The Secret Prince (Amourshipp...

By Azazel0886

957K 16.6K 22.9K

After his loss in Unova Ash returns home to regroup and plan which region he will go to next. However while p... More

A few words from the author
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
authors request
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Putting it to a vote
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 57

11.1K 197 952
By Azazel0886

Author's notes:
This is the most sexually themed chapter I've ever written. There are no lemons in this chapter, but it still might not be considered appropriate for my younger readers. You have been warned.

On a more pleasant note, I would like to thank AlexMildsake for becoming my five hundredth follower. Thank you AlexMildsake.

Keeping the trend of good news going, I am pleased to announce that 'The Secret Prince' has managed to break 71k views. To be honest I'm truly astounded, I never really thought it would get this high. And with still plenty of chapters to go, I wonder if it will break 100k. A guy can dream can't I.

With all that said, if you like my chapter vote, please feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 57, enjoy.

"Sceptile bullet seed," Max yelled.

Sceptile opened his mouth and fired the seeds out of his mouth like a machine gun.

Currently Max is battling in the last match of the day of the top eight rounds to determine the final four for the semifinals. Already Ash, Paul, and Tierno have qualified.

It's been a few days since the world learned about Ash being a prince. Things were finally calming down for him and Serena, as they agreed to an interview with Alexa from the Lumiose Press. The questions were mostly about each of their pasts and goals for the future.

Although current events like the Kalos League came up, as well as the situation with Palermo. Since the Kalos Queen contract became public her career and the showcases had begun to go down hill, as showcase sponsors started cutting their support, and performers started calling for Palermo's head.

Luckily for the showcases, both Aria and Serena pleaded to the sponsors to not end their support, and asked for Palermo to step down and stay away from the showcases. There had been no word from Palermo, but the sponsors did start to instead threaten to cut support if she didn't leave, and the contract be rewritten and made public. Still no word from the showcase board, but it has been said they have been having long meetings with lawyers every day since the contract was released.

"Absol, dark pulse," Max's opponent called out.

Mega Absol's dark pulse blasted through the bullet seeds and created a smoke cloud. Sceptile used this as cover, and rushed through the smoke. Absol tried to counter with slash, but Sceptile and his leaf blade were too fast and Absol was knocked out.

"Absol is unable to battle, making Max and Sceptile the winners," announced the referee.

Ash and the others cheered loudly for Max's victory, but none louder then his parents Norman and Caroline, who were so proud of how well he's been doing in his first league.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we now have our final four trainers," said the anouncer as Ash, Paul, Tierno, and Max's pictures appeared on the giant screens.

"Now let's see the match ups."

The four pictures flew around the screen wildly, until they stopped by their opponents.

"For the first match we will have Paul and Tierno, then the second match will be Max and Prince Ash. We'll see you all back here tomorrow for these exciting six on six match ups."

Everyone filed out of the stadium, but Max just stood there looking at the screen.

"Why do I have to battle Ash?" Max said nervously.

A little while later everyone was back at the Pokemon center. Ash was walking with Serena to get some lunch after he just swapped out his Pokemon to start training for tomorrow's match.

"Come on Max it's ok. You did amazingly well for your first league," said Norman.

Ash looked over and saw Max sitting on a bench with a depressed look on his face, his parents on either side of him, May kneeling down in front of him, and Bonnie was behind him patting his back.

"Hey, what's wrong?" asked Ash as he and Serena walked over.

"He's stressed about his match against you tomorrow," May replied.

"More like massacre. Ash is going to beat me easily," said Max.

"Max quit being such a baby, you can't go in to a match with that kind of attitude," May snapped.

"Why not, it's true," Max whined.

"Max, let me tell you something," said Ash. "In our battle tomorrow I'm only using Pokemon I caught in Kalos."

Max's head shot up as he looked at Ash with hope in his eyes.

"Seriously?" Max asked.

Ash nodded.

"Oh thank you. Well I better go train with my Pokemon, bye," said Max excitedly as he ran off to one of the battle fields.

"Wait up Maxie" Bonnie called out as she tried to catch up.

