Liquorice Honey (A Draco Malf...

By Clefabled

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(Y/N) Silverlie is a Pureblooded witch with a strange emotional connection to her pet Kneazle, Amorita. She h... More

Author's Note #1!
1: A Girl and her Kneazle
2: Wands and Wazzocks
3: Leptotythops Carlae
4: Bright Eyed and Fluffy Feathered
5: Silver Barred Cages
6: Willow and Wisp
7: A Silent Banquet
9: A Chance of Bliss
Author's Note #2!
10: Hospital Pillow Daze
11: Gingerbread in December
12: Mars' Moon and the Pansy-Wolf
13: Party of One
14: Lonely Home Library
15: The Quidditch World Cup
16: A Girl I Could Know
17: Flames and Fury
18: Dear Miss Silverlie
19: Hello, I Love You
20: My Favourite Gift
21: Sleep Reading
22: Trial of Champions
Author's Note #3!
23: Red Leaves Fall
24: Ruffled Feathers
25: Sweet Tea and Curses
26: Professor Potter
27: Swish and Flick
28: Inky Expressions
29: Perfect Nightmares
30: Rosewood Wand
31: A Mother's Love
32: Secrets and Lies
33: Sudden Learning Curves
34: Starlight Daydreamer
35: Christmas Memoir
36: The Astronomy Tower
37: Acting Awful Tough
38: Of Angels and Death Eaters
39: A Soft Place To Land
40: Engulfed in Flame
41: Only You
42: Isabel's Friendship Club
43: Saying Goodbye
44: You Got Me Helpless!
45: Forever Entwined
46: Ticket to Ride (🍋)
47: The Negative
48: Unexpected Additions
49: Naming and Shaming
50: A Joy-Bringing Pain
51: The Stars' Debut
Author's Note...#4?

8: Spoilt and Pretty

73 2 0
By Clefabled

The trip to Hogwarts that year had been uneventful, except for the fact that (Y/N)'s father made sure that she made a more formal entrance to the station. It didn't feel like long before she was, yet again, stuck in her dorm room with Pansy. (Y/N) was almost completely sure that she became more insufferable every time she drew breath. ''I can't believe you met up with Draco over the holidays, furball!'' she yelled, throwing a strangely hard pillow at her roommate, ''Not only is he mine, but he also hates you! You're absolutely delusional!'' (Y/N) sighed, melting back into the book she'd been reading. Amorita began to claw at Pansy's ankles, causing her to be unable to speak through her screaming. (Y/N) laughed lightly to herself. After her pet had finally left the dog of a girl alone, Pansy spoke up again; ''I suppose you're too busy reading stupid books to go and see my Draco play Quidditch this year,'' she smirked, ''that means I'm more dedicated than you are.'' (Y/N) burst into laughter and exclaimed, ''I never said anything about that, but that blonde prick playing a team sport? Impossible.'' Pansy continued to smirk evilly, ''So I take it you won't be coming?'' (Y/N) shook her head. ''I'd have to sit with my own house, and none of you Slytherins like me.'' Pansy flounced out of the room suddenly, obviously going to gloat to some other equally as rancid girl about her 'victory' over (Y/N). With a sigh, she slunk down to the library to study for a while. Seconds later, and as if on cue, the Golden Trio appeared, arguing over the new Defence against the Dark Arts teacher. ''Seriously, Hermione! He's just full of himself, I don't understand what you see in him—'' Hermione blushed furiously, and if she wasn't in a library she probably would have yelled her response. ''I didn't say anything about him, you brought it up, and even if I did, people are allowed opinions, Ronald!'' (Y/N) laughed a little, which turned Harry's head almost immediately. ''Oh, hello, (Y/N).'' The three sat at her table, their confused expressions about her book choice showing facially. (Y/N) sighed, ''I want to find some other strange, but legal, creature I can adopt to scare Pansy's stupid pug face out of my room. No luck thus far.'' There wasn't much of a response, and the topic was soon changed back to the new teacher (were Hermione and Ron obsessed with him or something?). ''Right, (Y/N), you're a girl. What's your opinion on Lockhart? Personally, I find him to be a bloody idiot, but all the girls seem to be obsessed with him...'' (Y/N) shrugged. ''Honestly, I'd never heard of him up until I had to buy his books,'' she chuckled, ''And I don't tend to find false looking authors all that great.'' Ron smirked triumphantly at Hermione. ''See, Hermione—'' she sighed deeply, replying, ''I never asked you to ask her, so stop acting like I did!'' The two huffed at each other angrily and went silent as Harry looked at his timetable. ''Hey, looks like we have Defence against the Dark Arts tomorrow,'' (Y/N) looked over, smiling, ''And we're with the Slytherins. You can sit with us if you'd like, (Y/N), I know you don't really like your house mates much...'' he smiled shyly over at (Y/N), who smiled politely back as she replied, ''Honestly, I'm not sure I want you to see how hopeless I am at it. I can't defend myself against Malfoy, never mind a dark wizard.'' Hermione rolled her eyes a little, responding in an almost maternal way, ''Is he still being a vile little snake to you? Even after you met over the holidays?'' (Y/N) nodded, ''Yeah. We argued almost the whole time, but...'' Hermione's eyes pierced into (Y/N)'s. ''There was a 'but' in there, (Y/N)...'' The poor girl blushed magenta. ''I...I, uh, didn't mean to say that, yes...'' Hermione looked completely taken aback, as did the two boys; ''I remember you saying something about a boy other than that Dull whatever guy as you got off of the train. Does this have anything to do with that?'' asked Ron, obviously desperate to know what was on (Y/N)'s mind. Frantically looking for a way out of the awkward situation, she looked up at nothing in particular and exclaimed, ''Wow, is that the time already? I, uh, have homework to do, and...'' She went to walk off, but someone grabbed her sleeve; she was spun around quickly and met with Hermione's terrifying glare. ''You wouldn't be so awkward if you had nothing to hide!'' (Y/N)'s magenta face got even brighter, but she was saved by the bell; or rather, a rather tired looking Slytherin girl. ''I—huff—was told to give this to you. Somethin'—huff—about that Opal girl.'' (Y/N) blinked in surprise, thanking the girl confusedly as she took the paper from her hands. She used this opportunity to leave the room and escape the awkward atmosphere. The headline alone made (Y/N) want to set the thing on fire. ''Guilty as Accusé! French family found guilty of helping Ms. Silverlie...'' (Y/N) sighed. Opal had been in the papers a couple of times recently, but (Y/N) had managed to ignore it. Even seeing her name reminded (Y/N) that the little rat was nothing more than a scapegoat for the Ministry to get people arrested left, right and centre. It turned out that the family she'd had locked up were the parents of a girl from her Ministry run magic classes; the poor girl was described identically to how (Y/N) was last year, and her heart really did go out to her. Apparently she fled back to France to re-join Beauxbatons after Opal's lies had ruined her reputation, but the other girl in her class was described as 'missing'. Apparently she'd only days before come over from Bulgaria, and she was described as a 'terrifying little witch' more than once. She'd been thrown out of Durmstrang, and was apparently 'far too much for Hogwarts to handle', in Opal's words. (Y/N) sighed deeply as she ducked into the Slytherin common room. She sat down to read the rest of the article, and suddenly, a small head was looking over her shoulder. 

