Street Rat (OHSHC)

By Sinful-stories

158K 6.4K 1K

Reichiru is a girl who grew up on the streets, known by most as a Street Rat. And everyone knows that the ric... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 16

4.5K 199 26
By Sinful-stories

"So... I take the number above one variable and add it to the other number?" Reichiru asked, tapping her pencil on the sheet of paper in front of her.

"Exactly. I'm still surprised you didn't get it when the teacher taught it. This is easy stuff." Kasanoda explained.

The two of them were currently sitting in Music room 3, since the hosts weren't using it during this lunch period, the two of them took the opportunity to study in there.

"Well, she used a lot of big words that I didn't understand." Reichiru retorted. "It's not like I didn't try to understand her."

"You tuned her out didn't you?" Kasanoda asked her, looking at her with an unamused expression."

"Oh yeah, totally."

"Rei. You can't do that."

"But school's so boring!" Reichiru complained.

Kasanoda sighed. "Why don't we stop here? I have a feeling you're not gonna be open to much more."

"Oh heavens no." She jumped up from her seat, looking up at Kasanoda with shining eyes. "Fight me!" She shouted.

"Rei-" He started, not able to finish due to Reichiru interrupting him.

"Fight me Noda! C'mon!" She was now bouncing up and down and moving her fists in front of her, staring up at Kasanoda.

"I swear, sometimes you act like you're five. Fine, we'll spar, but don't think I'll go easy on you." He said, a smirk making it's way to his face.

"I wouldn't expect you to, Noda~" She taunted, and before he could even act, she threw a punch at him, which he easily blocked.

"You're too predictable." Kasanoda taunted, and with that, the two of them started sparring.

By the end of it, Reichiru was sitting against the wall, tired. "That was fun." He murmured.

"You tired yourself out too much. What are you gonna do now, sleep through next period?"

"Of course! Who needs to learn about history anyways." She yanwed, watching as Kasanoda sat down next to her, a small smile on his face, he tried to hide it, but he was tired too.

"We still have half an hour until lunch ends. Why not take a nap." Reichiru muttered to herself. Her eyes fluttering to a close as she started to give into the tiredness. "It can't... hurt..." she trailed off and her body relaxed, indicating that she was asleep.

"What an idiot." Kasanoda sighed, suddenly tensing as Reichiru fell to one side, her head resting on his shoulder. Looking down at her, his eyes were widened and his face was red. But he couldn't think much of it, since he started to get tired himself. "But, that is a good idea- for once." With that, he too closed his eyes and fell asleep, little did he know, after he fell asleep, his head tilted to the side, resting on Reichiru's head.


An hour and a half later, the bell ran to signify the end of the school day, students poured out of the classrooms some heading out of the building while others headed to their club rooms. Including the hosts.

"I didn't see Reichiru all of last period." Hikaru fretted.

"Me neither." Kaoru fretted.

"Haruhi, did you see her?" The two asked, looking at the brunette.

She shook her head, "The last time I saw her she was headed to the music room with Kasanoda to study. If anything, she might still be there."

"My daughter just skipped class!" Tamaki panicked, "I knew it, the more time she spends with that hooligan, the mosre of a delinquent she becomes!"

"Stop panicking, Tamaki-senpai." Haruhi said. "And I doubt anything bad happened to her Hikaru, Kaoru."

The two looked at her, they were quiet, but their eyes showed a mix of concern and fear.

Once the group got to the club room, they opened the door, stopping in their tracks once they saw the two sleeping teens.

Kasanoda and Reichiru were leaning against the wall, Reichiru had seemed to moved closer to the ginger headed teen in her sleep, and Kasanoda was still sitting in the same positing he had fallen asleep in, his head on Reichiru's fast asleep.

"I guess that's why they missed last period." Kyoya stated, a knowing smile on his face. "They must of tuckered themselves out by 'studying'."

"Are you implying something, Kyoya-senpai?" Haruhi asked, looking at the raven-haired teenager.

"What? Of course not, Haruhi." He said slyly.

"Sure..." Haruhi muttered to herself skeptically. "Well, we probably should wake them up before hosting hours start." She started walking over to the two, but Hikaru and Kaoru beat her to them, and they both shook the two sleeping teens.

"Hm- what? What time is it?" Reichiru asked groggily."

"Man, I slept..." Kasanoda said to himself.

The two of them took a second to register how close they were to each other, and their cheeks flushed a beet red, and they both quickly stood up.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to- um- well- you know..." Reichiru stuttered, avoiding Kasanoda's eyes.

"Yeah- me neither- um- yeah-" Kasanoda stuttered, scratching the back of his head. "I should get going. I gotta head to my club. I'll see you tomorrow." He quickly rush's out of the room, pushing past the hosts.

"So, anything happening between the two of you" Hikaru and Kaoru asked, almost teasing Reichiru.

"What- no! Of course not! We're just friends!" She shouted, grabbing onto the yellow dress she was wearing. "Let's just start the club already." She muttered.

"It's sad. Isn't it, Takashi?" Honey stated watching them from a distance. "Rei-chan and Ka-chan don't know their feelings for each other."

"Yeah. It's sad." Mori agreed, looking at the flustered teen.

"I hope they realize their feelings some day." Honey said.

Deep words spoken from Honey and Mori. They speaking the truth~


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