Liquorice Honey (A Draco Malf...

By Clefabled

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(Y/N) Silverlie is a Pureblooded witch with a strange emotional connection to her pet Kneazle, Amorita. She h... More

Author's Note #1!
1: A Girl and her Kneazle
2: Wands and Wazzocks
3: Leptotythops Carlae
4: Bright Eyed and Fluffy Feathered
5: Silver Barred Cages
6: Willow and Wisp
7: A Silent Banquet
8: Spoilt and Pretty
9: A Chance of Bliss
Author's Note #2!
10: Hospital Pillow Daze
11: Gingerbread in December
13: Party of One
14: Lonely Home Library
15: The Quidditch World Cup
16: A Girl I Could Know
17: Flames and Fury
18: Dear Miss Silverlie
19: Hello, I Love You
20: My Favourite Gift
21: Sleep Reading
22: Trial of Champions
Author's Note #3!
23: Red Leaves Fall
24: Ruffled Feathers
25: Sweet Tea and Curses
26: Professor Potter
27: Swish and Flick
28: Inky Expressions
29: Perfect Nightmares
30: Rosewood Wand
31: A Mother's Love
32: Secrets and Lies
33: Sudden Learning Curves
34: Starlight Daydreamer
35: Christmas Memoir
36: The Astronomy Tower
37: Acting Awful Tough
38: Of Angels and Death Eaters
39: A Soft Place To Land
40: Engulfed in Flame
41: Only You
42: Isabel's Friendship Club
43: Saying Goodbye
44: You Got Me Helpless!
45: Forever Entwined
46: Ticket to Ride (🍋)
47: The Negative
48: Unexpected Additions
49: Naming and Shaming
50: A Joy-Bringing Pain
51: The Stars' Debut
Author's Note...#4?

12: Mars' Moon and the Pansy-Wolf

50 0 0
By Clefabled

(A/N: Isobel Deimos is dedicated to my friend _Young_Misfit_ , who has honestly been my closest confidante about this crappy book since I first posted it-- also, sorry that your character is a bitch right now, she'll get better, I promise--)