''Merlin, is that what she call me? I hope she choke on own curls! Malka kuchka...'' 

(Y/N) jumped in surprise. A tiny girl with a dark bob and a venom green ribbon sat at her side, scowling, but her adorable little freckled face made her anger seem pitiful. ''I, uh,'' stuttered (Y/N), ''I didn't quite get that last—'' The girl stood up and kicked something over. ''Ne, of course you do not! I'm much better wi...wit...veshtitsa, so below me!'' She tried her best to look intimidating, her scowl deepening when she saw a certain blonde enter the room. ''Ah, if it isn't the illiterate dropout!'' The girl scowled, bringing her rather scary looking twisted wand from her pocket. She spoke darkly, ''Miss Silverlie, go to room. I want...I want to...'' she struggled to find the correct word, and instead gestured with her hands. ''Don't fight him, kid. He'll just tell his daddy on you—'' Draco stormed up to (Y/N), with the girl making faces behind his back when he couldn't see. ''I should have known you'd like her. You're both strange.'' (Y/N) rolled her eyes, ignoring him, but the little girl had rougher plans; her wand was now pressed to Draco's back, her tiny form completely hidden behind him. It was obvious she was initially planning to use some terrible spell, possibly one that would get her expelled, but after seeing (Y/N)'s facial expression...

''Av...Alarte Ascendare!''

(Y/N) tried to stop her laughter as she watched her worst enemy go flying into the ceiling of the Slytherin common room. The little girl smirked as soon as Draco hit the ground again, and sat down right next to (Y/N), holding out her hand. ''I decide that you are friend. My name is Jessika Mikhailov. I am first...first year.'' (Y/N) couldn't help but smile at her sudden change from a wicked witch to a rather confused tourist. ''I'm (Y/N) Silverlie. Glad to be friends?'' Jessika grinned before flouncing over to the door; (Y/N) asked confusedly, ''Hey, where are you going?'' Jessika smirked. ''To wait. Detention come soon, right?'' She slammed the door behind her and, as soon as she was gone, a fake sounding scream of pain came from the corner. Oh, yeah; she'd forgotten about her favourite drama queen. ''Furball! You set that little horror off on me, didn't you?! I didn't even see her get sorted, so there's no way she goes here—'' as if on cue, Pansy ducked out of the dorm room; or rather, a bird that sounded an awful lot like Pansy did. No points to the house that worked out who cast that one. ''Yeah, about her,'' she huffed, ''Dumbledore was far too quick to accept her after she was thrown out of Durmstrang. And after she tried to kill a witch, apparently. She was sorted in with us, and now, she's your roommate. I'm moving in with my actual friends.'' (Y/N) gasped with excitement. Pansy was gone, and she was replaced with an adorable, spunky little first-year? Who actually liked (Y/N)?! 

