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By Non_Exquisite

80.5K 3.9K 513

๐—œ ๐—ป๐—ฒ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ ๐—บ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐˜ ๐˜๐—ผ ๐—ณ๐—ฎ๐—น๐—น ๐—ถ๐—ป ๐—น๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐˜„๐—ถ๐˜๐—ต ๐—บ๐˜† ๐—ฏ๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜ ๐—ณ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ฒ๐—ป๐—ฑ, ๐˜„๐—ต๐—ผ ๐—ถ๐˜€ ๐—ถ๐—ป ๐—น... More



1.5K 103 14
By Non_Exquisite

BY: Non_Exquisite



    Walking into the mall I 'casually' wrap my arm around Yo's shoulders. I need to stake my claim. All these people are already looking at my Yo. Checking him out. Ogling their eyes at him. I don't like it. Not at all.

    As we go from store to store, I try not to make it obvious to Yo, but I've made sure to either be holding his hand or have my arm around his shoulder. I also make sure to stare down at anyone who looks for too long.

    I use to do this before to protect my best friend, but now that I want to be his one and only lover. I need to be vigilant about other people that may cause a threat.

    Yo doesn't seem like he minds or notices the looks coming his way. That's fine. There is no need for more competition. Phana is enough. But I hope with time, he too, will no longer be a threat.

    Right now we are inside a clothing store. There's not a lot of people here so I feel comfortable enough to let Yo look around by himself. But it's not too long before I see one of the store clerks eyeing him up and down.

    "Babe come here" Yo turns around and starts walking towards me. I can't help but smile, did he even notice that I called him babe again.

    "Ming, what are you doing with all those clothes. You don't need that much" Yo says while looking through the different clothes I picked out.

    "I'm Picking out clothes for you" I say as I let him do what he wants.

    "Um...ok but I don't need all of these" god, his so cute with that confused pout on his lips.

    "Hmm I know"

    "Ming, these are all too big. There going to look to big on me" he says looking over the sizes.

    "It's so I can fit in them too"

    "If they are my clothes then why do you need to wear them?" He tilts his head to the side when he asks and it looks extremely cute on him with that confused look his giving me.

    "So people know what's mine" I say as I step towards him so close that he has to tilt his head to look up at me.

     "Ming, your not making sense" Honestly Yo obliviousness amazes me, but that's fine with me because it makes you that much more adorable.

    I just figured if I wear them and people see me in them, then Yo wear them, people will know they are mine because of the size. Plus it'll let them know that your taken. P'Phana is one thing but I'll be damned if I let someone else try to come in and win Yo's heart.

    I honestly don't know why I'm like this right now. This is like any other time we go to the mall together but it's like my emotions are ten folds.

    Damn what am I doing. Ming think straight. There is no need to buy all of this. I can just give him some of my own clothes to wear. I think I'm going to be addicted to seeing him in my clothes. I think that shirt of mine his wearing is making me more possessive of him right now.

    "Yo go try these on" I say as I hand him a pair of ripped jeans that I like and push all the other clothes away. Maybe this will give that clerk some work so he can stop looking at my man.

    I gently put my arm around Yo and guide him to the changing rooms. Looking behind me I see the clerk looking absolutely annoyed. That'll teach to keep his eyes to himself.

    Yo walks into the changing room and I have this Urge to go in after him but I stop myself and settle on the sit just outside.

    Coming out of the changing room I immediately know that these jeans were made for him. He turns around giving me a full 360 view. Damn, they leave nothing to the imagination when it comes to that ass. He looks really good. But too good. I don't want anyone else to see. I quickly get up and block him from that store clerk who is still looking our way.

    "Yo I'll buy you those jeans for you" I say " but you have to make a promise to me"


    "Always wear them with a long shirt"

    "Hmm why?" He asks.

    "Cause..." I debate on telling him the truth, "Just promise"

    "Um ok?" He says in that I don't want to do it so I don't have to voice.


    "Ok ok I promise" he says as he giggles, damn his so cute. His giggles are so cute is being a total cutie right now and my heart can't take it.


    "I want to try this shirt too" -Yo.


    "When Yo steps out of the dressing room I about have a heart attack. The shirt is exposing all of his neck that's covered with hickeys everywhere. What the fuck. Am I an animal, a leech. It looks like I was trying to eat him and suck him dry. But damn why am I happy to see them.

    I like that he wore my shirt. But now I'm starting to wonder if he should have covered them at all. This would have been a better way to show people his mine. But then again I don't want people talking bad about him.

    The pink flush on his face isn't helping my situation at all because it's just making me want him more.

