Small (Yoongi's Sister BTS Fa...

By singformeangel

445K 13K 11.7K

"You were fifteen, Yoongi-ah." Jin states softly, "Neither of you had a choice." DISCONTINUED, but there is a... More

To New Readers~
I | Home
II | Absence
III | Coffee
4 | Dare
5 | FaceTime
6 | Sorry (Not Sorry)
7 | Chance
8 | Hug Him
9 | Deal or No Deal
10 | The Question
11 | "Oh, Please, No."
12 | A Girl?!
13 | Nothing
14 | For Me
15 | Memories
16 | Occupation?
17 | Hangry
18 | "Don't Say That"
19 | Except One
20 | I Could Never
21 | For You
22 | Sweet Dreams
24 | Cute Enough
25 | Good Dongsaeng
26 | Mask On
27 | The Man on the Other End
28 | Safety First
29 | Respect Your Elders!
30 | Awkward
31 | 쩔어 on the Street
32 | Didn't You Know?
33 | Little Min Swag
34 | In Our Blood Pt. 1
35 | In Our Blood Pt. 2
36 | In Our Blood Pt. 3
37 | Bitter
38 | Kids These Days
39 | Worth It
40 | Not a Date
41 | D- D- Chats?
42 | Too
43 | New Reality
44 | Of Course
45 | Siren
46 | Really, Really
47 | "Would You Like Your Receipt?"
48 | Brother
49 | Heart-Stopping
50 | Worse for Wear
51 | Deaf to My Own Pleas
52.1 | Second Skin
52.2 | Compromised
53.1 Interim
Unfortunately :(

23 | No Matter

9.7K 278 368
By singformeangel

      I am dead.

      Cause of death? Finals.

      Yet somehow I still found the time to write this for you (because I love ya'll). So you're welcome. Hope you guys have an awesome day and don't hate this weird introduction of crazy characters... 

      Oops. Spoilers... 

      I'll shut up before I say anymore. Read on, fam.

      "Aish... my feet really hurt." One boy complains, his face pulled into an over exaggerated pained expression.

      "Mine too." The other agrees, his shoulders slumped in exhaustion, "How much longer until you wanna head home?" 

      "All I wanna do is sleeeeep... but there's only a few more houses on this street," The boy walks up to the closest one, a large grey house with a bright green door, "Might as well finish off this street, hyung. Then we can head home."

      "Yeah." The older boy agrees, staring dejectedly at the photo on his phone, "I was kinda hoping we'd have a stroke of luck today, but we can't always get what we ask for. We'll just go looking again another day, okay Tae?"

      "Okay." Taehyung wipes the upset frown off his face, plastering over it with his signature smile when he rings the cheery door bell of the large house. A loud clattering sounds from somewhere inside, and a loud voice shouts something indecipherable before thundering footsteps race towards the door.

      The door swings open violently to a brightly smiling girl with tawny brown hair. Both Hoseok and Taehyung have to blink twice, caught off guard by the girl's strange choice of clothing. Her t-shirt is a magnified picture of Justin Bieber's face, complete with the message "I LOVE JB" in all caps across the man's forehead. Unicorn socks are pulled half-way up her shins, and a skull beanie sits comfortable atop her head. But what stands out the most are the fluorescent yellow skinny jeans that the strange girl shoves her hands into the pockets of.

      "Helloooo strangers!" The strange girl greets with a giggle, her green eyes sparkling in curiosity, "Sonnie at your service how may I help youuuuu?"

      Neither Taehyung nor Hoseok are able to answer her question, shocked quite literally into silence at the absurdity of her outfit and personality. Following their gazes to her own bright clothing, Sonnie giggles as she pulls her hands out of her jeans' pockets to strike a ridiculous pose.

      "Do you like my outfit!" Sonnie cheers, "I'm sorry if it's a little crazier than usual, but it's 'close your eyes and pick an outfit day', so this is what I wound up with!"

