It Doesn't Matter If You're B...

By AmariannaRose

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Book 1: It Doesn't Matter If You're Black Or White Book2: Happy Go Lucky When the elder daughter of Damon Pop... More

Veronica Pope's Older Sister
Meeting Happy's Mom👩‍👦
💋😘🤟🏽Falling In Love Is Easy To Do👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻💓👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏻
Over The Next Few Weeks📅📆🗓️
Trying To Take Back Control
Devil's Tribe SoA
The Things You Do To Me!
🙂😁😄Smiley Tattoo Tradition😃😆😀
💀☠️He's Gotta Die Like A Lot⚰️⚱️
🧔🏻‍♂️One Man And A Funeral⚰️🥀😢
Welcome Home Elvis🎸
Doing What Normal People Do... Well Almost....
🏍Ride Like The Wind Bullseye🎯
Clay's Rules Of The Road Are Meant To Be Broken
🐅🐯🦸🏿‍♀️🦸🏻‍♂️Rescued Tiger Exploding Scotsman💥💣🧨💥
Never Piss Off A Lowman🤬... Even If She Isn't A Lowman Yet 😜
🥳🎉Party For Chibs🎊🍻
And The Truth Hurts Worse Than Hell
Fighting🤜🏿👊🏻🤛🏽 Dirty
🚫🚷All The Wrong Moves↘️⬇️↙️⬅️⬆️↗️➡️
🌅⛅🌞Sunset Wedding 💒👰🏾🤵🏻
What Is Lost Shall Soon Be Found
We Could All Use A Little Honey🍯🐝
His Nomad Life Is Over And A New Life Begins
🍀A Warm Irish Welcome🍀
🍺🍀🎉🎈Party Like An Irishman🎊🥳🍀🍻
💥Things That Go Boom💥
A Medieval Way To Get The Truth
🎣Catch And Release🎣
Not All Things Are 🖤Black And White🤍
Brick By Brick🧱
Another Shot In The Shoulder💪🏽🔫
Afternoon Delight
Yet Another Loss😢
Who's That Baby?!👶🏻🍼👼🏻
Lives Of The Innocent Are A Stake
Fire Burns Hot 🌶🔥 But You Stay Cool🧊😎
Family Values👨‍👧‍👧

What The Hell Man!?!