It was the middle of summer now, and yet a late Christmas present had arrived in the post. Her father's now healthy owl had delivered it herself for once, and left as soon as (Y/N) gave it a letter of thanks. She opened the parcel slowly, as it felt rather breakable, and a note soon fell out. It was in her father's handwriting, and it looked rather old; ''Charmed for use only of a Silverlie. If you lose your way, it'll always guide you home.'' (Y/N) was confused by the cryptic message, but hung it around her neck anyway; it immediately got a lot lighter than it had been in her hand, and the blue stone seemed to be filled with a strange powder and turn an emerald green, the small raven engraving flying off of it and being replaced with a tiny snake that crawled from the point of the stone. (Y/N) stared down at it for a second and, being suddenly scared of it being cursed, tried desperately to remove it, but to no avail. After a minute or so of panic, she realised she had to accept this necklace now, whether she wanted to or not. She cautiously pulled on her robes, and it appeared to hide itself underneath her uniform. With a sigh, she stepped from her dorm room and ran quickly to her first lesson of the day, which she was rather sure was Charms, which honestly, she felt as if she never left. After it was over, and she'd endured what felt like hours of interrogation from Pansy, (Y/N) had a moment to breathe before her next lesson of the day. She pulled the necklace from her shirt and looked at it more inquisitively; to her utmost surprise, there was no reflection in it, and instead, what appeared to be It was most definitely a vision of Wisp cleaning the house, not too interesting in itself, but it appearing at all was what was interesting (Y/N). She most definitely saw her house in there, and...''Aww, did daddy send his precious daughter a gift?''(Y/N) frantically hid it in her shirt, but a hand grabbed at the golden cord anyway. ''I'm not sure a furball has a need for nice things like this,'' Draco smirked, ''Pansy, would you like to have it?'' She smiled evilly and nodded, watching as Draco tried desperately to break the chain. It wouldn't come loose, and he actually yelped in pain. ''Ow, the damn thing tried to burn me!'' he exclaimed, ''(Y/N)'s probably placed some curse on it!'' He gestured for Pansy herself to attempt to get the necklace off, but nothing seemed to be working; and then, a girl (Y/N) recognised to be the mail witch stepped through the Slytherin quartet, and asked (Y/N) if she could see it. She smiled a little, ''Charmed, not cursed, Malfoy. It's some kind of protection charm necklace; Opal from the Ministry wears one, as well as a few other kids she's friends with,'' the girl kept her hands far away from the necklace, but drew out her wand, ''And it's a rather strong charm, too. The necklace would only accept the owner and those they truly trust and hold dear. For example, not you, Malfoy.'' He rolled his eyes, replying sarcastically, ''Oh, of course, how stupid of me.'' Realising he wouldn't see reason, the girl turned on her heel and left; ''Just don't go touching it too much, blondie. They've been known to kill the odd person.'' The four Slytherins stepped away in unison, much to the delight of the girl who laughed heartily as she walked away; they were too distracted by her to even see (Y/N) running off in the opposite direction, ready for her next lesson. The day felt like it dragged by, but she was eventually back in the common room; she was met with glares from Malfoy and crew, but from the corner of her eye, she saw another pair of eyes glittering with excitement. With absolutely no warning whatsoever, the girl from earlier leapt from the shadows, causing both (Y/N) and Pansy to scream in fear; she burst into laughter. ''Wasn't aware pugs could scream like that; or cats, for that matter!'' For one, very brief moment, (Y/N) and Pansy felt the same way as they glared at the girl, with Pansy yelling, ''Why won't you go away?! First you attack us at Hogsmeade, and now you're constantly messing with us—'' The girl shrugged, winking at (Y/N), ''I don't know, I just figured that your pwecious Draco would be getting a bit tired of arguing with furball by now,'' she smirked, ''So I wanted to help you out, you know?'' No-one in the room smiled at her comments, and she sighed in exasperation, blowing a bit of her long, slightly tangled blonde hair out of her eyes. ''Aww, I suppose you want to keep her angry tone all for yourself, huh, blondie?'' Draco immediately stormed towards the girl, who still hadn't said her name, but couldn't really think of an argument further than ''Piss off, Deimos! You're the second worst person in this entire house—'' She smiled sweetly, before replying, ''But I want to be the worst! C'mon, tell lil' old Isobel who the worst person here is—'' she yelped as someone stood on her foot, ''That,'' (Y/N) smirked, ''Would likely be me. Now piss off and stop trying to steal my title.'' There was a second of silence, and then Isobel giggled childishly, before adding, ''It's obvious you know.'' She scooted out from the situation quickly, and Draco yelled back at her, his voice filled with venom, ''What is, you filthy little—'' She smiled, making a heart with her hands. ''Make sure I get to be one of those bridesmaids, (Y/N). Can't have Miss Granger being the only one, y'know, seeing as she's the only girl who tolerates you.'' She then flounced away, not to be seen for the rest of the night, while the five students stood in silence over their colloquial, newfound hate for Isobel Deimos. ''Well, Malfoy, you've finally