The girls snickered at Max's new nickname Bonnie gave him.

"Ash you didn't have to do that," said Norman.

"I know. But he's my friend, I want to help him grow as a trainer, not discourage him. Besides, he's right, it would have been a massacre, I promised him a battle, and that's what he's going to get," Ash replied.

"Well thank you. I better go help him train," said Norman as he walked off to Max, Caroline followed.

"So what are you two going to do today?" Ash asked May and Serena.

"They are coming with us," said Shauna as she and the other girls walked up.

"Where are we going?" asked Serena.

"Well your bachelorette party of course," replied Miette with a smirk.

Serena suddenly got very nervous, as thoughts of wild bachelorette parties came into her mind with male strippers and heavy drinking that resulted in no memories from the night.

"Umm, I don't know. I mean, what is the plan anyways?" Serena asked as she took a step back.

May put her hand on her shoulder, getting Serena's attention.

"Relax, Shauna and Miette told the rest of us the plan, and you have nothing to worry about," May reassured her.

"And we'll see to that," said Tom, "my team will make sure that things don't get too out of hand or would bring embarrassment to you or the royal family."

"So kiss Ash goodbye and let's go," exclaimed Korrina as she placed a plastic tiara on her head, and a white sash over her shoulder with the words 'bride to be' on it in fancy black lettering.

Serena sighed, and turned to face and gave him a passionate kiss.

"Bye," Serena said nervously.

Ash smiled, "have fun, I'll see you tonight."

"HA, you think she's coming back tonight? More like see you in the morning," said Shuana.

"We aren't coming back until everywhere in Lumiose City is closed," added Miette.

The girls then left out the door. Once outside Serena saw a black stretch hummer limousine waiting for them. In front and behind were two black SUVs for her security.

"Shauna, how did you pull this together?" Serena asked.

"I had help," Shuana replied while pointing to Miette.

"This was all Shauna's idea. All I did was help pick some locations and use my name to make things happen," said Miette.

The girls then began filing into the limo. While they were all getting in, Tom walked up to Miette.

"Just got word back from the advance team. First location is secure," said Tom.

"Thank you Tom. Your so much better than my old security," said Miette as she climbed in.

Once the door closed and Miette sat down she pulled out a bottle of champagne, while Shauna pulled out glasses. Miette popped the cork and started filling glasses as Shauna passed them out. Once all the glasses were filled and passed out Miette raised her glass.

"A toast to Serena. A great friend, and soon an amazing princess. So let's make sure she has a ton of fun, since she won't be a free woman much longer," said Miette.

The girls clinked their glasses together and took a sip, except for Iris and Rosa.

"You two didn't drink, is something wrong?" asked Shauna when she noticed this.

"No, nothing wrong. It's just..." Iris hesitated.

"The drinking age in Unova is twenty-one. So we've never tasted alcohol before," Rosa finished.

"Its same in Hoenn, but here the drinking age is eighteen. Sometimes you have to just dive in and go with the flow," May said as she sipped more champagne.

Iris and Rosa looked at eachother.

"Bottoms up," Iris said.

The both then tilted their glasses up and drank it all in one gulp.

"Oh wow, that was good," Rosa exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah, can I have some more?" Iris said eagerly.

"Me too," Rosa added.

"I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting night," commented Misty.

Back inside with Ash

"Alright, time to train. Gary, you up for a match?" Ash asks excitedly.

"Sorry Ashy-boy, but I already promised to help Max," Gary replied

"So did I," said Brock.

"Me too," added Tracy.

"Sorry Ash," said Cilan.

"Oh. Well that's fine, I can still train my Pokemon on my own," Ash stated, trying to hide his disappointment.

Gary walked over and put his right arm around Ash's neck.

"Don't worry Ashy-boy, Shauna told me about the bachelorette party. So I made plans for you so you won't be lonely," Gary said enthusiastically.

"You didn't invite your old cheerleaders did you?" Ash asked with a dead pan expression.

