Reaction Time || Ashton Irwin...

By hi_ashton96

50.4K 1.1K 193

In life you've only got a certain amount of time to react to something whether it be good or bad. Billy Cliff... More

The Restaurant
A Little Crush
Just Be Alright
Movie Night
The First Show
Just Hold Me
I'm Sorry
Why Me?
The Second Show
I'm Back
Is It A Date?
The First Date
Just Tell Me The Truth
I Think I Love You
"Forever Mine"
A Bad Day For All
Invisable String
Pizza Place
Airports & New Friends
Home Alone
Two Months Later
Telling Ashton
Come Home
The First Ultrasound
Luke's BBQ
Happy Endings


1.6K 39 7
By hi_ashton96

||Enjoy! And brace yourselves for the next Chapter it's going to be intense. Sorry it's so short, next chapter will be a lot longer.||

Billy's POV:

Everyone slept in today which was good because we needed it. We got up and took all our luggage to our hotel rooms that we'll be staying in, I'm sharing a room with Mikey and the other three boys are in another separate room. Once we all got ready we decided to head out for some lunch to a nice little cafe down the road from the hotel. We took our seats at the table and ordered our food and drinks.

"Yum! Yours looks so much better then mine." Mikey says leaning over and grabbing some of my nachos.

"Hey! Get your dirty mitts off my food." I say slapping his hands away.

"I bet you ten dollars you won't even be able to finish all that." Michael adds reaching back over to my food.

"Challenge excepted!" I say before shoving another mouthful of food into my mouth.

I'm so full by the time I put the last bite of food into my mouth and struggle to finish it but I do because Michael and I have always been super competitive.

"I honestly didn't think you'd be able to finish that!" Luke says looking at me amazed.

"Hand over the money." I say to Michael holding my hand out as he gives me the ten dollars.

"You suck." Michael pouts as the other boys laugh.

"That was impressive!" Ashton says giving me a high five as we pay for our lunch and leave the cafe.

"Oh my god, I can't believe it's actually you guys. Can I get a photo?" One girl says running up to the boys which draws more attention from other girls who also start gathering around us asking for photos.

"Can you please take the photo?" One girl says shoving a camera in my hands as she walks over to the boys. I take the photo and hand it back to her.

"Are you Michael's sister?" One girl asks shyly from behind everyone which makes me turn to face her.

"Yeah I am. What's your name? And why aren't you over getting photos with the boys?" I ask her walking her way.

"It's Hannah, I'm too shy to ask them and you're really pretty." She says quietly tapping her feet together.

"Aw thank you love, so are you. Who's your favourite?" I ask her making her finally look up at me.

"Ashton." She says quietly.

"Well come on then, what are you waiting for." I say grabbing her by the hand and walking her up to Ashton.

"Hey Ash! Come here for a second!" I call out to him as his head shoots up to find me before coming over to us.

"Hey don't be nervous. He's just a big goof ball." I say to Hannah as I can feel her starting to shake.

"Ash I want you to meet my new friend Hannah." I say as he walks up and hugs her.

"Hey love, wanna photo?" He asks her.

"Just a hug, I don't like photos." She adds before he pulls her into a hug. He let's go of Hannah and stands back as his eyes grow wide.

"What are these love?" He asks grabbing her wrist.

"It's nothing." She jumps pulling her sleeve down.

"You might be struggling with some things right now, but they will get better. Promise me you'll stop?" He asks bending down and kissing her scars.

"Thank you." She says as a single year slips down her face. She gives him one last smile before vanishing back into the crowd.

"That was really sweet." I tell Ashton as we start walking away from the boys and the crowd.

He just gives me a smile before looking back down at the ground.

"So want to go exploring?" He asks.

"Sounds like fun." I smile back up at him before he grabs my hand and starts running down the street dancing and singing which makes me laugh.

We spend all afternoon seeing the sights of London and running around like little kids. It was really fun to actually be enjoying myself for a change and forgetting about the problems of the world.

"Hey Billy over here!" Ashton yells as I chase after him through the park to a bench underneath a beautiful old tree, we take a seat catching our breath.

"Stay right there." Ashton says jumping up out of the chair reaching for his phone.

"Smile." He says as he tugs on a branch of the tree making heaps of pink flowers fall down on top of me. He snaps the photo before letting out a giggle.

"Let me see it now." I say reaching up to grab his phone but he holds it higher above his head.

"Nope." He giggles as he presses a couple of buttons on his phone.

"Why are you laughing? Is it really that terrible?" I say seriously as I jump up trying to reach his phone.

"It's not terrible I promise." He says grabbing me by the waist and pulling me into him as he stands there awkwardly looking down at me.

"I'll take that!" I say before grabbing hold of his phone and turning away from him as I look at the photo.

"You uploaded it to twitter?" I say surprised.

"It's a good photo!" He defends himself as I scroll down and read the comment he made under it.


The beauties in London 🌷💁

I can't help but smile at it because of how cute he is.

"You're dead Irwin!" I joke handing him his phone back before running off again.

We get back to the hotel on dark and walk into my room to find all the boys piled in there watching movies.

"So you guys finally decided to come home." Calum jokes as we walk in the door and take a seat on the lounge.

"You guys sure do know how to blow up twitter." Luke says.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"My fault." Ashton says raising his hand guiltily.

"Everyone thinks you two are dating." Michael says looking up from the movie.

I look over at Ashton who gives me a little smirk making sure nobody notices.

"Alright everyone. Off to bed you've got an exciting day tomorrow." Liz says walking through the door as all the boys jump up and run back to their room leaving me and Michael alone as we crawl into our beds.

"You know what sis. I was wrong about you and Ash. He's a good guy." Michael says quietly in the darkness.

I roll over and drift off to sleep while hearing Michael slightly snore.

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