found a new 'worst person in Slytherin house' to argue with, so I'm going to try and read peacefully now.'' She pulled a book from seemingly nowhere and took a seat on one of the cushy sofas, the other four still in silence; except, of course, for Pansy. She was already storming around the rooms trying to find Isobel, yelling things like, ''How dare you say that Draco likes someone more than me?!'', ''Come here, you heart-crushing rat!'' and ''How can you even consider (Y/N) relationship material for anyone?!'' (Y/N) couldn't help but snigger a little into her copy of Heidi. Pansy was running around like a madwoman for a straight five minutes before getting tired, and within that period, Draco had been trying desperately to block out her annoying voice. ''Hey, furball, let me read that stupid Muggle book too. Might block out Pansy's voice.'' (Y/N) shook her head. ''Nope, I don't think your parents would approve of me wrecking your mind in that way.'' She turned to have her legs dangling over the side of the sofa arm. An angry almost growl emanated from behind her, followed by ''what they don't know won't hurt them. Now let me read—'' another swift head shake. She jumped a little as the back of her robes was grabbed, causing her to fall backwards; she was sure she saw Draco smile at her for a split second before returning to his usual glare. The book was snatched from her, and he made a point of smirking as he lost her page. ''You vile creature, Malfoy!'' Exclaimed (Y/N), reaching frantically for her book as she sat back up, ''Give it back right now!'' He refused, even making a point of lifting the book higher so she couldn't get to it; she saw Crabbed and Goyle leave from the corner of her eye. They'd somehow realised how awkward the situation was, and sidled away to their dormitories as Pansy continued to yell about god knows what. ''There's no name in this book,'' he said slyly, ''so there's no proof that it's yours, (Y/N).'' She pouted ever so slightly, eventually giving in and exclaiming, ''you won't even like it. It's girly farm stuff...'' Draco promptly ignored her, obviously only keeping the book to annoy her at this point. (Y/N) sat, pouting angrily, at the edge of the sofa; she didn't even laugh when Pansy fell over her own feet and shrieked like an orphaned kitten for Draco to help her. After about five minutes of this torture, she stood up with a huff and stepped over Pansy and into her dorm room, exclaiming, ''Fine, keep it, but you won't enjoy it at all!'' She lay in anger on her bed, eventually deciding to throw on her pyjamas (new ones from her father; he'd been sending random new clothes over from America for months now) and fell asleep without reading, which was both painful and unusual for her. The next morning, she woke up with a jolt upon seeing her book lying on the floor with a note stuck to it. ''It really was terrible, furball. Get better reading taste.'' She sighed a little, happy to at least have it back. At first she wanted to bring it to class with her for when she had a little extra time, but alas, it was snatched from her by Pansy with little more explanation than, ''I want to read whatever Drakie-poo read!'' (Y/N) cringed at the nickname, deciding not to throw a fit over it. It was strange to go the day without the book, sure, but it gave her time for other things; like talking to Ron about Harry's Firebolt that he hadn't shut up about since Christmas. She wasn't interested in it at all, really, but she appreciated Ron's company too much to tell him that. ''He's like some sort of bird on it, the way it swoops down and...well, it's just bloody amazing!'' (Y/N) laughed a little. Never had she seen someone so enraptured by a broomstick. She was listening intently about the many things that happened during Harry's Quidditch practises on this broom (''we're going to completely floor Slytherin, it's so fast! I mean, we'll beat them. No offense.'', ''Even if Hermione did try to take it off of us...''), and due purely to Ron's enthusiasm, ended up agreeing to come and watch him play. ''You really won't regret it, (Y/N), really. It's like watching a bird, like, a magical one—'' (Y/N) chuckled lightly, ''Okay, okay I get it, you love this broom a lot. I'll be there, okay?'' Ron smiled excitedly, leaving quickly under the pretence of ''I need to see if Hermione's stupid cat is around...'', and thus, (Y/N) sat by herself on the field for a second or so, tapping her fingers annoyedly against the dirt, longing for something to do. She desperately wanted her book back, but was too scared to get it from Pansy...Something hard narrowly missed her head.''Hey, what are you trying to do?! Kill me?!'' She yelled in annoyance at her currently unknown attacker. ''No, you dumb little weasel! I'm giving your damn book back!'' After regaining her composure, she spotted Draco glaring at her, his hand only just lowering from the throwing position. He flicked his hair out of his eyes in irritation as he beckoned for Crabbe and Goyle to follow him down the corridor and away from the girl on the grass, but she found her eyes following him anyway; she had a sudden extreme want to follow them. 'No, (Y/N), you don't need it. He doesn't like you and plus, you have other friends!' She couldn't kid herself this time. She wanted so desperately to stand by him side, and perhaps to be handed her books back in a more kindly manner...A copy of Heidi with '' Silverlie'' written inside lay abandoned in the grass seconds later, only to be found hours after by Hermione.And she had a feeling she knew why it was there.

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