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I wake to an unfamiliar scent and an overly noisy room. On edge, I shoot up in bed and look around, realizing the scent must be the man beside me and the noise is the rhythmic beat of his heart. I inhale and exhale heavily, rubbing my eyes a bit. Waking up next to someone felt unusual, but not entirely unpleasant. My eyes roam his peaceful face and I smile to myself, reaching out toward his sleeping form. A loud crash from downstairs interrupts my movement and Connor's eyes fly open, wide with panic. I hold up my hand to calm him and turn my eyes towards the closed door and focus, realization hitting me like a ton of bricks. The odd scent wasn't the one beside me, whose scent has become familiar.
There are male humans downstairs.
Connor hisses sharply as my eyes widen. I cringe at another crash from downstairs and the distant sound of a man's voice. Connor grabs my wrist and I shake him off gently, sliding out of bed and step silently to the door. Connor follows and stands behind me as I carefully crack the door open. As I poke my head out I am assaulted by a yell from downstairs.
"Adrien get in here! There is food in the fridge, someone lives here!"
Connor grabs my arm again and pulls shakily so I turn my eyes to meet his, keeping my hearing focused beyond the door.
"I know them."
He whispers, panic welling in his eyes.
"They work for my father, very close and they are good friends."
"Keep looking!"
Another voice yells distantly and I cringe at the sound of something shattering.
"I have to do something."
I growl in response and he shakes his head quickly, his big doe eyes trained on me.
"You can't. Akuma, I know those people. You can't kill them."
He hisses and I shake my head, pinching my nose as I listen to the two sets of feet pound down the hallway downstairs.
"Connor this is a kill or be killed situation. This is how my world is. I don't know why they are here, but they are destroying my home and I'm almost sure it's because they are looking for you."
I whisper back through gritted teeth and pull from his grasp, only to have his hands tighten on my arm.
"Akuma please! There has to be another option."
He's begging now, shaking like a rabbit under the gaze of a wolf. I clench my fists and let out an exasperated sign, jumping slightly when what sounds like a fist hits the wall.
I growl lowly, turning to face him as I try my best to ignore the footsteps that draw nearer to the base of the stairs.
"You either come up with something better or let me take care of it."
I say, trying to keep my voice even as I meet his gaze. His eyes fall from mine and he bites his lip as the footsteps begin up the main staircase, bringing about a sense of urgency.
I hiss as his grip loosens and falls from mine, his eyes still on the ground. The footsteps have reached the top of the stairs and begin in our direction, wasting no time in throwing open my bedroom door just beside where we are. I grab his arm and he takes a step back, shaking me off with tears brimming in his eyes. My eyes widen in surprise as he turns his back quickly.
He mutters and I nod as the door to our left slams back against the wall.
"Stay here."
I whisper, quelling the bad feeling in my stomach as I turn back towards the door and pull it open. I meet the wide blue eyes before me with a stone cold stare and before the man has time to react, I throw myself forward and thrust my clawed hand through his throat. Behind me Connor cries out and I quickly pull back my arm, watching as the limp body falls to the floor.
Roars a man to my left and I turn, but not fast enough. The man's shoulder slams into my chest and I grunt as I am tossed to the floor. Immediately the man continues his attack, producing a dagger from his jacket. I jump to my feet and sidestep his lunge, hopping over the fallen body as I dash towards the stairs, away from Connor. Just as I expected the man follows in a rage, swinging his dagger as soon as I am within reach. I continue to dodge and sidestep, realizing all too late that I am being backed into a corner. My back bumps the living room overlook railing just beside the staircase. I grunt as he lands a shallow cut to my forearm and quickly turn, vaulting myself over the railing and down into the living room. As I am hopping over the railing, the man lunges forward and drives the dagger into my side, eliciting a scream.
Poison. Specifically for our kind. He really is a hunter and he's not messing around.
My arms give out as he yanks the dagger out and my back slams onto the railing, sending me tumbling down to the floor. The man pounds down the stairs quickly, giving me barely enough time to catch my breath before he has reached the landing. I push myself to my feet and watch as he launches himself towards me, trying to regain my composure. He is driven by adrenaline and pure rage, which may seem to increase his skill but his attacks are sloppy and unplanned. I continue to dodge and watch his attacks, finding an opening easily. I claw my elongated nails over the front of his exposed throat, breaking easily through his windpipe. He gasps and chokes for only a moment before he crumples to the ground and becomes perfectly still. I stumble backwards and sink to my knees, reaching my shaky, bloodied hand to the gaping hole in my side, trying to slow the bleeding. I curse quietly at the heavy blood flow and close my eyes, gritting my teeth painfully.

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