.

"COMING!" I yelled back to her. I got off of my bed and started making my way down the stairs. we have three floors. my brothers and I in the third floor, while my parents stay in the second floor.

"Okay, so we're leaving now, we have a flight in two hours, you guys know the rules right?" my mum said turning her attention on me after asking the question.

"What! why you lookin' at me?" I said furrowing my eyebrows, "if there's anyone that needs to know the rules it's them" I said wanting to point at them but stopped myself because the last time I did that, it didn't end well.

About an hour ago right after they froze and then they snapped out of it. they pretended like nothing happened, like they were never paralyzed or frozen or whatever. And then they started asking if I was okay, which I was, they were treating me like I am crazy,

so I ran upstairs to my room took a shower and slept on my bed for a good 20 minutes telling myself I was probably tired, which I still don't believe that much.

"Yeah, right," Scott said, "we'll be fine mom, don't worry" he assured our mother. and mom then looked at Caleb for an assurance. he wasn't paying any attention so I elbowed him and he figured it out.

"Oh yeah, don't worry mom, we'll take care of Clark and the house" he assured her. she smiled at us. then she came and hugged each one of us and made her way to the door.

"Okay kids, be careful!" my dad said and he came gave each of us a hug and kissed my forehead. then he made his way to the door then he went outside and we went after them and watched them dive away.

"Well it's official," Scott said, "we're home alone" he finished.

"Again," Caleb said finishing scott's sentence, "Luke and Jake are on their way here, where's Jeremy?" he asked Scott. I rolled my eyes at both of them

"He is.." he said and paused when a car parked in our driveway, " here! sup jer" he said making his way to Jeremy.

"Really!" I yelled at them, "mum and dad didn't leave for 2 full minutes and you already got over it!" I yelled again.

"Hey, you too Clark" Jeremy said chuckling. he came over to me and hugged me.

"Whatever jer, I am gonna go call Lou" I said and made my way in to the house and upstairs. I went in to my room and got my cell phone and called lou's number.

"Sup Clark" I heard Lou say on the other side of the phone and I smiled knowing she's always cheerful

"Hey Lou, wanna come over?" I asked her playing with the end of my comforter.

"I would really really want to buuuut," she paused for a second, "we have this family dinner and I can't come over tonight" she said. I was kind of disappointed but I understand. I would take any chance to have a family dinner again, since we don't do that often.

"Yeah, sure I get it, it's just my parents are out of town for the weekend and they're coming back Tuesday thought you'd come over and we'd have girls night" I told her

" Hey how about tomorrow, I'll come over and we can have a movie marathon?" she asked me. and of course I will say yes. I know I chose well for my best friend.

"Yeah, sure but be here around noon or something, which also reminds me I need to goo buy some new movies" I told her.

"Cool, and yeah you should buy some movies unless you wanna watch Mickey Mouse club house?" she said to me on the other line of the phone.

I chuckled, "why not?" I said as I lost focus on the pen on my desk which has Mickey Mouse drawn all over it.

"You're joking right" she said and I could tell she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "LOU, DINNER'S READY!" I heard her mom says from the other end of the line. and then the pen on my desk just bounced in the air. what?!

"Gotta go dinner's ready, see ya tomorrow" she said.

"Yeah," and I hung up and started making my way to the pen and held it in my hands, "so weird" I mumbled to my self. I am probably just imagining things, right. that doesn't happen.

I took my leather jacket and made my way down stairs to where my brothers, Jeremy, Luke and Jake were sitting around the kitchen counter laughing.

"Hey Clark," luke and Jake said. and each came and gave me a hug.

"Hey guys, Caleb I am taking your car to the movie shop, i'll go buy some movies for tomorrow" I told him as I took the keys from the vase which had all our keys in it.

"No you're not," he said taking the keys from my hand.

"Uhh yes I am," I said taking the keys from his hand.

"Clark my car my custody," he said in a I told you so tone. which got me a little angry.

