RWBY: Electric Rose

By speeder105

15.8K 387 60

The son of Cole Macgrath has had enough of the killing and is going to finish what his father started. Kill t... More

V1 The Son Of The Beast
V1 The Fight With The Beast
V1 A New World
V1 Eventfull Evening
V1 The Shining Beacon Pt1
V1 The Shining Beacon Pt2
V1 Ceremony
V1 A Nightmare
V1 Initiation Pt1
V1 Initiation Pt2
V1 The Emerald Forest Pt1
V1 The Emerald Forest P2
V1 Players And The Pieces
V1 Awkward Moment
V1 The Secret
V1 Teaching A Punk A Lesson
V1 Infamous
V1 Boost Of Confidence
V1 Quality Time
V1 Worm up
V1 Fight To Remember
V1 The Strays
V1 The Fang Hunter
V2 Best Day Ever
V2 Down Memory Lane
V2 Bad To Worse
V2 The Disk
V2 No Trick's
V2 The Coma
V2 The Connection
V2 Burn the Candles
V2 The Dance
V2 Forgiveness
V2 Blizzard
V2 The Past
V2 Grave
V2 Guardian
V2 Breach part 1
V2 Breach part 2
V3 The Stranger
V3 Pain
V3 Betrayed
V3 The Fall Of Beacon Part 1
V3 The Fall Of Beacon Part 2
The Fall Of Beacon Part 3
V4 New Body Different Person
V4 Inner Horror
V4 The Temple
V4 The Dragon blade Part 1
V4 The Dragon Blade Part 2
V4 Infamous
V4 Remember
V4 Changeing Fate
V4 Faster Then Lightning
V4 Haven Part 1
V4 Haven Part 2
V5 A Moment Alone

V3 Beacons Worrier

103 9 0
By speeder105

Coles pov.

It's been sixteen years since my so-... Devan disappeared to god knows where... I know I tried to kill him and all but, that's still my blood.

Shortly after his despaired I found Cindy and Kuo. Cindy was easily brainwashed to think she's my daughter. And Kuo... haa it hasn't been easy. I'm getting to old for this.

General: you can say that again sir.

Cole: speaking out loud again?

The General walks to my side and chuckling softly.

General: when don't you sir?

Cole: haha, touche.

I look down to the streets with all the people driving, walking and using there powers to move around.

General: something troubling you?

Cole: it's been sixteen years since I saw my son. And my... Beast powers, there faiding.

General: faiding?

Cole: *lifts up an arm* I can only us it maybe two or three more times.

General: will you at least be able to convert Russia?

I turn my head in his derection and shake my head.

Cole: a country like that would only get stronger. They need to be eradicated.

He nods his head in understanding before putting his two fingers to his ear.

????: I got her talking. Not sure for how long though.

General: good. I'm on my way.

Cole: who was that?

The General fixes his suite and looks at me.

General: that was Reaper.

Cole: how old is he now?

General: his body fiscally aged two years but mentally he's thirty two.

Cole: wish I had his Gene.

General: you and me both.

He walks off as I get lost in my on thoughts. Cindy still needs more time to regain her energy from sending Snow and Hunter to... where ever they are.

I will find him and when I do, I'll kill him.

Devans pov.

For some reason I get a shivering sensation in my back, Ruby sees this and gives me a little nudge.

Ruby: you okay?

Devan: w-what ya I'm fine. Just not use to being around so many people and them not giving me weard looks.

Weiss: well get use to it.

Devan whispers to Ruby while covering his mouth.

Devan: did we really have to bring her along?

Ruby: *whispers back* yes, you two need to get along.

Devan: *whispers back* but, I do try. She doesn't like my tip of... personality.

Ruby kisses Devans cheek and gives him a little smile. His cheeks go red as he blinks rapidly.

Ruby: well I do.

Before I could say anything Airships big and small start flying above use. For some reason I get ready to fight and I dont know why, one Airship lands in front of the three of use. Moving in front of Weiss and Ruby I ready self. The bay door opens and Weiss pushes me to the side.

Weiss: Winter I'm so happy to see you! oh, you presence honors us.

Devan: what?

Winter: Beacon, it's been a long time. the air feels... different.

Ruby: I mean it is fall so it's probably colder... *get punched in the shoulder by Weiss*

Devan: who are you and why do you have a army of Airships flying past are heads?

Winter: classified.

Weiss: well, how long are you staying?

Winter: classified.

Devan:*scuffs* bullshit.


Weiss: you're going to love it here! I know you travel a lot, but so much of beacon is different from Atlas! Vale, too. the government and school are complet-

Winter: I'm more then familiar with how this kingdom handles its bureaucracy. that is not why I came.
nor did I come here to watch my own blood fall so miserably in battle. but it appears I have no choice in the matter.

Devan: but there team won.

