Black Canary (2) β€’ boyxboy |...

By aestheticpale

32.3K 1K 45

Sequel of Black Canary "They say everyone's born a hero. But if you let it, life will push you over the line... More

Part 1
Part 2


725 27 0
By aestheticpale


I open the door walking in with my duffle bag around my shoulder and see the house cleaned and overhear a cartoon show. I try to sneak in to surprise but hear Felicity's and Will's voices in the living room talking about the cartoon show. They laugh and I smile lightly as Felicity was made for this, I was never made to be a parent. I don't even know how Mom and Dad stood up with me. I wasn't as bad as Ollie, I was just troubled and confused especially with my sexuality.

I remember a time before the particle accelerator exploded and before Sara died on the Gambit. Before anything bad happened. That was a different time for me. I was like every other teenager, a self absorbed little shit fulfilling life. I was only 18 when the particle accelerator exploded and gave me the canary cry.

I remember not being clear with what I wanted to do before the explosion. It was in between of competing in skating competitions which I'm really good at and hoped that I would somehow make a living from the sponsorships. I was also good at snowboarding, especially half pipe. I had chances in the Winter Olympics and I could've gone with Sean White and Gus Kensworthy for all the years they've went.

Of course, Mom didn't support the idea of me in the Winter Olympics which was infuriating and heartbreaking. She believed my academics were more important and that the Olympics would only throw me off it. Of course like the teen I was back then, I threw tantrums and became difficult to bare with. I stopped speaking to her and tried to go to Star City as much as I could with the money I stole from her. I stayed over at Laurel's constantly and grabbed lunch with Laurel and Dad in the day during their breaks and spoke about the nut cases he had to deal with. That was my best family memory.

I was destined to at some point get caught but not by mom, neither dad or Laurel. It was Oliver. It was a year before the Particle Accelerator exploded. I was 17. It's weird to think that it's been 7 years already since I was given the canary cry.

I remember leaving the Train station that day from Central City and riding my skateboard out of the exit. I was young, bold and most of all, difficult to deal with. Stubborn was my middle name and always would be from that day on.

When I left the station that day, I saw Ollie and he cornered me. This was after his disaster on the gambit and when Sara was around for her second life. He was moody and dark and most of all bad at pretending and acting to be the nice guy in public. I remember Ollie stopping me in the middle of the street and almost interrogating me even though he had an idea of what had been happening.



I skate through the gloomy grey streets of Starling City with my earphones plugged into my ears listening to Kings Of Leon, with a light blue denim jacket, black ripped jeans and a tight white t-shirt. I tuck my beanie into my head as it's cold and mind my own business as everyone moves and makes space for me in the street.

As I continue skating the streets in front of me look more crowded and decide to make a turn into an alleyway. I ignore the homeless sitting against the walls and the garbage fires to keep them warmed up. I continue skating and then stop wanting to walk as the floor is wet which would make skating harder on me.

I continue walking minding my own business and then walk out of the alleyway into a new avenue and see the Queen's Consolidated building, or what is left of it from the bankruptcy it keeps going through.

As I stand in the middle of sidewalk starring at the building. I see the iconic man of the building, Oliver Queen walk out with his bodyguard behind him. I stare at the almost bankrupt business man.

I recognize him as an old friend, but no one I would want to speak with, not after the pain he's caused to my family. I look at him knowing he wouldn't recognize me. He speaks to his bodyguard and they both nod at each other as if they were up to some genius plan to save his company. I try to read their lips but get nothing out of it that makes sense to a company.

I look away not caring and skate away back to Laurel's place knowing I have a copy of her key to get in. As I skate through crowds of people I see a black SUV follow me as the window rolls down and I see Oliver's face.

"Drake!" He shouts grabbing my attention and he continues driving and I look over taking one earpiece out of my ear to hear what he has to say. I usually don't have time for bullshit but I'll give Oliver a chance to explain himself. "Let me give you a ride!?" He says and I nod and fake a genuine smile and stop skating.

Oliver's driver pulls over to the side of the sidewalk and I walk in, opening the door and letting myself in. "Thanks for the ride." I say with a small smile and he smiles lightly as I see his bodyguard in the front seat closing the window to give us privacy.

"Where you heading?" He asks as I set the skateboard on the floor of his car and rest my vans on it.

"Laurel's." I say ending the conversation and look out the window not wanting to speak with him as I begin to regret getting in the car. "You know, it's not everyday that a millionaire pulls over to pick up some 17 year old kid." I say bluntly and look over at him to see him clenching his jaw being hesitant to say something.

"I know what you're up to Drake..." He says looking down at his hands as he plays with them being nervous. I look at him confused trying to figure out what he could be talking about. "The money you're taking from your mother. The reason why you're always in Starling instead of Central City." He says as he confronts me about it.

"Does Dad or Laurel know yet?" I ask him worried about the situation since it could lead me to never seeing them again. After the shitty stunt mom pulled on me, I don't think I could ever forgive her for it.

Oliver shakes his head. "You can't keep doing this, especially to her. You're all that she has left." Oliver says and I already know this. It's been almost 2 entire months since she destroyed my chances at an olympic career. She destroyed my dream. Dad and Laurel were rooting for me to do my best and they don't know yet about the situation.

"You need to get off my case Oliver because you have no idea what happened." I say being hurt as I get sensitive.

"Then tell me so I can help you."

