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I settle into the plush, vanilla chair that sits to the left of the coffee table. My eyes roam the sleeping human nonchalantly, studying him.
He smells good.
My mind coos, my pureblood clearly enticed. I push away the thought but still inhale deeply, letting out a low hum at the scent that drifts about my living room.
I'm sure he's tasty.
My thoughts intrude again. I sigh and close my eyes, focusing on the steady beating of his heart. Although his fear had smelt enticing, so does his calm. Perhaps even more so, which was strange.
I startle as the alarm beeps from the kitchen, my eyes flying open in time to see the human sit up straight, his hand on his stake and his eyes wide. I stand slowly, hands held palm out.
"Relax. The muffins are done."
I state simply, watching him relax and rub the back of his neck, his heart rate declining a bit. I move to the kitchen and pull the tin out with a mitt, setting it on the stove. The human has crept back into the kitchen and settles at the same barstool. He sighs and drops his chin into his palm, watching me carefully. I ignore his gaze and carefully remove each muffin from the tin, arranging them on a plate.
"Are you thirsty?"
I ask gently, causing his eyes to narrow as I meet his gaze. I raise a brow, confused and a bit irritated.
"I'm just offering a drink."
I say lowly, a bit of an edge to my voice. He drops his gaze and nods as I pull out a cup and move to the fridge.
"Milk or water?"
I ask, ignoring his gaze that has returned to me.
He grumbles and I can't help but roll my eyes, pulling the carton from the fridge.
"You don't have to be so hostile."
I inform quietly, keeping my voice even as I fill the glass.
"I have every reason to be!"
He defends, raising his voice a bit.
"What are your intentions with me?"
He fires at me, body tense. I sigh heavily and grab the glass, moving to him silently. I set the glass down and meet his gaze. I can tell by the way his eyes widen that my eyes must have taken a slightly red tint, as they do when I am angry.
"I don't know yet."
I say lowly as his heart speeds up, egging me on.
"But of course, you help to determine your own fate with your actions."
I warn, turning away from him as I run my fingers through my hair. His breathing is audible now, fast and feverish. I inhale and exhale slowly, calming myself down. I pick up the plate and offer it to him, watching him take one. He keeps his eyes down and shoulders slumped, seeming defeated. I sigh and shake my head, drawing his attention to me for just a moment.
"I apologize for my temper, but it's not entirely my fault."
I state evenly, meeting his gaze. He nods slowly and pulls the liner from his muffin, eyes downcast yet again.
I take a muffin from the plate as well, glancing at him occasionally. As I am removing the liner from mine he takes a bite, eyes growing wide.
"It's so good."
He mutters, bringing a grin to my own face.
"You act like you didn't expect that."
I say playfully, taking a bite from my own as he gazes at me.
"I just figured vampires have no reason to cook so I thought it wouldn't be great."
He grumbles and I smirk. Every time our eyes meet, he looks down clearly uncomfortable. That fact didn't go unnoticed.
"Well, you're right we don't actually have a reason to cook."
I muse as I turn my back and press my palms into the counter, pushing myself up to perch on the edge. I feel his gaze roam my back and am satisfied for the moment.
It's dangerous to turn your back.
My thoughts warn wearily.
"So why are you eating?"
He inquires and I brush off the thought, gazing out the small window over the sink.
"Because it tastes good."
I giggle and sense his confusion.
"Human food doesn't nourish us or rid of us our hunger, only blood can do that, but some of it still tastes quite good. It's just like treats for us."
I explain happily, taking another bite. I feel his contemplative gaze and he hums curiously, continuing to eat.
"So that's why I eat sweets!"
I inform happily, laughing softly again. He seems to relax as he eats another muffin, his gaze moving about the room.


I have started on my second muffin, taking in my surroundings. The vampire is okay, a bit bipolar and clearly dangerous but... she seems kind. Perhaps it was all an act and it was foolish for me to relax but, I couldn't help it.
Sorry dad.
I mentally apologize, guilty for not heeding his warnings. The vampire continues to eat her muffin, kicking her feet childishly from where she sits.
"So, what should I call you?"
I ask cautiously, keeping my eyes on her.
She replies gently.
"That is my name."
I nod curiously as she glances at me over her shoulder.
"And you're Connor, correct?"
She inquires as she turns her attention back to the muffin.
"That's right."
I confirm, finishing off my second muffin. I stretch, glancing back towards the door.
I wonder if she will let me leave?
I contemplate and return my eyes to her to see that she was watching me. She casually looks away, gazing out a window across the kitchen.
"So back in the woods, what was it we heard?"
I ask casually, contemplating my chance of surviving long enough to make it out of the woods.
"A monster, just like me."
She muses quietly, grinning softly.
"The woods are full of them, you know. And they're definitely not as nice as me."
She informs, shooting me a grin over her shoulder.
"Not one would hesitate to drain you of your sweet blood."
She mutters, hopping off the counter.

★Bite Me★Where stories live. Discover now