Winter: Only a novice would refer to that as a victory.

Devan: fucken Atlas. all the same.

Ruby nudges Devan as Winter clears
Her throat.

Winter: how have you bine?

Weiss: oh splendid! thanks for asking. I'm actually in the vary top ranking of our sparring class. the rest of my studies are going wonderfully too. I'm- 

Winter attempts to hit Weiss's forehead, a cold chil comes across her hand. She looks at Devan with his lightning sparking out of his eyes.

Winter:... I did not ask your ranking. I asked how you've been. are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? are you making new friends?

Weiss: well, theres Ruby and........ Devan.

Winter: I see so this is the leader you wrote of. how appropriately... underwhelming, and as for you. I never thought Weiss would befriend the Demon Of Beacon.

Devan: up yours. 

Winter: greeting Ruby Rose I wish to thank you for taking a interest in my sister.

Ruby: oh, yes, of course! the honor in in my... court.

Devan just shakes his head.

Winter: I have business with the general and your headmaster. but seeing as I'm early, why don't you three take me to your quarters?

Weiss: really?

Winter: yes, I wish to inspect them and make sure they're up to my personal standards.

Weiss: of course.

The Schnee sisters walk away while talking.

Ruby: we'll catch up- wait, uh... I mean, we will... reconvene with you bo- oh never mind.

Devan: *whispers* fucken bitch.

As Winter and Weiss walk and talk someone grabs to Atlas robots. Ripping them apart the person throws one of the head over to Winter getting her attention.

Man: hey! yeah, I'm talking to you ice queen.

Winter: holt.

Weiss walks over to the man getting up in his face.

Weiss: excuse me, do you have any idea who you're talking to?

Devan: what's going on over there?

Man: move along kid dont got time for you.

Winter: I don't have time for your immature games, Qrow.

Weiss: you two know each other.

Devan: I'll ketchup with you later Ruby.

Riby: okay.

Devan walks over to winter and the man.

Qrow: you Atlas specialists think you're so special, don't you?

Winter: it's in the title.

Qrow: all you are is a buncha sellouts. just like your boss.

Winter: I'm not sure what you think you're implying, but I've heard enough.

Qrow: oh, I heard too. I heard ol' Ironwood finally turned his back on Ozpin.

Devan: Ironwood... I saw that name before.

Weiss: Ozpin?

Winter: Weiss, it's time for you to go.

Weiss: what.

Qrow: listen to big sister, Weiss. she'll protect you. just like Atlas is gonna protect all of us, huh?

Winter: if you won't hold your tongue, then I will gladly remove it for you!

Qrow: ok then, come and tack it.

Devan runs in between the two with his hands out.

Devan: as much as I would like to see this guy beat the shit out of ya, don't do it here.

Winter: step aside or face the force of the Atlas army with him.

Devan: look just put the sword down and just talk it out.

Qrow: you should listen to him Ice Queen. I've seen this kid fight.

Winter looks both of them in the eyes before thrusting her sword.

Rubye pov.

Devan said he'd be back but it's taking a little while. So I desided to see what all the commission's all about. Walking closer I see Weiss in the crowd. Walking over to her I can see her looking at something.

Ruby: what's going on?

Weiss: some crazy guy just attacked my sister and Devan is defending him.

Ruby: oh no! who would do such a th- aaaaaat is my uncle!

Weiss: what?!

Devan: look *ducks* can we please talk * jumps to the side* this.

Qrow kicks Winter away from Devan and Laughs.

Qrow: there is no talking when it comes to the Schnee family. There's no talkin' it out.

Devan: oh man.

Trying to use his lightning Devan arms start sparking, he flinches a little before shaking his head in frustration.

Qrow: you got anything else you can use.

Devan: ya, Just distract her.

Qrow: hehe you got it. But dont gey use to giving orders.

Devan shakes his head as my Uncle smirks. Cold steam starts to come off his body as Crow charges Winter.

Clashing blows blocking and parrying blades, the air gets colder and colder. Looking at Devan we can all see cold steam coming off his body.

Before he can do what ever he was gonna do someone intervenes.


Winter: general Ironwood sir.

Ironwood: what in the world are you three doing?

Winter: he started the altercation, sir.

Ironwood: witch one, the man standing there? or the man that's making the temperature freeze over?

Devan falls in to a sitting position cold air comes from his mouth ad he breathes. I walk over to him and crouch down.

Ruby: you okay?

Devan: ya, just happy I didnt use my powers, I did get nicked though.

I hand Devan my Scroll and he takes it. Some lightning comes out my Scroll and in to his fingers. His scratch heals as he hands my Scroll back.

My uncle walks over to us and looks at us.

Qrow: you handled your self nicely kid. Ozpin was right about you. *walks away* I just hope you are the Dragon Eyes Warrior.

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