Rebecca Lupin and The Escape...

By RachieK97

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Rebecca Lupin is quite an outgoing girl who is about to attend a magical school most muggles have heard of. S... More

Rebecca Lupin and The Escape of the death eater
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 10

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By RachieK97

Hi people thankyou all the people out there who are reading my book I hope you like my book I haven't had many comments and I'm not sure if my book is good or completely rubbish please comment I don't know how to make my book better and without you I won't get better and writing so just comment I can take bad comments i will take them on board and it doesn't matter if the comments aren't that big, I just want to know if you like it or not thanks for reading and I hope I haven't babbled on too much and just one more thing before I carry on with the story this chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends Redzrule11 shes new to wattpad please fan her she hasn't got a story out yet but when she does I can easyily say it will be great so watch out for her book coming out and enjoy the my next chapter, thanks for reading.


Chapter 10 the Christmas Surprise

Our first Christmas at Hogwarts was soon coming round fast and a surprise was right round the corner when we were asked to meet with Professor McGonagall.

Our class all went to see her and when we did she all greeted us and we all looked at her confused and she just laughed and said,

“I bet you lot are wondering why I have sent you all here!” She laughed putting her hands on her hips as we all nodded.

“Right where shall I begin...” She started.                                             

“Well you could start by telling us way we’re even here in the first place when we’re supposed to be in care of magical creatures that’s the only lesson I like!” Ethan butted in moaning.

“Ha and you don’t even do anything but stand there last time you lost out on riding a Centaur!” Rose shouted Ethan gave her a annoyed looked.  

“Well it insulted me!” Ethan said crossing his arms.

“Enough, both of you I can’t think!” Professor shrieked as we all stepped back but we soon stepped forward again when she remembered the whole point why we were here in the first place.  

“Right, yeah the surprise is that we are for the first time at Hogwarts going to have a Christmas ball, well we have a Yule ball when we have the triwizard tournament but apart from that!” She said all the girls faces lit up but the boys slouched and groaned.

“And for a change the girls are going to ask the boys who they want to take!” Professor said clapping her hands then all the girls frowned and the boys smirked.

“Oh great!” I whispered to Rose sarcastically.

“Now till Christmas eve you will be taken out of some classes so I can learn you some basic dances!” Professor excitedly.

The rest of the lesson went smoothly but I’m worried I always get worries who the heck am I going to take.  

“You could go with Albus as friends,” Rose suggested I shrugged.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you go with Ethan?” I asked she gave me a evil look.

“No, never hate him!” She said but I raised a eye brow.

“More like a love hate relationship!” I said trying not to burst out laughing but then went serious I still need to find a partner.

“No one will never want to be with you Weasley!” Laughed Sebastian he was with his sister Capricia and their cousins Ares and Librana.

“Don’t forget you can’t take a family member Capricia!” I laughed back turning Rose round so she had the back to them I wasn’t going to let them bully my best friend they snickered sarcastically not thinking of a comeback and walking away.

“Some Slyherin’s never change!” I yelled Rose breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thanks!” Rose said.

“No probs mate!” I said.

“Round one over, for now!” I commentated showing of my muscles that wasn’t there I just did it to make Rose giggle and I giggled along stupidly.

“What we got next?” I asked curiously.

“Hello lunch!” Rose said.

“Oh ok I might nip to the library first see you in the hall!” I said walking away and waving.

“Ok see you later!” She waved back heading towards the great hall.

So I walked on my own to the library I wanted to get a great fiction book to read in bed. So was looking and looking then saw a book that looked good it was called the tales of beetle bard when I took it out I saw Albus’ face peering at a book I smiled and wondered why he was here I thought he was in the great hall. I walked to a sofa and sat down crossed legged and started to read. After a couple of minutes until I peered over the top of the book and Albus was beside me reading and made me jump.

“Sorry I didn’t want to interrupt your reading!” He said looking up at me.

“Oh it’s ok!” I said we both carried on reading but all I could think of was what Rose said you could go with Albus as friends I wanted to ask him but I was afraid I was falling for him I didn’t want to but you can’t really control who you like but if I don’t ask him who else would ask? Maybe Ethan I smiled to myself but then frowned and thought to myself no that’s a no go although Rose says she hates his guts I think she secretly likes him but of course she wouldn’t admit it.

“Right... you know the ball coming up? I need to ask someone, and well I thought that maybe, we could go... as friends!” I said shyly blinking slowly up at Albus thinking what he would say then I thought well done Rebecca what if someone has already asked him I would look like a right idiot oh wait a minute I’m already a idiot I said that to myself ages ago. He stayed silent... silent is deadly I thought sometimes it’s not about what people say it’s about what people don’t say.

“Oh sorry I was reading what did you say?” He asked looking up at me, I sighed silently and got ready to repeat myself but what if this was a way to make something up and walk away before making a fool of myself, no Rebecca what’s life without a risk I said to myself and got ready to talk then was worried that nothing was going to come out. Right pull yourself together,

“Well I just wondered, it was just a thought that maybe we should go to the ball together as friends, that’s if you’re not going with anyone else.

“Oh, yeah that would be great I didn’t think anyone else will ask me anyway!” He said nodding his head. Relief thank god.

“So I’ll see you later!” I said walking away.

“Oh wait I’m coming with you!” He said closing his book.

“Good book what you got there my mum and dad, and teddy used to read them stories to us all the time!” Albus said jogging up to me.