"Haha, no, but if you want I bet I can get a bunch of, 'friendly', girls in cheerleader outfits to keep you company in no time," Gary said with a smirk.

Ash just started at Gary with the same dead pan expression.

"Hello Gary, Hi Ash," said a voice.

Everyone looked in the direction the voice came from to see what looked like a vision of what Gary was going to look like in about twenty years. He was wearing green high water pants with green shoes, a black button up short sleeve shirt, and sunglasses on his head. We walked with confidence and pride, people got out of his way even though they didn't know who he was. Those who recognised him were frozen in shock as they saw the World Champion Blue Oak walking in.

"Hey dad," said Gary as he gave him a hug.

"Hello son."

Upon breaking the hug with Gary, Blue directed his attention to Ash, and extended his hand.

"Good to see you again Ash, it's been a while," said Blue.

Ash took Blues hand and gave him a firm hand shake.

"Its good to see you again Blue. So what brings you to Kalos?" asked Ash.

"Well Gary tells me you needed a strong opponent to battle to help you get your Pokemon ready for the quarter finals," replied Blue.

"Wait, your here to help me get ready for my next match?" Ash asked shocked.

"That's right. Gary said you were probably going to use your newer Pokemon, so I brought a few that should be a good challenge for them, but not be too powerful," said Blue.

With that they walked through the Pokemon center to one of the battle fields.

Back with Serena

It didn't take too long before the limo stopped, and the girls began to file out. In front of them was a three story, plain white building, with nothing that indicated what was inside. Two of members from Serena's security were already there waiting by the door. As they approached the two guards opened the door to allow them in.

Inside, most of the girls were in awe as they saw some of the most beautiful clothes they had ever seen. Korrina, Iris, and Rosa however, were not in awe. They did like looking good for people whom they loved, or when needed, but this was shopping, and they were not into that. Iris had actually managed to not have to buy new clothes in about two years, and she wasn't excited about breaking her streak.

"Ah, Princess Miette," said a female voice.

They all looked and saw a middle aged women with green hair walking over.

"Hello Christa," said Miette.

The two curtsied to one another, then gave each other a hug as they kissed each other on both cheeks.

"I think I can guess who the bride is," Christa said as she looked at Serena.

"Hi, I'm Serena. It's nice to meet you," said Serena.

"Congratulations on your engagement. Princes Miette has already filled me in, and showed me a picture of your Prince. Very nice," she said fanning herself.

"Thank you," said Serena.

"Alright ladies, let's begin," Christa said as she clapped her hands

In seconds several men and woman walked in and stood behind her. As well as two waitresses each carrying a tray with champagne.

"Um, nobody exactly told me what's going on here," Serena said nervously.

Shauna and Miette looked at each other, Shauna nodded, then they both looked back at Serena.

"Well I guess we can fill you in now," said Shauna.

"This is Chista's Boutique, we're going to be picking out our dresses for the night from here. Christa can you explain you part," said Miette.

"Of course. You will all pick out any dress you would like. After you pick your dress one of my associates will take you to one of the alterations rooms," Christa said as she gestured to the people around her.

"There, we will make any alterations needed to perfect the fit of your dresses. While you wait for the work to be completed, you will relax upstairs as you each receive a manicure and pedicure, as well as get your hair and makeup done."

"Ok, this is sounding really nice now," Serena commented.

"After this, we have reservations at one of the best restaurants in Lumiose, The Luxury Ball," said Shauna.

Serena was loving this batchalorette party more and more as she learned the plan. The other girls loved it as well, since all of this was way out of the average person's price range.

"Then after dinner, we are going to the most popular night club in Kalos, L'Arc. Where we are going to dance and have a great time until we have to leave," Miette finished.

"I have to say, I'm sorry. I was so scared this was going to be completely crazy, but sounds like it's going to be loads of fun," Serena apologized.

"Oh don't count crazy out yet. Just wait till you see Dawn and Misty start drinking, talk about crazy," May chimed in.

"HEY!" Misty and Dawn almost yelled at May.

"What makes you think we're going to be crazy?!" Misty asked sternly with her hands on her hips as she and Dawn glared at May.

