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I leave Connor for a moment to track the soft footfalls that caught my attention. Instinctively my nose lifts a bit and I sniff lightly.
Female. Tasty. Young.
I pick up the pace, trotting silently through the fallen leaves as I duck and swerve to avoid trees and branches and underbrush. It is only moments before the child comes into view. She wears a blue summer dress, her long blonde hair in two braids that fall down her back. Her blue eyes are large and round as she looks around in a frenzy, her heart beating fast. I lunge forward quickly and wrap my clawed hands around her small throat, a scream escaping her lips as I sink my fangs into her warm flesh. She continues to scream and thrash for only a few moments before she is too weak, slowly becoming limp in my grasp. All too soon I have drained the child of her sweet blood and her life. I release the body, letting it drop to the ground as I wipe the blood from my face, licking the remnants off my fingers. I turn from the lifeless form and hurry back towards my human, making silent strides. Before long I stand before him, cowering on the ground with his ears covered desperately. His eyes are closed but tears flow freely from them. I crouch and reach out to touch his hand but as our fingers brush he gasps and flinches away, his eyes shooting open. He slowly lowers his hands, staring at me with wide, terrified eyes.
"You killed a girl."
He accuses through tears, furrowing his brows a bit.
"A child."
He whispers and I nod slowly, reaching out to him again.
"I wasn't given much of a choice."
I reassure quietly and this time when our hands make contact he doesn't flinch away, but rather stays still and hard as a stone.
"It's over. No matter what I do, how much you cry I can't take it back."
I continue on as I reach up to brush tears from his cheeks. He nods slowly and stands, pulling away from me.
"Let's keep going."
He mutters, his emotions hidden behind the blank mask of his expression. I sigh gently and stand, reaching out for his hand. He jerks away and motions forward.
"Just lead the way."
He says coldly and I can only nod, making my careful way through the forest in the slowly growing light of dawn.


I follow Akuma closely, studying the silhouettes that form vaguely in the dark. Both of us have fallen silent and tension grows steadily in the air between us. I don't mean to be so cold, but this person before me killed a small girl without a second thought. A small girl much like my younger sister back home. My heart clenches at the thought of my little sister having her throat torn out by this seemingly friendly creature. I tremble softly, contemplating the facade the vampire before me has carefully built. She shoots me a look over her shoulder, her eyes shining softly. I'm sure she can sense my trembling hands and my racing heart, as her senses are so fine-tuned. I meet her momentary gaze, soft and understanding. As she returns her gaze to her path I frown. How can someone who gives me such a compassionate look be so cold?
My mind wonders but my moment of distraction gets the better of me. Akuma has stopped and I run right into her back, causing both of us to stumble. She collects herself calmly and pulls her hood farther over her face, covering most of it.
She says gently, motioning ahead through the trees.
"The village is right up here. We only need a few things and the sooner we get out the better."
She briefs simply and turns her back to me when I give an affirmative nod. We take a few more steps together and the trees break into a dirt alley, sandwiched by two brick buildings. Akuma gives me one last glance before she strides down the alley towards a trodden dirt street. We emerge into the way and I look both directions, the only noise coming from a few vendors who are setting up wooden tables and booths. They are filled with food and commodities, simple everyday things. Akuma begins to walk left so I follow, peeking at the items as we pass each stall. Akuma buys eggs and milk, some butter and sugar. I am distracted as she continues on, taking her paper bags as she collects things. I certain smell catches my attention and I can't help but wander towards a stall with stacks of fresh bread loaves piled into baskets. The dealer smiles kindly, an old lady in a simple brown dress. I return the smile and let my eyes roam the baskets, my mouth watering.
"Two please."
Akuma's quiet voice makes me jump as she seems to materialize beside me, handing the woman two coins from the pouch she carries. Again the woman smiles and hands over two loaves of bread, taking the coins. Akuma continues walking, breaking one of the loaves into two as she goes. I follow silently and stop when she turns to face me, half a loaf of bread held out to me. I pause and look at her, her expectant gaze catching me off guard.
"Thank you."
I say quietly as I take the chunk of bread, watching as she settles the other two into one of the bags she carries. I bite into the fresh bread, my eyes growing wide.
"It's so fresh!"
I whisper happily, catching the small smirk that plays over her lips.
"And so warm. It's so yummy Akuma!"
I say happily and look up as she giggles, peering at me from under her hood.
"Let me try."
She requests softly and opens her mouth as she looks at me, her arms now full of bags. I look at her hesitantly before turning my gaze to my bread, breaking off a chunk of the warm goodness. Carefully I move my fingers to her mouth and kind of drop the chunk in, watching her giggle at my hesitance. She chews it happily and nods thoughtfully, lowering her gaze so her face is hidden below her cloak.
"Tastes yummy."

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