How The Bad Boy Found True Lo...

By awkwardlyrare

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I watched him watch me as he was about to press his fist into the big red button that read "Emergency Fire!"... More

How The Bad Boy Found True Love.
Chapter 2 - I don't want to tutor you, air for brains!
Chapter 3 - A warning would've been nice.
Chapter 4 - Seniors Ditch Day, here we come!
Chapter 5 - This should be fun.
Chapter 6 - Does it hurt?
Chapter 7 - My right toe, your right ear.
Chapter 8 - Dude, why are you carrying around a can of whipped cream?
Chapter 9 - This party is gonna have my name on it!
Chapter 10 - You know, I'm terrified of lightening.
Chapter 11 - Your dad sucks.
Chapter 12 - It's so cute, I could die.
Chapter 13 - Today must be opposite day then.
Chapter 14 - She could put twerk team out of business.
Chapter 15 - Oh no, he didn't!
Chapter 16 - Hear me out..
Chapter 17 - When since did you hate school?
Chapter 18 - You suck at shopping.
Chapter 19 - I woke up in a new trolley!
Chapter 20 - What the hell?
Chapter 21 - We're married already?
Chapter 22 - Dare me, baby!
Chapter 23 - I've been shot!
Chapter 24 - Love hurts.
Chapter 25 - Uh, oh.
Chapter 26 - They took the cake.
Chapter 27 - No kidding.
Chapter 28 - Kids, be good in school. Detention sucks.
Chapter 29 - Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. Oh, did I say pathetic?
Chapter 30 - Love.. is frustrating!
Chapter 31 - Old times.
Chapter 32 - Don't you dare blame this on me!
Chapter 33 - I think my heart just stopped beating.
Chapter 34 - Talk about exhausted.
Chapter 35 - Too sweet.. overload!
Chapter 36 - Something new, something true.
Chapter 38 - Hold on, what?!
Chapter 39 - I need a breather.
Chapter 40 - I'm happy on the whole.
Chapter 41 - It's a surprise.
Chapter 42 - Sheer and Allan's date.
Author's Note!

Chapter 37 - An unexpected meeting.

3.2K 120 34
By awkwardlyrare

Getting up early in the mornings usually never was my forte. They never will be either. I hated getting up in the morning, I always will. Who's actually happy to get up out of their comfy bed, unwrap them selves from their duvets and face the world? I know I never want to. No matter what's happening that day.

Without further ado, I ended up getting up and getting ready for school anyway. I chose to wear a blue sequin beaded top, Jimmy Choo jeans and black gladiator sandals. I really wasn't trying to put an effort into my outfit today, but I did wear makeup. I don't know why.. but I feel I should at least try to look pretty for Heath. I mean I am his girlfriend now.

Girlfriend. It still sounds so new. Well, probably because it just happened last night. And I could not be happier. I've waited too long for this.

I slipped the promise ring back on and smiled down at it. I smiled at the memories of last night, the feelings of last night that happened to still be lingering deep down inside and I smiled at the movie.. at how sweet it was.

Did Heath and I really go through all of that?

I heard my door creak and I didn't bother turning around. I could've actually feel it was Heath who entered. I have no idea how that happens, but when he enters the room, whenever he's around.. I get this amazing feeling and I just know that it's him. He definitely confirmed my unsure as assumptions when strong arms encircled my waist. I turned around to face him and placed my arms around his neck.

"Good morning," I chirped. He smirked and dipped his head to capture my lips with his and I did not complain, just kissed back. His scent entered my nose and I nearly fainted from how great he smelled. He always smells nice, always..even if he's been sweating. But I can tell he put a little more on today and yesterday.

It seems as though I'm not the only one putting in an effort.

He pulled back. "Good morning, beautiful." he drawled huskily.

I blushed at the compliment. "How are you?" I asked, smiling lightly.

"Hmm, let's see.. well, I went to sleep with a huge smile on my face, I woke up knowing I'm with the most beautiful girl in the world.. let's just say I'm on cloud nine." he said.

I blushed uncontrollably. "Heath.." I chastised. "You do know that just because you're my boyfriend now.. that doesn't mean you have to compliment me every second," I tried to tame my heated cheeks. "But I do appreciate it." I concluded.

He smirked. "I know you do, babe. And I like making you feel appreciated and beautiful. Because you are."