396 10 0
By AmariannaRose

Happy and Giaconda spend the next few days at his aunt's house with his mom, his aunt, Kozik and Miles protecting the guns Giaconda spends a lot of time over at Vivian's helping her with her garden and other things.... anything to get away from Kozik's stares.... she likes the man enough but the way he looks at her still bothers her.... Happy learns that they are mulling drugs and and isn't at all pleased with the news.... though he tries to hide his disappointment from his mom and aunt he knows that he can never hide anything from his wife and she takes him to her fathers training facility everyday for a few hours just to get away and let go of all the pent up frustration he feels but this time was a little different.... for her anyway.... this time her DAD was there.... even though he stayed out of Happy's sight he did come to see his daughter.... "this isn't about control dad!.... this is about love!.... I know you've been having us watched ESPECIALLY when we're here where there are cameras almost everywhere.... so I know you know how I feel about him!.... and he me!.... he protects me!.... cherishes me!.... I am the center of his world!.... the light in his life!.... I am the one who keeps him whole!.... if you even TRY to "take" him from me or use him in anyway.... you will lose me completely!.... and I know you don't want that!.... being the man that you are you still care about your family.... and to lose me would break you!.... especially since the only person you'd have to blame is yourself!.... though you could blame August.... he's tried to come between us a couple of times.... he even used YOU as an excuse to try and have me go with him!.... unlike August Happy gives me my freedom!.... let's me do as I please!.... he trusts me!.... they ALL trust me!.... well everyone but the Prez and his wife and the soon to be "princess" of the crew.... and if you know anything about the Sons you know what they think of someone with a different skin tone than them.... be it darker or tanner it doesn't matter.... I will NOT leave him!.... for ANY-BODY!!.... not even you!.... we plan on having kids.... would you be okay with a mixed racial grandchild!?!"  Giaconda asks Damon chuckles "why are you so pissed anyway!?!.... I still visit!.... sure I don't bring him or his mom around!.... but his moms health isn't all that great.... kinda like moms was towards the end but the Loman's are a stubborn bunch so she's fighting death to the bitter end!.... and I'd hate for her to have a heart attack just by meeting you!.... and Hap.... what would you have done if you HAD met him hmm!?!.... I know you dad!.... you would try to control him!.... use his "power" within the club to use them in some seemingly small way.... and I WON'T let you do that!!.... I LOVE him dad!!.... more than I've ever loved ANYBODY in my life that lives outside my own family!!.... you know as well as anybody that if I didn't I would never have married him.... much less plan on having his kids.... it was ME who stopped you from "keeping" me with Marks!.... for if it were up to him he'd still be in "control"!.... I'd be his little piece of "eye candy"!.... something to show off!.... try to control!.... do you see Happy showing me off or controlling me and my every thought or action!?!"  she asks Damon has yet to say anything she was always his favorite his little spitfire the woman who's never been afraid of him no matter what age she was always speaking her mind no matter what punishment he laid out for her hell she even took her sisters punishments if and when they came.... which was barely ever.... Veronica was soft she did as she was told no matter what it was though unlike Giaconda she never seen the "business" part of his life she's always been the "protected one" mostly by her sister who still comes by once a week to the family home to make sure her sister is still whole "Happy would never do that!.... do you know that since he's been with me I'm the only one he's ever had!.... he pretty much ignores the Crow Eaters and Sweet Butts as they call them.... he'll chat with them.... but he doesn't "ride" them anymore!.... one short hug around the shoulder.... that's all they get.... well.... maybe a smile.... if they're lucky!"  she says Damon chuckles "he doesn't smile much.... only when I'm around.... his eyes are ALWAYS ON ME!!.... no one else!.... his hands.... every bit of attention that they USED to get is for ME now!!.... and ONLY me!!.... I NEED him dad!!.... he is the one who keeps me strong!.... keeps me whole!.... let's me know that there will ALWAYS be someone waiting for me!!.... be there for me whenever I need them to be!.... he is NOT August and I thank the stars for that!!.... I'll kill him myself if he ever becomes that ASSHOLE!!"  she says Damon laughs "I'm staying with him with or WITHOUT your "permission"!!.... I am HIS and he is MINE and NOBODY will EVER take him from me!!.... I pity the person who tries.... they just might not make it to the end of their years if they do!.... and the ones who try to kill him they better find a good place to hide for if I find them.... they won't be having a very good week!.... even YOU!.... and ESPECIALLY August!!"  Damon's laughter grows "alright!.... I'll stop badgering you about it then!... as long as you continue to come home every now and again.... I can see that the white man is in good hands!"  she replies "you know I'm not that easily gotten rid of!.... and I know that you are a man of your word so I'm relying on that I still love you dad!.... very few things will change that.... and I have a feeling that you'll be the reason why they change!.... not him or anyone else.... for you know how many have tried!.... even August for apparently my love should "only be meant for him"!"  she tells him Damon's hands squeeze into fists when he hears the last part of her sentence but then they relax and he smiles then pats her on the shoulder and gives her a hug then let's her get back to her husband "worry free"....

"Hey Dickhead you the one who made pancakes?"  Giaconda hears Happy say after she hears the white and red rosey curtain by the side door slide flutter like a cape in the wind she chuckles shaking her head as she continues to clean up the mess Miles made.... it was pretty large dirty plates, forks, mixing bowls, egg shells and flour all over the place.... "yeah"  Miles replies "you gotta clean this shit up...."  Happy orders "now?"  Miles asks "yeah now my wife is in there doing it all by herself and she is NOT your maid.... so get your skinny ass in there and go finish it up"  Happy orders Giaconda blushes slightly at Happy calling her his wife.... it was all still so new.... she's used to him calling her "Mrs Lowman" but "wife"!!... she was not used to that "oh shit!!"  she hears Miles mutter and then she hears him rush inside "sorry Conda!"  Miles says as he rushes over to help her "look I understand you wanna do a good job and impress the masses.... but this is someones home!.... you need to treat it and the people that live within it with respect!.... they've been kind enough to agree too....!"  she says kindly "I know I know.... I'm sorry Conda!"  he replies she smiles and pats him on the shoulder then teases "I'm not the one you should be apologizing too but I'll take it anyway!"  he chuckles and she places the broom back where it belongs and walks out of the kitchen.... she had half the mess cleaned up by the time Miles got in there so he didn't have as much to do.... Giaconda walks over to Happy who also walked back inside and presses her body up against his and slides her hand down his pants and over his always erect and hard for her cock and as she massages his cock her lips meet and play with his sliding her tongue within his mouth so that her tongue could have some fun too he moans deeply as her tongue wraps itself around his fighting with it as though they were two swords clashing in a playful war his hands slide up under her shirt and over her breasts then down into her pants "this is your fault....! you....!!"  she growls softly then she moans "you made her all wet!.... and them all hard calling me your wife in that tone of voice!.... you evil!!...."  she continues "evil!.... man!!"  she says inbetween kisses and biting his lip he chuckles "oh that's it!"  she teases and her lips slowly move over to his ear leaving little light soft kisses over every inch of his cheek and neck all the way up to his lower lobe where her teeth begin to playfully nibble then they head back down to his neck where her teeth continue to nibble ever so gently  just the tip of her front upper and lower teeth nip at him making his body quiver and him growl deep and low once she reaches his clavicle she slides her hand out and stops teasing him with her lips and teeth and tortures him by saying "I'm gonna go see what's takin Ko so long!"  then she walks away with a smirk on her face as she hear him growl playfully while she heads out the sliding glass door and out to the truck a few seconds later she comes back in and asks curiously "Hap!.... where's Kozik!?!"  he looks at her confused then growls angrily and rushes out of the house kissing her as he passes saying with a growl in his tone "you will pay for that!!"  she replies with a smile "oh I hope so husband!"  she watches his body quiver noticeably and slaps his ass so hard that both his right cheek and her hand stings....