"Well let's see. Misty, Dawn, do I need to remind you of the Bar in Cerulean city we went to when Dawn and I came to visit?" May asked with a smirk.

Dawn instantly became extremely embarassed as her face became as red as a tomato and she shook her head very quickly. Misty's face became even more angry, but she kept in control and just slowly shook her head.

Everyone was courious as to what happened, but decided to leave it alone as they were all a little scared to ask, on account of they didn't want Misty to direct any of her anger towards them. The girls decided to instead begin their dress shopping.

The girls were all having a great time trying on dresses, and running over to one another and asking how it looked on them.

Korrina didn't run to the other girls to show off her dress though. She just looked for a dress that she thought would probably give Clemont a nose bleed, this way she could have some more fun later when she got back to her and Clemont's room.

Although Rosa had a similar plan as Korrina, she didn't have to wait long to see the effect of her choice. She tried on a white dress that ended right above her knees with a slit on the right that stopped mid thigh. It had a V neckline that almost reached her belly button, with a white lace going up the V, which looked like the only thing that kept her breast for popping out of that dress. Once she saw herself in the mirror, she knew she had to find Iris. Lucky for her, Iris was walking over to try on a sparkly sliver looking dress.

"Oh Iris, how do I look," Rosa asked in a seductive voice as she stuck a model pose.

Iris stopped in her tracks and didn't say anything. Rosa was worried at first, but then she saw her nose started bleeding lightly and a smile forming on her face.

Rosa smiled back and walked over. She gave her a quick kiss on the lips, then went to her ear.

"I needed help getting this on, maybe you can help me get out of it tonight?" Rosa whispered in Iris's ear.

Iris's eyes then rolled into the back of her head as she fainted and fell backwards. Luckily one of the attendants was able to catch her, and she and Rosa helped her to a couch and laid her down. A huge smile was still on Iris's face as she laid there.

"What did you say to her?" the attendant asked Rosa.

Rosa just smiled as she blushed wildly.

Back with May she was trying on dress after dress and was showing Dawn all of them.

"Ok Dawn, I narrowed it down to these two dresses. Either this one I'm wearing or the red one. What do you think?" May asked.

May was currently wearing a sparkly black dress that ended about mid thigh, with a strap that went around the back of her neck. It had a wide V neckline that stopped a little lower than her breasts. The material that covered her breasts held them apart, but looked like they were struggling to keep them covered do to their size.

The red dress was strapless and stopped right above her knees, there was a V neckline that ended a little higher than Rosa's dress. It hugged her body very well, although looked like her breasts would bounce out if she jumped.

"Those look a bit too risque to me. I mean your breasts look like they are about to pop out of both of them," comment Dawn.

"Exactly what I'm going for," May said back.

"Sorry I don't follow," Dawn said with a confused look.

"Its simple, I'm the only single girl in this group, so when guys look at us, I'm the only one they can go for. Besides since Drew and I broke up I am now in the market for an upgrade, a guy who is more of a man than Drew was," May explained

May then put her hands under her breasts and lifted them slightly.

"So I need to take advantage of my biggest assests, and use them to my advantage," May said confidently.

Dawn sighed as she shook her head and rolled her eyes. She understood where May was coming from, she uses mini skirts to draw attention to her legs and butt all time. She still does now to tease Gary by bending over to show him her panties, and drive him crazy when he can't fool around with her.

"I'd go with the black one. It looks more fun and easier to move in," said Dawn.

"Thank you," May said cheerfully, and walks off.

Eventually, all the girls picked their dresses and were sitting in comfortable chairs drinking wine as their feet were soaking in water mixed with relaxing smelling oils. Behind each of then was a person massaging their shoulders.

"Ah, this is so nice. I wish I could have done this while traveling through Kalos," Korrina commented as she relaxed.

"I wish you would have said something, I would have happily gone with you. I just never expected you to agree to go," Serena replied.

"That's because I wouldn't have. This is my first time getting this kind of treatment. I always thought of it as too girly and prissy. But now, I just want to do this every day," Korrina said back.