"Thank y-" I was cut off from a voice either somewhere in the hall or on the staircase.

"You two lovebirds hurry the hell up or we'll be late!" the voice said. I think it belonged to Allan. There's no surprise there. Ever since we came home last night how we broke the news to them, he kept teasing us and calling us lovebirds. I didn't mind though, I just hated the fact that I couldn't control my blush.

"Yeah, we should get downstairs before I'm unable to control myself from attacking your lips with mine." Heath said sheepishly.

There my cheeks go again.

Heath and I did our little tradition, which just started last night. It was the bumping of our fists, mainly so our rings could clink, for whenever we're leaving each other or departing for a while.

"Poof!" we both fluttered and then we burst out laughing before he took my hand and led me downstairs.

When we got down, everyone had something to eat in their hands like toast, toaster strudel, an apple, a miniature box of dry cereal(only Allan), something related to breakfast. Sheer came out of the kitchen and handed both Heath and I egg sandwiches and she gave me a cup of coffee. My eyes widened as I realized I hadn't tasted coffee in forever! I missed it. A lot. 

Getting to school early was a plus and I was quite happy we got there on time seen as there was a lot of traffic today in the house. Everyone decided to forget something on this particular morning so if you didn't have to turn around, it was a miracle.

I pulled my locker open and stashed my unneeded books inside. I was feeling peachy today; I was hailing everyone, smiling, everything. I guess I just can't control my happiness because I'm with the guy I love. And that couldn't be better.

Breaking me away from my train of thought, I felt someone tap me on my shoulder so I turned around only to see Samantha standing there snarling at me. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"Samantha, okay.. I get that I'm pretty and I get that I smell good most of the time but that does not mean you have to follow me around so much." I said haughtily.

She grimaced. "Ew, gross." she gagged.

"Look, why the hell are you here Samantha?" I spat, getting annoyed quickly.

"Well, I heard you two made it official yesterday. And the ring just proves it." she said, looking down at my finger with disgust.

"And? Your point is.." I prompt her to go on though I really didn't care.

"I just realized how much of a whore you actually are. First it's my ex, Emmed and now Heath? You must really love me." she said with fake happiness dripping from her tone.

"Am I really the whore, Samantha? Let's not do this here. Comparing myself to you is like comparing Virgin Mary to Mary Magdalene. Let's not go there. I can stoop to your level." I threatened, stepping closer and looking straight into her eyes. "And you wouldn't want that." I said.

I gave her one last glare before I pushed past her and headed straight for my homeroom. And what a coincidence the bell rang right in time. Thank God it did. I was extremely close to battering Samantha's face with my hand repeatedly. I need to see either Sheer or Heath's face to calm me down.

Luckily, I saw Sheer heading towards homeroom as well. When she saw me she smiled, but when she saw my facial expression hers changed as well.

"God dammit, don't tell me I need to get the buzzsaw." she said through clenched teeth.

I sniggered at that. "It's over and done with now."

"Who?" was all she asked.

A gave her a look. "Who do you think?" I asked.

"The whore daughter of the psychopath?"

I burst out laughing so hard people in the hallway started sending me funny looks. "That was so mean," I chastised teasingly.

"But true, but true." she grinned, shoving the classroom door open. I followed behind her and a gush of cold air rest upon my care shoulders and I shivered subtly. I made my way to my seat and sat down. I felt a certain pair of eyes boring into the back of my skull and I blushed.

Does he have to keep staring? Omg.

"So, I have a question.." Allan trailed loudly, obviously speaking to our second homeroom teacher Mrs. Screw. Weird name, right?

"That would mean you'd raise your hand, Mr. Hield." Mrs. Screw said.

"Actually, I was raising my just happened to be looking down not paying attention." He said.

She looked appalled. "You're saying I'm not doing my job?"

Being right beside me, I could see that Allan intertwined his fingers together and crossed his legs at the ankle, looking rather "sophisticated".

"So you're putting words in my mouth?" he accused and yet again, she looked shocked. I was trying to hold in my giggles and grins unlike everyone else who didn't give a fart about what Mrs. Screw thought. "That's fine.. whoever the cap fits, wear it."

"Mr. Hield.. I will not accept this behavior from you." Mrs. Screw chastised.

"What behavior? As far as I'm concerned, I'm having a decent conversation with my homeroom teacher." He said.