"I'm not sure if you even knew but I had a chance to become an Olympic athlete in the snowboarding competitions. I had a chance to go wherever the hell I wanted to and stand next to Sean White and aim at a chance in gold." I say opening up about the sob story not looking directly at him feeling like a failure or as if it was all my fault. "When I had the chance to go, mom cancelled all of it. She didn't want anything to do with my skating or snowboarding career. Ever since that day, I've shut off from her and of course come here as much as I can to stay with Laurel and Dad. The hardest part of all this is telling Dad and Laurel the truth since they were so supportive of it." I say breaking down finally letting the anger and pain out to this rich kid that had it all in his life.

"I'm sorry." Oliver says putting his hand on my shoulder to give me comfort. He rubs his hand on my shoulder and I feel him get close and I get back up wiping my tears away from my eyes and try to become strong. "What if I helped you? Let you stay in the manor and you go to school from there? I'll pay for your olympic training everything." He says and I look at him confused at the offer he is giving me.

"I can't do that." I say as I've already come to terms that my career in that is over. Nothing I do now will bring it back. I look out the window thinking about the power that Oliver has as the car stops in the side of the road of Laurel's apartment. I have to do the right thing, even if it means to not live the life I've always wanted to. "I'm sorry." I say and open the car door and look back at Oliver with tears in my eyes knowing this is only a one time chance. "You're giving me everything I ever wanted Oliver, but I can't do that. I don't need your money, not after everything that is happening right now." I say as I begin to walk out but he grabs me by my arm and I look back at him.

"Let me help you." He says begging for me but I can't.

"Thank you, but no." I say and he lets go of my arm and I walk out and shut the door. I walk off and leave Oliver behind.



"You're back!" Felicity shouts getting me out of my flashback and I look over at her sitting next to Will with a big smile on her face. Will looks at me and smiles brightly running over at me and hugging me.

"Hey!" I say with a smile as Will hugs my legs and I get down to his level and play with him. "How's Felicity?" I say acting positive to not ruin the mood knowing everything isn't safe right now. I look over and see Felicity walking up from behind Will walking towards us and she smiles lightly glad to see me alive.

"She took care of me. She cooked pasta too!" Will says being the happy child he is and I wish I could go back to being a child right about now. No problems and no meta human Canary Cry to deal with along with the problems it brings.

"Ah did she now?" I say smiling and looking at Felicity and Felicity chuckles softly. "Will, why don't you go gather your toys, Felicity and I need to chat real quick." I say and pat Will's shoulder and he nods walking away to his room. I get back up from the floor and stuff my hands in my pockets.

As soon as Will disappears, Felicity quickly hugs me holding me tight but I don't hold back and just lay my hand on her back. "I missed you." She says and then lets go of me. "Did you find anything out?"

"The reason why they think it was me is primarily because it was." I say knowing that I'll have to clean this mess up on my own. The Justice League is against me and I know Bruce wouldn't have let that happened. Silver Siren knew Bruce would be the only one to help me even if the League was against me, but Bruce is unconscious for all I know.

"What do you mean?" She looks at me confused and worried.

"Earth 2 Laurel's brother. The one and the only Silver Siren." I say and bite my lip frustrated knowing now I have to find Silver Siren and bring him in. "Slade has footage and everything of it being Silver Siren. The next step is for me to find him and bring him in alive."

"Why don't you just give the League the footage and move on? I'm sure they'll let you off the hook." Felicity says and it's a smart idea that I already thought of but it's not safe.

"They will take me out before I could even step inside the building and I'm sure thats what Ghost Archer and Silver Siren had in mind so that I could be taken out."

"They messed with the wrong person didn't they." Felicity says and I nod with a small smirk growing on my lips. "Well I'm glad you're back for however long you're planning to stay." Felicity says relieved and I hear a knock on the front door and Will pops his head out curious out of his bedroom and I look at Felicity.

"Hide." I command them both and Felicity quickly runs to Will and they hide in the room. As I know they're safe from my scream and whatever happens next, I walk towards the door and open it to find Slade. "What the hell?" I say aggravated knowing I kept my end of the deal to only find him back here.

"I thought you'd be more happier to see me?" Slade says and I let him walk inside as he's dressed in an all black jeans and shirt with his muscles bulging out through his leather jacket.

"Yeah, to finally see we share the same taste in clothes now?" I say being snarky and a bit of an asshole to see what he's up to. I shut the door behind me and Slade turns around to see me and looks at me up and down checking me out, checking to see if I got here okay.

"I'm glad that you survived your drive here." He says being sympathetic towards me and I smile lightly knowing he cares about me. Knowing why is a question for later.

"What are you doing in our home?" Felicity says walking up from behind with Will following her. Slade turns around staring at her and Felicity looks at Slade and then back at me and I don't have time to explain anything. I wish I knew what was happening all the time.

"You must be Will?" Slade says dissing Felicity and walking towards Will and Will gets shy and I notice him holding a Green Arrow toy tightly in his hands. "Ah who's this?" Slade says and Will shows off his toy to Slade and Slade chuckles and stares at me and then looks back at Will giving him his full attention.

"Green Arrow, he's going to protect me and the city from the bad guys. Just like Drake will!" He says and then Will looks over me knowing I'll be his protector and it's comforting to know that he believes in me. I have a hard time believing in me at points. I'm not a hero, not like Kal El, not like Diana or Bruce. They were made for it.

"Well Drake can't protect the city all alone now can he? He's going to need all the friends he has even if he doesn't want them." Slade says and Felicity nods looking at me and I can't risk everyone's lives just to help me out. I can handle this all on my own, I have been doing it this way for sometime now.

Slade gets up and looks at me asking for my approval but I don't think he needs one. He already has it. "Let me help you."

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