It Doesn't Matter If You're B...

By AmariannaRose

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Book 1: It Doesn't Matter If You're Black Or White Book2: Happy Go Lucky When the elder daughter of Damon Pop... More

Veronica Pope's Older Sister
Meeting Happy's Mom👩‍👦
💋😘🤟🏽Falling In Love Is Easy To Do👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻💓👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏻
Over The Next Few Weeks📅📆🗓️
Trying To Take Back Control
Devil's Tribe SoA
The Things You Do To Me!
🙂😁😄Smiley Tattoo Tradition😃😆😀
💀☠️He's Gotta Die Like A Lot⚰️⚱️
🧔🏻‍♂️One Man And A Funeral⚰️🥀😢
Welcome Home Elvis🎸
Doing What Normal People Do... Well Almost....
🏍Ride Like The Wind Bullseye🎯
Clay's Rules Of The Road Are Meant To Be Broken
🐅🐯🦸🏿‍♀️🦸🏻‍♂️Rescued Tiger Exploding Scotsman💥💣🧨💥
Never Piss Off A Lowman🤬... Even If She Isn't A Lowman Yet 😜
🥳🎉Party For Chibs🎊🍻
And The Truth Hurts Worse Than Hell
Fighting🤜🏿👊🏻🤛🏽 Dirty
🚫🚷All The Wrong Moves↘️⬇️↙️⬅️⬆️↗️➡️
🌅⛅🌞Sunset Wedding 💒👰🏾🤵🏻
What Is Lost Shall Soon Be Found
We Could All Use A Little Honey🍯🐝
His Nomad Life Is Over And A New Life Begins
🍺🍀🎉🎈Party Like An Irishman🎊🥳🍀🍻
💥Things That Go Boom💥
A Medieval Way To Get The Truth
🎣Catch And Release🎣
Not All Things Are 🖤Black And White🤍
What The Hell Man!?!
Brick By Brick🧱
Another Shot In The Shoulder💪🏽🔫
Afternoon Delight
Yet Another Loss😢
Who's That Baby?!👶🏻🍼👼🏻
Lives Of The Innocent Are A Stake
Fire Burns Hot 🌶🔥 But You Stay Cool🧊😎
Family Values👨‍👧‍👧