      "Uh---" The only sound that leaves Tae's mouth is unintelligible, as he continues to stare at the sparkly unicorns adorning her colorful socks.

      "Oh! Except for the shirt," Sonnie laughs as she picks at the hem of the horrendous thing AN: I'm not a Bieber hater! Please don't kill me!, "I walked across the hall with my eyes closed and stole this out of Aecha's closet, because none of my shirts are interesting enough. I think it actually goes quite well with the rest of the outfit, though, don't you think?"

      "Uh- well- sure?" Hobi stutters out, not sure if he should either run for the hills or become her best friend, "I mean, it adds character to your outfit, for sure."

      "Exactly!" Her light brown curls bounce up and down with her as she physically shows her extreme excitement, "The others say that I have terrible taste, but it's them who have terrible taste, isn't it! Not me! Well, except for B. She's stylish. But other than her, everyone else is weird. But you're not!"

      "Thank you?" Hoseok isn't quite sure what to make of the bubbly girl, but with one look back at an exhausted and confused Tae he remembers what they came here for, "Um, hi. I'm Hoseok, and this is Taehyung."

      "Hi Hoseok and Taehyung!" Sonnie giggles, giving a lazy bow in greeting, "I'm Sonnie, your personal ray of sunshine! What can I do for you kind gentlemen?"

      Oh gosh. She's so much like me it's creepy.

      "A-actually, we're looking for someone." Taehyung finally steps forward, timidly handing the energetic girl the photo of 10 year old Byeol, taken only a few weeks before Yoongi had left, "This girl- she's my hyung's little sister, and he's worried to death about her. It's an old picture, she's seventeen now, but it's the last picture he has of her. Have you seen anyone who looks like Byeol?"

      The girl finally stops bouncing to examine the photo, her eyebrows creasing together as she racks her mind. She tilts her head to the side, her kind eyes calculating, before looking up at the two patiently waiting boys.

      "Well-I'm sorry," Sonnie stares back down at the photo, "But this unfortunately looks quite a lot like B. Did you say her name is Byeol?"

      "Y-yeah." Hobi is past surprised when, for the first time today, there is a possibility that someone has recognized her. Hobi briefly wonders how - if this B girl actually turns out to be Byeol after all - Yoongi's sister managed to meet someone so odd, "Her full name's Min Byeol, and she has dark brown eyes and a jagged scar on her collar bone."

      Hoseok recites the few pieces of information that he's come to learn about his hyung's sister over the past couple of months, and Sonnie raises an intrigued eyebrow before whirling back towards the house, her brown curls spinning about her head like a halo with the abrupt movement.

      "JEE-JEE!" Sonnie shouts into the house, making Taehyung and Hoseok jump in surprise, "I NEED YOU!"

      "I'M BUSY, ASK AECHA!" A slightly deeper, yet still feminine voice yells back, sounding quite angry with the way her thrumming tone bounces off the walls.

      "IT'S IMPORTANT!" Sonnie yells right back, unperturbed. A satisfied smile alights on her face when she receives a muffled 'I'm coming', and she flashes a happy grin to the two boys waiting on her doorstep, "Don't mind her. She's got a lot on her plate right now, so she's a little on the grumpy side. Usually she's as sweet as a cupcake!"

      "What is it?" A slightly taller girl, with midnight black hair pulled into a pony tail, steps out of the already open front door, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of the boys. Unabashedly, she stares blankly at the two strangers standing in front of them, examining the two nervous boys with a displeased frown, "I don't want any girl scout cookies, thank you."

      Did she... did she indirectly just call me a girl scout? Do I look even relatively close to a seven year old girl wearing a vest?

      "They aren't selling cookies, you silly unnie!" Sonnie giggles, shoving the photo directly into the older girl's face, "Doesn't this look like our little B-ah?"

      The raven calmly takes the photo from the giggling girl and examines it with sage brown orbs. Hobi can practically see the cogs slowly turning inside her head from every movement of her eyes. Her eyes flicker up to the two boys, caution written across her majestically pretty face.