"Well not all places are this good, but I do know what you mean," May added.

Soon, the water was drained and someone started massaging the girls feet. Everyone was was quietly enjoying it, but one.

"Hahaha," Iris laughed, also snorting in between.

"Sorry, my feet are just too ticklish," Iris commented.

"Its fine, I think you have a cute laugh," said Rosa.

Iris and Rosa, who were sitting beside one an other, then leaned in and kissed.

"You two don't get out much do you?" commented Miette.

"Honestly, as a couple we don't," Rosa said sadly.

"Same sex couples are looked down upon in Unova, so we don't really show each other much affection back home. We only act like best friends," Iris explained.

The two girls reached out and held each other's hand.

"We want to be more public, we even tried once, but people are so mean. Some people would actually come up to us randomly and just say how wrong it was for us to be together," said Rosa.

"I had no idea this was an issue in other regions," said Shauna sadly.

"As far as the rest of the world is concerned it's getting better, and in bigger cities it is, but go to a smaller town and be ready to be shamed," said Iris.

"So that's why we are going to make the most of this trip, and be as affectionate as we want," Rosa said proudly, then leaned in and kissed Iris again.

The girls finished receiving their manicures and pedicures, followed by getting their hair and make-up done. By this point the dresses were all ready and they all headed out for dinner.

Back with Ash, he had just finished his second six on six battle with Blue, and they both just handed their Pokemon to Nurse Joy to heal. Ash still hadn't managed to beat him, but Blue was forced to use all six of his Pokemon, which was a big deal to anyone watching.

"I'm going to go grab a drink, do you want anything?" Ash asked Blue.

"Sure, how about a green, poke'ade," Blue replied.

Ash then ran off to get the drinks. Blue saw the others were taking a break and pulled up a chair to join them.

"Somebody give me Serena's phone number. I need to know how to slow Ash down," said Blue as he ploped down in the chair.

"Too high of energy for you son?" Professor Oak joked.

"I'm getting too old for this shit. Ash is too much like his old man, except he talks more," Blue said with a sigh.

"Wait, you knew Ash's dad?" asked Cilan.

Blue smiled as he leaned back in his chair. "That I did. Red and I went way back. A lot like Ash and Gary, childhood friends then rivals as trainers."

"Wait! Are you saying Ash's dad was Red?! As in former world champion Red?!" Max practically yelled.

Blue chuckled at Max's excitement and nodded.

"I can't believe he never told us. Why wouldn't he tell his friends something so big?" Max said as he rambled.

"Because he hates him," Blue said with a sigh.

"Why would he hate him? I've been to Ash's house plenty before the fire, I never saw him. And he didn't go to live with him after Delia died, so I assumed he was dead. But why would he hate him?" commented Brock.

"Here's the thing, you can only learn so much about a person by reading about them or seeing a rare interview. They don't tell you that Delia was the only person who made him really smile with joy. You can't see the excitement in his eyes when he learned he was going to be a father in a book. And nowhere does it say that he almost retired as world champion just so he could always be around for Ash. All Ash has to go off of are books, news articles, interviews, and profiles, to know his father. He just disappeared out of nowhere. He left suddenly about a month after Ash was born, saying he had a battle in another region. A few days later he left me a voicemail telling me to look after Ash and Delia if he never came back. I knew Red, he was like a brother. Ash thinks Red abandoned them for the life of a free trainer, but I know better. Red loved his family more then anything else. I've told Ash all of this, but I can't get through to him, not even Delia could. But I know that he had a good reason to leave. He left to protect his family, but from what I don't know. He was declared dead, a body was never found, and nobody has seen him. I know he has to be dead, because not even Arceus could have kept him away from his family."

The girls arrived at L'arc in the limo, the club security opened the door for them as they walked in, eight members of Serena's security surrounding them. Quickly a woman in a tight red dress and high heals walked up carrying a tablet.

"Hello ladies, I'm guessing this is Serena Yvonne's bachelorette party?" she asked.

"That's us," Shauna replied cheerfully.

