Brothers Best Friend: Jenna

By tinkerbelle818

62.1K 1.1K 140

Megan and Daniels daughter, Jenna, is finally in high school. Jenna goes through multiple changes when she me... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

chapter 1

5.6K 101 6
By tinkerbelle818

"Daddy" I said pouting and giving him the puppy dog face.
"You and your mother are going to be the death of me with those faces" he said.
"I know" I said smiling. He groaned and shook his head.
"Fine you can use the old car for this weekend if you need it" he said. I shrieked and hugged him. He hugged me back.
"You always give in" uncle Carter said laughing.
" and you don't?" Dad said back. Carter sunk back into the couch and kept stuffing his face without saying anything. I kissed my dads face and went upstairs.

"Jen we are leaving" mom yelled. Abby and I came down stairs. I stopped when I got to the end of the steps. Abby stood behind me.
"Remember don't get into any trouble" dad said. I nodded. They both gave me a hug and I wrapped my arms around them both. I kissed them both on the cheek and they pulled away. They went to the door and waved at me. I smiled.
"Now?" Abby asked. I walked to the door and watched them drive down the road. I looked back at Abby and smiled. She took her phone out and sent the message out.

The music was blaring and there was drunk teenagers dancing around my house. I was sipping on my Pepsi and watching everyone. Abby was the drinking and I was the sober one. That's how its been since high school started. I looked at my kitchen and saw Abby kicking ass at a card game. I went outside and saw people in my pool and others standing around talking. I sat down in one of the lawn chairs and leaned back.
"Hey" someone said.  I looked up and saw Jacob Adams.
"Hey" I replied.
"So this is your house?" He asked.
"Yeah this is it" I answered.
"Are all the parties here like this?" He said.
"Yeah somewhat. Why?" I asked.
"Seems boring. No offense. The parties I'm use to would probably be too much for you guys" he answered.
"How so?" I replied.
"Usually there's drugs, gangs, and a whole bunch of other things" he responded.
"Where are you from?" I said.
"Warren Ohio" he responded.
"So what are you doing out here?" I asked.
"Parents divorced and dad got me in it. Wanted a better chance" he answered.
"Small towns are good for that" I replied.
"I can see that this one could be but its way too boring. Might need a little distraction to get through it" he responded.
"Like what?" I asked.
"You" he answered. I shook my head. I got up and left him there.

I was dancing with Abby. I was drinking after he said that to me. After I left him and found his way into the house and I knew he was looking at me a lot. I caught him doing it multiple times and he didn't care that I kept catching him in the act. Some of the guys that go to school with us came over and started dancing with us. They were jocks of course they would come over here and try to get close to Abby. I stopped dancing and went to get a drink because I was really thirsty. I went into the kitchen and downed a cup. I turned a little to fast and stumbled. Jacob caught me.
"Maybe you should get some rest" he said.
"I'm okay" I replied. I started walking and he grabbed onto me and guided me through the house. He took me upstairs and he looked at the doors and took a guess. He guessed right. My room was at the end of the hallway. He helped me to the bed and I fell on the bed. He took my shoes off and put a blanket on me. I closed my eyes.

When I woke up Abby was passed out next to me on my bed. I was still in the dress from last night. My shoes were in the floor at the end if my bed. The only reason why I'm saying that is because I almost tripped on them getting out of bed. I went downstairs and it was a huge mess. I yawned and made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed the trash bags and started cleaning up. I got to the living room and saw Jacob sleeping on the couch. I grabbed a couch pillow that was on the ground and hit him with it.
"What the hell?" He yelled sitting up.
"Why are you still here?" I asked.
"I don't know. I started drinking after I put you in your room and then I don't know" he answered.
"You should leave. My parents said no boys sleeping over" I replied.
"Okay I'm going" he responded. He got up and grabbed his jacket. He turned towards me. I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Last night I didn't mean that in a bad way. I see a girl I like and wanna be with. Its up to you if you wanna be with me. Just let me know. I might be new but I can see who you kind of are. You're good girl but can be bad" he said.
"Okay?" I replied not knowing how to answer that. He turned and walked out of the house. 

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