Once Jax arrives Giaconda hears Jax and Kozik have a go at each others throats having just helped Ilaria lay down for a nap she scoffs softly and heads outside "stealing our guns is a hiccup?"  Jax asks as he and the guys walk to the back of the house "you shitting me?"  Tig asks "they thought the truck was full of booze it had one case of AR-15's"  Kozik says defending himself "those guns are already sold, asshole the cartel is expecting all of them in two days"  Jax shouts "I get it!"  Kozik replies "no, what you get is jacked by a bunch of ghetto babies, asshole"  Jax shouts "that's enough!!"  Giaconda warns softly as she walks out the sliding glass door "Ilaria is sleeping and unless you want to deal one pissed off momma after you wake her I suggest you take your pissing match somewhere else!"  she threateningly demands Happy felt his cock throb with desire and need for her as he becomes aroused he takes a step towards her standing with his chest pressed up against her back he places his hands on her hip and growls lowly into her ear "this is exactly what I'm talking about!"  she smiles and shakes her head feeling his cock throb up against her "sorry Conda!"  Kozik apologizes softly "let's just get the guns back bro"  Tig says then Kozik tells Jax "they're not gonna hit the streets with that they're gonna try and sell them"  Jax replies warningly "alright shut up"  Happy and Giaconda look at one another "Viv's gonna be pissed!"  she whispers Happy chuckles then says to the guys "this 'hood? only one place to do that Vivica French fence"  Jax says "they better be there"  before Happy leaves to follow the rest of the guys out he looks down at his wife and whispers "stay here!"  she smiles and kisses his lips "we'll be fine!"  she tells him softly with a smile as she slides her hand over his pants and hardened cock "I'm not so sure about this though!.... how will he be able to relieve all that pressure while I'm not there with you!?!"  he moans deeply then rushes off before he ends up staying there and fucking her where she stands he hears her chuckle as he jogs over to his Harley and smiles shaking his head.... a little while later Giaconda rides off to Vivica's and sees that Phil and Miles were the only ones there "these boys aren't causin any trouble now are they Viv!?!"  she asks with a tease "nah we're good!"  Vivica replies as she pours them some lemonade Giaconda chuckles "whatever you do don't have this one cook for ya.... he never cleans up his messes!"  she teases pointing at Miles who rolls his eyes as he takes a sip of the ice cold drink.... she stays for a few minutes then leaves after Miles gets a call that Jax and the guys were headed back "I wasn't suppose to leave the house anyway!"  Giaconda teases with a smirk after she gives Vivian a hug Vivian chuckles and Giaconda gets on her Panhead and rides back to Happy's aunts house.... "you were suppose to stay here!"  Happy softly growls.... in a more playful manner than a pissed off one.... "I went to visit Viv.... make sure the tag along spies were behaving themselves!"  she teases he rushes towards her with a soft growl and her back hits a nearby wall as he pushed her he started to undo her shorts and by the time she hit the wall he was already inside her she jumps up and wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders her head leans back giving his lips the perfect target to attack as his hands massage her breasts and play with her nipples he tortures her till he gets a call to bring the truck to Vivian's so they can get their guns back she moans softly as he slides out of her "damn you woman!"  he growls as his cock throbs begging to continue "later!"  she whispers alluringly into his ear biting his lower lobe and pulling gently on it as she moves away while she fixes her shorts pulling them back up and watches him walk away biting the corner of her lip with a smile on her face and a raised eyebrow.... Giaconda goes to the club with Happy as he heads to go to church and as soon as they come out of it she sees the expression on his face walks around from behind the bar and takes his hand then leads him to the boxing ring "let it all out luv!"  she says softly and they end up in a light boxing match with all the Crows that were either already outside or came with them watched.... it wasn't the way he wanted to "let it all out" but it would have to do because he wasn't going to do THAT with her in front of an audience.... she knew about the drugs she seemed to know about everything though the only time Happy ever told her anything was when he was unsure and he was most assuredly unsure about the drugs.... he hated them he never wanted to be a part of that.... but now he has no choice...."do you know how much I love you!?!"  he asks as they box "enough to put up with me!?!"  she teases with a smile "put up with you!?!... I MARRIED you!!"  he replies "yeah!.... and you're gonna be a daddy too!"  she tells him with a smile he lowers his fists "what did you just say!?!"  he asks wondering if he heard her right "umm I may have missed a appointment because I HAD to meet someone as he got outta prison.... so.... well.... when I went to this one.... I.... uh.... hmm!"  she says playfully he rushes over to her and hugs her the guys that were listening cheered for them "I did say we'd TRY after you got home!.... we still got 3 months before we find out the gender.... and have an ultrasound.... but you should hear the heartbeat!.... it's.... there are no words to describe it!!"  she says softly....