"Why in the living blue whale did you raise your hand for in the first place?" she asked, looking peeved.

"Well, I'm not in the mood to ask the question any more, Mrs. Screw." he said, intentionally putting emphasis on her last name. "You took kinda long and you see, I lost the inspiration and courage I had to ask you."

"Allan Hield.. I am warning you. Detention slips aren't far from my finger tips." she threatened.

"And neither are wrinkles, but we aren't complaining." he mumbled but I'm sure she heard it. Her expression said so.


"Oh! You know what would be cool.. if women didn't have to take the surnames of their husbands and your name stays Screw whilst your husband's own is driver." Allan said excitedly. I sniggered when Sheer groaned and rest her face in her hands.

"Al-" Mrs. Screw was cut off yet again, but not because of Allan but by the bell. Allan shot up out of his chair and made his way to the door.

"Saved by the bell!" Allan exclaimed loudly, shoving his fist in the air and walking out of the room. Everyone including myself burst out laughing because we sure weren't expecting that.

We all made our way to Biology and we were extra excited because from now until graduation, we are work free in his class. We have all of the grades needed and more so he's giving us a break which I'm extremely thankful for.

I walked inside and decided to sit beside Heath today since a student who usually sat beside him was absent. He smirked down at me.

"Couldn't resist me, could you?" he teased.

I decided to play along. "Oh God, no." I said with exaggeration, clutching my hand to my chest. He chuckled and took my hand in his. He then started staring at me, making me feel uncomfortable.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked, touching it with my free hand. He moved my hand and shook his head 'no'.

"No. I could just do this all day. Your face.. something about it, either your eyes or lips or nose but it's something. It brings a real smile to my face." he said.

I blushed and cupped my cheek with my free hand, trying to tame my excited skin. "Heath," I whined.

"What?" he asked innocently. "I had to. It's true." he shrugged, smiling cheekily at me. I started grumbling and sank down in my seat and he began laughing at me. I decided to stay there because quite frankly, I loved hearing him laugh. It was music to my ears. It's like my eardrum fed off of it.

"Yo, Penn." Scott called, gaining everyone's attention as his arm rested comfortably on Natalie's shoulder. "I have a question..which gender cheats the most?"

Mr. Penn looked thoughtful for a second. "None of them. I believe it's fifty fifty. The guys are just stupider with it which is why it seems as though the girls don't cheat but they do, it's just that they're smart enough to get away with it."

"I beg to differ," Allan interjected.

"So do I." Heath said right after him.

Sheer and I both looked at our boyfriends, daring them to carry on with their lectures. But they caught on. I grinned cheekily at Heath as he was the one now grumpily mumbling in his seat.

"Okay, for example. I have a friend, who shall remain nameless because it's none of your business. He's been cheating on his wife, and when she found out a week later she confessed to him about cheating on him for a year." he said. My mouth dropped open. I'm sure everyone else's own did as well. "Men do stupid things when they're cheating. Like, offering to go to the store at two am in the morning, or coming home smelling like soap when they knew they left to take a 'run'."

"Mr. Penn let me just stop you right there.." Allan started. "Please tell me your friend's name is not actually 'who shall remain nameless because it's none of your business'.." he trailed, looking horrified.

Everyone looked at Allan and burst out laughing.

Scott and Heath both let out loud groans as the two looked horrified now.

"Now, I feel like an idiot." Allan muttered.

"But you were always an idiot." Heath said, earning a glare from Allan.

"It takes one to know one." Scott deadpanned and I laughed at Heath's expression.

"Are you three done? Because as far as I am concerned the three of you are idiots." Sheer said, making everyone laugh at T.B.B.C. 

+ ❤ +

"Heath, I told you to get pork chop not wings." I scolded him as we stood in the meat aisle of the food store.

He looked sheepish. "Sorry, babe." he said. "But you know everyone preferred the wings. Even you."

"No I didn't. I heard everyone ask for pork chops." I said.

"Wings." he countered.

"Pork chops."


"Pork chops." I replied through gritted teeth.


"Why don't you just get both?" a new voice asked behind us. We both turned around to see who interrupted and when we did, Heath froze with his mouth slightly agape. I looked at the woman, then back at Heath.

Oh my goodness, please don't tell me this is one of Heath's ex girlfriends. She's really pretty but I can tell she's older than Heath. Suppose she batters me with her bag of meat?