🍀A Warm Irish Welcome🍀

417 10 0
By AmariannaRose

Once they hit a road block Happy's worry only grows.... more so for the officers standing guard.... with the way Giaconda is feeling at this particular moment she might just kill one of them if they even look at her.... everyone stops Happy reaches over and grips his wife's hand which makes her jump... now he's really worried he's never seen her become skittish before.... she wasn't scared he wasn't sure what it was that was bothering her and that worried him even more.... "what do we do here?"  Jax asks McGee "random stop"  McGee replies  "random my ass!"  Giaconda mutters in a low voice "and what a fine ass it is!"  Happy teases and she playfully smacks his back his body quivers excitedly at the feel of the sting her hand left from that smack as McGee continues "just keep it light smile and show them your passport"  as a few of the officers walk over and one of them orders "identification"  Happy hears Giaconda growl under her breath as she places one of her hands over the sheath that held her knife that is clipped to her shorts  "oh I'll show you identification alright!"  and he squeezes her hand trying not to smile apparently he wasn't the only one who heard that cause Chibs let out a short quiet chuckle "hey just showing our American brothers and sister the beautiful Irish countryside, officer"  McGee says "identification you, you, you, you, you"  the officer says "does anyone else find it strange that he only asks for certain members ID's!?!"  Giaconda asks softly "you heard him come on"  another officer says and the ones he pointed at climb off their bikes to get their ID's "it's going to be ok"  Happy whispers calmly "of course it is!.... I'll kill 'em if they harm any of you!"  Giaconda replies with a chuckle "that's my snake!"  Happy whispers with a smile and he kisses her lips "eyes off my wife you bastard!"  Happy growls low and dangerous when he notices the officer looks Giaconda up and down as he gets to them "right here get it -- you have it? come on, let's go -- that'll do -- you too -- there you are -- ok just wait right there"  Giaconda hears the officer(s) say to each man he (they) asked for identification from once the officers walk away Happy places Giaconda's back up against his chest and seductively growls softly into her ear "do you know how badly I want to torture you right now!?!"  she turns her head to face him with a smile "as badly as any other moment of any other day!"  she teases he chuckles and nibbles on her ear lobe then purrs into it "you know me so well!"  Chibs smiles at the two of them "uh-huh right let's go"  they hear the officers say as they come back to the group "goddamn it"  Jax says once he see them come back "here we go again!"  Giaconda mutters as the officers yell "down! down on the ground! now!"  and she plants her feet firmly on the ground squeezing her hands into tight fists "hey, hey, hey what's the worry here lads?"  McGee asks the officers with his hands raised in the air "Yank brothers fled jurisdiction from California we're detaining them"  a officer tells him  "you! here! on the ground! now!"  another one orders  Clay "you heard him"  a officer says to Jax as one of his buddies grab the sleeve of his sweater and pull him down to the ground "get down! down! down!"  the officer orders "you heard him down! down! on the ground! right here"  Happy's lips press themselves hard against Giaconda's then he kneels down beside her Juice, Bobby and Clay follow suit but in front of their borrowed Harley's "if I had known it was gonna be this easy to get you to go down I would have done it ages ago!"  Conda teases looking down at Happy with a suggestive smirk "you still can!"  Happy growls lowly in a suggestive manner as he looks up at her she raises an eyebrow at him and he smiles Chibs stays standing holding onto the still standing Giaconda's hand "on your knees"  a officer orders pointing his rifle at Chibs' chest Chibs squeezes her hand then lets it go using both hands he takes off his shades and places them around his neck "dirty Loyalist bastard"  Chibs says and he spits on the officer who goes to hit Chibs with the butt of his rifle but gets stopped by Giaconda "don't you dare!"  she growls darkly and she pushes the rifle back so it hits the officer in the face and the guys get back up off the ground and join the fight until another officer shoots a few rounds from his rifle up in the air "damn it"  Bobby says as he and the rest of the guys stop fighting "get them in the van now! move! move! move them out! move it!"  the officer orders Giaconda looks at Happy sadly as he gets taken away he smiles at her as he gets pushed toward the van "sorry Chibs!"  Giaconda whispers "you did good luv!.... don't you worry!"  he replies as he gets taken away "get in in the van now all right, all right move open up the back"  the officer orders the ones he took as they reach the jeep....

As the van drove away Giaconda stood by Happy's Harley he was riding while in Ireland.... for some reason she just didn't feel safe with McGee or O'Neill well she knew why she didn't feel safe with O'Neill but was still unsure about McGee.... "Hap!!"  she whispers softly with a hint of nervousness in her tone her eyes never leaving the van and just as Gemma forced the jeep she was riding in to run the van he was placed in off the road she (Giaconda) yells with a strained somewhat frightened tone "Happy!!".... when Happy heard Giaconda call out his name and he stood up in the back of the van ready to take down anyone who got in his way as he headed towards the opening he climbed into of it so he could get out and go where he belonged.... at his wife's side.... and just as he got to the the opening to jump off he lost his balance as the jeep seemed to shift as it got hit by something hard.... the ones who didn't get arrested run over to the jeep Giaconda leading the charge so to speak "take 'em out!"  McGee orders as they run up the cops coming after them shout "stay!"  then seem to change their minds as the Crows in the jeep hop out to join the one who stood by the Harley's "geez, it's not worth it! let's go!"  the officers say as they rush to their jeep "why is it that no one ever aims for the right area of a vehicle!?!"  Giaconda asks herself as Luther aims and shoots the get away police jeep she takes her hand gun and shoots at the cars tires making them flat "idiots!"  she mutters "the keys! the keys!"  McGee shouts as he and Luther head to the front cab of the van that took the guys and the officer in the drivers seat throws them the keys which Luther catches "come on"  Gemma says as she and some of the guys head to the back of the police jeep and start tossing officers out of the back of it "out with him stay down don't move"  one of the Ireland Charter Crows orders "come on get 'em out"  Gemma orders "alright boys"  Padraic says "you're fine, you're fine come on"  McGee says "everybody okay?"  Gemma asks "oh yeah"  Clay replies "here you go, mate"  Padraic says Giaconda walks over to the jeep as Happy starts walking out of it she pats Juice on the arm as she passes and he smiles at her then she rushes into Happy's arms "I'm sorry!.... I didn't mean to worry you like that!.... but to lose you just after I get you back!.... and be left with.... them!!"  she whispers knowing full well where the bump on his head that she is now rubbing lovingly came from and her body shivers in disgust at the thought of being left with O'Neil he chuckles then whispers into her ear "I'd do anything for you gorgeous!"  then he kisses her lips "I know!"  she whispers she gets handed the key to Happy's cuffs and she unlocks the cuffs once his arms were free he wraps them around her and kisses her once again this time it was a much deeper and longer kiss "holy shit what the hell was that?"  Jax asks "welcome to Ireland"  Padraic says patting him on the shoulder Giaconda chuckles softly shaking her head "come here Jaxxy!"  he smiles at her walking over to her side and she unlocks his cuffs then he gives her a hug "you just about caused Happy to have a heart attack!"  he whispers "I know!"  she replies "don't EVER do that again!!"  Jax orders playfully "I just....! I don't feel safe with them Jax!.... and Hap!.... just like I am with him he's my sanctuary!.... his my safe place!.... my comfort!.... my protector even when I don't need protecting!"  she says softly "I know!"  he whispers kissing the top of her head....

