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I easily finish two bowls of soup before Akuma stops me.
"C'mon now. You've been in bed too long, time to get up."
Akuma encourages as she stands up and stretches, releasing a heavy sigh. I nod and place my feet on the floor, pushing myself to stand shakily. Akuma stands beside me with her hand extended, ready to help if need be. I'm quick to find my balance and the three of us make our way downstairs. Akuma moves to the kitchen to tidy up as I settle myself in the plush chair in the living room. Although he sways unsteadily, Damien stands alert with his arm crossed and roams the first floor with his gaze.
I say quietly, quelling the concern in my voice as his cold eyes slide to mine.
"You're exhausted. I'm grateful for everything, so please rest now."
I prompt quietly which only earns me a scowl.
"Like hell I'll let my guard down just because you show concern."
He growls lowly and I raise my brows, offering my open palms.
"I'm not trying to do anything. I just think-"
He snarls and takes a few heavy steps towards me, sending me on high alert.
"I don't give a damn what you have to say, you damned hunter."
He growls as he leans closer, his fangs exposed.
Akuma warns as she steps out of the kitchen, making her way towards us.
"Back off."
She orders quietly and Damien straightens, baring his fangs.
"Why would you keep such a disgusting being?"
He hisses low as he narrows his gaze, following her movements.
"I said enough."
She says lowly as she sits on the couch, leaning her cheek onto her fist. Damien releases an aggravated huff and clenches his fist, making an exaggerated motion towards me.
"All he does is stink up the place with that scent of his! He's not only a human, but a hunter whom I'm sure will turn on you with any chance he's given! Their kind has no sense of loyalty like us, and are a selfish race."
He lectures, raising his voice as his blood red eyes hold Akuma's steady gaze.
"Are you finished?"
She asks apathetically, clearly not entertained with his tantrum. He only growls in response and before he can continue she motions to the couch beside her.
"You're tired, lay down."
She orders and he scoffs.
"I'm not a child."
He spits out harshly and she rolls her eyes.
"Then stop acting like one. Your emotions are exceeding your control and you are throwing a fit. Lay down."
She says simply and after a long moment he huffs and moves towards the couch. Akuma watches him seeming pleased and pats her legs as he sits down. The vampire situates himself and faces away from me, laying down with his head in Akuma's lap. Once he is settled she lowers her hand and runs her fingers through his hair, closing her eyes. I sit tensely, avoiding looking at the two. Akuma and I had just shared a bed and I had offered her all the blood I could give and yet here she is coddling the man who likely plots my demise.
Akuma's gentle voice breaks the silence, squeezing my heart even further when I lift my eyes to see that she is gazing down at Damien, her eyes soft.
He whispered back and she shakes her head gently, her eyes lifting to my gaze for only a moment.
"I'll protect you. Rest now."
She whispers quietly and I clench my fist, trembling softly with anger. Damien sighs and wraps his arms around the petite vampire's waist, snuggling into her familiarly. I gaze out the window, a frown creasing my features. We sit in a tense silence for ages before finally Akuma sighs.
She grumbles quietly, drawing my irritated gaze to her soft pink eyes.


Connor finally meets my gaze and a sigh sympathetically, watching the anger and hurt and confusion dance through his warm, chocolatey irises. I study him for a moment longer, tapping my cheek. If he were a vampire I could have easily sorted out his problem, our emotions are easier to read like that. But these humans allow their emotions to get out of hand and it's difficult to read when even they aren't entirely sure what they are feeling.
"You're... hurt..?"
I begin quietly, resting my hand atop Damien's sleeping shoulder. Connor averts his gaze and I sigh, studying the crease of his brow.
"Could you perhaps feel... possessiveness towards me? Is Damien taking what you believe to be yours?"
His frown deepens and I nod to myself, noting that hit a nerve and I must be close.
"Let me make it clear, young human, you should not feel any possessiveness towards me it will only start conflicts. I have people I must take care of and keep in line, and in no way is one more important than the other. Just as I have a responsibility over you, so I have responsibility over Damien. As a noble, I must split myself between many people and don't have the time or ability to give any special attention to one person alone."
I lecture gently, watching him sink back into the chair.
"Connor don't sulk."
I say, sighing quietly.
"Talk to me."
I encourage as he continues to stare at the window, his lip pouted softly.
"How can you side with the one who wants to kill me?"
He shoots lowly and I nod curiously.
"You had the intent of killing me originally."
I remind and cut him off as his eyes snap to mine and he opens his mouth.
"I am not picking sides at all. I have supported and helped you both and now Damien needs my attention. He has also proven his loyalty and I am able to put my trust in him, whereas I still barely know you. So if I did pick sides, I would choose his, although it should be clear I haven't."
I continue evenly, watching throughout my speech as he closes himself off from me more and more.
"Connor, I refuse to sugarcoat things and perhaps the harsh truth is upsetting you. Please, just talk to me."
I say, frustration lacing itself into my words. Connor's heartbeat gradually declines, although he still clenches his fist in irritation.
"Why does he hate me so much?"

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