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I shoot up from my seat angrily, causing Akuma's eyes to narrow.
"What do you mean I fall under the 'pets and slaves' class?"
I yell angrily and she scowls at me.
"Stop overreacting. All of the humans involved in our society fall into this class. Did you think otherwise? Our society is based on those with the most power being high in the ranks. Isn't it obvious your position would be low?"
She says calmly and I can only stare at her before lowering my eyes guiltily and sit back down. She sighs and shakes her head a bit.
"The class may be named that but it consists of so much more. You will learn as time goes on."
She lectures quietly before going on with the final class.
"Class F is the only class that deviates from our normal rule of power. Those in class F may be of any power level but share one thing in common. Those in class F have lost all of their humanity."
I frown a bit and she lowers her eyes, continuing on.
"They have no control over themselves, no sense of self or emotions, and have only one feeling and that is to eat. Class F is rare but very dangerous, as they go about killing and tarnishing our name. As I said before not all vampires are bad, not all deserve to die but I'll tell you now there is some scum in our society that deserve to die. It's not fair that because of these choice few we are all viewed as monsters."
She concludes and I nod, processing all this information.
"So how is this power level determined?"
I ask quietly.
"Often children are born within the power range of their parents. So if you have two noble parents, the child will likely be a noble. Despite this, sometimes they do vary so we decide their power level by their abilities and aura. You will understand more once you come across more of my kind."
She states and leans back in her chair.
"So everyone has a set power level that does not climb or fall?"
I ask and she nods.
"With training your level can be raised slightly, but not much. It's all a game of chance."
"But isn't that unfair to those who were born with a low level?"
She shrugs in response and closes her eyes.
"Who knows? It's just how things are so there's no point questioning it."
She says simply to which I nod.
"You mentioned half-bloods."
I mutters curiously.
"Yes half-bloods or half-breeds they say. Half human half vampire. Either the product of a changed human, which is very rare, or a child with a vampire mother and human father or vice versa, which is even more rare."
I nod but frown.
"Why is a child of one of each so rare?"
I question, receiving a mischievous smirk from Akuma.
"Vampires minds associate feelings of high excitement or arousal with hunger. Obviously in the scenario-"
"Alright I get it."
I say quickly, my eyes wide.
"So it's practically impossible to reproduce without eating your other?"
I ask confused and Akuma smirks.
"In a vampire human scenario. Vampires together don't elicit the same type of hunger reaction."
I nod slowly, taking in the odd piece of information.
"Actually any emotion that is too strong or overwhelming for a vampire to handle is linked to ravenous hunger. That's why when young we are taught to have a firm hold on our emotions. That is often how a class F comes about. An absolute loss of control normally due to being overwhelmed."
I drop my chin in my palm and close my eyes, contemplating all this information. Akuma releases a heavy sigh, encouraging me to open my eyes to look at her. She yawns and pouts at me a bit.
"It's been a long night. Maybe some sleep now?"
She grumbles and I nod in agreement, pushing myself to my feet. Akuma does the same and leads the way back into the living room and up the grand staircase.


We make our way upstairs and I motion to the second door on the right.
"See you in the evening."
I mutter, which makes him chuckle as he reaches for his doorknob. I raise my brows at him to which he halfheartedly smiles.
"Sorry, not the phrase I'm used to hearing."
I nod and open my door, stepping into my room and close the door behind me. I have only just taken a step towards my bed with my thick black comforter over it when Connor's scream echoes through the mansion. Immediately all tiredness has left my body and I turn back and throw open the door, moving to his room and pull the door open hastily. Connor is sitting on the floor with his back to me, braced in a ready position with his hand on the stake that is constantly attached to his thigh. He stares at the window as he trembles and after glancing over the empty room I move to the window quickly.
"Eyes, red eyes. Right outside."
He is gasping out as I peer out the window into the emptiness. The sun hovers over the treetops and I pull the curtains closed after deciding I see nothing, although an eerie feeling hangs over the room.
"Akuma I swear! I'm not crazy."
Connor is rambling and I move to him, taking his hand to help him stand.
"I know, I can feel it. Something was there I'm sorry for not sensing it, I suppose I was tired."
I whisper as I guide him to the bed, encouraging him to lie down. He sits down and nods as he fumbles to remove the straps from his leg. I brush his hands away and do so for him, removing the stake and sheath and set it on the bedside table.
"Lay down."
I whisper and he obeys, his heart slowing to a normal rate gradually. I know he can sense what I can in the air, he just doesn't understand it. All humans can feel it they just weren't taught how to make sense of it. The feeling in the air prevents him from fully relaxing, so I sit beside him on the bed and reach up, brushing his hair from his face.
"Rest, I won't let anything hurt you."
I whisper and he nods slowly, releasing a sigh.
He grumbles as he scoots away from me, towards the other side of the bed.
"You're tired too. You should rest."
I smile gently at his offer and crawl into bed beside him, finding his hand under the sheets. I pull it towards me and hold it against my chest so he can feel my steady heartbeat.
"Rest Connor. I'll stay."
I whisper as his heart slows even further, signaling him falling into a more relaxed state. I smile and after a while when the uneasy feeling has faded I allow myself to drift to sleep.

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