"Where'd you get the intel on us?"  Clay asks one of the officers after Juice pushes the man onto the ground as his men once did to him "I'm a police officer"  the officer answers "yeah? then how come your buddies took off? what happened to backup?"  Jax asks walking over "they got scared because shit went south"  Opie adds "who paid you off?"  Jax asks roughly grabbing the man by the shirt and pulling him back up "no, Jackie boy this is mine"  Chibs says walking over and taking the officer out of Jax's hands and into his own "need this Chibs!?!"  Giaconda asks playfully handing him her knife he chuckles then says with a smile "nah luv!.... my fists work just fine!"  she shrugs sliding her knife back in it's sheathe "suit yourself!"  she replies with a smile she looks up at her smiling husband and asks "what!?!.... I just thought I'd offer!.... I figure he'd have more fun!.... but then I remembered that he's no fun!"  the guys laugh as Chibs starts to punch the officer in the face a few times and Giaconda walks back over to Happy's side and he puts his arm around her waist "all right, all right, all right"  Opie says pulling Chibs away from the officer gently "now.... you ever wanna chew with those teeth again you're gonna open up, aren't you?"  Clay asks picking the now bloody officer back up off the ground then punching him knocking him into Jax's arms and Jax pushes him up against the police jeep placing a knife to the mans neck (his own not Giaconda's) "Hap"  Jax says Happy asks "yeah?"  Jax orders "kill one of his men"  Happy unhooks his arm from his wife's waist and walks over to the police jeep cocking his gun in the air as he says "oh, yes, I will"  Giaconda smiles and becomes slightly turned on as he struts towards the jeep pulling one of the officers out of the back of it and onto his knees placing the hand gun on the top of the officers head "wait wait no! we were paid! we were paid to detain you send you back to the States"  the officer begs as Giaconda walks over to her husband and stands at his side ready to stop him from following an order if necessary "Jimmy O'Phelan?"  Jax asks "I don't know who"  the officer informs him "Hap"  Jax says Giaconda places a calm hand on Happy's wrist as he presses the barrel down harder on the officers head he looks over at her "I swear on my mother's eyes we didn't get a name only the money and the task"  the officer says looking relieved that someone was there to stop his friend from being killed "it's that bastard O'Phelan"  Chibs claims "yeah I guess he knows we're here"  Jax says as he let's go of the officer and Opie takes over keeping the officer contained by the wall "well, we gotta do something about this cause I don't think we'll get them through duty free"  Bobby says "pull their IDs"  Clay orders Happy pushes the officer he held the rest of the way onto the ground following the order given Giaconda had let go of his wrist and her warmth was already starting to disappear from his now cooled skin the other Crows follow suit pulling the rest from the van "come on, get out lay down"  Bobby orders the rest of the officers in the jeep who were being pulled out of the back as Clay says "now, we know your name Charles and now my boys know where you live"  Jax adds "I'd hate for anything to happen to that family because their dad was on the take"  Giaconda looks over at the officer named Charles sadly as Clay continues "we can ruin your career and we can definitely ruin your life understand?"  Charles says meeting her sad eyes "aye"  Clay orders as Charles is let go and drops to the ground "let's go"  Happy wraps his arm around his wife's waist and they walk over to his borrowed Harley and climb on then ride away with the rest of them

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