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"Ah- of course it is."
I stutter out and frown, directing my gaze to my toast.
"You are both such children."
Akuma giggles to herself as she shakes her head, her gaze dancing between Damien and I. She sits herself beside Damien at the counter and pokes him shoulder, causing him to open his eyes.
"Go get something to eat."
She says softly, the corners of her lips pulled up slightly. He simply nods and pulls himself to his feet, trudging towards the living room and out of view. I eat my toast as the door creaks open and closes, leaving Akuma and I alone.
"Is he just moving in?"
I can't help but ask as I pause to look at her. She shakes her head gently but stops and shrugs.
"Damien can take care of himself but I won't refuse him without a decent reason."
Akuma says cooly and I nod, finishing up my meal and drink. I move to the sink and begin washing my dishes, ignoring the gaze that burns into my back.
Akuma begins slowly. I glance over my shoulder to show I am listening before turning back to my task.
"When Damien gets back I want you two to make muffins together."
She says casually, the most random thing I have ever heard. I turn to her, brows furrowed in confusion.
"Why would we do that?"
I ask, studying her soft pink eyes.
"The best mood he will be in his after he's eaten, and it will benefit everyone for you two to get along so... why not some supervised bonding time?"
She suggested, a persuasive smile spread over her lips. I huff and finish the dishes, drying them and putting them away.
"So it's a yes?"
Akuma presses, clasping her hands together atop the counter.
"Will you accept no as an answer?"
I shoot back and she laughs softly, putting on the sweetest face she can.
"No, I don't think so."


Connor heaves a dramatic sigh and turns himself fully towards me. He reaches up and taps the tips of his fingers to the bridge of his nose, giving me an agitated look.
"I hope you're right about this."
He says defeatedly and drops his hand, moving it to his hip. I smile and lift my hands, opening them in a shrug.
"Me too."
I whisper slyly and he shoots me another look, throwing his hands in the air momentarily.
"Ah geez."
He huffs and I can't help but laugh quietly, moving my hand to my mouth.
"Alright Connor, go enjoy your last bit of freedom."
I tease and he scoffs, trudging to the living room. I smile to myself and hop off the stool, following him.
"There's not much to do around here."
He lulls as he flops onto the couch, settling onto his back.
"What do you normally do?"
He questions as he studies the ceiling, his eyes shifting constantly. I shrug as I situate myself onto the chair across from the couch, my eyes roaming his face curiously.
"I hunt, clean, meet with other nobles..."
I go on boredly and turn my gaze to the window.
"I left home often so it's not like I just sat around..."
I defend and ignore his gaze that has turned towards me.
"And now? Why do you coop yourself up in here?"
He asks. I turn to meet his gaze, his eyes dancing with guilt and confusion. He knows the answer.
"I have something to take care of around here."
I say quietly and offer a small smile, the darkness in his eyes only growing as he lowers his gaze.
"So I've become an inconvenience-"
I say quickly and shake my head.
"You are not an inconvenience I am only giving you and I time to adjust. You are learning your place in this world and I am learning to care for you. I've never had such a relationship with a human and you have never had such with a vampire. We both need the down time."
I lecture and he rolls over, turning his back to me.
"You talk as if I am a permanent addition."
He says lowly, catching me off guard.
"Are you not?"
I ask gently and he trembles, curling himself up tighter.
"I can't just abandon my family."
He whispers, his voice cracking. I nod slowly and close my eyes.
"You must decide sooner or later."
I whisper and a soft sob escapes his lips.
"I know."
He whispers back and my heart clenches at the sadness in his voice.
"Oh Connor."
I murmur as I stand and move to the couch. I sit beside his trembling form and lean over him, one hand finding his tightly curled fist and the other I press against his back as I lean my head down and rest my temple on his shoulder. He unclenches his fist and allows me to take his hand, so I stay with him until his trembling has stopped and he has wiped the tears from his cheeks. We sit there in the silence until the front door creaks open and heavy footsteps move towards the living room. My eyes are closed but I feel Damien's gaze and sigh, sitting up slowly as I force my eyes open. I am surprised to find that tears well in the corners of my eyes and I blink them away quickly, turning to Connor.
"Are you going to be okay?"
I whisper to him as I reach up my free hand to ruffle his hair lightheartedly. His hand clenches mine before he lets go and sits up, rubbing at his puffy eyes. He glances at Damien and looks away quickly, his cheeks becoming red at the obvious fact that he had been crying.
"Of course I will."
He grumbles and I smile, patting his head gently.
"Of course you will."
I reassure and stand, turning to Damien as I move towards the kitchen.
"Come now, we are making muffins!"

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