"Excellent," said the woman, who then put her right hand in the air and snapped her fingers.

Soon a tall muscular man in a white polo shirt walked up. "Ok, who's Tom?" he said in a powerful voice.

"That would be me. Are you the one leading me to the security room?" Tom asked in a commanding tone.

The large man merely nodded.

"I don't understand, what going on?" asked Serena.

"Simply, the crowd will make it difficult for us to do our job. So I'll be watching you using their security cameras and giving orders to the others from the security room," Tom explained to Serena before walking off.

"If the rest of you would please follow me, I'll take you to your V.I.P table," said the woman in the red dress.

As they walked many people looked at them. Dawn and May were used to it since they were very popular in their regions as coordinators, and some people recognized them for that. Shauna, Miette, and Serena, became mini celebrities for making it to the master class finals, and Serena was a bigger celebrity for beating Aria. But most guys were watching them because they were the hottest group of girls in the whole club.

She lead then into the club and to a slightly raised area, sectioned off with velvet ropes, with two security guards at the opening in the rope. Inside was a table with a bottle of liquor on ice, with two private waiters.

One waiter took the girl's drink orders, while the other filled shot glasses with the bottle that was on the table, per Shauna's request. The girls then all picked up their glasses and took the shots.

"Yuck. Why do people drink this stuff?" complained Iris after taking her shot.

"It's an acquired taste. It tastes better in cocktails, like the ones we all ordered," Miette said after taking her shot like it was water.

"How much do you drink, you took that like it was nothing?" Korrina asked Miette.

"I've been drinking a lot longer than you all," Miette replied with a superior smirk.

"But the drinking age is eighteen, and your only eighteen. How could you have been drinking that much longer than us?" Serena asked.

Miette didn't respond, not wanting to say that she drank underage.

"Well I'm going to the dance floor. Come on Rosa," said Iris.

"Ok, but only one dance. I want to try my drink as soon as I can," Rosa replied as she extended her index finger in the air.

Iris grabbed Rosa's hand, keeping the one finger extended. Then put it into her mouth seductively, then slowly pulled it out as she sucked on it.

"Ok, maybe two dances," Rosa replied, slightly flustered.

Iris smiled, and lead Rosa to the dance floor.

"Ok, well I'm turned on now. Tierno better have enough energy left for me when we get back," said Shauna.

"Atleast you have somebody to do something with," Korrina commented in a depressed tone.

"What do you mean? What about Clemont?" asked Dawn.

"We haven't done, it yet. I tease him to try and get him to make a move, but he just gets nervous and doesn't," Korrina said as she poured herself another shot.

"I had the same problem with Tracey," commented Misty. "Here's what you do. You take the initiative and get him started and in the mood. Then when he's really enjoying it, you stop, and lay on you back and start touching yourself while saying his name. Trust me, he will be on top of you in seconds."

Korrina was blushing madly, eager to try out what she just learned.

"Damn. Now I'm turned on. I need to find a man. I'm going out there," said May as she left the V.I.P area.

"Well, atleast all of you have someone to fool around with. I still can't get any idea how Paul feels about me," Miette pouted.

"Well why didn't you say something, I can answer that for you," said Dawn as she took another shot.

"What!? He told you?" Miette asked as she almost jumped out of her seat.

"Nope. But we dated for six months, and I think I've gotten him figured out," Dawn replied with a confidant smirk.

"Well, do tell," said Miette, curious as to what Dawn would say.

"Well he's not giving you any signs now because he's focused on the Kalos League. When Paul is focused on something, it becomes his world and the rest of us are just passing through. When it's over, then he'll show you how he feels," explained Dawn.

"Ok, that's my problem. I don't know how he feels," Miette repeated.

"Oh yeah, he loves you," Dawn said casually.

"What?!" Replied Miette, practically jumping out of her seat.

"The fact that he is with you is proof of that. He doesn't even talk to his brother Regie unless he needs to swap out his pokemon," explained Dawn.

"Well, we'll see then," said Miette.

"Well since we're on the topic of our men and sex. Serena, how big is Ash?" asked Misty.

