Disasterology ✞Luke Hemmings✞

By thatwitchbitxh

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"Pay attention to whom your energy increases and decreases around, because that's the universe giving you a h... More

Disasterology ✞Luke Hemmings✞
Chapter 1- So Cold
Chapter 2- I'm Just A Kid
Chapter 3- Wherever You Are
Chapter 4- Air Balloon
Chapter 5- Live While We're Young
Chapter 6- Fix You
Chapter 7- Different Worlds
Chapter 8- Awake All Night
Chapter 9- Pardon Me
Chapter 10- Freddy's Coming For You
Chapter 11- Do It Now Remember It Later
Chapter 12- How To Save A Life
Chapter 13- Last Night
Chapter 14- Caraphernelia
Chapter 15- Congratulations
Chapter 16- Airplanes
Chapter 17- What I Like About You
Chapter 18- When I'm Gone
Chapter 19- The Way
Chapter 20- Try Hard
Chapter 21- Hold On 'Till May
Chapter 22- Beauty In The Breakdown
Chapter 23- Almost Is Never Enough
Chapter 24- If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn
Chapter 26- Give Me Your Hand
Chapter 27- Trouble
Chapter 29- Fancy
Chapter 30- Pulses
Chapter 31- Rocketeer
Chapter 32- They Don't Know About Us
Chapter 33- Everything Has Changed
Chapter 34- Weightless
Chapter 35- To Build A Home
Chapter 36- Perfect Two
Chapter 37- Amsterdam
Chapter 38- Cutter's Lullaby
Chapter 39- I Feel Pretty/ Unpretty
Chapter 40- I'm Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket
Chapter 41- Don't Let Me Go
Chapter 42- A Drop In The Ocean
Chapter 43- Ugly Heart
Chapter 44- Back To December
Chapter 45- Your Guardian Angel
Chapter 46- Moment 4 Life
Chapter 47- Knee Socks
Chapter 48- I Blame Myself
Disasterolgy and Invincible Deletion??
Chapter 49- Take A Bow
Chapter 50- Echo
Chapter 51- Gnars Attacks
Chapter 52- Rumour Has It
Chapter 53- Yeah Boy And Doll Face
Chapter 54- Sad Song
Chapter 55- Creep
Chapter 56- Thief
Chapter 57- Replay
Chapter 58- Demons
Chapter 59- The Sun Is Rising
Chapter Songs

Chapter 28- Royals

4.8K 129 20
By thatwitchbitxh

But every song's like gold teeth, grey goose, trippin' in the bathroom

Blood stains, ball gowns, trashin' the hotel room,

We don't care; we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams.

But everybody's like Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece.

Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash.

We don't care; we aren't caught up in your love affair.

Brooklyn's P.O.V

"Hello again" a male voice spoke as Luke and I walked out of the elevator.

I looked up to see Mason in front of us, "hi" I mumbled and I felt Luke squeeze my hand.

"Who's this?" he asked.

"I'm Mason" he announced and shook Luke's hand.

"I'm Luke. And how do you know my girlfriend?"

"We met this morning at a park while I was out running" I explained.

"She's quite lovely" Mason told Luke making me blush.

"Yeah, she is" Luke said with a slight growl in his voice.

"Are you staying here?" he asked and I looked up at Luke before looking at Mason once more.

"For one more night" I informed him.

"Maybe we can hang out before you leave?"

"I'm going to go to the van," Luke told me and just left.

"I have to go to," I told Mason and he looked sad.

"Can we..."

"No" I said then walked after Luke. "Babe," I said trying to grab his arm but he pulled it away. "Luke stop"

"Did you enjoy him flirting with you?" he spat suddenly making me freeze.

"No. He's horrid" I replied and I saw his face soften slightly.

"You sure?" he asked and I laughed slightly.

"Absolutely. No one beats you" I smiled and he let out a small chuckle.

I stood one my tippy toes and gave him a kiss before we walked to the van, "took you long enough" Calum huffed.

"This douche was flirting with me," I told him.

"You kick his ass?"


"Did you Luke?"


"Why the hell not?"

"Because I'm not that kind of person"

"No, you just walk away from your problems"

"I may not have kicked his ass but I will definitely kick yours" Luke said making me snicker.

"Just remember...we're sharing a room and you have to sleep sometime"

"Maybe but he has a guard dog," I smirked and everyone laughed.

"She bites too," Michael added making us laugh harder.

"Put any of your limbs in my face and I'll bite them," I warned.

"Any?' Ash asked raising an eyebrow and I shuttered.

"No" I said clinging onto Luke.

I snatched Luke's phone from his hands once he'd pulled it out and clicked the Snapchat icon. I took a photo of me smiling and him covering his face.

Me and my bae <3

I saved the picture to his camera roll then sent it to Emilia and some random guys I was guessing were his friends. He then snatched it back and started fixing his, already perfect, hair.

"Babe, your hair looks fine" I assured him.

"Are you sure 'cause..."

"Nope. It still looks like shit," I laughed.

"She bullies you so much" Ash laughed.

"Oh my god, fuck off" Luke told Ashton.

"I would if we weren't in a moving van," I laughed at this.

I kissed Luke cheek but he looked away, "I'll give you a hicky and leave you to explain where you got it," I threatened.

"You wouldn't," he warned.

"Please not while I'm next to you" Calum complained.

"Why not? Don't you want to watch your best mate het to second base?" I laughed and he shuttered.

"I'd rather not thanks" he replied.

"Is it that time of the month, Cal?" Mike joked.

"Fuck off" he spat making us laugh.

"Leave poor Calum alone" I cooed stroking the side of his face and he wacked my hand away. "Calm down"

"Next hotel, one of you is staying with them. I can't take it anymore" he said and we all just laughed.

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