    "I'll buy this too" I say

    "I-It's ok, I'll get this" Yo says as he looks at himself in the mirror and his eyes flicker my way. I know what his thinking about because I'm thinking about it too. Damn. I hope we can get to doing what we did last night soon and a little more. I've had blue ball all day. But Is it bad for me to be so happy right now?

    After Yo changes I go and pay for the jeans and shirt, ignoring his protests about the shirt. Thank god it wasn't that clerk that was eyeing Yo earlier who cashed us out. Looking over my shoulder I saw that he was still putting away the rest of the clothes. Damn, I'm not a malicious person but is it bad that I feel satisfied right now.

    After we leave the store, we go straight to the movie theatre. It's still the middle of the day so it's not as packed. If I time this right we can go eat then come watch the movie before the night rush.

    "Ming this is a bl move" Yo says as we look at the movie choices and I point at a BL movie. I mean why not.


    "You've never been interested in watching one before" he has a worried look on his face.

    "Well there can be a first for everything, what do you wanna watch?

    "Um that one is fine. I've actually been looking forward to watching it" I smile as Yo confesses while looking down and playing with his fingers.

    "Ok, let's go get our movie tickets before we go to eat" I quietly say into his ear.

    He quickly looks up at me with a deep blush on his cheeks. Damn. If he keeps blushing this much his going to end up with a permanent blush on his face. Not that I mind.

    "Ok" -Yo.

    We walk up to the area to the ticket booth and I'm already on edge. This guy is eyeing Yo. I see the way his checking him out. Is he f*cken blind. Doesn't he see me with my hand around his shoulder. But damn his the only one available right now and Yo makes a beeline right to him.

    "Hi. Can we get two tickets to this movie please" Yo says in his soft gentle voice and his cute smile. By the guy's expression I already don't like him.

    "Are you sure that's the one you want to watch? The next show isn't for another two hours, but I strongly recommend this one, it's starting soon and it's really good" the guy behind the counter says to Yo. I can see his eyes timing Yo's body.

    "Really?" Yo says. I can tell by his voice that his not happy to hear that.

    "Yeah I've seen it twice already. I highly recommend it." He insisted.

    "No it's ok. We'll see this one" I tell him.

    "Are you sure? You can always come again and I'll watch it with you" he says looking directly at Yo with that suggestive smirk, even going as far as to wink at him.

    I could feel my blood boiling. I quickly move my hand from Yo's shoulder and place it on his waist. Pulling him closer. "F*ck no he won't be watching any thing with you. We already told you we want to watch that one, we don't want to watch the other one so just give me my fucken tickets" I say as I slam the cash on the counter.

    Once the tickets print out I snatch the tickets out of his hand and guide Yo away. I could still feel the anger boiling in my veins. How dare he flirt with my Yo right in front of me.

    Wayo doesn't say anything until we walk out of the theatre. "Ming!" Wayo yells at me as he tilts his head to look up at me with those doll eyes framed with those thick lashes, stomping his foot to stop us from continuing our walk. His so adorable with that too cute to be angry face he always makes before he scolds me about something.

    "Yes baby" I say trying to calm myself from that annoying experience.

    "He was just being nice and give us a different option, you didn't need to be so rude" -Yo.

    "I wasn't being rude. I was as nice as I possibly could be"

    "How was that being nice, you practically told him off!" -Yo.

    "Well I went with the second option because the first involved my fist and his face becoming very good accountancies"

    "Why did you even want to fight him for. He didn't do anything to you or me!" -Yo.

    "Wayo! he was practically eye fucking you from the moment we started walking to the booth! And he was flirting with you right in front of me!"

    "So what you just got jealous!" -Yo.

    "Yes! Yes I did get jealous!"


    "I told you about how I feel. I know I have no right but, I just couldn't help it ok"

    "Ming are you even considering my feelings in this. Yesterday you were my best friend and today your the guy I'm confused about. And it's like I'm trying to go back to the way things were yesterday but that can't happen with you calling me babe, being clingy, touching me and kissing me, making me even more confused because now I-"

    "I'm sorry" I quickly say. Yo is right. I just confessed yesterday and today instead of taking things slow it's like I was trying to take ten steps in our relationship and that's not fair to him. I'm already treating him like a boyfriend when right now that's the last thing he needs. Damn. Why do I keep on making a fool of myself. Shit. What am I doing. I've completely overlooked Yo's feelings in this situation and just decided things on my own. I never gave him a choice in the matter and Yo's too nice to tell me no.

    I'm not good enough for him. His right to love P'Phana. His older and more mature. By trying to force things I was only hurting him instead.

To Be Continued...

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