“Oh yeah I think my parents and teddy used to read them to me too but I don’t remember. And what are you reading?” I asked giving my book to the librarian she stamped mine and Albus’ book then we walked to the great hall.  

“It’s a potion book I have to get some chance of beating you!” he replied smiling.

“I’m not that good!” I said.

“Well you won the truth serum!”  He said.

“Oh yeah you just reminded me I still need to use that on my cousin to teach her a lesson!” I joked as we turned the corner.

“Hey I heard that!” Said an annoyed Mistie in my face didn’t see her coming.

“Err, joke!” I laughed.

“Oh right, but still you dare!” She threatened me pointing her figure.

“Ok I won’t dare princess!” I said holding my hands up.

“Good!” She smiled and me and Albus speed walked past her before realised what I said and started moaning at me again we looked back and she was frowning at me shaking her head and shouting something I couldn’t hear.

“Well that was a close one!” He said.

“Yep thank god she is so dumb!” I said.  

“Ha ha, but you should learn to be less cheeky!” he said I just shrugged.

“I have only learnt to stick up for me and my friends.

“But Mistie near enough is your friend!” He replied smiling.

“Ok maybe she nearly is but your ruining my point!” I said as we walked to the great hall smiling and laughing like we used to before the nightmares took over maybe they had settled down.

“So what do you want for Christmas?” I asked.

“I don’t really know you?” He asked back.

“I would like a charms book so I can do lots of new spells.” I said excitedly.

“You mean you want to learn spells to get your own back on the Malfoy’s for being mean to Rose!” He said I laughed.

“Well that too but mainly just to learn spells for if we get in trouble you know with evil people!” I said avoiding saying Voldemort nor Thorn’s names but he knew what I meant and I shouldn’t hadn’t really said that because we were having a laugh and I just ruined it stupid Rebecca needs to learn to forget things like that and lighten up.

“That’s a good idea!” he said.

“I’m sorry!” I said.

“Oh it’s ok at least you have ideas just encase of my horrible nightmares coming true.

“Well we need to do something or else I can’t sleep!” I replied.

“I’m sorry!” He said.

“It’s ok It’s just what I would like for Christmas... the book!” I replied.

“You what! Oh I love Christmas!” Albus said.

“Doesn’t everyone!” I replied.

“Scrooge!” he said.

“And the Grinch!” I replied grinning.

“Oh yeah him too whoever he is!” He agreed.

“Haven’t you seen that movie?” I asked.

“No I don’t know many muggles!” He replied.

“Oh my Nana and Granddad are!” I said.

“I know!” He said.

“Oh they’re not bad but they are argumentative, let’s just say, they didn’t want me to go to Hogwarts!” I said. Then we got to the others and they were laughing and joking and hadn’t seemed to eat much dinner we both sat down oddly looking at each other puzzles as if to say have we missed.

“I asked Ethan to the ball!” Rose.

“And we’re only going as friends before you think of it any different!” Ethan assured us.

“What he said!” Rose agreed we looked at them wide eyed they never agreed on anything and they were the last people we would think would go together after what they have said about each other in the past.

“Whatever you say!” I said.

“What it’s true!”Rose said.

“I thought you two were not friends!” Albus said smirking.

“Well you’re ruining the point of course we’re friends!” Rose said crossly.

“For now just don’t fall out before the ball!” I laughed and Albus laughed too but Ethan and Rose stayed serious.

“So I guess you two are going together!” Rose said.

“Yeah what if we are, as friends!” I said mocking her.

And that was that we all got partners now it was learning the dances.

Throughout the next two weeks we had endless dance lessons but I didn’t take most of the lessons seriously the look on Sebastian’s face when dancing with Professor was priceless, and Mistie showing off pretending she knew all the moves and forgetting them instantly I just feel sorry for her partner she kept standing on his toes, apart from that we all had a good time and I knew the dances and looked forward to the ball.

Before we knew it was the night before Christmas eve and we were all tucked in bed tired and waiting for Christmas and the Christmas ball.

“Rebecca do you fancy Albus?” Rose asked we was in complete darkness and the rest of the people in the room was a sleep.

“No don’t be daft!” I replied.

“I think you do!” She replied she has become to know me too well.

“I don’t know anymore maybe!” I shrugged. It was silent for a while till I thought of a comeback.

“Rose... Rose are you awake?” I asked.

“Yes!” Said a tired Rose in a muffled voice.

“Do you fancy Ethan?” Asked shaking my head around smiling.

“We’ve been through this already!” She replied trying to wiggle out of the question.

“But you never answer it!” I replied.

“Oi, whisper!” Rose said in an annoying voice I hate when people did that.

“I’m waiting for an answer Rose Jane Weasley and I’m not going to stop bugging you until you tell me!” I demanded.

“Ok, Rebecca keep your hair on!” She snapped.

“So...” I started.

“What if I do what if I don’t, you know what I don’t know either so can we get some sleep so I won’t be tired for the ball!” She snapped again I smirked finaly victory and revenge is sweat.

“Thank you for proving a point Rose Jane Weasley!” I said.

“Ok so what if you well done to you and goodnight Rebecca Natalie Lupin!” She replied and she accepted the point I’ve proved 2.1.

“Goodnight the girl who so fancies Ethan!” I teased.

“Oh don’t rub it in the girl who fancies my innocent cousin!” Rose teased back and with that we went to sleep smirking to ourselves because we knew each other’s deepest secrets I just hope I can trust her.


Hope you enjoyed it and sorry if it was a bit long, byee byeee for now. x 

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