      "It does," Her eyes examine Hoseok closely, and he feels shivers run down his spine as she stares straight into his quivering soul, "Who might you be, and why are you asking?"

      "I'm Jung Hoseok, ma'am," Hobi replies, keeping his tone as respectful as possible. He doesn't even know this girl, yet her calm and serious demeanor already scares him, "And this is Taehyung. We're friends of Min Byeol's older brother, and we're helping to look for her. Her brother has been looking for her everywhere for quite some time now, but he's getting a little desperate, so we decided to come look for ourselves."

      "Min Byeol?" The girl glances back down at the photo again,  examining the face of the ten year old girl in the photo, "I don't think I've ever heard her talk about her family, much less an older brother."

      "Honestly, she hardly talks about anything, Jee-Jee." Sonnie snorts, spinning on the hardwood floor just inside the door with her fuzzy socks, "I don't even know if I know what her favorite color is, much less what her family is like, and I've known her for three years. The only one she actually talks to is Chunhei."

      "Chunhei!" The older girl gently calls into the house, "Can you be a dear and come out here for a minute?"

      "Of course, Unnie!" A soft, airy voice calls back. Soon enough a third girl appears in the door way, this one with shockingly scarlet red hair and the sweetest face that closely reminds Hobi of cinnamon rolls. As soon as she spots the two strange young men on the doorstep she retreats a step back inside the house, her round eyes hesitant, "What do you need, unnie?"

      "Do you know if B-ah has any family?"  'Jee-Jee' asks calmly, her voice just the slightest bit gentler than when she speaks to Sonnie, "Specifically an older brother?"

      "Oh-uh..." Chunhei's willing manner fades a little, and her thin pretty lips pull into an uncomfortable frown, "B-ah really doesn't like it when we talk about her behind her back, especially about personal things. Is this important?"

      Instead of answering the question, 'Jee-Jee' turns to Hoseok, raising an eyebrow and gesturing for him to answer. Hobi smiles as kindly as he can and nods his head.

      "It's very important," Hoseok's tone is 100% genuine, and all three girls can hear it, "My hyung's losing his mind missing her, and if your friend really is Byeol, it'd mean the world to him to get to see her again."

      Understatement of the century, much?

      "Well... I guess, if it's really important B probably won't mind," Chunhei gives in, her sympathy for Hoseok's hyung obvious in her weak smile, "She never really talks about her past, and I've only ever picked up a few things that she's hinted about over the years. She's hinted that her mother died when she was little, and she once bluntly told me the reason why she hates alcohol is because her father's a nasty drunk. But she... she never specifically mentioned a brother, per say."

      Taehyung and Hoseok share a look, their eyes equally wide and disbelieving. All of the new information they're learning about this unknown girl is too close and too undeniably similar to be true. Did they really just strike gold? Was finding Byeol this easy all along?

      "Per say?" The oldest girl rolls her eyes, and gently motions for Chunhei to elaborate, "Come on, out with it. What did she mention?"

      "She mentioned--- an oppa?" The short cinnamon bun girl recalls the term with confusion muddling her expression, "She routinely hates honorifics and formalities, yet I've only ever heard her reference whoever this guy is with the title oppa. She seems to really hate talking about him too. Every time she speaks the word she looks like she's about to cry, so I never bring it up."

      "So there is a possibility B-ah has an older brother?" The girl in charge finalizes, receiving a nod from the last girl to arrive, "And she does have a scar on her collar bone, doesn't she?"

     "Yeah," Sonnie agrees with a little bounce, "She always covers it up with make up in the morning, while you guys are all out getting coffees."

      Hoseok tears his eyes away from Taehyung's frozen ones, and smiles at the three girls in a mix of giddiness and shock. The three girls all turn to stare when Taehyung starts to bounce up and down in pure joy, giggling like a little boy. Not that Hoseok is much better.

