★Bite Me★

By TokkiWrites

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The adventures of a timid hunter and cold vampire that meet in the dark. Updated- twice a week Started- 5-22... More

Author's note


51 4 0
By TokkiWrites


I had finally managed to calm myself down and had flopped into my plush chair, closing my eyes heavily. Now that my anger has simmered down I am left with nothing but exhaustion.
What a troublesome little human.
My mind lulls as I force my eyes open and meet Connor's, who stares at me with wide eyes. I sigh and rub my face, turning my gaze towards the window.
"I'm going to sleep."
I inform quietly, keeping my voice even and low.
"You know where the kitchen is, you're welcome to food and such. Just don't get into too much. And the bathroom is back there."
I muse as I point back down the hallway.
"You're welcome to leave, just don't do anything to me. I do think saving your life should be worth you not taking my own."
I muse and shoot him another look. His eyes are still on me but have lost most of their surprise. He looks as tired as me.
"Actually... I think I'll rest too."
He mumbles quietly. I nod and motion down the hallway again.
"The only other door down there is a linen closet. You're welcome to a blanket but... you'll have to get it yourself."
I grumble as I curl myself into a ball, hugging the single pillow on the chair to my chest.
He says quietly and I hear him rustling around before he settles. I glance at him, stretched out over the couch and sigh, closing my eyes. I lay uneasily for a while until his breathing slows and his heartbeat steadies. After he has fallen asleep I allow myself to relax and sleep overcomes me.

The small amount of light that had seeped through the curtains has vanished by the time I awake, the world dark yet again. I sit up slowly, rubbing my sore neck and glance over at the couch. Connor lays with his arm hanging over the edge, lips parted slightly to allow soft breaths to escape. I sigh and stretch out my legs, forcing myself to stand although I am tense. I look around lazily, noticing his shoes that sit beside the couch. My eyes move to his form when he shifts positions, releasing an agitated sigh. I roll my eyes and trudge back to the linen closet, pulling out a thick comforter. I trudge back to the living room and move to the couch, fluffing out the blanket to spread over top of him. He doesn't move as I cover him and huff softly, gazing at his peaceful face. My eyes drift to his neck, lean and exposed to me because of the angle of his neck. I crouch down silently, moving my slightly trembling fingers to his neck. His pulse drums under my fingertips, luring me closer at the thought of the sweet blood that is just below his skin. His pulse quickens suddenly and I brush my fingertips over the artery that drums rapidly.
"Please... don't... bite me."
Connor says lowly, trembling under my touch. A small smile flits across my lips as my eyes slide to his, taking in his wide terrified gaze. He stares at me stiffly, furrowing his brows down when our gazes meet.
"I won't bite you."
I tease lowly, retracting my hand and stand up slowly.
"Just checking your pulse."
I tease quietly and turn my back, managing to calm my beating heart. Yes, I did want to bite home and no, I was definitely not just checking his pulse. Making my way easily to the kitchen I turn and call back boredly,
"Have you made up your mind?"
He creeps in quietly and stands at the counter as I grab a muffin from the tray. Although they are room-temperature, they are still good.
"About what?"
He says coldly but seems to check himself, exhaling heavily.
"If you will stay or go."
I reply lazily and finish off my muffin, disposing of the wrapper.
"I'll stay until... until I can come up with another plan."
He says quietly, running his hands absently through his hair.
I nod in reply and motion back towards the living room.
"If you'd like I'll make up a room upstairs for you to stay in."
I offer gently, stretching my arms over my head. He watches me wordlessly, seeming to analyze me.
"You really have more humanity than people give you credit for..."
He mutters blankly and I look at him, gazing at me thoughtfully.
"You're not really a monster, just a bit different from us."
He continues on as it sinks in, realization growing in his eyes.
"And all the conflict could be avoided if we weren't so narrow-minded."
I nod along as he gazes at me with wide eyes.
"And we kill your young and innocent in cold blood."
He grumbles and rubs his face, bringing a smile to my face.
I hum lowly, moving towards him and lift my hand to place it on his head, sifting my fingers through his hair.
"Relax. It's not your burden to bear anymore."
I say assuringly, watching his gaze lift to mine.
"In glad you realized quickly, otherwise there would be much more conflict between us, hm?"
I hum quietly, watching as he closes his eyes.
"That's right."
He says quietly and stands, separating from my touch.
"So a room upstairs?"
He inquires quietly and I nod, making my way back to the living room. I turn to the stairs and make my way up, Connor close behind. Once I have reached the top I turn to the right, motioning to the first door beside the stairs.
"This room is mine."
I say and motion to the door beside it.
"You can have this one if you like."
I say and shoot him a quizzical look. He simply nods and smiles a bit.
"That will work. Um, while you do whatever could I maybe take a shower?"
He inquires quietly and I look over my shoulder at him, offering a smile.
"Yeah, that's no problem."

Sorry for the boring chapter!

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