"What?!" Serena replied, shocked by the question.

All eyes were now on Serena, except Korrina, who didn't really care. The others were all curious, and have all thought about it at one point or another.

"Come on Serena, spill it. I told you when Tierno and I did it," urged Shauna.

"First of all Shauna, I didn't want to even know when you two did it. You just called me in the middle of the night and told me all about it," Serena scolded.

They were all still staring at Serena, wearing her down little by little, until she finally gave in.

"To tell you all the truth, we haven't done it yet," Serena admitted.

"What!?" They all said shocked.

"Seriously?" asked Dawn.

Serena nodded. "We discussed it, and agreed not to till after the Kalos League. We didn't want to risk the distraction of pregnancy while I was working towards the Master Class, and Ash on winning the Kalos League."

"Wow, talk about discipline. I would have taken him the night he proposed if it was me," commented Misty.

The girls then decided to leave the V.I.P area and have have some fun on the dance floor.

The night went on and they all had a good time. Iris and Rosa danced together provocatively for a while, before heading back to the V.I.P area to have an intense make-out session.

May flirted with a bunch of guys. Eventually finding a buff good-looking Kalosian, named Jean Luc. She was last seen sitting on his lap, supposedly only making out with him.

Korrina, Dawn, and Shauna, decided to play a little game. The objective was to get as many guys as possible to buy them drinks, the stirring sticks were how they were keeping score.

Serena, Misty, and Miette, we're on the dance floor having a great time together. This in fact drew the attention of many guys, one who eventually decided to make his move on Serena.

"Well hello your majesty," the guy said to Serena.

"Hello to you too," replied Miette.

"I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the Kalos Queen," he said back to Miette coldly.

"I guess you missed it, but I'm not the Kalos Queen, I refused to take the title," replied Serena.

"You'll always be the Kalos Queen in my eyes," he said as he took Serena's hand to try and kiss it. However Serena realized what he was trying to do and quickly pulled her hand away.

"Well thank you, but we'll be going now," Serena said, clearly creeped out by the guy.

"Whoa, where are you going. Names Gary by the way, and I was just thinking maybe we could find some place a little more private to get to know each other better," Gary said, trying to sound smooth.

"I guess you really miss alot. Like the interview where she said she was engaged, and the sash she's wearing that says Batchalorette," Misty spat.

"Shut up, nobody asked for you to talk you flat chested bitch," Gary shot back.

Misty's face went bright red with rage. She knew she didn't have large breasts like her sisters or a lot of her friends, but she was far from flat. She felt it was her own fault for her chest size, due to her work out routine. But on the plus side, the work out gave her a fit body with a great figure, earning her an article written on her in a fitness magazine.

"I guess your mother never taught you how to treat woman properly. You don't trash the friends of the girl your flirting with," Miette spat.

"Shut the hell up you spoiled bitch," Gary snarled.

Now Serena snapped. This guy had been beyond a jerk and went to complete asshole. Serena pulled her right arm back and let it loose. Her hand hit his left cheek with such force it was heard all over the club.

Tom, who had seen this develop had notified the detail and they were moving in.

Gary stood there stunned for a moment before recovering.

"You bitch. Nobody treats me like that," Gary roared, his voice full of rage.

He pulled his right arm across his body to back hand Serena. The guards were rushing as fast as they could, but it was too late.

Before Gary could release his swing, he was punched square in the nose by Misty. He hit the ground with a thud as blood began to trickle from his broken nose. He wasn't knocked out, but was very disoriented.

The guards arrived to see Gary on the ground. Then looked up at Misty, then back down at Gary, then to Misty again.

"Would you like a job?" one of the guards asked Misty.

The girls laughed at this as two bouncers arrived and dragged Gary away.

The rest of the night went without incident, until the club closed at two A.M.

The ride back to the pokemon center was rowdy as they shared stories of the night. They arrived at the pokemon center and split up to go to their rooms, trying to keep quiet so not to disturb those they were sharing their rooms with. The exception to this was Rosa, as she moaned while Iris kissed her neck and unzipped her dress, while she was unlocking the door and walking into their room.