      "So you think she really might be her?" Taehyung asks with childlike glee, stepping closer to the house and grasping at the oldest girl's hand in desperation, "She really might be Byeol-ah?"

      "It's highly unlikely that they're different people," The older girl brushes off Tae's hopeful hands with a huff, "Your hyung is a good man, right? If we let him meet up with our B-ah, you're sure he'll treat her nicely?"

      You've got to be kidding me, right? Yoongi-hyung talks about her like she's the most precious thing to ever walk the earth. Even if he got really angry with her, I don't think he could treat her badly. He loves her too much for that.

      "If he ever made her cry, I'm pretty sure he'd hate himself more than he already does." Hoseok answers as seriously as possible, knowing that these girls are just trying to protect their younger friend just like Hobi was trying to protect Taehyung today, "My hyung is the best man I know, and he misses his sister dearly."

      The little gathering falls silent as they watch the two eldest have a stare down, the eldest girl trying to read whether she can trust this strange Jung fellow, and Hobi trying to convey his seriousness with his steady gaze. With a slow nod of her head, the girl pulls out her phone.

      "I'm Soo Minjee, the head of this dorm," She taps away at her phone with pleasant causality, but her voice is deadly serious, "You hurt one of my girls, you deal with me, m'kay?"

      "I have no intention of ever hurting any of you," Hosoke confirms, letting a bright smile cover his naturally happy face, "All I wanna do is help my hyung!" 

      "Then for now I'll take your number," Minjee hands Hoseok her phone, opened up to a new contact page, "And I'd like yours, and we can deal with setting up a meeting later, alright? 'Cause right now the girls and I are busy, and B-ah doesn't need the stress for at least another week."

      "That's fine," Hoseok is a little disappointed that his hyung will have to wait at least another week to see his sister, but his excitement at actually finding the girl doesn't fade, "Whatever makes her comfortable."

      "Good." The harsh look in Minjee's dark eyes fades away into kindness as she enters her own phone number into Hoseok's phone, "I'll text you if B agrees to meeting him, and maybe I'll text you her number if she wants to talk to her brother before hand, okay Jung?"

      "Alright," Hoseok says as he and Taehyung bow politely before backing away from the door, "Thank you for your time!" 

      "Hope it helps your hyung." Chunhei wishes with a sweet smile, shyly letting some of her scarlet strands fall in front of her eyes.

      "Thank you." The boys begrudgingly walk away from the large dorm with brilliant smiles as soon as the door is closed. Neither of them utter a word as they walk, too shocked to organized their excitement into coherent sentences. Hoseok nearly stumbles over his own feet as he leads the younger boy in the direction towards the dorm, his mind struggling to keep up with the conversation that already ended. 

      Did we... did we really just find Suga hyung's sister just like that? After Namjoon and Jin and Yoongi's struggle to look for her for months, and we find her in only one day? Isn't this too good to be true? We didn't even know if she really did live in Seoul or not, yet... yet she does. And we found her.

      Taehyung's brilliant smile burns brighter and brighter each second as the overwhelming feeling of success finally starts to hit him. The madly grinning boy glances over at Hoseok, his eyes wide, and lets out a loud 'whoop' before jumping into the air and pumping his fists like mad.

      "Hyung! Hyung, we did it!" Taehyung giggles out of pure joy, his eyes sparkling like diamonds. He spins in circles on the sidewalk in front of Hoseok; arms stretched out as he smiles up to the sky, "I can't wait to tell Suga hyung!"

      "Me neither!" Hobi agrees, reaching forward to pull Tae away from the edge of the road as the spinning boy loses his sense of direction, "So stop spinning so we can hurry home and tell him the good news!"

      With their hearts leaping in their chests, the boys start to sprint as fast as their legs allow, happiness enveloping them likes robes.

