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I stand upon a thick tree limb, balanced carefully as I peer through the lush growth. The taste of blood spreads faintly through my mouth as I lick my lips, cleaning them of the remnants of my most recent meal. I watch a nearby clearing, studying it for any signs of the life I heard shuffling through the forest a moment ago. I stand silently for a bit longer, growing impatient. As I am about to drop to the ground and leave, a human form pushes through the underbrush and into the clearing. The form wears a black hoodie and black jeans and it doesn't escape my attention that there is something strapped to its thigh. Upon closer examination, it is clearly a male with a moderate height and nice build, small but well-muscled. His medium-length black hair falls loosely into his chocolate-colored eyes, and sharply contrasts his milky skin. I can't help but be intrigued as he looks around carefully, pulling a cellphone from his pocket and raises it to his ear. He waits impatiently for a moment before frustratedly dropping his hand back to his side. A smirk spreads over my lips as he runs his fingers through his hair and heaves a sigh. I need no encouragement to silently drop from the tree and make my way towards the man.


I stand silently with my hands hanging at my sides, one hand clenched tightly around my phone. It is my first night out in the forest alone. Although my father is nearby, he is doing his own work and won't answer his phone even though I am utterly lost and alone. My eyes scan the trees along the clearing, searching them for any movement as I listen to the night sounds of the forest around me. Although I haven't encountered anything, my father had warned me of the things that lurk in this forest. He talks about the vampires especially, which makes sense as it is what he is most famous for hunting. My dad would take any trophy home tonight, but a vampire would be his biggest prize. I am about to call my father again when two hard, needle-like points brushes over the back of my neck. I freeze, feeling a warm exhale against my skin as a female's arm creeps around my waist from behind, clawed hand lifting to trail over the front of my throat. I realize all too late that I am trembling and wildly grab for the stake on my thigh. I grasp it and whip around, arm raised as I come face to face with a grinning woman. Her sunset pink eyes catch and hold my gaze, dancing with amusement. She is shorter than I expected, only as tall as my chin. Her lips are curled to reveal a row of white teeth, her canines sharp. Her build seems dainty and frail, but her dangerous fangs and claws tell another story. Despite everything, she looks nearly human, going against everything my father has told me about these monsters. From her clean, deep blue dress to her well-kept rouge hair, she seems far from being a monster.
Such deceiving creatures.
"Stay back."
I hiss carefully, keeping my stake ready at my side. This elicits a quiet giggle from her lips, her posture falling into a more relaxed pose.
"Oh? And what will you do if I don't?"
She purrs lowly, her voice sweet and musical.
"I'll kill you."
The words barely pass my lips, nothing but a whisper. Her smile widens and she takes a step towards me, a chill running down my spine. Her hands cover mine as she cups the stake with her hands, pulling my hands towards her chest. She presses the tip of the stake over her heart, her eyes holding my gaze daringly. Her fingertips graze over my knuckles as she lowers her hands, sending another wave of chills down my spine.
"Do it."
She dares, her smile gone as she gazes right through me.
"I'm a monster. So kill me."
My heart beats like crazy at her words, her unwavering expression. I drop my hands, taking a step back only to run into a tree. Her confident smile returns and she crosses her arms.
"What will you do now?"
She hums and takes another step closer, lifting her fingers to brush over my jaw. I smack her hands away, eliciting another grin and scowl at her.
"My father is nearby. He is a world class hunter and could kill you on the spot! Leave or I will call for him!"
I yell, voice trembling. Her expression changes from confident to curious at my words and she taps her chin.
"A world class hunter, huh? Call for him. We will see how well a hunter compares to a noble, shall we? You say he will kill me, but do you even know how strong I am? And it's been so long since I've played with someone who challenged me."
She says happily, baring her teeth.
The deep cry rings through the trees, causing the vampires gaze to snap up and search the trees. I immediately recognize my fathers voice, but her words ring in my ears.
What if she is stronger than she looks? What if she kills him?
The thoughts keep me quiet as he continues to call my name and I fall into a crouch, covering my face. I feel the sobs building in my throat, but hold back the warm tears.
I am such a coward. I can't even handle a small girl.
A tear slips from my eye, followed by more. A cool hand brushes over my arm and I startle, jumping back against the tree. The vampire is crouched in front of me, expression completely void of emotion. She looks at me expectantly, waiting for my decision. But I sit quietly, tears rolling down my cheeks as I hold her unwavering gaze. My fathers voice becomes more and more distant until there is nothing left but silence and the girl before me. I manage to quell my tears and scowl at her, to which a blank stare is returned. I frustratedly turn my face away and she sighs, lifting herself back to her feet. We stand in silence for a long time before my growling stomach interrupts. She glances back at me, then returns her hawk-like gaze to the surrounding forest.
"Are you hungry?"
She asks, surprising me with the gentleness in her voice.
"No just musical."
I snap sarcastically and jump when a twig snaps nearby. Her eyes are trained on the spot and she doesn't move an inch, like a predator waiting to pounce.
"You can come back with me and I will feed you, or I can leave you here to fend for yourself."
She offers lowly, surprising me.
"Isn't this where you eat me?"
I mock and her eyes briefly slide to mine, but return to the tree line.
"I've had my dinner. Now give me an answer."
Her irritation shows through and I follow her gaze, getting an ominous feeling about whatever she is watching out for. I inhale slowly and stand up, hoping I'm doing the best for myself.
"I'll go with you."
I say lowly and she immediately grabs my wrist, pulling me close to her as she begins to walk quickly through the brush.
"Stay close or you're definitely dead."

★Bite Me★Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon