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I settle myself on the floor, back against the wall as I pull my knees up towards my chest. I lean my elbow on my knee and drop my head into my palm, sighing heavily at the nausea that gnaws at my gut. I close my eyes and ignore Akuma's persistent gaze, my ears ringing distantly.
Akuma whispers unsurely and I wave her off with my free hand, earning a sigh from the vampire. Time passes quickly with my wavering consciousness and before I know it, Akuma is hopping off the counter and, with Damien's support, kneels down before me shakily.
"How do you feel?"
She whispers as I open my eyes, her blurry figure trembling before me. My eyes shift in and out of focus too quickly for me to make sense of what I am seeing and I frown at her.
"I... can't focus."
I whisper and she nods, her cool fingers finding my wrist.
"You've lost too much blood, I'm sorry."
She mutters and I shake my head.
"It's alright. I'll be fine."
I grumble and Damien restlessly urges Akuma to her feet.
"Come now, go rest. I'll help him in a moment."
Akuma nods and stands shakily, hobbling back to the bedroom. After a moment and a bit of rustling, Damien returns and crouches in front of me.
"Alright do- er, Connor rather, I'm going to help you back to the bed."
I nod tiredly, my eyelids feeling too heavy to hold open. My eyes slide closed as he tucks his arm under one of mine and grips my opposite shoulder. He pulls me to my barely functioning feet and practically drags my half-conscious self back to the bed. The irritable vampire drops me into the mattress, receiving a noise of firm annoyance from Akuma.
"Treat him nicely. Or I'll haul him around."
Damien scoffs at Akuma's complaints and sticks his arms under my armpits, pulling me up onto the bed beside Akuma. Once he is finished he flops into his chair and huffs dramatically. Akuma rolls onto her side to face me, reaching up to run her fingers through my messy hair. I lazily tilt my head and meet her gaze, rewarded with a soft smile.
"Thank you."
She whispers and I nod tiredly, comforted by her soothing fingers. My mind drifts lazily as she trails her fingers down to my cheek, drawing circles and swirls over the flushed skin of my face. My tired thoughts slip into the lazy place between consciousness and unconsciousness, free to run as wild as they please.
My thoughts drift to my life before; to my mother and father and little sister. My father was always away at work, hunting creatures and selling them to support the family. With father's rare and high-paying job, mother stayed home and took care of my sister and I. She was quiet and kind, but always favored my younger sister and spoiled her. I often trained alone or with my father or did other mundane things such as reading. I can't help but wonder if I will ever see them again. To bring them here, or bring Akuma to my home city would be impossible but... the thought of leaving this vampire behind creates a pain in my chest. A suffocating void as if life without her would be impossible. Despite this feeling I still don't completely trust her, she is a vampire after all. One who kills people and takes advantage of and tricks people. This deceitful, greedy creature has... somehow made her way into my heart.
My thoughts lead to a rather disorienting nightmare involving my happy little family and a certain temperamental vampire. I jerk awake, opening my eyes quickly. I slow my breathing and open my eyes, scanning my surroundings. Akuma sits at the edge of the bed, her feet on the floor. Damien crouches before her and her bandages have been removed, nothing but a soft pink scar remaining in the large wound's place. Damien studies it intently, prodding at it and asking if there is any discomfort.
"That's incredible."
I can't help but mutter as I analyze the scar, my eyes wide. My comment draws Akuma's gaze and she smiles lightheartedly, shrugging a bit.
"Isn't it?"
She hums contently and waves Damien off, who stands and lazily tosses Akuma her shirt.
"It's really all thanks to you though. Without your blood I wouldn't have healed so quickly."
She comments as she tugs her shirt on, turning her body fully to look at me.
"How do you feel?"
She asks gently and I shrug, stretching my stiff body.
"Fatigued, hungry, a bit feint."
I admit sheepishly, offering a weak smile.
"Yes of course."
She hums and wiggles closer, settling beside me with her back against the headboard.
"Damien~ please bring me a bowl of that stew you made?"
She requests sweetly and Damien sighs, nodding as he forces himself to his feet and moves shakily to the door, stepping out into the hallway.
"He's tired."
I whisper my observation and sit up, scooting back to lean on the headboard. Akuma nods and sighs, smiling weakly.
"He hasn't slept since I was stabbed..."
She admits and I raise my brows.
"Wow? Why?"
I ask and she smiles hesitantly.
"We have both been sleeping a lot. He has stayed awake to keep an eye on us."
She admits and goes on despite my surprise.
"Normally with vampires all our senses are on high enough alert to notify us of danger, even when we sleep. But I've been injured so my body sleeps deeper and my senses were dulled."
I nod as I listen curiously, impressed with the bit of information. Damien pushes the door open and enters, a steaming bowl held in his hands.
Akuma hums happily, giving me a look.
"Damien explained how he made you stew with our new food to help you get your energy back."
She chirps as she nudges me, smiling widely.
"How kind."
She hums as she turn to Damien. I nod in agreement as he rolls his eyes and hands me the soup.
"It was nothing... I couldn't just let you die, it was simply for my Mistress."

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