*          *          *          *

      The familiar sound of the front door slamming open wakes Yoongi up from his much needed nap, and he groans when he hears the loud giggles of Taehyung disturbing the peaceful quiet of the dorm. He forces his tired eyes open, and it takes him a moment to realize what in the world the fluffy silver thing in front of him is before he breaks out into a legendary gummy smile. The loud racket of the alien must've woke her up too, because she wiggles a bit in Yoongi's arms, soft mumbles falling from her lips.

      When will that boy finally realize that slamming the door into the wall is not the same as opening it? With gentle hands he strokes the magically soft strands of silver until the delirious girl falls still once again, soft breaths puffing out of her round nose. At least Byeol-ah is easy to coax back to sleep.

      As carefully as he can, Yoongi turns his body towards Jimin, slowly pulling an arm out from underneath B's slim body. Yoongi is not surprised to find Jimin already awake, the short boy being a light sleeper, and staring straight at him with a cheerful grin. Yoongi grins right back, unable to hide his excitement from his best friend.

      "I still can't believe we've found her!" Yoongi gushes in a soft whisper, his heart beating sporadically at the sight of the familiar girl. He trails his fingers down the soft fabric slinging to her back, not surprised that he's able to feel her spine's rigid vertebrae. She's changed so much, yet Yoongi can't bring himself to dislike the way she now shoots back his sarcastic banter with even more confidence than she used to, or the way her chubby cheeks filled out into a slim, beautiful face, or how she grew her dark little bob she always used to have into gorgeous long silver locks, "And she's so... so..."

      Jimin watches Yoongi struggle to find the exact words to describe the bubbling emotions in his chest, and the older appreciates the kind smile of encouragement that the younger boy shoots him.

      "Is this was you expected her to be like when you found her?" Jimin prompts, sitting up from his comfortable position, "Or is it worse? Better?"

      "I-- she's even more beautiful than I remember," Yoongi admits sheepishly, lifting his hand from her back to scratch at the back of his neck, "And I thought she would hate me when I finally found her, so this is definitely better than I expected, and more than I could ever ask for."

      "Hyung," Jimin sighs, but his tone stays light as a feather, "You should try thinking positive for once in your miserable life. It might do you some good."

      "I will, I will." Yoongi grumbles, the annoyed frown quickly turning back into a smile when he glances behind him to see B curling further up onto his pillows, "She's seven years older, almost a grown woman, so how is she still so freaking adorable?"

      "Don't ask me!" Jimin complains, an adoring smile of his own creeping on his face, "How am I supposed to know why she always looks so cuddly?"

      Yoongi sends Jimin a questioning look. If Jimin was any other guy Yoongi would've already floored him for the 'cuddly' comment. But it's not any other guy, it's just... Jimin. Despite being almost 100% sure why Jimin's acting this way, Yoongi opens his mouth to pry the information out of his dongsaeng, only to have another loud round of Teahyung's laughter and the familiar screeches of joy Hoseok is infamous for ringing through the house, threatening to wake the still exhausted girl up.

      I guess I'll have to weasel it out of him later.

      "I'll be right back, Jiminie," Yoongi whispers as he cautiously crawls down the bed, careful to not bump the exhausted princess curled up on his pillow, "I gotta go shush those loudmouths before they wake up my princess for good. Will you watch her for me?"

      "Of course!"

      And with that Yoongi silently creeps out of his room, carefully shutting the door behind him before stalking down the hallway towards his very annoying prey. He finds them in the living room, on the couch with both of them huddled together as they fanboy over something Yoongi doesn't even want to know about. Taehyung looks up at him the moment Yoongi walks into the room, and his joy filled eyes buzz with excitement. 

      "Can you two keep it down out here?" Yoongi complains, his voice still a little groggy from his short nap, "Some of us are trying to sleep."

      Hoseok startles at his voice, and whips around in surprise at the uncharacteristically nice way Yoongi asked them to shush. Yoongi can't really blame Hobi, though. He does usually just scream at them from the warm confines of his bed when he wants them to shut up. And when he does come out of his room when trying to nap it's only to throw the offending noise makers out of the dorm, not to politely shush them.