Serena walked into her room quietly, as she turned on the light by the door so she could see. She kicked off her high heals and started to walk in. She could clearly see Pikachu sleeping soundly on a pillow that was placed on a chair. Then she saw Ash, sprawled out on the bed, the sheet only covering his lower half, leaving his ripped upper body exposed.

Serena licked her lips as she reached back and unzipped her strapless sparkly blue dress. She wasn't sure if it was the talk of sex, Iris and Rosa, May's frisky behavior, or just the alchohol, but she wanted Ash so bad right now.

She quietly crawled onto the bed only wearing her black lace cheeky panties, and black strapless bra that bearly covered her breasts. She came up on Ash's left side and caressed his pecks with her left hand, as she licked up his neck and then nibbled on his ear lobe.

"Serena?" Ash asked groggily as he woke up.

"Hi Ashy," Serena whispered seductively in his ear.

Ash's eyes began to open, just in time to see Serena coming in as she locked lips with him. Quickly it turned into Kalos kissing, which Ash returned. He could taste the alchohol on her breath as their tongues danced together and plunged into each others mouths. Ash didn't worry about the fact that Serena was obviously drunk, since they had done this many times with her sober, however this didn't hold true for long. As their tongues danced Serena's left hand slowly made it's way over his pecks, and caressed his abs.

This didn't draw to much attention for Ash, as Serena often liked to touch his muscles, but her hand didn't stop there this time, as Ash felt Serena's hand move into his boxers. Ash's eyes shot open and his right arm quickly left Serena's cheek and grabbed her left wrist.

"Serena, what are you doing?" Ash asked as he broke the kiss.

Serena giggled, "not much now, but soon I'll be doing you," she said flirtatiously, as her eyes were full of lust.

"No Serena. We said we would wait," Ash said painfully.

Serena face changed to a sad and hurt look.

"Ashy doesn't want me," Serena cried as she pushed off of him and buried her face in a pillow.

"Serena look at me," Ash pleaded.

Serena just shook her head.

Ash looked at the clock and thought, 'it's late and I've got a match tomorrow. I don't have time for this.'

Ash then quickly pushed his arms under Serena, picked her up slightly and flipped her in the air. Serena landed back on the bed on her back with a shocked expression. Before she could flip back over, Ash jumped on top of her, straddling her, then grabbed her wrists and pinned them over her head.

The shocked expression on Serena's face melted away, and was replaced with an excited smile. Ash noticed this, then realized what was going through her mind right now

"No Serena. No sex," Ash said sternly.

Serena pouted and looked away from Ash.

Ash sighed, "Serena, do you know why I wont have sex with you right now?"

"Because I'm not sexy enough isn't it?" Serena replied in a hurt tone.

"No, your more than sexy enough. Serena your drunk, that's why. Trust me if you were sober we would be having fun with me pinning you like this," said Ash sincerely.

Serena looked back at Ash and smiled.

"Really?" Serena asked hopefully.

"Yes. You're not in your right mind right now. I want both of us to have a clear mind for our first time. Also, I would like it if we both could remember it," Ash replied with a loving smile.

Ash then let go of Serena's wrists, leaned in and gave her a tender kiss.

Serena took advantage of Ash's guard being down and rolled him onto his back and now straddled him.

"Thank you Ashy. I love you so much," said Serena.

Serena then planted a passionate kiss upon Ash's lip as her body slid down and pressed against his. Serena then readjusted her body, laid her head on Ash's chest, and wrapped her arms around him.

"Good night Ashy," Serena said as she yawned.

Within moments Serena fell asleep, or past out, Ash wasn't sure. He brushed a locked of Serena's hair from her face and smiled.

"So beautiful."

Ash then remembered the negative effects of drinking too much alcohol. He placed his right hand on Serena's head, and both his eyes and hand glowed blue for a few seconds.

"Now she'll have a good morning too," Ash thought out loud, as he too closed his eyes and fell asleep with the love of his life in his arms.

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