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"Ready to head in?"
Damien asks quietly and I nod, watching as he quickly exits the car and moves around the front to Akuma's door, opening it for her. Akuma steps out as I push my door open, moving to stand beside her. Damien grabs our bags and hands me mine, leading the way with Akuma's and his own bag in hand. Akuma follows behind him and I take up the rear, watching as Akuma straightens her dress, smoothing out any wrinkles. Damien steps onto the porch and knocks on the elegant black door as Akuma turns to me, straightening my shirt and jacket. I stand still as she straightens my shirt collar and steps back, seeming pleased. She offers a small smile before turning back, barely giving me time to return the gesture. The door opens, drawing my attention to the entryway. A girl stands in the doorway, holding it open and standing with a soft bow of her head. Her hair is straight and black, cascading down her back and over her shoulders to her waist. She wears a fitted black dress that fades into elegant ruffles at her waist, simple but becoming. I can't help but notice a white choker on her neck, pristine and connected at the center with a hollow metal heart. Damien leads us in past her, the girl's bow deepening as Akuma passes.
"Where are the Masters, Kanae?"
Damien asks the girl quietly as she clicks the door closed.
"The Masters are residing in the study, sir. Please allow me to notify them while you make yourselves comfortable in the living room."
Damien nods as he sets the bags down beside the door and the girl's white heels click on the marble as she makes her way back into the house. I set my bag beside those he has set down and follow as he moves into the living room.
"Sit here."
He mutters brusquely as he sits on the couch, patting the seat beside him. I do as I am told and watch as Akuma takes a seat in a chair beside the couch, crossing her legs elegantly. We wait for only a moment before another girl walks into the room, seeming the exact opposite of the girl who greeted us. I watch as she offers Akuma tea, taking in her identical but inverse attire and hair. Her dress and hair are sparkling white, her heels and choker deep black. She moves from Akuma's cup to two that sit on the coffee table before me that I hadn't noticed.
"Tea, sirs?"
She asks politely and Damien nods,
"Both of us please."
The girl smiles as she fills both cups before turning and filling two more positioned on an in table between two chairs opposite Akuma. She leaves then, the room falling into a comfortable silence. It isn't long before a man and woman walk into the room, the man dressed in a tux similar to Damien's and the woman wears a flowing black silk gown. Damien stands and I follow his lead, mimicking the deep bow of his head as they enter and sit in the chairs opposite Akuma.
"Mistress Dragnon, it's s pleasure to make your acquaintance."
The woman begins, eliciting a soft smile from Akuma and causing Damien to sit, I following suit.
"And likewise Mrs. Knight."
Akuma replies smoothly, exchanging friendly smiles with the couple.
"I'm grateful you allowed Connor and I to reside here for a bit. Your hospitality is admirable."
Akuma continues softly, keeping a gentle smile on her lips as she motions to me. The man and woman each spare me a glance, the woman smiling kindly.
"You flatter me, but it's nothing much."
The woman says as she turns back to Akuma, her husband clearing his throat.
"Although Damien will be kept busy and we may not be available at all times, we hope you will enjoy your stay."
The man says simply, his tone neutral.
"Of course, I'm sure we will."
Akuma says and the man and woman stand, Akuma doing the same. They exchange polite handshakes before the couple go off on their own, explaining quietly about a meeting. Damien shoots me a look and bows to Akuma before hurrying after the couple, leaving me and Akuma alone in the expansive room. The woman who poured the tea steps into the living room, offering another polite bow.
"My name is Tsuki, may I show you to your room?"
She says in a quiet but confident voice, a smile adorning her full lips.
"That would be lovely."
Akuma muses back, shooting me a glance. I nod and move to pick up the bags, hesitating when Damien's is the only one left on the ground.
"My name is Kanae,"
A gentle voice behind me startles me a bit and I turn to see the woman who answered the door. Seeing the two together now, they are undoubtedly twins.
"Is this Master Damien's?"
Kanae inquires and I nod, watching her lift the black duffle bag and settle the strap on her shoulder.
"I will bring it to his room."
She says politely and I nod, returning to Akuma's side as she walks off. Tsuki directs a nod my way and begins walking down a hallway leading from the main room. We ascend a set of stairs, greeted by another family room and are lead down one more hallway. Finally Tsuki pauses in front of a door and gestures to it grandly.
"This is the Mistresses room. Does the ward require a separate room?"
Akuma shakes her head as she reaches for the doorknob, a polite smile still spread over her lips.
"That won't be necessary."
"I see Miss."
Tsuki nods and smiles, clasping her hands in front of her.
"In that case, please feel free to summon my sister or I if you ever need anything. The masters will be out for a bit, but would like to speak with you when they return."
Akuma nods once more before pushing the door open, offering Tsuki a final glance.
"Thank you."
She says before stepping into the room, myself only a step behind her.

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