      "Hyung!" Hobi greets, standing up off the couch to crush Yoongi into an unwanted hug, "We didn't think you were home, yet! We've got something to tell you, but you can finish your nap first if you want."

      "Something to tell me?" Yoongi maneuvers his way out of Hobi's constricting arms and glares skeptically at the pair, "You didn't break something, did you?"

      "No, hyung!" Taehyung leaps off the couch and does a little dance, his boxy smile failing to chase Yoongi's scary glare away, "It's good news. Really good news!"

      "Mhm, sure..." Yoongi rolls his eyes, and crosses his arms, but motions for the boy to continue anyways.

      "Hyung--I'm not sure how to say this, but-" Taehyung gulps and looks to Hoseok to support, receiving a encouraging nod and smile before plowing onward, "We found Byeol."

      Yoongi stills.

      "We found your sister, hyung."

      Yoongi blinks. 

      How can you have found her, when I already did? She's sleeping in my room, yet you say you've found her? Incredulous, Yoongi chuckles humorlessly. Well if this isn't a paradox, I don't know what is. I haven't slept long enough to deal with this.

      "Sure," Yoongi drawls, shaking his head while the two boys panic at the utter disbelief in their hyung's eyes. Yoongi ignores their helpless looks and turns around to step back towards the hallway, "I'm too tired for this. I'm going back to bed."

      "No! No hyung, wait!" Taehyung is quick to race to Yoongi's side, his hands desperately tugging him back towards the living room, "It's true! We really did find her! We went house to house and asked around and a couple of girls recognized her, hyung! We're not just joking around."

       I didn't think you were joking around, Tae. I'm just pretty sure that they haven't invented clones yet.

       "I'll believe you when I see her, Tae," Yoongi grumbles, unwrapping Taehyung's long fingers from off his arm one by one, "I'm tired. Let me sleep."

       "We really did find her, hyung." Hobi stands in between the hallway and Yoongi, risking his health for the sake of proving his point, "They called her B, and she's apparently really quiet, but I pretty sure she's the one. They even said that she had a crude drunkard of a father and a mother who died when she was little. All the facts line up, and they even thought the photo looked like her! Won't you believe us?"

      Wait a sec... Jimin always calls princess B. He even tried to introduced her to me as B. Byeol hasn't told me anything about her life yet, and for all I know Hobi and Tae could've found a couple of her friends, or something. But... they found her on the some day we found her? This is some coincidence.

      "What's happening?" Jimin quietly asks as he steps into the living room, confusion pooling in his eyes as he takes in Yoongi's semi-defensive stance and Hobi and Taehyung's desperation, "You tell me that you're just gonna shush them, but then you end up arguing?"

      "Jiminie, they told me they found Byeol-ah!" Yoongi explains, sounding ten times more whiny and confused then he meant to, "Said they found a couple of her friends of something."

      "Her friends?"Jimin doesn't freeze up like Yoongi did. Instead he turns to the desperate pair with a calculating frown. 

      "Yeah, it was three girls who lived in this big house a couple blocks past 9th street,"  Taehyung finally lets go of Yoongi's arm, opting to cling onto Jimin's instead, "They were kind of weird, but seemed pretty nice. They said their friend looked a lot like Byeol, and some of the things they told us also match up with Byeol. I really think it's her, Jiminie!" 

      " you know any of the weird girls' names?" Jimin asks, already formulating an idea of who they are. 

      "The first one was Sonnie, I think the last one's name was something like Chunha, and the older, scary girl was Minjee." Hobi answers, and holds up his phone, "I got Minjee's phone number so that we can set up a meeting with them when you're ready."

      "Sonnie?" Jimin can't help it when he begin giggling uncontrollably, the situation too funny not to laugh at. What the probability of both groups finding her on the same day? Jimin pulls away from Taehyung to lean on Yoongi's shoulder as he nearly doubles over from laughter. The other three boys stare at Jimin with impatient looks of confusion, and Jimin struggles to calm himself down enough to be able to speak, "Hyung, she has roommates with those names. Tae and Hobi found her roommates!"