''That's bloody brilliant! Thank Merlin for that revolution—'' another screech came from the floor. ''Pug face! Take me to the hospital wing, or I might die—'' (Y/N) stood up with a sigh. She held her wand gently to the ankle he appeared to be clutching in pain, and muttered under her breath, ''Episkey.'' The diva of a boy screamed again, for far longer than the spell usually hurt for; ''Are you feeling better now, kiddo?'' (Y/N) chided. Draco stood up quickly (what happened to pretending he was still in pain?) and ordered Pansy to go back to her room again on account of her 'ugly face making him a little ill'. (Y/N) sat back on the sofa with a sigh, smiling ever so slightly as Jessika came back in. ''(Y/N), friend, I saw people who knew...who knew...'' she gestured a little, ''You! Yes, that's the word...'' She scowled down at Draco as she finished speaking. ''Is spoiled boy safe? Won't get, me...detention?'' (Y/N) glared at him, mouthing at him, ''Don't you dare.'' He smirked initially, but upon seeing Jessika's scary looking wand again, he shuffled back, exclaiming, ''No, I won't! We don't want to lose house points because of you, anyway...'' Jessika smiled rather adorably. ''That is good! Perhaps pretty boy could be friend in future!'' Everyone looked surprised at her comment, but before she could continue, (Y/N) was dragged out by the now rather excitable girl. She was immediately handed a piece of paper with two names; Ginny and Hermione. Jessika blushed a little as she mumbled, ''I couldn't pronounce this name right. Or this one...but they were friend!'' (Y/N) smiled at her again; for a dangerous little witch, she was rather sweet. ''And...and I saw boys as well! Come, come, (Y/N)!'' (Y/N) was immediately dragged around the castle by the very fast girl for what felt like hours before they eventually found the group. Jessika smiled triumphantly. ''I take it Jessika's introduced herself to you?'' the four of them nodded, and Hermione whispered to (Y/N), ''Isn't she the witch from that paper? She doesn't seem like much of an almost-criminal at all.'' (Y/N) shook her head, and realised that Jessika and Ron appeared to be in a rather deep conversation about Quidditch. ''My bra- I mean, brother is seeker back home. He says he wants to be in World Cup someday.'' Ron nodded, asking, ''What did you say your surname was again? I may have heard of him...'' Hermione sighed, turning to (Y/N). ''So, why was she running to put herself in detention?'' (Y/N) chuckled lightly, replying, ''She made Malfoy go flying into the ceiling. He had a hissy fit about it afterwards, too...'' Hermione tried to stifle her own laughter. ''She's rather wild, then, I take it?'' (Y/N) nodded. Hermione sighed as she noticed that Harry was now in on the deep Quidditch conversation. Hermione suddenly gestured with her hand to the ginger girl who looked very much like Ron, who was currently standing awkwardly in between two conversations. ''(Y/N), have we introduced you to Ginny yet?'' (Y/N) shook her head. ''Nope. Too busy watching Malfoy get thrown into ceilings at the moment, I suppose; (Y/N) Silverlie. Pleased to meet you!'' Ginny smiled back, replying kindly, ''Ginny Weasley.''. (Y/N) sighed a little at the fact that Jessika was still rather loud, and then Hermione spoke. She hadn't forgotten their conversation from before. ''So, before we were interrupted, I believe you were going to say something about Malfoy?'' (Y/N) blushed deeply, stepping back a little. Now, she had both Ginny and Hermione focused on her, demanding answers from the poor girl; even the newly founded Quidditch fan club turned their heads. ''Bloody hell, I forgot about that! Yeah, do continue!'' exclaimed Ron. Jessika cocked her head a little. ''Malfoy is...pretty spoilt boy, yes?'' Everyone nodded. Her small hand flew to her mouth and she turned away. ''Was this why you was so quick to fix his ankle?'' (Y/N)'s blush deepened. Of course she'd overheard that. Hermione rolled her eyes; ''I promise I won't get angry at you for saying it. At least, not much.'' Ron huffed, replying, ''But I might! You deserve better than—'' Ginny glared at her brother. ''She likes who she likes, Ron. Even if he is a horrible person...'' Harry smiled over at (Y/N) supportively, ''I think it's be easier if you just said how you feel, (Y/N). Even if it is towards that...snake.'' (Y/N) breathed in slowly; her next breath would be the confession. 

Was she really ready to say it though?

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