"It's not like I am turning it into cab, I am taking it for 15 minutes" I told him, "and WHAT CUSTODY! it's not like it's your son!" I yelled at him.

"Whatever," he said and turned back and sat on the kitchen counter.

"Hey don't sweat it Clark," Scott said, " if he doesn't wanna give you his car i'll give you mine," he told me and his mouth started twitching and turning into a smirk.

"No you won't'" I told him and headed towards the door, closing it behind me and headed towards the car.

I got into the car and started it and got out of our driveway Into the main road.

I noticed my brother's auxiliary wire was thrown in the cup holder next to my seat, "stupid" I mumbled thinking why he would just leave it there.

When I came to a stop sign I stopped the car and waited. a jeep parked next to me so I took a glance at the person driving it, hazel eyes staring back into mine. brown hair, hazel eyes. he kept looking at me as I looked at him and then he suddenly drove away.

Well, that was weird..

I started the car and drove again. I got to the movies shop, stopped the car and got inside.

"Hey Jay," i greeted Jackie, the manager, as I went through the door. she was about 35 years old. she had blonde hair, green eyes, she was a decent lady.

"Hey Clark, how ya been?" she asked me with a smile.

"Am fine, I guess" I said returning a smile to her. I made my way over to the sci-fi section and looked for a good movie. you see I love fantasy and science fiction movies.. my favorite.

"Looking for something specific?" Jackie asked as she popped up from behind the shelves.

"Nah, just looking for a few movies" I told her as I kept looking around.

"You don't say" she said smirking at me. I just glared at her.

I sighed, " I have a feeling you talk to my brothers a lot" I said sending her another smirk.

"Hey, I can be sarcastic in my own way" she said smiling at me. I just shook head and laughed at her.

I grabbed divergent, catching fire, and the amazing Spider-Man 2 from the shelves and a bunch of other movies from different categories. hey don't judge. I might not have the best taste of movies. but I LOVE movies and tv shows

I started making my way to the counter and gave her the CDs, "Howa much jay?" I asked impatiently as my brother Scott called me on my phone.

"21 dollars" she answered giving me the CDs in a plastic bag. I gave her the money and left.

I got back into the car when my phone started ringing again. "what scott?!" I groaned on frustration, "I seriously wasn't gone for 15 minutes here".

"Nothing! I was just checking out on.." he trailed of.

"On what?" I yelled at him.

"Sorry Clark, Caleb made me call you to check on his car" I sighed. my brothers are pathetic.

I groaned, "are you freaking kidding me?" I yelled at him, "seriously Scott, you called me three times to check on Caleb's car! are you stupid or something!" i yelled at him, "

"What? no I only called this once, he called you the last two times, I am sorry okay we're joking here, get the joke ha ha" he said trying to calm me down, "I was actually checking on you, since you're gone, but you're moody and can't take a joke"

"Yeah, what ever, I am on my way home so bye gotta go"

"Kay, be careful" he told me. then I hung up and threw my phone at the passenger seat. I started the car and got out of the parking lot of the movie shop.

As I was driving I noticed the auxiliary wire again. maybe I could use it to listen to a song.

I reached over to grab my phone which suddenly floated in the air as soon as I pointed at it,

" what the hell.." I whispered to myself. Then my phone fell back in to the seat. but I was pretty sure that it floated in the air for like 8 seconds here!

I probably didn't notice the car that was beeping behind me, so it bumped in to the back of my car shooting me to bump in to the car right in front of me.

"AHH!" i groaned

I felt pain shoot through my skull and brain as I hit my head to the steering wheel, the pain started radiating through my entire body.

Bright light was the last thing I saw before I passed out..



Hi again, I hope you like the story so far it's a little boring but the next m few chapters are when things actually start to happen

Thank you again for taking time reading and voting for my story..

And I would also welcome any feedback, and if you have any suggestions you can tell me in the comment section below so I can get better.

I will be uploading the next chapter very soon.

Again thank you for reading and voting for my story.

Love always, MK

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