      Yoongi's face clears up a little at the new information, but Hoseok and Taehyung look all the more confused. Hobi scrunches up his face while Taehyung stares blankly, his eyes flicking between Yoongi and Jimin.

      "I guess that fate decided that today was the day, no matter what," Jimin smiles brightly, clapping Yoongi's shoulder with a small, soft hand, "See? It wasn't hopeless after all; it just took it's sweet time."

      "I guess so..." Yoongi scrunches up his nose, "She has roommates?"

      "Yeah, four of them." Jimin replies, "She seemed to like them, so I don't think you'll have to worry about it."

      "That's good." Yoongi grunts in response, once again turning back towards the hallway to resume his peaceful nap.

      "Wait- wait!" Taehyung looks less like himself, and more like a lost puppy, his eyes wide and befuddled, "Hyung, what's going on? Why isn't Yoongi hyung happy that we found his sister? How do you know that those girls are her roommates?"

      "Can't we sort this out later?" Yoongi complains when Jimin pulls him back into the center of the living room, "I'm tired!"

      "No; you just want to cuddle her some more!" Jimin huffs without a trace a malice, "They deserve to know, don't they hyung? They did spend all day looking for her just to make you happy."


      "Know what?" Hoseok demands, nearly pulling out his hair from frustration.

      "We already found Byeol earlier this morning," Yoongi says bluntly, his face expressionless as usual. Hobi blanches and Taehyung nearly falls over, but the pale man pays them no mind, "We made up and she's currently sleeping in my room so can you please be quiet so you won't disturb her?"

      The gaping mouths don't answer with words, but Yoongi takes their silence as a sign of agreement. 

      "Good," Yoongi continues, with eyes darkening a little, "If I hear one more peep out of you two, I'm never letting you talk to my Byeol-ah, arrasseo?"

      More silence, and an exasperated eye roll from Jimin are the only responses. Satisfied, Yoongi trudges back towards his bedroom, eager to resume his much needed nap. Because as much as he loves the boys, right now all he wants is the little girl who always used to follow him around the house, and who still, and probably always will, calls him oppa.

*          *          *          * 

      "She's--- she's here?"

      Jimin nods his head, a teasing smile crossing his face as Taehyung stares down the hallway incredulously. 


      "She is related to Yoongi hyung." Hobi chuckles, finally getting over his shock, "Byeol really is here?"

      "Really really." Jimin smiles sweetly, "You guys'll love her, I just know it."

      The three boys stare down the hallway in comfortable silence, all three of them still struggling to wrap their heads around the information that Yoongi has a little sister, much less that fact that she's here. Jimin's smile turns bittersweet at the thought that now he'll have to share B with the rest of the boys, but he doesn't let it kill the excitement thrum in his blood.

      "You guys want to know something even crazier than the fact that hyung's little sister is here?" Jimin asks, trying to hide the mischievous tone that's creeping in uninvited.

      "Sure?" Taehyung glances over in curiosity, "What is it?"

      "He calls her princess."

      I wanna cry. I am literally drowning in homework, yet all I really want to do is make this chapter so much better than it is now. Honestly, I really dislike this chapter, but oh well. I hope you guys liked it, at least. 

      I hope your lives are less stressful than mine is at the moment, and I hope you guys have an awesome day! I better get back to my homework... *cries*

      Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT to your hearts' content. ILYa'll.


OH GOSH this is 5000 words...

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Min Y/N, a depressed and abused teenage girl, runs away to become an idol but finds an unexpected surprise. Will her secrets be revealed? Will she fi...
288K 11.1K 66
[Short Chapters] Being a pop star means you've got to be on your best behaviour at all times. But what happens when you end up dissing Kpop in front...
5.5K 302 21
"It's okay, Jiminie. You saved me. It was all you could do." "No, it wasn't! I could've found a different way! I didn't have to kill him!" . In...