"Mom," Heath breathed.

Or maybe not his ex girlfriend..

"Hi, sweetie." she cooed at him then looked at me and smiled sweetly. "Hello. You must be the girl Heath wouldn't shut up about." she smirked. I blushed and looked at Heath to see him doing the same thing.

"Mom," he whined.

"What? It's true, X." she said and my brows creased in confusion.

"X?" I asked.

"Oh, it's shortened for Xavier. His middle name." she looked sheepish. I smiled at Heath. I like his middle name.

"Anyway, I'm Mrs. Cullen, Heath and Helix's mom." she was smiling brightly again as she stretched her hand out to me. I took her hand and shook it firmly. I couldn't help smiling back at her.

"I'm Charm." I said nervously.

"I know who you are," she smirked. "You're the beautiful girl who saved my boys from home and I can't thank you enough."

What she said shocked me. I wasn't expecting that at all. I didn't even think she knew my name, or that Heath moved in with me. I thought he would've said by one of the guys or something.

I blushed. "Y-you're welcome."

"She's just not the girl who saved me from dad mom. She saved my heart too," he said, pulling me closer into his side. I subtly inhaled his scent as I also took in Mrs. Cullen's shocked face. Both Heath and Helix looked like her. They had the same dark, healthy looking hair and striking grey eyes.

Mrs. Cullen's eyes softened and she placed a hand over her chest where her heart should be. "Aww." she cooed. "You date now? That's so sweet. I'm really happy for you guys. Do I have to start searching for a wedding dress as yet?" she joked, making me blush and Heath laugh.

"Not yet mom, but eventually." Heath responded causing my heart to flutter inside of my chest like the butterflies in my stomach.

"That's so sweet." She said. "Heath, you finally stopped beating around the bush and asked a proper girl out." She teased.

"I finally did." Heath said. I was quiet, just listening to them. I could see that when they're around each other it's usually this playful banter they carry out and I find it to be really sweet.

If only my mom could be around a lot for us to carry on with our old ways.

"Mrs. Cullen, maybe you can come for dinner some time." I suggested as soon as the idea came to mind.

"I would absolutely love to. But I can't today, sorry." She frowned.

"That's okay," I assured her. "Anytime is fine with me." I smiled and so did she.

"Thank you." She replied sweetly. "Okay lovebirds, I've got to hurry shop so I can go home and cook for the party tomorrow. It's for a dinner at work for getting promoted." She informed us.

I gasped. "Congratulations!"

"Congratulations, mom. I wish I knew. I definitely would've gotten you something." Heath moved in to hug his mom tightly. She sighed into his arms. I could tell she missed her boys.

She stepped back and shook her head. "Non sense, honey. Because seeing you and Helix safe and happy is the best gift I could ever get. And so is this," she motioned at our (Heath and I) now joined hands. I blushed uncontrollably and I could see Heath smiling from my peripheral vision.

"It was really nice meeting you," I said to her.

"Likewise, soon to be daughter in law." she smirked. I giggled and Heath stepped in to hug his mom one more time.

"I'll tell Helix you said hi." Heath said.

"Please do that. And Scott and Allan. I miss them all and you too." She said.

"We miss you too, mom. Be safe. I love you." Heath said.

"I love you too." she said. She gave my hand one last gentle squeeze and a kiss on the cheek then she left.

I looked up at Heath with a smile on my face. "Something's telling me she likes me."

Heath scoffed. "Try love."

Author's Note ~
So, I'm gonna go out on the ledge and say this all feels like a sweet dream. I mean, my book is getting read, people are commenting, voting and I honestly could not be happier. I honestly love you all so much! It means so much to me. It really does.

I read ever single comment. They are never ignored and I appreciate ever single vote, follow or comment.. anything positive that has to do with this book and the readers. I love my positive readers. So, if you read the book just to dog or say bad things about it please discontinue.

If I see a comment correcting me, I will delete it. I respect that you're trying to help and I understand that. But please understand this.. I know I made mistakes throughout the story and it was careless of me but this book will be going through a period of editing. So yeah.

But I can't thank you enough for allowing me to feel this feeling of.. I don't know.. happiness, pleasure, talent.. all of those things and more. Your reading, voting, commenting means more to me than you think it does. ❤ don't be a silent reader and if you're not, thank you :3 - xo, Destiny. ❤

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