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"You'll need clothes, huh?"
Akuma questions quietly as she turns to look at me standing at the top of the stairs.
I grumble in realization, frowning to myself.
"Don't worry. I'm sure I can find something."
She says thoughtfully and begins walking down the hallway left of the stairs. I hesitantly follow her until she stops at the door at the very end of the hallway, easing it open. I peer in as she enters, leaving the door partially open. The room is a beautiful mix of vanilla and midnight blue, contrasting and complimenting each other. I turn my attention to Akuma who had been studying me, watching for a reaction. She turns her gaze towards the black dresser and begins opening drawers, sifting through clothes.
"You live here alone, don't you?"
I inquire quietly, taking in the spotless condition the room seems to be kept in.
"That's right."
She says quietly, peeking up again to study my gaze that wanders the room.
"I keep it clean. It would be silly to keep a dirty room."
She says simply, seeming to read my thoughts. I nod as she sets a few articles of clothing atop the dresser.
"It was my parents room."
She says quietly, providing a bit of insight for my curious gaze.
She ignores my inquisition and begins to straighten up the drawers she had messed up.
"The vanilla sort of represents my mother, the blue my father."
She straightens, allowing her own gaze to slide over the interior of the room.
"Polar opposite but complimenting each other, the contrast working in their favor."
She rambles on as she redirects her attention to fixing up the drawers. I stand silently, watching her curiously. She meets my gaze for just a moment before dropping her eyes again.
"But of course they are dead. Something so beautiful will never last long in this world."
She closes the drawers with her now trembling fingers and grabs the pile of clothes, walking to me and shoving them at my chest. I take them hesitantly, watching the dark look in her eyes.
I whisper, following after her as she walks into the hallway.
"Yes. Mostly. The hunters were only able to kill them because they were weak, they were betrayed by some of their own first. Forced to leave their children behind."
She growls, low in her throat as she closes the door forcefully.
I ask quickly and she shakes her head.
"Child. They took one with them."
She grumbles but I insist.
"Do you have a sibling?"
I ask shocked and she rolls her eyes, moving back towards the stairs.
"Yes and no."
She says and I frown as I follow her, watching her stop at the door to the bedroom she had let me use.
"What does that mean?"
I inquire quietly as she throws the door open, moving into the room. I only have a moment to inspect the dust-covered interior before she answers.
"My mother was pregnant."
She says simply and motions to the room, inhaling sharply and sighs heavily.
"You have free reign over this room, just don't do anything stupid."
She continues on as if she hadn't said anything as I stare at her in shock.
"I'll clean it up while you bathe."
She says and walks back out into the hallway.
I say as I follow her, stopping her at the top of the stairs.
"I'm sorry."
I whisper, pain and guilt making me sick.
"Don't worry about it."
She says quietly and patters down the stairs. I hesitate and follow her. She is moving towards the kitchen and points to the opposite end of the living room.
She reminds and I nod, making my way towards the bathroom.


I make my way to the room across from the kitchen and dining room. It is a small, dark laundry room that contains a small washer and dryer and miscellaneous items for cleaning and such. The conversation with Connor has left me numb, trapped between wether I should let myself grieve for a moment or continue on as I always have. I sigh and stick to the numb feeling that settles over my thoughts as I grab a small basket of cleaning supplies and carry it up to the guest room. It doesn't take me long to dust or strip the bed of its dusty sheets, but I am surprised at the thick layer that has settled over every surface.
I really let this room go.
I think and I retreat downstairs to fill a bowl with hot, soapy water to scrub the floor. I make my tedious way back up the stairs and proceed to scrub every inch of the floor. I have finished up and put everything away by the time Connor wonders back into the living room with his pile of clothes.
"I will wash it."
I state as I take it from him, the stake that he holds in its holster not escaping my attention.
"Thank you."
He says politely and I nod and make my way back to the laundry room, tossing his clothes into a basket to be washed whenever I do another load. I step out, closing the door to see him standing in the kitchen, his gaze on me quizzically. I raise a brow and he points to the plate of muffins that sit before him, his gaze trained on me.
He asks quietly and I roll my eyes, smiling at his actions.
"Of course. No problem."
I reply lightly and he nods, picking up a muffin to eat.
"You know, these muffins are great but... do you have anything else? You said you eat sweets so I didn't know if you kept real food around cause... I need it to function."
He rambles on quietly, brushing a few strands on now damp black hair from his forehead sheepishly.
"Oh, of course..."
I mutter quietly and frown, glancing at my cupboards.
"There is a town nearby, we can go when it gets closer to morning. They tend to open early... the little markets."
I think aloud and he nods, seeming pleased.
"Sounds good."

Double update to make up for having two boring chapters! The next one will be more interesting.

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