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Although I still float lazily through the void of sleep, soft voices reach my ears. They are muffled as if I am underwater, but I recognize the familiar voices of Connor and Damien.
"You need to get your strength up quickly. Stop refusing."
Damien grumbles, irritated.
"I'm really not hungry. I feel sick."
Connor grumbles back, both of them keeping their voices low.
"You will continue to feel sick if you don't eat!"
Damien whisper yells.
"And you will feel worse if she wakes up hungry. Knowing how much she took, she will need more. She was wounded so she needs a lot. And her last meal was light, correct?"
He continues.
"If you consider a child a light meal than yes."
Connor snaps, eliciting a dramatic sigh from Damien.
"Than eat. Don't make me force you."
Damien growls and its Connor's turn to sigh in irritation.
"I don't feel good."
Connor whispers, sounding defeated.
"Well you need to eat."
Damien says pointedly and finally Connor shifts his weight, sending a wave of feeling over my body. I become aware of the bed and the blankets.
Connor whispers defeatedly and shifts around a bit, finally settling beside me. The occasional clinking of silverware against a dish keeps me aware until my groggy mind is able to pull itself from the murky darkness. I open my eyes slowly, annoyingly aware of the burning sensation that envelops my side. I groan quietly, drawing both sets of eyes in the room to me. My gaze slides first to Connor who sits beside me in bed with a bowl, than to Damien who sits at my beside in a chair with a gentle look on his face.
"Good morning Mistress."
Damien whispers with that soothing voice of his, putting me at ease. Connor huffs quietly and goes back to whatever is in his bowl, eliciting a soft smile from me at his obvious way of avoiding looking towards either me or Damien.
What a child.
I think to myself happily and smile, releasing a content sigh.
"Good morning Connor."
I whisper, making my voice as sweet as possible. He glances over at me and immediately looks away, his cheeks becoming a soft red.
He grumbles, which only makes me giggle a bit. He shoots me a confused look but looks away again. I turn my attention to Damien who watches blankly and begin to push myself up into a seated position. Immediately Damien stands and helps me to sit up, although it is slow and painful. Finally I sit straight up and sigh, reaching down to put my hand over my bandages.
"They need to be changed, huh?"
I grumble and he nods, eyes shifting momentarily to my bandages.
I grumble and slide my feet over the edge of the bed, placing them on the floor. Damien offers his hand and I take it as I force myself to my feet, trudging to the bathroom with one arm around Damien's waist for support. I sit tenderly on the counter, waiting patiently for him to dig out the bandages. Just as he is pulling them out, Connor pops out from behind the doorway, a sheepish look on his face. I offer a smile and lift my arm as Damien begins to unravel my bandages, watching as Connor trudges closer.
"Uh, Akuma...?"
Connor inquires sheepishly as he creeps up on my left side, out of Damien's way.
I reply softly, tilting my head.
"Are you hungry?"
He asks quietly as he lowers his eyes, reaching up subconsciously to touch the two small marks that remain on his neck. I watch his hand carefully but drop my eyes, sighing softly.
"That depends, did you eat well? And how do you feel?"
I inquire to which he offers a small smile.
"I ate fine, and I am fine. You should worry about getting your own strength back."
He lectures gently and I smile, nodding a bit.
"Is it okay if I take from your neck again?"
I whisper, hunger gnawing at my stomach. He nods and I smile, easily excited by the thought of tasting this sort of forbidden fruit. Hurting the human I decided to protect at all costs. Losing my slice of humanity to my pureblood's sheer desire and hunger, I loop my arms around his neck and pull him down towards me, to which he obliges. With my new bit of strength, a playfulness lingers in my mind, wishing to savor and enjoy such a treat. I lean in and run my tongue slowly over the crook of his neck, eliciting a soft gasp from my human. I smile to myself and slowly sink my fangs into his pulsing vein, earning a quiet whimper. The liquid that fills my mouth is warm and sweet, eliciting a content moan from my lips. I suck slowly, avoiding the urge to gulp down every last drop of his blood, or to sink my teeth in a bit harder to hear him cry out or beg. My arms tighten around his neck as Damien peels back the final layer of bandage, tugging at my open wound. To my surprise, Connor's legs give out and he jerks from my grasp, my fangs tearing through his delicate skin. He falls to his knees on the floor, hand cupped desperately over his wound as he groans.
I gasp softly, reaching down towards him.
"Don't move."
Damien snaps as Connor waves his hand at me, raising his gaze as he cringes.
"Sorry, sorry, I'm fine. They just gave out..."
He grumbles as he cringes, his eyes a bit glazed.
"No, the blood flow hasn't stopped."
I snap at Damien and lean forward, earning a look and an arm restraining me.
"Don't move it could break open. I got it."
He grumbles and crouches down, grabbing Connor's hand out of the way and before he can protest, slides his tongue over the wound. Connor gasps, making a surprised face the quickly turns to disgust. Damien stands again, returning to tending to me as if nothing had happened.
"He can hang out on the floor for a moment."
Damien mutters as Connor leans back against the wall, closing his eyes with a heavy sigh after he has realized the bleeding from his neck has ceased.

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