Jax walks out and wonders what was going on seeing him Chibs announces "Hap's gonna be a daddy!"  Jax looks surprised then rushes over to hug his brother and says "congrats man!" Happy replies with a grin "thanks bro!"  then the rest of the Crows walk over to shake his hand and give him a hug then they walk inside to celebrate "no more liquor for me!.... not for another year and eight months.... I plan on breast feeding!"  Giaconda tells them "I will serve though!"  she adds the guys cheer and Happy wraps his arm around his wife's waist as they all walk inside to drink to their hearts content "wait a minute....!"  Happy says as though realizing something Giaconda smiles "it's alright!.... the baby is perfectly safe!.... maybe we'll just start being a little more gentle!"  she ends with a tease and Happy chuckles "I don't think that's possible gorgeous!"  she replies "yeah!.... me either!.... though maybe I should start calling you daddy so you can get used to it!"  the guys laugh and Happy blushes with a grin on his face "ok!"  he replies and the mens laughter grows even louder.... the next day as Happy was making breakfast Giaconda walks up behind him and wraps her arms around his waist "are you doing anything today!?!"  she asks softly "I'm all yours today gorgeous!"  he replies in a tantalizingly husky tone she smiles she whispers into his ear pressing her lips up against it and her body up against his back "good!"  she bits his lower lobe and pulls down on it then says "I made a "special" appointment just for you so you could hear what I heard last week.... they were surprisingly willing to do it.... especially after hearing about your certain worries!"  he smiles turns his head and kisses her lips.... a few hours later they head to her OBGYN who thankfully was a woman cause she knew how Happy would handle her doctor being a male if she was one.... especially during a pap smear.... Happy sat there in perfect silence as he listened to his child's heartbeat she was right there were no words to that sound.... "at about 13-16 weeks you should be able to feel your baby quickening.... move.... it'll feel like a fluttering in the stomach.... at about 18 and 20 weeks we'll have the first ultrasound and maybe able to determine what your child might be.... if you want to know that is"  the nurse tells them "oh he'll definitely want to know just in case he ends up being tortured by having to deal with too much pink!"  Giaconda teases the nurse laughs "at the moment your about 6 weeks long so we have a ways to wait"  the nurse says and they continue to chat the nurse answers all the questions Happy had.... even about sex.... "during intercourse, the penis doesn't go beyond the vagina, so it won't reach the baby amniotic sac and the strong muscles of the uterus protect the baby so you should be just fine to continue whenever you feel the desire"  the nurse tells him "oh don't tell him that!!"  Giaconda teases with a smile and the nurse laughs and Happy smirks at her with a wink making her laugh.... "so....!"  Giaconda says as they walk out of the clinic hand in hand Happy turns to face her and kisses her lips "I'm going to be a father!!"  he says with a soft whispered tone and a smile she returns the smile with one of her own "you wanna tell her or should I!?!"  she asks "mom doesn't know!?!"  he asks with a hint of surprise in his tone she shakes her head he grins then says "I'll tell her!"  she chuckles then asks "now or later!?!"  he replies excitably "now!... definitely now!!"  she laughs and they get onto her Panhead and head to his aunts place..... there was a lot more celebrating and Ilaria already started making plans for the nursery and everything else you need when you have a baby "wait on clothes till we find out the gender"  Giaconda says with a chuckle "oh!.... it's gonna be a girl!.... I just know it!!"  Ilaria states with a smile Giaconda shakes her head but says teasingly "good!.... we need a few more females in the club that aren't Crow Eaters or Sweet Butts.... thanks to Jax it's overpowered by mini testosterone.... though I'll be happy either way.... especially if he becomes just as handsome as his daddy!"  she wraps her arms around Happy's waist "and I know that she's gonna be as gorgeous as her mommy!"  Happy says with a smile lowering his head down and kissing her lips

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